Hey guys, loooong time no see! I know I've been missing for ages.. The reason is a combination of different factors of extreme busyness, such as full-time work hours, now part-time plus full-time school, wedding stuffs, honey moon in Europe, the works.. Figured I'd post a pic. Hopefully I can fix the grainy nature of the piccy somehow.. not sure what happened. I think my mother in law printed out the original on regular paper, then scanned it! not sure why.. that's us with his parents anyway
Aww, thanks! I'm considering getting that last picture enlarged and framed.. Having a hard time choosing between it and some of the other ones the photographer took, but it does have a certain elegance in it that I like. Most of the others we're smiling a lot more, to the point we're grinning, but this one has sort of a more subtle, secretive, smile to it I think.. I'm over-analyzing this stuff!