However, there are a few restrictions (the usual):
No extreme violent or sexual content
Preferably mild or no swearing
If you don't have fun... I'll send the penguins after you!
Some Guidelines?
-For now, you can take as many themes as you want (with in reason), but if we somehow run out of themes, you may be approached about giving one or two up.
-These have to be Beast Wars related (la duh).
-You may use OCs, but we wanna see some canons in there too!
Send all deviations and fics to with '50 themes BWINT' or something along those lines in the subject
-No deadline has been set, so keep an optic out for one.

Here are the themes (those in BLACK are taken):
1. First Impressions
2. Victory!
3. Blackmail
4. Portal
5. Rules
6. Reinforcement
7. Stratosphere - Dinotor
8. Clicks
9. Jungle
10. Destruction - Blazemane
11. Game - SkyxDB
12. Agenda
13. Breach
14. Miracle
15. Normal - Starshadow
16. Cost
17. Contact
18. Primus!
19. Concentrate
20. No Energon
21. Temper - Joshin Yasha
22. Flight
23. Sprint - Jagna
24. Beetle
25. Spy
26. Slam
27. Strength- Jagna
28. Smile - Joshin Yasha
29. Open
30. Last
31. Bold
32. Harm - xCubicZirconia
33. Badly
34. Soft
35. Love - Starshadow
36. Spark - Dalgaroth
37. Beast - Dalgaroth
38. Hunt - Darkshadow14
39. Lost - Darkshadow14
40. Just in Time
41. Well, That's just Prime…
42. Quasar
43. Warrior
44. The 3rd Degree
45. North
46. Snow - Starshadow
47. Plains
48. Protoform
49. Visitor
50. Yess…