"Beast Wars: Part II"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Watch out, little Maximal, I eat birds like you for breakfast! Hahaha!" he laughed.

He trumpeted threateningly and reared his head back before attempting to chomp on her wings with his small, but sharp teeth.
Skyfire saw Terrorsaur going for her wings and quickly pulled back away from Terrorsaur, so not to lose a wing. For she she knew that if she grounded and/or pinned in this fight, it would be all over for her.
"Don't get to over confident Skyfire."
"Now ya tell me" Skyfire mumbled, having a feeling that she might be way over head. But she certainly wasn't gonna let the red Predacon flyer see that.

"Ha, you missed!" she called to Terrorsaur.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

The punch hit Megatron pretty hard, right on the nose. The shock was enough to is orient him again and he fell over. However, he quickly ot up again with a wave of his tail.

Pulling himself up to his tallest, he prepared to strike. One foot came up off the ground as he prepared all his weight to be thrown forward. A second later he lunged and tackled Optimus, his jaws wide open in anticipation of chopping this Maximal's head clean off his body.
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Unread post by Tor »

((Uber sorry for the delay.

Blazemane, OOOP, let's pretend Waspinator never made that comment, okay? Waspinator is fighting Cheetor, so that Blaze doesn't fight with himself either.))

Dinobot eyed his former comrades in disgust, and as soon as the initial charge had begun, he locked optics with Scorponok. So the little suck up wanted to play? Soon, very soon, Dinobot would be able give Scorponok a small sampling of the pain and humilation he had suffered the past few hours.

Dinobot launched himself at the scuttling cretin, but an oversized pincer knocked his head back. Colors exploded in front of his optics, and his taloned foot kicked out, slashing downward at Scorponok's low set face.


Waspinator zipped foward, making a beeline (no pun intended) at Cheetor, eyes wide with anticipation.

"Wazzpinator get zzpotty-bot thizz time!" he razzed, sputtering to a halt in front of Cheetor, swooping in to grip the cats face in his many legs.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow screamed in pain. She snarled and slamed her spikey tail on Saber's body and lift it up with all the spikes being pierced on the Maximal feline's body.
Starshadow climbed at the side of the rocky walls as if she was running and jumped down and tackled her, causing the felines to roll foward like a wheel.
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Unread post by una »

Scorponok's face cringed in pain as Dinobot's talons scratched his face, causing him to back off alittle. Patting his face trying to ease the pain, he loaded a large dose of venom into his stringer, making the stringer glow green with poison. Moving forward, he snapped his pincers back at Dinobot, trying to distract the raptor.

Waiting for the right moment...to strike that traitor with a dose of humilation and torment.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

((CAT FIGHT!!! lol))
"I'm just getting warmed up, predicon filth." Saber snarled then swatted claws out the side of Starshadows face.
Then used her back feet to kick her off then jumped her again sinking her sharp teeth into her furry shoulder. It wasn't showing the fuzor any restraint at all, the formal general was going to show the bat winged cat what she was in for.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OOC: OK... Now i'm confused..... Who's gonna take on who now ? And please make it final.
I wanna post, but cant coz i'm to confused on who's fighting who.))

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: Ven, since I thought Rhinox could fight with Tarantulas (without realizing that NK would be fighting himself), he has already posted that. So I went along and had Rattrap approach Venatrix. Just ignore my OOC junk. ))

Primal stayed back from Megatron when he waved his large tail about. If he got smacked by that, it would probably throw him all the way across the mountain. When the t-rex got to his feet, Optimus made a leap in the air to attack him but suddenly felt a massive force against his chest that caused him to fall backwards with an exasperation of air escaping his mouth from the blow.

The Maximal leader laid on his back after landing with a thud, dazed only for a second, and immediately saw Megatron towering over him. As swift as the Predacon moved his mouth to try and clamp it around Primal's head like a vice, Optimus caught it just in time with a hand on his nose and his other hand on his chin. With all his strength, he clamped Megatron's mouth shut and pushed it away from him. The gorilla's arms shook from Megatron's determined force as Optimus attempted to keep those very sharp and lethal teeth away from his face.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Megatron let out a throaty growl as his jaws were clamped shut, but even with them closed he could still speak..

"Admit defeat, Maximal! The energon shall be ours!" he snarled, still trying his best to push through Primal's filthy mammalian hands to his face.
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Unread post by Blazemane »

( OOC: And I believe that leaves Steelclaw fighting... Valkyrie. Interesting... As for Cheetor's fight with Waspinator, I don't mean to over-control Waspinator's character. I'm just dictating what happened in the show, if that's o.k. with you, Tor. And Venatrix, I know you already made a post for Valkyrie saying she was zipping for Waspinator, but I guess Cheetor and Waspinator are fighting. Either way, I'm going to go ahead and post my role play for Steelclaw interacting with Valkyrie just in case you are o.k. with it [if you are, then we can just keep going].)

Cheetor saw Waspinator stopping in mid-air, getting ready to strike. So he wanted to finish their fight from earlier in the day after all, did he?

Wish granted.

Cheetor took advantage of Waspinator's mid-flight pause, summoning all of his strength and pouncing high enough to land right on top of the bug, and send him crashing down towards the ground.

* * *

Steelclaw, having been on the outer edge, had rushed with the rest of the Predacons only to realize that all the grounded Maximals had chosen other targets to knock heads with. One Maximal, the eagle, was in the air, and fighting nobody. Steelclaw realized that left the pair of them to fight, but something wasn't right. He looked up to the bird.

"Y'know," he said to her, tilting his head ever so slightly, "I can't fight you if you're all the way up there. Do you want to come down?"
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow screamed in pain as Saber sink her fangs into her shoulder. But that doesn't stop the injured feline to retaliate. She gave Saber a nasty painful bite on her neck and clawed the her opponent's back with her sharp claws.

"You are half incorrect...I am a half...." she whispered to Saber. She cannot let her new allies knew that Starshadow was half maximal. That was the biggest secret she kept from everyone except Saber.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

still trying his best to push through Primal's filthy mammalian hands to his face.
(( OOC: :lol: !! Nice, Dal. I love it. ))
"Admit defeat, Maximal! The energon shall be ours!"
"Not... if I can help it!" Optimus said, his voice strained by using most of his strength pushing Megatron back. It was probably a clear warning to the Predacon that this Maximal leader would do whatever it would take to stop his ambitions. No matter what.

The Maximal ape loosened his grip on the Predacon just enough before his mouth could reach his neck. Then Primal suddenly built up enough force to snap Megatron's mouth shut, push his head under himself and then pull hard enough to flip the large dinosaur clear over him and toward a rock wall, using his back and the ground as leverage. Optimus got to his feet again and watched Megatron.

(( OOC: Dal, I thought I'd give you some time to add your reactions and thoughts as Megs, and squirm a little :wink: , before I made OP's next line. ))
Last edited by Optimal Optimus Primal on Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"You are half incorrect...I am a half...."
Wait she's only half Predicon? Saber thought ignoring the bit wound on her neck.
"How can you be half?" She whispered back.
She had to keep the fight going so if any one looked in thier direction they wouldn't get suspicious and think her as a traitor.
Pfff, like that hasn't happend already, you made a deal with him then 'retired' as General of Cybertron. A small voice deep in her mind mocked.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

((OOC: o-o Was my post too short? Sorry, I just don't always feel the need to elaborate on a character's actions, as they are rather straightforward. n_n'' However, this scene here was already planned to be more detailed, it being a fun part of the battle I always thought would be interesting to explore. :3))

Megatron's head was apparently hard and heavy enough to smash rocks and get himself stuck between them.

His head wedged between two boulders, Megatron found himself going limp for a moment before regaining his composure and rising to his feet once more. He was going to rip that Maximal to shreds, dangerous explosive energon or no!

Except for one problem - his head was stuck.

No! he thought in shock.

He pulled backwards, raising a foot and pushing it against the rock to help get him out, to no avail.

Briefly, very briefly, he panicked. The tight space, the helpless position, the rush of battle reminding him that now was no time to get himself caught vulnerable...

Suddenly, his beast mode's instincts flared to life for the first time since he scanned it, a kind of primal rage flooding his systems. Ah, not so much anger as it was the will to survive. Interesting. He could use that.

Megatron had always been strong, stronger than many. He was a solid, unmoving being with deliberate movements and dedicated purpose. Lashing out angrily was, in a way, also deliberate, a swinging arm or impatient laser aimed and calibrated to hit an intended target, even in reflex to a spike in his emotions. He could sense when he'd looked over its statistics, back when they'd first scanned the animals, that it was smart and a hunter. Those same statistics suited him in theory, but he hadn't expected it to suit him in reality. Certainly, the, ah, dinosaur looked deadly and gave him a unique presence, but organics were weak, small, and delicate compared to a Cybertronian. How could an ancient, extinct (apparently, it was not meant to live for long, or else it'd still exist) biological beast made of flesh and bone help him besides giving him a disguise that would protect him from energon build up?

Well, apparently, it could give him strength. While he knew he was strong, apparently this beast's pre-programmed Will to live gave that strength a boost.

He still couldn't say he liked it. But he certainly could appreciate it. Especially since the combined strengths of his own Cybertronian tech and this organic's innate behavior and knowledge were going to get him out of these thick, metallic rocks.

He could hear Primal saying something and a part of him paused to listen, while the rest of him was given up to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, if only for a brief moment.

Terrorsaur snapped at empty air in surprise, the bird pulling away and doging his attack.

For a moment, he sulked that his beast mode had zero weapons on it in this form. He had little teeth and sharp claws, but even so, it felt so bare without guns.

The moment passed though and he regarded the Maximal flyer before him -

He could smell "Rookie" on this kid a mile away.

Something in how she flew gave it away, but the part that made it obvious was tied between the determined look on her face hiding her fear, and how she hadn't attacked him yet.

Fun, he thought dryly.

Sure, an easy target and minimal loss to his health (unless one of the others got him) but he couldn't exactly fight her in this form to show her his power, now could he?

He was sorely tempted to transform, even just for a moment, to blast the fembot, but one, he nearly shorted out a good mile from the mountain a few megacycles ago so transforming here was not a good idea and, two, he could miss and hit the crystals, blowing them all up and causing Megatron to torture him slowly into offlining if he hadn't died in the explosion.

With a low growl, he snapped forward again, his main focus tearing those wings up wih his teeth. He reached his sharp claws forward as well, attempting to latch onto her legs before her talons got his wings.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"My father was a crazed pred, my mother was a skilled and the sweetest maximal medic." Starshadow whispered back and pushed Saber away.
She swinged her spikey tail to the sides with the triangle shaped spikes.
"Are going to stand there and get yourself killed?" she smiled evily and got her sharp claws ready.