"Chain of Command"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Rattrap, keeping his cover behind a large boulder, continued firing at Terrorsaur, Lineos, and Tarantulas. He alternated different patterns shooting at them but the small Maximal also noticed that the featherless bird wasn't returning fire at him. Terrorsaur was still focusing on the ship's shields. Slag! the rat thought. Holding his fire for a moment, he turned around and zoomed in his optics at the shield's power data on the external monitor attached to the lift they came down on. Rattrap saw the power levels significantly dropping with an alarm sounding, and cried, "Awwwwe no!" Immediately he spun around to face the Preds and began firing rapidly at them, trying to make them scatter, temporarily lose their aim and stop shooting.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Megatron's optics widened in surprise as Dinobot's foot connected with his face. He went down flat on his back, momentarily stunned. He faintly registered the sounds of battle, but his mind wasn't on that anymore.

He stood, laughing, using his tail as leverage. This would be a good fight with the Traitor.


Terrorsaur dodged Rattrap's shots, then spotted an opening and shot around the Maximals' boulder. He headed for the ship, his vision zooming in on the ship's controls. They were flashing. Excellent!
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Her opponent was a Maximal with a lot more experience then herself, so it would pay up to be careful. But not to careful, as that wouldn't get her anywhere.
She needed to surprise the Maximal cat, and get her out of a rhythm she probably developed in her time as a Maximal warrior.
And so she did the unexpected.
In mid air, only a fraction of a second before the 2 cats collided with each other, and started the cat fight, she suddenly transformed.
In her transformation, Venatrix kicked her right leg from underneath herself, and attempting to slap it at Saber's chin or chest.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire also noticed that Terrorsaur was also focusing on the shield around the Alaxon. She knew they couldn't let the shield fall. She started to focus her fire on Terrorsaur in hope of getting him from doing any damage to the shields.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Venatrix's sudden trasnformation and attack caught Saber off guard, the attack hit under Saber's chin. Sending her flying, she hit the ground momentarily stunned, growling slightly she got to her feet.
"Wasn't expecting that. Who ever trained you did a good job." Saber said then transformed into her robot form.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

"Wasn't expecting that. Who ever trained you did a good job."
Venatrix grinned at what she took as a compliment, but she wasn't sparring. This was a battle with an enemy who should be taken seriously, and it would be good for any future engagements to create an unbalance within the Maximal ranks.
It would be a subtle, yet cunning way to start something the Predacons could take advantage of in the future, possibly.
Venatrix drew her blades from subspace and slipped into her battle stance, before answering the Maximal.
"Of course he did. He used to be the best warrior within the Predacon ranks. To bad he lost his way and defected recently, but i predict he'll pick up his former glory as a Predacon eventually someday.
But for now, let me see how well you fare against me, granny."

She grinned deviously when she called her opponent "granny", as a taunt to see if she would lose her composure.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Dinobot waited as Megatron got up. He heard someone's voice off a ways...
Venatrix wrote:Of course he did. He used to be the best warrior within the Predacon ranks. To bad he lost his way and defected recently, but I
His listening was cut off by Megatron's laughter. He would have to teach Venatrix about the meaning of the word "lost" at a later point in time.

Dinobot was more than ready for Megatron- in fact he was eager to crush him brutally. He put his hand forward and moved his finger towards himself in a beckoning motion.

I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Of course he did. He used to be the best warrior within the Predacon ranks. To bad he lost his way and defected recently, but i predict he'll pick up his former glory as a Predacon eventually someday.
Saber didn't even flinch when the Predicon she cat took out her sword.
So it was Dinobot who trained her... interesting. She thought.
But for now, let me see how well you fare against me, granny."
The formal general raised an eye brow.
"Granny? Is that best you've got? I've heard better. I maybe older then you but this granny can still fight." Saber said calmly.
Then without warning she ran at Venatrix, then just as quickly went into her beast mode and just before she was within striking distance she suddenly took a sharp left turn and attacked her from the side.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Tarantulus dodged the fire from Rattrap, but a shot hit his shoulder and chest knocking him behind the boulder as he made a loud GAHK! noise.
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Unread post by una »

A small black ship was dancing in space, dodging green laser fire from a much larger and silver colored ship. Angel was frightened and her moves swayed alittle.

"Listen, ask the Maximal Elders. Told them identification number 457890 and you will realize that I'm telling the truth! I'm a Maximal!"

"And I'm your daddy's Uncle...See Maximals can lie too!" The voice was boorish and harsh.

"Please...you..." Angel's ship was wriggled madly as she dived forward. The other ship shot at her with no mercy until she jerked forward at the controls, hitting her head against teh buttons.

Suddenly, she opened a portal of some sort and she went through it. Her Spark was pulsing against her chestplate like it was going to come out!

The ship followed her and she had no choice but to fire, cutting their wing off. There was a planet in front of her eyes.

"Wow, is that Earth? Why are there two moons?"

Her ship blared an alarm as missiles made her ship smoke. Her ship was gliding towards teh planet and hit the atomosphere. She noticed that the Maximal ship was damaged too and followed her down.

After a few minutes, she hit a forest and landed along with the other ship but it's landing was more fatal.

"No! No!" Angel quickly got off her ship. Her skinny legs sped to the ship to see all passengers dead.

Angel bashed her fist against the hull, " Slag it! You guys should have listened to me!"

Suddenly, her body was spasmming with blue energy.

"Warning! Energon surge. Transform or stasis lock is immidieate."

Angel activated her personal scanner....

A white bird of some sort landed on her shoulder.

"Well, I guess your my new form." Angel chuckled as the bird was scanned.

She quickly found a refection mirror to see her silver and white form have furry wings and her yellow helmet-like head and her yellow chest plate and legs glittered alittle.

"Awww I'm still short! Oh well, at least I kept my look except for this stupid insignia."

The insignia she was talking about was teh purple insect-like Predacon symbol.

She hoped she can find a way off this planet.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

With Skyfire on Terrorsaur, Rattrap continued firing at Tarantulas and Lineos until the spider fall backwards after a hit from the Maximal. Rattrap momentarily stopped firing to call out to Dinobot who was engaged in combat with Megatron. However, knowing the raptor, he probably wouldn't let that fight go until Megatron surrendered or was dead. They didn't have time for either of those options. The Axalon's shields were about to fail.

"Dinobot! The shield's circuitry's hit! Get it back on-line!" ordered Rattrap. Dinobot was closer to the ship than the rest of the Maximals. If RT had to take care of it himself, it would mean abandoning Skyfire, who would then be outnumbered, and literally sprinting for the controls to activate the back-up power before it was lost.
"Well, that's just prime!"
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Temporarily covering for Terrorsaur and Megatron. If any one is willing to RP Ven's characters, that would be greatly appreciated. She doesn't mind if they end up in the CR.

Blazemane: I hope I won't be going too fast for you with the battle between Megs and Dinobot; I just want it to keep moving. ))
Megatron lunged at the traitor Dinobot, swinging his large tail-turned-weapon at his sword, and then quickly attempting to ram him from the other side with his t-rex head. He threw his arms at him back and forth, each time taking a step toward him and making him defend himself. But was the Predacon leader just tormenting the raptor? After all, he had more firepower. No, the hand-to-hand combat would be much more satisfying to Megatron if he defeated Dinobot at his own game.

Getting blocked by every throw with his sword, Megatron saw an opening and thought it was time to be rid of that weapon. A good clean punch with his t-rex head into Dinobot's stomach pushed the Predacon-turned-Maximal back and left him unguarded. The larger Predacon swiped his t-rex tail at Dinobot's hand which gripped his sword and knocked it right out of his grasp. He threw a backhand with his t-rex head straight at the traitor's head.

Terrorsaur sent a few shots at Skyfire as he flew over her and Rattrap, his focus on the base's shields. He stopped and hovered in mid-air, firing at the ship. If Rattrap had to make a run for the Axalon, Skyfire would have to defend herself against Tarantulas and Lineos, leaving Terrorsaur not targeted at all. It was perfect. He would bring those shields down!
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Blazemane »

(OOC: No problem)

Dinobot's sword had been knocked out of his grasp, but Megatron had done that with his right hand, and that meant his bulky arms were no longer encompassing the warrior. Finally, Dinobot actually had the space to do something.

Easily ducking underneath the powerful backhand sent his way, Dinobot came back up with a powerful punch to his foe's midsection, doubling him over. He would have punched again, but Megatron seemed momentarily dazed and that gave Dinobot an opportunity to deal a more powerful blow to the tyrant's head with his own knee.

Now Dinobot had the advantage, and he would not give it up. He advanced forward slowly and made repetitive blows to his opponent's head and frame. Unfortunately, Megatron was rather tough, and it was likely he would bounce back, even from his current lack of momentum.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Megatron felt the punch to his abdomen that surprisingly knocked the wind out of him for a moment. It was foolish of him to have underestimated Dinobot and be blinded by his aggression to prove to him what a weak traitor he had become.

All the Predacon saw was black as Dinobot continued to pummel Megatron in the chest with his knee, and punches to his head, forcing the larger bot to step backwards. But Megatron was built tough. If he could "absorb" the abuse just a little longer and make his opponent think he actually had a chance of winning this battle, then he could catch him off guard. Easier said than done, of course, because every jab to his face knocked his focus around.

(( OOC: This isn't in the show, Blazemane, but Megatron some how gets Dinobot to stop attacking, so I'm making this up until the point where Dinobot's keeping Megs's t-rex head away from him. Don't forget about Rattrap's line to Dinobot that I had posted earlier. )) Attempting to move his arm with his beast mode's tail subtly so as not to draw attention to it while Dinobot was distracted beating his head and chest like a punching bag, Megatron swung it low at the traitor's feet to make him lose his balance, or at least his offensive position. He didn't wait and see whether it worked or not; he swiftly threw his arm with his beast mode's head at Dinobot's head, hoping to wrap its teeth around his face and crush him.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Dinobot was surprised at how suddenly Megatron retaliated, considering he had at least been acting helpless. Dinobot saw the tail coming, and did something of a graceless, though effective, jump over it. This jump sent him backwards, and out of immediate striking distance.

Megatron had taken the new opportunity almost faster than Dinobot could calculate, but he caught the savage T-Rex head just as it's mouth seemed to envelop his vision.

He held it back with all the strength he could muster as Megatron attempted to use his considerable power and size to latch onto Dinobot's head as he had intended.
Rattrap wrote:Dinobot! The shield's circuitry's hit! Get it back on-line!
Was the vermin joking?

"I am currently engaged." he explained curtly.
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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