The New Character Lounge
Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One
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- Location: Pennsylvania
The New Character Lounge
Just a place for any character to hang out and interact with others. Perfect for those eager to roleplay but are waiting to the join game. Or for those interested in doing TransFormer-like hobbies with their characters and exploring different ideas. Keep it clean, and keep it open for any character to join. There are no plots or stories carried out in the Lounge. Just relax and be social!
Last edited by Optimal Optimus Primal on Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Well, that's just prime!"
- starshadow
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
((And I hope this thread would be more lively and fun ^^))
There is a rumored place which connects to all universe. The Lounge, a crowded place with many kinds of different races, creatures including robotic aliens. I, myself, working as a part-time barmaid in this lounge with my sister. The scorpion sisters, Scorpina and Scorpia, was our worst colleagues. But still..Life goes on..
Starshadow sighed as she held the tray of drinks steadily on her hands while one of the customers was screaming at her for being so slow.
"HEY LADY!! WHERE'S MAH HIGH GRADE?!!" One mach called out to her.
"COMING!!" Starshadow replied.
There is a rumored place which connects to all universe. The Lounge, a crowded place with many kinds of different races, creatures including robotic aliens. I, myself, working as a part-time barmaid in this lounge with my sister. The scorpion sisters, Scorpina and Scorpia, was our worst colleagues. But still..Life goes on..
Starshadow sighed as she held the tray of drinks steadily on her hands while one of the customers was screaming at her for being so slow.
"HEY LADY!! WHERE'S MAH HIGH GRADE?!!" One mach called out to her.
"COMING!!" Starshadow replied.

- NaitoKage
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- Location: The dark abyss at the edge of your mind
Glowstick sat back in a dark booth of the bar sipping what appeared to be a energon float. His headphones playing 'Bag Raiders-Fun punch' as he seemed to be flipping through a magazine with females seen on the cover, the lights on his body glowing in sequence with the music.
His optics shift looking at StarShadow and Starshade in maid outfits as he tries to hold back a bit of a snicker, then returns to reading his magazine.
His optics shift looking at StarShadow and Starshade in maid outfits as he tries to hold back a bit of a snicker, then returns to reading his magazine.
- starshadow
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
After serving the drinks she went back to the counter and growled.
"One of these days...I'm quitting this job and wait for my stupid manager to hire a photographer."
Starshade was polishing a wine glass.
"You mean...the photographer quitted his job because you can't co operate with him?"
"Yes...the dress was fine and the posing was excellent but I don't know what is he trying to pull."
"Well...I heard being a model is not easy." Then, their boss interupted their conversation.
"Will you kitties stop chitt chatting and get back to work?" he glared at the feline sisters.
"I'm comin, I'm comin.." the felines groaned.
"One of these days...I'm quitting this job and wait for my stupid manager to hire a photographer."
Starshade was polishing a wine glass.
"You mean...the photographer quitted his job because you can't co operate with him?"
"Yes...the dress was fine and the posing was excellent but I don't know what is he trying to pull."
"Well...I heard being a model is not easy." Then, their boss interupted their conversation.
"Will you kitties stop chitt chatting and get back to work?" he glared at the feline sisters.
"I'm comin, I'm comin.." the felines groaned.

- NaitoKage
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- Location: The dark abyss at the edge of your mind
Glowstick finishes off the float, then looks at the glowing icecream Hm.. how do I.. without taking the mask off..? Oh! he then made a swift movement with the cup slinging it as the mouth on his chest opened catching the icecream on his radula and pulling it in.
He raised his tentacle One more energon float over here!
He raised his tentacle One more energon float over here!
- starshadow
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
"Coming right up Sir!!" Starshadow called out to the unknown mech. While making his ordered drink, the twin scorpion sisters were planning something.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Scorpina whispered to her sister.
"'Wax' the floor..." Scorpia smiled evily and took a mop and a bucket of soap water and mopped the floor.
As Starshadow took the tray with the energon float she walked towards Glowstick. While walking, she slipped on the slippery floor.
Scorpina and Scorpia were snickering at the counter when Scorpia got back.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Scorpina whispered to her sister.
"'Wax' the floor..." Scorpia smiled evily and took a mop and a bucket of soap water and mopped the floor.
As Starshadow took the tray with the energon float she walked towards Glowstick. While walking, she slipped on the slippery floor.
Scorpina and Scorpia were snickering at the counter when Scorpia got back.

- NaitoKage
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- Location: The dark abyss at the edge of your mind
- starshadow
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 2364
- Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:58 am
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
Starshadow blinked.
"Erm...I'm fine thank you..Err...Please enjoy the drink." she walked back to the counter.
"That was one nice catch over there!!" Starshade nudged her sister's shoulder.
On the other hand, the scorpions were pretty unhappy about the outcome of their plan.
"Drat...If it wasn't for that squid. She could have fell, spilled the float and get humiliated infront of these people." Scorpina growled silently.
"Well...Just let her be." Scorpia patted her sister's shoulder.
"Erm...I'm fine thank you..Err...Please enjoy the drink." she walked back to the counter.
"That was one nice catch over there!!" Starshade nudged her sister's shoulder.
On the other hand, the scorpions were pretty unhappy about the outcome of their plan.
"Drat...If it wasn't for that squid. She could have fell, spilled the float and get humiliated infront of these people." Scorpina growled silently.
"Well...Just let her be." Scorpia patted her sister's shoulder.

- NaitoKage
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- Location: The dark abyss at the edge of your mind
- starshadow
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 2364
- Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:58 am
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
Hellrage came in walking to the bar counter and sat on the stool.
"Hey babe!! An energon milkshake and make it fast." he said to Starshadow.
The black femme hated to serve the mech but got his drink ready and passed it to him.
"You know I hate to see you with a grumpy face. Why don't you give me your smile eh?"
Starshadow slipped her hand out of his and turned to him.
"No and I'm quitting this job." she spoke to her boss, pulled her sister to a room and came back with a bag and walked out of the lounge.
"Hey babe!! An energon milkshake and make it fast." he said to Starshadow.
The black femme hated to serve the mech but got his drink ready and passed it to him.
"You know I hate to see you with a grumpy face. Why don't you give me your smile eh?"
Starshadow slipped her hand out of his and turned to him.
"No and I'm quitting this job." she spoke to her boss, pulled her sister to a room and came back with a bag and walked out of the lounge.

- NaitoKage
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- Posts: 2563
- Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:00 pm
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- Location: The dark abyss at the edge of your mind
Glowstick finished the float, tossing the icecream into the mouth on his chest. He then leaned on his tentacle reading, his optics shift noticing the argument. He then got up with the glasses walking to the counter setting them down, then passed the owner payment Ah those were good. He then looked at Hellrage with a raised optic Hm.. Do you always frustrate waitresses into quitting? I'm surprised they let you in this establishment.
- starshadow
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
"Nah...Only for this kitty. The rest are fine but only that one bears a grudge on me." Hellrage chuckled as he looked at Starshadow leaving the lounge.
"In my sayings, girls are like flavors. Some are spicy, some are sour or bitter, some are sweet. You see that golden beauties there." he pointed to the scorpion sisters to Glowstick.
"They are mixed with the sweet and spicy catergory." Hellrage chuckled darkly.
"In my sayings, girls are like flavors. Some are spicy, some are sour or bitter, some are sweet. You see that golden beauties there." he pointed to the scorpion sisters to Glowstick.
"They are mixed with the sweet and spicy catergory." Hellrage chuckled darkly.

- NaitoKage
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- Location: The dark abyss at the edge of your mind
- starshadow
- Super Poster!
- Posts: 2364
- Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:58 am
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- Location: in a cat box~ ♥
The feline sisters were in their apartment.
"Do we have to shift our things to another apartment?" Starshade asked.
"Well...Since we've quitted our part-time jobs and if my manager doesn't find a photographer soon, we might have to stay in a smaller apartment." replied Starshadow.
While packing their luggages, Starshade optics watered.
"Look what I've found, it's your baby booties...(Lol ROTF)" she sobbed and hugged Starshadow.
"We'll miss our home..." Starshadow patted her younger sister's head softly.
"Do we have to shift our things to another apartment?" Starshade asked.
"Well...Since we've quitted our part-time jobs and if my manager doesn't find a photographer soon, we might have to stay in a smaller apartment." replied Starshadow.
While packing their luggages, Starshade optics watered.
"Look what I've found, it's your baby booties...(Lol ROTF)" she sobbed and hugged Starshadow.
"We'll miss our home..." Starshadow patted her younger sister's head softly.

- Posts: 284
- Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:08 pm
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- Location: East Coast, Yo.
(OOC: Do canons go here too?
:moment of doubt:
It is ANY character....
I'll delete it if it doesn't work out. :3 )
(OOC: I'm kinda confused about the whole bar/apartment thing. Would it be okay if I start somewhere else?)
Terrorsaur's optics blinked on, only to be flooded with sunlight.
He squawked and shut them off, rolling to his side and covering his face.
"Reset! Reset!" he mumbled urgently. Slag, that hurt!
But very soon, his HUD stopped screaming about filters and his optics adjusted properly. He brought them back online and took a look around.
A cliff? Wait, several cliffs? Where was he? What happened?
He couldn't remember. For the life of him, he couldn't remember anything. He was alone and standing atop a narrow cliff amongst a whole range of similar drop offs, each one reddish brown in color. There were barely any trees, hardly any green at all, and the landscape stretched forever.
"Terrorsaur to base, anyone there?" he called into his radio, but he was only met with static. That was disturbing...
He only tried a couple more times before giving up and pacing from one end of his little rocky outcropping to the other. Had he fallen? Had he been brought here? He ran through different scenarios and came to the conclusions that while he didn't know for sure what had happened, he did have a vague idea that he couldn't grasp. He was sure that if someone like Megatron were to ask him to explain his disappearance, he couldn't say he knew, but if given suggestions, he might be able to say yes or no. He was trying to think like that, trying to give himself suggestions, but that was too much thinking, and he stopped.
However, he started as another realization hit him.
Did he know who he was?
"Fragging stupid question - I'm Terrorsaur, I'm a Predacon," he said logically, out loud. His voice carried but didn't echo. He sounded so loud out here in the silence of these mountains. . .
He laughed nervously and shifted on his legs. He knew who he was, good. And he knew where he was supposed to be an who was supposed to be there.
So whatever this was, it was all about location. As soon as he remembered, he'd be fine.
"Beast Mode."
Dropping off the edge and catching the wind was natural to him and soon he was high above the scene, taking in the sights. From here he could see a massive river to the south, weaving through canyons and valleys, but otherwise, most of it looked the same.
He tried his radio again, with no luck, but after taking in the sun's position he figured the Pred base must be East, so he turned that way and started a long, swift glide in that direction.
(OOC: No idea where that came from but I had no ideas to start, so I guess I'll shape them as I go. xD lol, I don't often RP without a predetermined plot, so I guess this is practice! 8D
lol the baby booties..)
:moment of doubt:
It is ANY character....
I'll delete it if it doesn't work out. :3 )
(OOC: I'm kinda confused about the whole bar/apartment thing. Would it be okay if I start somewhere else?)
Terrorsaur's optics blinked on, only to be flooded with sunlight.
He squawked and shut them off, rolling to his side and covering his face.
"Reset! Reset!" he mumbled urgently. Slag, that hurt!
But very soon, his HUD stopped screaming about filters and his optics adjusted properly. He brought them back online and took a look around.
A cliff? Wait, several cliffs? Where was he? What happened?
He couldn't remember. For the life of him, he couldn't remember anything. He was alone and standing atop a narrow cliff amongst a whole range of similar drop offs, each one reddish brown in color. There were barely any trees, hardly any green at all, and the landscape stretched forever.
"Terrorsaur to base, anyone there?" he called into his radio, but he was only met with static. That was disturbing...
He only tried a couple more times before giving up and pacing from one end of his little rocky outcropping to the other. Had he fallen? Had he been brought here? He ran through different scenarios and came to the conclusions that while he didn't know for sure what had happened, he did have a vague idea that he couldn't grasp. He was sure that if someone like Megatron were to ask him to explain his disappearance, he couldn't say he knew, but if given suggestions, he might be able to say yes or no. He was trying to think like that, trying to give himself suggestions, but that was too much thinking, and he stopped.
However, he started as another realization hit him.
Did he know who he was?
"Fragging stupid question - I'm Terrorsaur, I'm a Predacon," he said logically, out loud. His voice carried but didn't echo. He sounded so loud out here in the silence of these mountains. . .
He laughed nervously and shifted on his legs. He knew who he was, good. And he knew where he was supposed to be an who was supposed to be there.
So whatever this was, it was all about location. As soon as he remembered, he'd be fine.
"Beast Mode."
Dropping off the edge and catching the wind was natural to him and soon he was high above the scene, taking in the sights. From here he could see a massive river to the south, weaving through canyons and valleys, but otherwise, most of it looked the same.
He tried his radio again, with no luck, but after taking in the sun's position he figured the Pred base must be East, so he turned that way and started a long, swift glide in that direction.
(OOC: No idea where that came from but I had no ideas to start, so I guess I'll shape them as I go. xD lol, I don't often RP without a predetermined plot, so I guess this is practice! 8D
lol the baby booties..)