"Beast Wars: Part II"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow rolled her scarlet eyes.
"It's JUST raw energon...Why do you need it so much for Primus sake?!" she let out a low growl. Her stomach was growling loudly.
"I rather feast on Maximal's blood..." she muttered as her eyes shifted to the side. While the feline looked at the size of the energon, she thought about the maximals and growled.
Meet your doom Maxies because I'm your only executioner... she whispered to herself.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(I do for now. :P )

Tarantulas started to breath excitedly while speaking up a concern The energon fields will destroy us as robots in less then a minute, will we have to stay in beast form! he stated while moving his Pedipalps like hand gestures to his speech while taking in a deep breath And Optimus and the maximals are coming!

His green eyes then looked at StarShadow as she mentioned why we would need the energon. He just couldn't comprehend this female, it's as if she landed on her data trax when her pod crashed.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

((OOC: Squeeee! :glomp!: ))
Starshadow rolled her scarlet eyes.
"It's JUST raw energon...Why do you need it so much for Primus sake?!" she let out a low growl. Her stomach was growling loudly.
Megatron was quite taken aback at her apparent disrespect. Despite a brief temper spike, he kept is wits about him and fought that fire down.

"Starshadow, I will not bother to answer your question," he stated with a snarl. "If your processors run too slow to comprehend what I say or listen when I speak, especially of our mission, I will make sure you do not live long on this planet, no. I suggest you shape up and keep your vocaliser in check."

With that said, he curled his claws into fists for a moment and thought of the Maximals.

With a more thoughtful tone he replied to Tarantulas's voiced concerns.

"They must stay in beast form as well, and I will handle Optimus personally."

With his eyes once more drawn to the top of the mountain, he continued to climb, his thick claws and strong legs making the trek at this height far easier than he'd estimated. This beast mode's arms were so tiny, but it seemed his legs, and jaws, of course, made up for that...[/quote]
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image
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Unread post by una »

starshadow wrote:Starshadow rolled her scarlet eyes.
"It's JUST raw energon...Why do you need it so much for Primus sake?!" she let out a low growl. Her stomach was growling loudly.
"I rather feast on Maximal's blood..." she muttered as her eyes shifted to the side. While the feline looked at the size of the energon, she thought about the maximals and growled.
Meet your doom Maxies because I'm your only executioner... she whispered to herself.

And they call me stupid!

"We need this energon, you fool. Do you want the Maximals to have it?" He clicked his pincers threatening her.

He, really, wanted to executed this...femme vampire or whoever she was. He didn't care but he was this close to firing a missile up her butt!

"They must stay in beast form as well, and I will handle Optimus personally."
He was a little frightened by the fact of climbing this steep mountain but he was relieved that his red, stick-like legs could climb it. Also, he watched as the glorious Megatron did it with ease and he was inspired to do so as well.

Megatron's statement made him contemplate which Maximal he was going to deal with. Wait! There was one person he wanted a crack at. That treacherous velcoraptor, Dinobot! An image of Dinobot's long neck being sqeezed inbetween one of his pincers gave him a feeling of sadistic pleasure.
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Unread post by Tor »

Waspinator hovered above Terrorsaur, watching the red Flyer smugly; his beast mode wasn't as good as Waspinator's (in the wasp-bot's humbe opinion). But he wasn't one to show off and flaunt his features so he settled down on a rocky ledge between Tarantulas and Terrorsaur and crawled up manually. It wasn't that hard, Waspinator's beast mode legs were well suited to gripping small cracks in the rock with tiny claws (and he had six of 'em).

Conversationally, Waspinator added his dibs to the list, "Wazzpinator call zzpotty-bot. He not escape Wazzpinator thizz time!"


Dinobot launched himself from one ridge to the next, his muscular legs, hidden hydraulics, and burning desire to face the rest of the Predacons propelling him forward further forward than the other Maximals.

When he reached the shelf just below the top of the mountain, he stopped his ascent, feeling the energy that crackled through the air. It would by nigh impossible to fight in robot mode, he sighed mentally for the umpteenth time, tail sweeping the floor impatiently.

After Primal finally arrived, Dinobot made a very low, sarcastic bow to his new commander (he loathed to call that Maximal 'Commander') and gestured with his small forearm toward the top.

"Femmes first," he leered, a large grin lighting his large snout. The expression grew exponentally as he addressed Rattrap next. "Walking slag-heaps, last."
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Dinonot wrote:Femmes first,
Did he say that to... Big Bot?

Cheetor did all he could to not pounce on Dinobot like Rattrap had, but he just couldn't stop the resulting angered growl that went from his vocal processors.

So much for a "thank you." The robot he had just mocked so effortlessly had saved his life only megacycles earlier.

* * *

Steelclaw had himself been contemplating who to fight while he thought over Venatrix's advice in his processor.
Waspinator wrote:Wazzpinator call zzpotty-bot. He not escape Wazzpinator thizz time!
"Oh," he thought to himself, "that might have been a good choice. Oh well."
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Femmes first
"You are refering to me and Saber right?" Skyfire asked not really liking how he said that.

"Walking slag-heaps, last."
Skyfire had to hold back from giggling at that last line. She left a little steamed at the raptor for the "femmes first" comment but she had to admit that the last part was funny. Which was surpising to her, because the former Predacon didn't strike her as the type to have a sense of humor.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Femmes first," "Walking slag-heaps, last."
Saber just smiled and shook her head at Dinobots comment.
"You are refering to me and Saber right?"
One would think so. Saber thought with a smirk.
Suddenly Saber let out a very unfemme like blech then her ears drooped a little.
"My bad." Saber said trying not to smile.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Suddenly Saber let out a very unfemme like blech then her ears drooped a little.
"My bad." Saber said trying not to smile.
Saber's blech got a smal laugh out of Skyfire. "It's alright Saber, happens to everyone." she said. If brids could smile, Skyfire would have smiled. But she had to admit that she was glad that something was able to help forget her nervousness about possibly fighting the Predacons in beast mode for a little bit.
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Unread post by Tor »

((So Blaze, Dinobot is Dino-not, now? :lol:))
Blazemane wrote: "Oh," "that might have been a good choice. Oh well."
Waspinator cringed a little back from Steelclaw. It kinda irked the wasp at how little he knew of his comrades, whom now he would have to trust (to a degree). Still, Waspinator could be referred to the social butterfly- er wasp of the group as he valiantly tried to make small talk with the other Predacons, that didn't involve witty banter or death threats.

"Weeell," he considered, trying to pull of suave- cocking his head and placing a wasp paw on his mandibles- and failing, "Wazzpinator zzupposes Wazzpinator could take Chicken-bot again. Bear-bot can have zzpotty-bot."

SkyxDB wrote:"You are refering to me and Saber right?"
Dinobot cast his eye in her direction, the blistering dislike in the gaze should've made a flower wilt. He did not answer her but straightened, his expectant scowl centered on Primal and Rattrap. Again he ignored Saber's organic belch. It was to be expected, gaining forms such as these that relied on acid to break down the contents of its sensitive stomach.

((Yes, yes, expect Dinobot to be extremely snippy for a few episodes. General rudeness comes with the package.))
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow hissed at Scorponok as he called her a fool. They didn't even tell me what they were looking for or what to kill and they call me a FOOL!!! she snarled at the thought.

"I'll take on the speartoothed cat. She'll probably be a good challenge to me." she smiled evily to herself.

She heard what Waspinator was saying then. Careful there bug...Birds are skillful on air. she chuckled darkly. Just giving you a tip here, once your enemy made a move, the best thing to do is to make a fast counter attack.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

(You hear jeopardy music in your head too hm? Usually I hear that or Spanish fly..)

Rhinox watched as the group fought, though he didn't trust Dinobot either and Rattrap's concerns made sense, as it stands they have little choice at the moment with Primal's orders. He only hoped the gorilla was making the right choice.

Walking silently along behind the others he continued course towards the massive energon mountain.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OOC: Alright peeps. Listen up. I've been asked to see to it that the posts made by everyone are made correctly.
This means that I'll be reading over all the posts in this thread from now on and make sure they are acceptable.

I'll be seeing to it that there are no more posts with less then 4 lines.
The forum-based RPG is a story being written, and so it pays to posts with as much details as you can think of.
Also, i'll see to it that replies are made correctly.
For example when a serten character THINKS something, that the one relying to it wont reply to a thought. etc.

You can read the rules of this RPG here if you need to look into them again.

So be warned. *cracks my whip*))
"Valkyrie, this is Optimus," he attempted to call her after opening a channel through his communication link. "As soon as you get Wintersong into the CR, regroup with us at the mountain."
Valkyrie was halfway to the base when the call from Optimus came through her communication link.
She activated her own comlink to reply to her commander's orders.
"This is Valkyrie. I'll be there in a little while. Valkyrie out."

Another few minutes went by when the bird finally reached the crashed ship.
She entered the ship through one of the many holes, and transformed to help Wintersong to a functioning CR-chamber.
Once she made sure her damaged comrade was secure, she activated the device, and had the machine repair the damage Wintersong took during the last battle.
After she was done there was nothing much she could do there at that moment but to head for the mountain and prepare for the next confrontation with the Predacons.

The tri back took only a fourth of the time it took to get to the base, but now she wasn't carying anything to slow her down.
Valkyrie noticed the bickering betwean the Maximals as she came nearer, and landed on Optimus his shoulder again.
"It looks like morale isn't that high at the moment. I think you got your job cut out for you to get things going again."

Tarantulas started to breath excitedly while speaking up a concern The energon fields will destroy us as robots in less then a minute, will we have to stay in beast form! he stated while moving his Pedipalps like hand gestures to his speech while taking in a deep breath And Optimus and the maximals are coming!
Ah! So the upcoming battle will have both sides handling a disadvantage?
This could turn out to be interesting.
Venatrix first thought about taking on Dinobot, but she didn't believe she would stand a chance against him just yet.
She needed to be stronger, and more skilled to offer her former teacher a proper challenge.
She decided to take on the bot that was left. It would be either the rat, or the rhinoceros.
Careful there bug...Birds are skillful on air. she chuckled darkly. Just giving you a tip here, once your enemy made a move, the best thing to do is to make a fast counter attack.
Venatrix couldn't help but chuckle a bit out of amusement.
"The bird is faster and stronger then Waspinator. But he's much more nimble in the air, and should be able to avoid her attacks. If Waspinator could do this just right, the bird shouldn't be much of a challenge for Waspinator."

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"This is Valkyrie. I'll be there in a little while. Valkyrie out."
It was a small relief to know that Valkyrie was on her way shortly. They would certainly need her assistance.

Optimus watched Dinobot take the lead, farther ahead than he wanted anyone to be, but still in his sight. It didn't take him and the other Maximals long to catch up.
"Femmes first,"
The gorilla simply sent a glare to Dinobot, ignoring the comment and the bow; he had bigger things to worry about than something as immature as that to divert his focus.
"My bad."
Primal also ignored Saber's relief of gas from her mouth and the chattering and chuckling that followed. He wasn't in the mood, nor could he afford to be distracted. Megatron and his Predacons were very close now, and they were about to be surrounded by a very large amount of raw energon.
"Walking slag-heaps, last."
Rattrap glared at Dinobot with a hiss. "Guess that means you're in the back then, eh?" He managed a snarky grin and continued past the extinct lizard.

Like everyone else, except for maybe the boss monkey because he seemed to be in his own world, Rattrap heard Saber's burp and said softly, mostly to himself, "An' they call me the garbage eater? Sheesh." If Dinoboob wasn't there to bring everything to a drag, he probably would've laughed at Saber and made a comment. Slaggin' Predacons ruin everything.
"It looks like morale isn't that high at the moment. I think you got your job cut out for you to get things going again."
Optimus noticed Valkyrie fly in and land on his shoulder. Her words spoke truth, and although he may have appeared to be calm on the outside, he was quite nervous on the inside and full of concern for the outcome of the battle. He never asked to be a leader in a war like this but he couldn't and wouldn't back down. He had to stop Megatron, no matter the cost. No one knew what was going to happen. And the only plan was to stop the Predacons from overtaking the energon. They could succeed if they worked together.

He continued to walk up the steep side of the mountain as he spoke to Valkyrie in a rather cold and deep voice. "We don't have a choice. If Megatron gets a hold of this energon, our problems will be even bigger than they are right now."

Reaching the ledge that would take them to their battle field, Primal climbed up with Valkyrie on his shoulder and looked in awe at the glistening power around them. It was rather quite remarkable and a magnificent sight to see. And it appeared that they got there before Megatron after all.

Rattrap squirmed his way up after the ape and stared up at the blue crystals, giving a whistle. "Talk about yer raw power."
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

So close!

Megatron quickened his pace, wide feet finding purchase on the large stnes near the top. With a few strong strides, he leaped and landed squarely on the ledge leading into the massive crystal structure that formed the top of the mountain.

Across the way stood Primal and Megatron let out a short roar, eyes never leaving the ape.

He smirked, waiting for his troops to catch up.

Terrorsaur finally spread his wings and with a single flap he found himself hovering just to Megatron's left. He kept up his quiet observation, eyeing the Maximals from afar.

Megatron waited a moment, taking in the sight of the energon, before speaking, tail swishing gently behind him, "Across the galaxy, it has come to this, Optimus Primal. Face to face, tooth to claw! Yess...have you anything to say?"
Image This egg has a Predacon symbol, yess. Image