Growing up, my parents only bought me toys for my birthday and for Christmas so my army of action figures was pretty small compared to my peers. For those of you who have seen my deviantart account, you'll know that my interests are highly varied so that meant I wanted toys from every show/movie/game/comic/etc. That also meant that I couldn't get everything I wanted (in other words, every toy from every show/movie/game/comic/etc.). This thread was made so that we all can talk about the toys we've always wanted but can't/won't buy now for various reasons. For me, the Beast Wars toy that I've already wanted was:
I ended up choosing something else for my birthday and by the time Christmas came around, I ended up asking for a Depth Charge instead. Obviously that birthday present wasn't that cool, because I can't remember what it is
I feel you. I mom gave away three of my transformers and tossed the rest. The first gorilla form toy for Optimus Primal was given to my neighbor and was ran over by a car the day after.
The first gorilla form toy for Optimus Primal was given to my neighbor and was ran over by a car the day after.
I feel you. I mom gave away three of my transformers and tossed the rest. The first gorilla form toy for Optimus Primal was given to my neighbor and was ran over by a car the day after.
I've always wanted TM2(?) Jawbreaker. And the German Shepherd (K9?) and the wolf, which were basically the same models but those are two of my favorite canine breeds. The two boys I used to babysit had both of them and I wanted to take the toys home with me... *shifty eyes* Of course, I didn't take them! I think they were missing parts anyway. I don't think those kids even watched BW, to be honest.
Alak wrote:I feel you. I mom gave away three of my transformers and tossed the rest. The first gorilla form toy for Optimus Primal was given to my neighbor and was ran over by a car the day after.
OMG!! OPTIMUS HAS AN ACCIDENT!! QUICK, TO THE HOSPITAL!! LOL, just kidding. I remembered I chewed my TM2 Dinobot toy leg and broke it and pulled his left arm away from his body. Ouch... O_O
The first gorilla form toy for Optimus Primal was given to my neighbor and was ran over by a car the day after.
I feel you. I mom gave away three of my transformers and tossed the rest. The first gorilla form toy for Optimus Primal was given to my neighbor and was ran over by a car the day after.
I've always wanted TM2(?) Jawbreaker. And the German Shepherd (K9?) and the wolf, which were basically the same models but those are two of my favorite canine breeds. The two boys I used to babysit had both of them and I wanted to take the toys home with me... *shifty eyes* Of course, I didn't take them! I think they were missing parts anyway. I don't think those kids even watched BW, to be honest.
Oh, that's Wolfang! My babysitter's son had that toy and I remember I was really jealous... until I got Cheetor then he was the jealous one lol. Plus, Wolfang's projectile weighed as much as the launcher itself so it didn't fly anywhere but down.
starshadow wrote:I remembered I chewed my TM2 Dinobot toy leg and broke it and pulled his left arm away from his body. Ouch... O_O
Gah, I hate hearing stories about people's parents who throw or give away their toys... I think it's just so stupid and disrespectful to one's child to just dispose or give away your kid's favourite toys. I'm glad my parents never did that...
Alak: If it makes you feel any better, Depth Charge is a much better toy than Polar Claw. Polar Claw is my least favourite of the Maximal Mega figures. The white yellows really easy and the bat-leg-launching gimmick is prone to breakage (well, it's broken on mine :p)
Optimal Optimus Primal: Jawbreaker is indeed a Transmetal 2, the German Shepherd is K-9 (although I really wish Hasbro called him HOUND), and the wolf is, as Alak said, creatively called Wolfang (:p)
Er... I sadly had all the toys you wanted. Airazor was okay, and other then the bat I honestly didn't like Polarclaw that much simply because he had issues with keeping his spring loaded claw arm inside of his polar bear leg. Jawbreaker is probably one of my favorite's ascetic wise of the TM2s.
Toy I wish I had.. There used to be such a toy, but it wasn't a transformer. I often regreted that I never had a Sega Saturn instead of a N64 as a kid. I later found it difficult to even come across one to buy second hand, but one day managed to in a videogame shop which was like vallhalla to me. Consoles of nearly every make and even Arcade Jammaboards and full cabinets. I bought the system up and some games as quickly as possible seeing it as some sort of lucky sign and after playing, felt satisfied that indeed.. even the crap games on Sega Saturn were better then the garbage I endured with the N64. Least I had a Playstation for Beastwars and Beastwars transmetals. (Yes, I know there was a N64 fighting game as well, but that was rental only from Blockbuster. Only person I know that even has a copy of that had to steal it since they never sold them.)
Optimal Optimus Primal: Jawbreaker is indeed a Transmetal 2, the German Shepherd is K-9 (although I really wish Hasbro called him HOUND), and the wolf is, as Alak said, creatively called Wolfang (:p)
Thank you, Goktimus. I knew it was a simple name with "wolf" in it, but I just couldn't remember it. Pretty sad, no?
I forgot two others I wish I had, which are Cryotek and Shockarat (sp?). Otherwise, I think I'm pretty satisified with my Beast era collection.
GoktimusPrime wrote:Alak: If it makes you feel any better, Depth Charge is a much better toy than Polar Claw. Polar Claw is my least favourite of the Maximal Mega figures. The white yellows really easy and the bat-leg-launching gimmick is prone to breakage (well, it's broken on mine :p)
NaitoKage wrote:and other then the bat I honestly didn't like Polarclaw that much simply because he had issues with keeping his spring loaded claw arm inside of his polar bear leg.
Well, that certainly makes me feel better. Heck yeah, Depth Charge was a better toy. He was my favorite character so I played with him even after his wings got loose and all that. I'm glad my mom gave him and Rampage to the kid I used to babysit (he's 15 now!) and he still has them both in good condition. I'm not going to ask for them back, but they have a good home now he learned about Beast Wars through them. *insert emotion you feel at the end of Toy Story 3*
Anyways, I wish Hasbro would complete the War for Cybertron line. I really want a Jazz action figure that's molded after his character model in the game. It's my favorite scout design and he's my most effective Escalation character to date.
Rampage is a very nice figure. You should consider getting one if you don't already have one. The Japanese version has more show-like colours if that kinda thing floats your boat, otherwise the Hasbro version is very nice too. Rampage has the best vehicle mode of all the Transmetals IMO.
Waspinator was the best of the 10th Anniversary reissues IMO -- he's the only one I consider a substantial enhancement over the original. The others I couldn't really care about. So he was the only 10th Anniversary BW toy I got! So in the "Gokiverse" my original Waspinator is Waspinator, and my 10th Anniversary Waspinator is "AIR COMMANDER STAAAARSCREEEEAAAM!" Collecting the individual parts for Transmutate was a beeotch when one's not collecting the actual reissues. I had to go around asking people who were buying them if they were willing to sell me the Transmutate parts. Took me ages, and I eventually got all of them but one -- the part that came with Dinobot. Eventually someone helped me get a Dinobot on sale, so I took the Transmutate part and sold Dinobot off to someone else for a very reduced price. Overall Transmutate proved to be one expensive figure to assemble (and it doesn't even transform or have any articulation or anything!!). Gah.
The Original Airazor. Not only do I not have it, but I also have never even seen it. I am fortunate enough to have a good amount of the original show characters, Terrosaur, Cheetor, Waspinator, and Tigatron to name a few, but not her! I do have her ugly transmetal though, but its just not the same...
WorpeX, I feel your pain on missing a specific TF figure. For years I wanted a BW Ravage and I finally got one for Christmas this year (yay!) satisfying that long hunger! However, it was pried from the Internet. Unless you attend a Botcon or have a REALLY good comic shop, these old figures are difficult to come by. Your best bet is ebay or a TF site that sells figures. A cursory search on ebay threw up a couple of BW Airazors (original) for around $30, which is pretty good. Beware of knock-offs, though.