Beast Warriors: Humanized

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Beast Warriors: Humanized

Unread post by xCubicZirconia »

I actually thought long and hard about this and I decided to post who'd be good if they decided to make a BW Human movie or whatever xD


Optimus Primal: Sam Niell Image
This guy just reminds me of Optimus, he's fatherly but at the same time he can get ill and all bleh.

Rhinox: Brenden Fraiser Image
Can't ya just picture Rhinox in a fight with some mummies? xP

Cheetor: Robert Pattinson Image
The guy from Harry Potter and Twilight. Hey, he's fast, right? =P

Rattrap: Keanu Reeves Image
He's awesome and, to me, sorta looks like him in a way.

Dinobot: Jeff Goldbloom Image
This one isn't a joke lol Jeff Goldbloom would make an awesome Dinobot, me thinks ^_^

Tigatron: Vin Diesel Image Everyone laughed at this one and Iunno y! T^T

Airazor: Beyonce Image

Silverbolt: Orlando Bloom Image
This was the only person I could think of other than Brandon Lee.

Blackarachnia: Constance Rudert Image or
Helena Bonham Image
Constance from the group BlutEngel made me think of Beast Machines Blackarachnia but Helena Bonham just has Blackarachnia written all over her.

Nightscream: Bill Kaulitz Image

Botanica: Uma Therman Image

Depth Charge: Dwayne Johnson 'The Rock' Image


Megatron: Dr. Evil! Image xD jk!
Laurence Mason: Image Laurence Mason would make an awesome Megatron, he did a good job in The Crow and The Dark Knight

Quickstrike: Kid Rock Image
When I look at Kid Rock, I think of Quickstrike ^^

Waspinator: Carrot Top xD Image

Terrorsaur: Jeff Hardy Image Two of my friends that are twins are related to Jeff Hardy and after I had proof and actually saw how he acted I thought he'd make a good Terrorsaur =3

Inferno: Johnny Depp Image

Scorpanock: Jack Black Image

Tarantulas: The guy that played Victor in Underworld, Philip in Shaun of the Dead, and Davy Jones in POTC2/3 Image
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

What about Rampage and Ravage?

PS: The guy who played Victor from Underworld and Pirates 2 and three his name is Bill Nighy (Not the science guy)
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Unread post by Zargata »

I laughed when you picked Orlando Bloom for Silverbolt and Jack Black for Scorpanock!
Perfect xD
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Unread post by xCubicZirconia »

For Rampage I'd have to say Heath Ledger since he reminds me of the joker and the joker reminds me of him

as for Ravage: Michael Wincott Image
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Unread post by 7Knight-Wolf »

Sweeeeeeeeet! Can't believe I haven't seen these before. Most of them are good. But come on, Silverbolt and Orlando Bloom? No way! :P
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

A handful of these that Cubic posted were the same "famous people" for one of our fics.
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Unread post by Jagna »

Hm. Can't say I agree with all of those, CZ :P Personally I'd switch your choices for Dinobot and Tigratron.

How dare you defile the name of Cheetor with that twinkletoed nancy boy!!! ........ahem. Sorry, I'm not a fan of him :lol:

Does anyone else feel when they do film versions of cartoon shows that the original voice actors must feel a little.....neglected? E.g. Last Airbender. Haven't seen it yet, but they guy who voiced Sokka was better looking than movie dude.....and hello, the voice! All I'm saying is imagine if *ahemyeahright* there was a Beast Wars movie where they somehow turned human, if I were Gary Chalk or Ian Corlett I'd be pretty peeved if they used other people. Even if they 'looked better'.

.....I'm going to stop talking now :P
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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

I thought that to Jagna. I think more cartoon voice ctors, should try some live action stuff. I mean they are the creators of the voices that we all learn to love.

And some of the choices I think are not te best, I do agree for Cheetor. That vampire...bla. Ibelieve in our story, we used Ponyboy, from the Outsiders for Cheetor.

And Ravage's picture onere, was actually Rhinox. Lol for Ravage I googled picture's of russian models and that's how Ravage got his pictue. Haha. Maybe I will post what ours were. Some are the same, but I do think that most are different.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Vin Diesel i think would make a better Dinobot. So i think you should switch Jeff Goldbloom For Tigertron and make like i said Vin Diesel Dinobot.
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