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Unread post by Jagna »

Hm...Quickstrike used to rather annoy me, but I get a kick out of him now. He's the rehneck fool that everyone laughs at (no offence to rednecks :lol: )

Hm.....I used to think Silverbolt was cool......then the end of Season 2 happened, and because KTV2 didn't show season 3, that was the image of him that I was left with for years! Even now that I look back I just think...URGH. Just cause.

But let me think....Depth Charge came across at first as an aggorant tinhead who wanted only one thing *gets pelted with rocks* But as the series went on and I watched the episodes more I doscovered how much he rocked *hah! pun not intened, but obscurely ausing XD*
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and OP, RT and DB
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