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A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Venatrix »

Venatrix will join the Maximal side after "The Code of a Hero"
Valkyrie will change into a TM2 and take the name Phoenix.
She'll be a Predacon.

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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Okay. the list has been updated. Thanks.
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Unread post by Featherwing »

hmmm no felines allowed. I can understand that: many want to be a cat.

I do not know if I should join or just change my beast-mode. At first I thought I should be something like a Pegasus. But I like the idea of a snow-leopard since my friends tell me I am more like a cat.

But these are the rules I can also become another beast.
I am not sure if I should join. Difficult, difficult.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Hey, Featherwing! It's good to you roaming around the RPG forum.
I do not know if I should join or just change my beast-mode. At first I thought I should be something like a Pegasus. But I like the idea of a snow-leopard since my friends tell me I am more like a cat.
I know, I know. Just about everyone wants to play a cat. But I'm afraid the rule is as it stands; no more felines of any kind. I kind of like the Pegasus idea, though. We don't have any horses yet (and horses are awesome). However, Pegasuses would probably be considered a Fuzor. So if you wanted to start RPing in the first season, your character could begin as a normal horse, then if you wanted her to be able to fly, she could acquire wings as a TransMetal in the second season (but she'd probably be very metallic with no fur). Or if you want to start in the second season, then she could just show up as a Fuzor of a Pegasus (part horse and part bird).
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Unread post by Featherwing »

I am not sure if I sould join at all :?

1: I am not sure my english is good enough.
2: The Beast Wars take place in a prehistoric time and as I could see the humanoids were still very very very primtive. I am not certain if horses already existed. Sorry, I always wanted to study paleontology :P :D I like dinosaurs etc...
3: I loved season one the most so: I could appear as a normal horse and get my wings in season 2 when I become a transmetal or whatever.
BUT -> My name is 'FeatherWING' So I guess my beast-mode must have something to do with feathers. I have nbo problem to be a horse but my name would not be fitting.

Half bird half horse? no thank you. I do not want to be a Hippogriff :D In that case you could call me Buckbeak lol
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Seems to be a thing with people and fusors.. which basically are just robots that have broken DNA scanners. So being a glitch I suppose anything could come out.

Horses existed at that point, horses existed before humans rode them.. and beastwars isn't that accurate anyway since some of the beastforms used in the toyline were creatures made after humans bred them (K9 and Noctoro being most notorious of this.)

I also wouldn't worry too much about your english.. some of the players here don't have english as their first language (Venatrix being one of them)
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Unread post by Featherwing »

In summer I was in München for holiday. I was in a zoo and there I spotted really beautiful horses from prehistoric times. The TARPAN horse. Check it out on google. They have beautiful grey-brown fur and their manes are colourful. They are not that big and not too small:, they look a bit like me :lol: and they got my hair colour.

I think it could work. These horses died out but people try to breed them again. I guess humans started riding horses about 6000 years ago.

It is just my username which worries me. I have no wings but maybe I get my name from 'other bots' because of certain circumstances. I am not sure yet.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Feathered is also a hairstyle, plus you could equip your horse character with a flightmode or third mode.
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Unread post by Featherwing »

that sounds great :D a flight mode for a horse?
well, why not? Optimus has a flight mode too as a gorilla. I will see. I must still read everything that happened.
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Unread post by Maeglin Dubh »

Where would we find the character form and apply for a new character to join?

EDIT: Never mind, found it.
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Unread post by icedemon2020 »

just curious, are you guys accepting any original characters for the RP?
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

just curious, are you guys accepting any original characters for the RP?

Added "two posts a day maximum per player" to rule #IX (9). There seems to be too much posting going on in one day that some people can't keep up with. Exceeding two posts a day, I think, is not necessary, especially considering not everyone can get on-line and post every day. It stacks up real fast. Agree or disagree?
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Unread post by Phoenix »

In theory the 2 posts a day limit is a good idea, although if you have two or three characters who are acting out a scene that does not involve other people, I don't see what harm there would be in exceeding this limit.

I fall into the category of people who occasionally have trouble keeping up, although since I went out on maternity leave this week I have had more time on my hands than I'm used to.

Personally I merely skip posts that do not involve the overall progress of the episode or specifically involves my character, such as a certain trio's current drinking binge. I get a vague idea of what's going on, but if it's irrelevant to the progression of the episode or to me personally, I merely skim through the posts or skip them all-together. I don't want to take away from people's fun, honestly, if it doesn't even concern my character.

But I will agree that it's annoying when you get ignored due to being busy for a day, if your character is part of a specific storyline.
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Unread post by DarkSpark »

Greetings! Are there any roleplays currently ongoing/active and has room for new players? I'm interested in becoming more active on the forumn and giving roleplay a try.

I'd be willing to play a canon character or an OC
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

Plenty of room since it's free form. It's in transition for Season 2, as the roleplay roughly follows the canon Beast wars tv show. If your interested in canon characters, you can do an audition for that character. I believe at the moment Tarantulus, Rhinox, and Quickstrike are open for taking.
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