Starshadow's attack fueled her beast's rage, causing the transformation to happen quicker. Her large fangs shrank, her body became stronger and more powerful then before, the fur on her body changed from light brown to rusty red. With a savage roar the creature that was once General Saber-Fang tackled Starshadow to the ground and raised it's massive paw for the death blow, but it stopped it's self. Then with what ever restaint Saber had left, she leaped off of Starshadow and off the cliff, thankfully it wasn't that high so she some what managed to land on her feet. Then with speeds that would make Cheetor jealous the creature took off and was out of sight within seconds. Saber had been smart enough to activate her signal and COM dampener seconds before the creature took over."Not until I've killed every maximal ONE BY ONE!"
"OC Episode #3"
Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One
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"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
- starshadow
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
"GAH!!" Saber's attack was faster than before. Starshadow was about to make a counter attack until Saber escaped.
"NO!" she transformed into her robot mode and jumped down the cliff. Her dual claws came out and the catbot rammed the blades in the rocky walls while travelling down. Once she hed reached to the ground, she quickly transformed into her beast mode and followed the maximal beast's scent.
I won't let you get away so easily. Your head is in my bounty hunting list! she thought with a growl.
"NO!" she transformed into her robot mode and jumped down the cliff. Her dual claws came out and the catbot rammed the blades in the rocky walls while travelling down. Once she hed reached to the ground, she quickly transformed into her beast mode and followed the maximal beast's scent.
I won't let you get away so easily. Your head is in my bounty hunting list! she thought with a growl.
Last edited by starshadow on Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sonar stopped in mid-air when he heard the massive roar, which meant that the creature had surfaced. Against his better judgement he turned around and flew after it, he soon spotted Starshadow, he transformed into his robot mode and blocked her path.
"Starshadow, leave it be! You go after it, you'll only met a savage end. It only knows how to kill and it doesn't know restraint or friend from foe. You'll have your chance just not now." He warned.
Primus help who ever crossed her path. He thought.
"Starshadow, leave it be! You go after it, you'll only met a savage end. It only knows how to kill and it doesn't know restraint or friend from foe. You'll have your chance just not now." He warned.
Primus help who ever crossed her path. He thought.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
- starshadow
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"BUTT OUT, BATS! THIS IS BETWEEN SABER AND ME!" Starshadow leaped to the walls and kicked it, landing behind Sonar. The panther ran to where the scent was leading her. "You can run but you cannot hide from me, scaredy cat!!"
((How I wish Star has an anger management.. =/ ))
((How I wish Star has an anger management.. =/ ))

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Growling, he took the sky and went after her."BUTT OUT, BATS! THIS IS BETWEEN SABER AND ME!"
"That thing isn't Saber any more, Starshadow!"
Sonar proceeds to tackle her to the ground. "You'll get another chance, let it go for now."
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
- starshadow
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"OOF!!" Starshadow fell on the ground after being tackled by Sonar.
Consumed by hatred, she threw him off her back by jumping around like a mad horse even though she kept falling as her injuries made her so.
"TERRORIZE!" she transformed into her robot mode and pulled out her gun.
"If you keep..stopping me, I will..have your well.." she panted and took a few deep breaths.
Consumed by hatred, she threw him off her back by jumping around like a mad horse even though she kept falling as her injuries made her so.
"TERRORIZE!" she transformed into her robot mode and pulled out her gun.
"If you keep..stopping me, I will..have your well.." she panted and took a few deep breaths.

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Before Sonar could say anything else Starshadow went nuts and landed on his back."OOF!!"
Sonar put his hands up in surrender, before speaking. "I'm only doing this to keep you from making a huge mistake that will cost you your life." He replied calmly. "That creature is not the bot you fought moments ago, you don't stand a chance against it. Listen to me, Starshadow. It's a fools errand.""TERRORIZE!" "If you keep..stopping me, I will..have your well.."
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
- starshadow
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"Fool's errand? FOOL'S ERRAND?!" Starshadow was pissed off.
"LOOK PAL! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE SO CONCERNED ABOUT THIS- Oh.. OH OH! OLD LADY'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND?! WHO SLAGGING CARES ABOUT IT?! PLUS, I have nothing to lose.." she charged up her gun and sniffed the air. Saber's scent was getting faint.
"No no no!" she ran and kept following the maximal's scent.
"LOOK PAL! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE SO CONCERNED ABOUT THIS- Oh.. OH OH! OLD LADY'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND?! WHO SLAGGING CARES ABOUT IT?! PLUS, I have nothing to lose.." she charged up her gun and sniffed the air. Saber's scent was getting faint.
"No no no!" she ran and kept following the maximal's scent.

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- RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
- Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger
Whitegrazer was happy to see Megatron running away as it meant now she could rest. The horse fell down in exhaustion, lying on the grass with a heavy sigh.NaitoKage wrote:Megatron let out a low roar as he was hit in the face, then shot in the back, his head turning trying to reach the dart in his back with his tiny arms which was impossible. He then noticed Steelclaw was down and Scorponok was soon to fall, while his adrenalin was still going he could feel the effects of the tranquilizer. He snarled and turned his back towards Whitegrazer and Optimus starting to trot away, he knew the battle had suddenly made a complete reversal and if he passed out, he would be done for. This was not something he would allow. He activated his comlink as he made his escape There is no merit in continuing this battle, Predacons return to base! he then said, disappearing into woods on the edge of the plains.
She looked at the Maximal who helped her and smiled with her horse's mouth as she lifted her head, "Thanks."
Her head plopped back on the comfortable grass and the horse shut her eyes to rest.
Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: Her Master's theme:
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Nightmist smiled back at Whitegracer, for the ever so brief moment she had a chance to. It was only then she realized she had remained in robot form for too long, deciding to convert to beast mode before the energy build-up started to wreck havoc with her systems. "Beast mode!"
Figuring that the new Maximal was the most injured in the group, the medic then landed gracefully next to her. Nightmist's medical examination began and she began a head to toe assessment of the new team member to establish the priority of the repairs. Some of the minor stuff could be fixed back at base, but for now the medic administered some anesthetics to help her new friend with the pain as well as let her rest during the initial repairs.
"Don't worry, you'll be back on your feet in no time," she told Whitegracer in a soothing voice.
Measuring her energy build-up as being at safe levels, Nightmist then converted back to robot form to be able to do the repairs.
Figuring that the new Maximal was the most injured in the group, the medic then landed gracefully next to her. Nightmist's medical examination began and she began a head to toe assessment of the new team member to establish the priority of the repairs. Some of the minor stuff could be fixed back at base, but for now the medic administered some anesthetics to help her new friend with the pain as well as let her rest during the initial repairs.
"Don't worry, you'll be back on your feet in no time," she told Whitegracer in a soothing voice.
Measuring her energy build-up as being at safe levels, Nightmist then converted back to robot form to be able to do the repairs.
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Sonar winced when her voice got high pitched."Fool's errand? FOOL'S ERRAND?!"
The second Starshadow's back was to him, he quickly got to his feet and pulled out his dart gun then fired."No no no!"
You'll thank me for this later. He sad, the gun still raised.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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(( OOC: Wow! Lots to catch up on. Sorry for the delay, I was busy watching the Oscars last night and it got too late for me to post again later on. ))
It seemed Megatron had retreated, leaving Nightmist to tend to the new Maximal's injuries. He was glad he had her come along, otherwise he wouldn't have known how to get the mare back to the Axalon as heavy as she must have been, had she been seriously injured moreso than she was. Something about her seemed familiar to Optimus, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Perhaps when he'd finally see her face to face. In due time.
Dinobot was trampling Steelclaw, whom he watched fall to the ground, possibly unconscious. Cheetor was defiantly battling Sonar, who quickly retreated after Megatron's orders. That left Saber-Fang. Where was she? Searching the area with his optics, Optimus found her pre-occupied with Starshadow. Something about the fight seemed off, and the commander grew concerned the longer he watched.
"Cheetor, Dinobot, regroup with Nightmist," Primal ordered over his comm. link. It was time to meet their very brave new comrade, and introduce another new recruit. "Come with me, Frilla," he said, glancing at her and motioning her to follow him as he got down on his knuckles and began limping with a back leg toward Nightmist's location. On the walk over to the horse and bird, he tried calling the saber toothed cat.
"Saber-Fang, do you read me? Where are you?" he asked over his communication link, extremely worried for her safety and well being. And it showed on his face.
Watching Scorponok spring back up and ready to fire was not quite how Optimus planned that. He shouldn't have fired at the Predacon at all so he wouldn't have brought his attention to him and Frilla and make her choose on a whim where her loyalties lied, but he may distracted him from harming the new Maximal who had already taken such a rough beating on her first day on-line on this planet. Observing the situation carefully, Primal never took his aim off of Scorponok and never lookd back at the female lizard. If Frilla chose to fire at the leader, then so be it. But if she fired at her own comrade instead, then it was probably safe to say that she was leaving the Predacons."Frilla!" "Help me avenge my humiliating ordeal. Do as I command!"
Optimus stood as straight and still as he could during the whole confrontation since his crash. His outstretched arm targeting the scorpion started to waver when Frilla made her decision and shot at Scorponok, feeling the energon fields growing stronger. He certainly had been in robot mode for far too long."Do us a favor Scorpo-butt and shut up about your slagging pride! While you at it give the other Preds a message: I quit!"
"By Unicron's toes, this burns like the Pit itself!"
With the small Predacon retreating, the Maximal leader lowered his arm and looked back to frilled lizard. "Welcome to the Maximals, Frilla," Optimus said warmly. That is, until the raw energon fields began surging his body. Growling from the pain, he was about to transform when a shot out of no where exploded on Primal's side, throwing him to the ground on his back with a thud. "Argh!" Laying on the grass, he felt the burning sensation of the fire and he patted his hands over the wound to suffocate the flames. Primal's side was scortched with singed fur and melted "skin" right down to his armor. A cheap shot, and a quick burn."Need a hand, sir?"
Optimus could faintly hear Steelclaw's voice, and then Dinobot's who proceeded to attack the Predacon bear. His body still suffering from the energon surges, he picked himself up, staggering to his feet, and said, "Beast mode..." With that, he finally converted to his alternative gorilla form, immediately feeling the relief of protection from the energon. Unfortunately, Waspinator's impacts on his chest were connected to his beast mode's head, so his head ached. His knee was still feeling "sprained," his side looked the same as it had in robot mode from the bear's nasty shot, and his shoulder had a grazed wound from either Sonar's or Waspinator's firepower earlier in the air. Yeah, he was beat up but not nearly as bad as the new Maximal who had taken on Megatron and Starshadow. What a lousy first day for her; he felt bad. So Optimus didn't complain about his wounds. He didn't groan or cry. He simply sucked it up, hiding the pain as best as he could and took count of his Maximals while stood there near Frilla."Frilla, get out of there!"
It seemed Megatron had retreated, leaving Nightmist to tend to the new Maximal's injuries. He was glad he had her come along, otherwise he wouldn't have known how to get the mare back to the Axalon as heavy as she must have been, had she been seriously injured moreso than she was. Something about her seemed familiar to Optimus, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Perhaps when he'd finally see her face to face. In due time.
Dinobot was trampling Steelclaw, whom he watched fall to the ground, possibly unconscious. Cheetor was defiantly battling Sonar, who quickly retreated after Megatron's orders. That left Saber-Fang. Where was she? Searching the area with his optics, Optimus found her pre-occupied with Starshadow. Something about the fight seemed off, and the commander grew concerned the longer he watched.
As it seemed to escalate, the gorilla heard the saber tooth hollor and took a step forward before a sharp pain from his knee joint jolted up his leg; all because of that crash landing. Nearly falling to a knee, Optimus caught himself quickly and stood back up, noticing Saber-Fang's eyes illuminating a lot brighter than he remembered. Even from the distance he was at from them and in the daylight, her eyes glowed like lasers. Something was wrong."Starshadow, get out of here now!!"
Did Saber's fur just change color?! "SABER-FANG!" Primal called out to her just before she leaped off of the small cliff and vanished, running off. Well, there was no way he was going to be able to catch up to her."Not until I've killed every maximal ONE BY ONE!"
The gorilla quickly looked up at the bat, who had apparently stopped to speak with Starshadow but they were too far away for him to make anything out of their conversation. Did Sonar know something about what just happened? Did this have anything to do with Saber's disappearance the other morning? Again, with the secrets! Why didn't anyone actually SPEAK to Optimus?"Starshadow, leave it be! You go after it, you'll only met a savage end. It only knows how to kill and it doesn't know restraint or friend from foe. You'll have your chance just not now."
"Cheetor, Dinobot, regroup with Nightmist," Primal ordered over his comm. link. It was time to meet their very brave new comrade, and introduce another new recruit. "Come with me, Frilla," he said, glancing at her and motioning her to follow him as he got down on his knuckles and began limping with a back leg toward Nightmist's location. On the walk over to the horse and bird, he tried calling the saber toothed cat.
"Saber-Fang, do you read me? Where are you?" he asked over his communication link, extremely worried for her safety and well being. And it showed on his face.
Turning around to Glowstick's voice, Tigatron growled, his ears flat back and lowered his head, twitching his tail. Predacons! The white tiger jumped out of the way of the squid's tentacle, landing on all fours and sliding across the snow-covered ice. He dug his claws into the ice to slow down before saying, "Tigatron, maximize!" Immediately drawing his gun, he witnessed his fellow Maximal get shot in the back by another Pred; Snow Trix.What's the matter kitties, don't like the water? Then don't come to the beach!
Two might be all they could handle on this ice, especially with this tricky fellow with the tentacles. Tigatron was still intrigued by Glowstick and his appearance. He seemed to be the intelligent type but this obviously wasn't a time to sit down and chat about it. The Predacons wanted a look at the crashed object as much as they did."Two?! Oh great."
After firing two shots at Glowstick, Tigatron reported back to the penguin. "Icebreaker! Wintersong and I are under attack! Glowstick and Snow Trix have crossed the ice and we do not have much room to cover ourselves with." Being so close to the edge of the ice was not a good place to be. There was no where to run and no cover to hide behind."Roger, we'll be there shortly. Orcariner might get there quicker, he's going under the ice,we're on route above it."
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Frilla watched looking toward Steelclaw but didn't move only looking to Primal about to ask if he was alright, though he was already up and moving. That was one tough monkey, she thought to herself and looked to her former teammates as Sonar took off after Starshadow who seemed preoccupied in killing Saber-Fang. "This is getting weird." She muttered then looked towards Primal as he ordered her to follow which she did without hesitation. Least until she came closer to the Maximals which she lingered back a bit in nervousness, not knowing how they would react yet to the sudden change of sides. They had one Predacon already changed to their side.
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- RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
- Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger
Whatever the Maximal gave her, the pain her body had subsided somewhat but it still lingered on her. The fight with Megatron rung over her head. All the mistakes she made in that fight but it was expected as she never fought or met that Predacon in her life. It was a challenge she liked but next time, she will take baby steps. Also, it seems she needs to work on her endurance.
In the back of her mind, she could hear the yelling her drill sergeant gave her back in her younger years about her being weak and lazy, that she was as good as dead if she couldn't take one single hit. Ha. Good times. Though, she hated when people called her old like an insult. She was experienced and she wasn't that old anyway. Those younglings from her class. It made her chuckle.
"What's your name, Maximal?" she asked.
Whitegrazer couldn't see the people coming towards her as her head was still lazy against the grass. It was so comfortable! Maybe it was her beast mode's fault. she wasn't always like this.
((OOC: I only saw the beginning XDD. I had to go to bed for college. XDDDD I had been busy doing homework for that class. Teacher loads us down. And I'm slow at that subject. XDDD))
In the back of her mind, she could hear the yelling her drill sergeant gave her back in her younger years about her being weak and lazy, that she was as good as dead if she couldn't take one single hit. Ha. Good times. Though, she hated when people called her old like an insult. She was experienced and she wasn't that old anyway. Those younglings from her class. It made her chuckle.
"What's your name, Maximal?" she asked.
Whitegrazer couldn't see the people coming towards her as her head was still lazy against the grass. It was so comfortable! Maybe it was her beast mode's fault. she wasn't always like this.
((OOC: I only saw the beginning XDD. I had to go to bed for college. XDDDD I had been busy doing homework for that class. Teacher loads us down. And I'm slow at that subject. XDDD))
Whitegrazer's Theme*new*: Her Master's theme:
- NaitoKage
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- Location: The dark abyss at the edge of your mind
Icebreaker thought for a moment after Orcariner spoke, then responded I think Feralnight and I will continue on ahead. You should check out what fell, you might have a better understanding of it then me, plus Tigatron said he was on thin ice anyway.
Icebreaker leaned his head down as he started to dash with his flippers/wings to his side in Tigatron's direction Slag that is bad! He then attempted to respond We're coming Tigatron!
Glowstick sent a jet of air from his siphon throwing himself to the side of the two shots fired, his body twisting in the air Glowstick, terrorize! he then shouted as he transformed landing on the ice in an almost casual stance,listening to Tigatron as he radioed for help. He snickered a bit listening while analyzing the call,having used all their interactions to collect data on the current encryption.
As Icebreaker attempted to responded to Tigatron, his voice was cut off as music started to blare violently from Wintersong and Tigatron's comlinks with the song "Blind Guardian-Under the ice". Glowstick swung his tentacles as the photophores on the ends flashed sending out two laser beams into the ice, steam raising with cracks forming from the rapidly heated ice, as the steam cleared the ice showed a almost completed circle cut into it around Tigatron and Wintersong. I'm impressed you were crazy enough to come out here considering how fatal this environment is for either of you. So I'm going to offer you a choice. You can either stay and fight.. or you can retreat. If you fight, I promise you.. I will take you to the darkest depths of this planet, a place where neither of your marine allies will be able to recover your bodies. If you retreat, then I'll leave you be. I have no care of taking maximal lives even if I do despise you hypocritical "heroes" but if I have to then my ends will justify my means.
As he finished his statement, a much wider laser came out from his right tentacle at an angle striking some ice near by him, the ice exploded violently, then showing steam and boiling water in a freshly formed hole in the ice. Glowstick knew he'd have enough problems if Icebreaker, Orcariner, and any others were going to show up, if he could intimidate the maximals to retreat it'd at least bring the odds slightly better then what any assumed combine odds could be.
As Terrorsaur whined, a familar laugh was heard in the woods behind him. Tarantulus crawled out in his spider mode holding Terrorsaur's leg with his palp. He then tossed it to Terrorsaur Hehehehe.. Why so tense Terrorsaur? You should feel glad I even bothered to come out here after the fish and dog left.
Tarantulus mainly showed up because he was bored around the base and sick of hearing Blackarachnia's whining, not that he'd admit any of that.He moved lower hiding his body in the tall grass as he headed by some bushes to examine the battlefield and maximals silently.
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:"Icebreaker! Wintersong and I are under attack! Glowstick and Snow Trix have crossed the ice and we do not have much room to cover ourselves with."
Icebreaker leaned his head down as he started to dash with his flippers/wings to his side in Tigatron's direction Slag that is bad! He then attempted to respond We're coming Tigatron!
Glowstick sent a jet of air from his siphon throwing himself to the side of the two shots fired, his body twisting in the air Glowstick, terrorize! he then shouted as he transformed landing on the ice in an almost casual stance,listening to Tigatron as he radioed for help. He snickered a bit listening while analyzing the call,having used all their interactions to collect data on the current encryption.
As Icebreaker attempted to responded to Tigatron, his voice was cut off as music started to blare violently from Wintersong and Tigatron's comlinks with the song "Blind Guardian-Under the ice". Glowstick swung his tentacles as the photophores on the ends flashed sending out two laser beams into the ice, steam raising with cracks forming from the rapidly heated ice, as the steam cleared the ice showed a almost completed circle cut into it around Tigatron and Wintersong. I'm impressed you were crazy enough to come out here considering how fatal this environment is for either of you. So I'm going to offer you a choice. You can either stay and fight.. or you can retreat. If you fight, I promise you.. I will take you to the darkest depths of this planet, a place where neither of your marine allies will be able to recover your bodies. If you retreat, then I'll leave you be. I have no care of taking maximal lives even if I do despise you hypocritical "heroes" but if I have to then my ends will justify my means.
As he finished his statement, a much wider laser came out from his right tentacle at an angle striking some ice near by him, the ice exploded violently, then showing steam and boiling water in a freshly formed hole in the ice. Glowstick knew he'd have enough problems if Icebreaker, Orcariner, and any others were going to show up, if he could intimidate the maximals to retreat it'd at least bring the odds slightly better then what any assumed combine odds could be.
As Terrorsaur whined, a familar laugh was heard in the woods behind him. Tarantulus crawled out in his spider mode holding Terrorsaur's leg with his palp. He then tossed it to Terrorsaur Hehehehe.. Why so tense Terrorsaur? You should feel glad I even bothered to come out here after the fish and dog left.
Tarantulus mainly showed up because he was bored around the base and sick of hearing Blackarachnia's whining, not that he'd admit any of that.He moved lower hiding his body in the tall grass as he headed by some bushes to examine the battlefield and maximals silently.