"Beast Wars: Part II"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Tor »

Dinobot felt immensely better once Rhinox had deposited both Primal and himself back onto the ledge. Immediately he converged to beast mode, even if he thirsted to engage in battle with his former comrades. He looked Megatron in the optic, snarling, before sprinting across the bridge, his agile form allowing him to make it safely across without any mishapes.

Razorclaw wrote:"Hey,Bug Eyes! Eat slag!"
Waspinator piroutted gracefully in the air. He was promptly blasted backward, his body crashing into the ledge below the other Predacons, leaving a Waspinator-shaped indent there.

"Oooh, Wazzpinator izz hurting...." he whined, wrenching himself out of the indent and clamboring back up. He stood next to Venatrix, one hand on the gaping hole in his chest, the other fumbling to aim a return shot at the Maximals.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: A little premature on the bridge collapsing, Razorclaw, but I think we can roll with it. I believe Venatrix was planning on Scorponok firing at her power cell to explode it. ))

Optimus hurried across the other half of the bridge on all fours with Dinobot, but purposely skidded on the dirt to swing himself back around to where the bridge connected to solid ground in order to watch and make sure his comrades made it across. Rhinox followed closely behind the gorilla and velociraptor.

When Starshadow momentarily backed off, Rattrap stayed with Blaze and fired several quick shots at the other Predacons to cover Cheetor and Skyfire who were carrying Saber across the unstable strip of ground that was soon to crumble. Realizing there was no time left to mess around, he put his gun away and started running as fast as he could while the other Maximals made it across.

Glancing back over his shoulder as the rat in robot mode ran, witnessing the bridge cracking and falling apart, it occured to Rattrap that he might not be fast enough to reach the other side before the whole thing disappeared right from under his feet. It was a rather terrifying thought. He couldn't fly to safety or grab anything to stop him from falling. No, he would fall aaaaall the way to the bottom with a giant cloud of dust exploding in the air from his landing like Wyle E. Coyote. The worse part, though, was seeing Blaze in the same situation.

As the bridge collapsed, just as Rattrap had barely reached the other side, Optimus had crouched down and leaned over the ledge, catching the small Maximal's wrist with the opposite arm he was holding Dinobot with and dangling him there for a second while he regained his balance and strength to pull him up.

Rattrap suddenly stopped from falling. What de heck just happened?! I ain't fallin'... I'm gonna live! After slamming into the rocky side with a groan, he looked up and saw Primal had caught him. Of course he was relieved that now he wasn't going to be a pile of scrap parts at the bottom of the canyon, but he always had a... difficult time expressing it or admitting it. He watched the pieces of the bridge fall all the way down and crumble on impact, large clouds of dust and dirt filling the air far below, until Optimus lifted him up as he stood on his feet and dropped him on the ground.

Silence followed save for a breath of relief that escaped Rattrap's mouth. Nothing? He had nothing to say? The Maximal leader stood there before Rattrap, his toes still stinging like a thousand wasps had stung them, and his right arm and shoulder throbbing from hanging off of the bridge that only exsisted moments ago. "You're welcome," Optimus finally said, impatient to hear Rattrap's gratitude.

"You're the leader," the rodent in denial said, "It's yer, uh... job."

Primal glared at him, accompanied with a deep breath of frustration. Did the Maximal not appreciate anything? And did he have to be so unco-operative? The leader turned around to take count of the rest of the Maximals.

Rattrap converted to his beast mode before the energon fields surged through him. It would help repair the cut he received from Starshadow's rain of fire.

Rhinox had done the same as Optimus and caught Blaze with her left hand just when she could no longer use her feet to run as the bridge collapsed underneath her. It seemed he and Primal were in sync, working together to save their comrades and making sure no one was left behind. That was how a team was supposed to work. Rhinox carefully stood up, lifting Blaze to safety and gently lowering her feet on to the ground.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Wintersong »

JUst ebfore the bridge had collapsed WIntersong leaped the alst few feet and landed with a THUD on the other side. Glancing back she saw two of the MAximals, Rattrap and Blaze, nearly fall though saved by RHinox and Primal to which was a strange relief to see everyone looking alright....for now at least. Standing, the white tigeress looked towards the PRedacons but her fur along her back and neck were bristled from fear or anger she didn't know, maybe both.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Skyfire was relived to see that everyone had made it across the bridge safely. She was worried there for a second when Rattrap and Blaze fell, but fortunately they were rescued by Optimus and Rhinox. But despite the fact they all servived this, she had a feeling that they weren't as the human expression goes, "Not out of the woods quite yet."
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

"Tell me about it." Saber said ignoring the pain in her shoulder, it wasn't as pain as before it was just a dull throbbing now. "Like i said, this was going to be a long day. Can you guys put my down now?" She asked calmly.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Oh sure" said Skyfire, and she gently let go of Saber.
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Unread post by Tor »

Waspinator scootched away from Megatron as he watched the Maximals make it to safety. Megatron was a brilliant leader, but that didn't mean he didn't treat his subordinates like brightly colored punching bags.

Timidly he buzzed out, "Wazzpinator wonderzz where mizziles are going..." He pointed at some stray ammunition that was rocketing toward a gigantic mountain.


Dinobot was not exactly sorrowful at the moment. Indeed, he had miscalculated Primal's ability with a sword, but there were bigger fish to fry, so to speak. Megatron was within his sights, exposed to energon surge. If only Dinobot hadn't wasted all his time in robot mode with Primal, he could transform, and blast that murderous traitor right of the cliff.

Missing the missiles that Waspinator spotted, he rasped to Primal in a non-too-friendly growl, "I would suggest you send your injured counterparts back to base," his keen gaze pointedly on Saber and Wintersong.

His alliegence and loyalties may be sworn to Primal, but Dinobot was a Predacon to the core. If he could intimidate Primal to follow his not-so subtle instructions, Dinobot would be the leader in a sense. And he would be that much closer to his ultimate goal: Megatron's destruction.
Last edited by Tor on Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow stopped charging her final blow. She jumped down and changed to beast mode. She reached to the edge of the rocks and let out loud panther roars with anger. Growling, she looked at the missles charing to a mountain.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

I would suggest you send your injured counterparts back to base,"
Saber looked at Dinobot and narrowed her green eyes, fighting off the urge to growl. "I'm fine, i've have worse then this." Which was the truth, but getting shot by a sniper was a first the wound wasn't even bothering her any more.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"I don't know," said Skyfire said to Saber. "I think um...whoever he is, has a point. You did get hurt pretty bad back there."
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Saber looked at Skyfire and raised an eye brow. "He happens to be a Predicon and the sniper that shot me, needs to go back to school. This is nothing, i've had worse then this." Saber said calmly yet stubbornly.
She turned her gaze toward Optimus wondering what he planned to do with Dinobot.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

((OOC: Nighthunter, SkyxDB, and Starshadow. I'm hoping i could motivate you 3 in making your next posts more detailed.
1 or 2 sentences a post really doesn't show much of your characters.

If you have trouble making larger posts, you can always PM me with what your problems are, and i'll be happy to help.))

Valkyrie transformed to beastmode the moment, her systems warned her of an upcoming energon surge.
When in beastmode, she, like Waspinator, noticed the missiles rushing towards the mountain as well.
She landed on Optimus Primal's shoulders, when she motioned her head towards the missiles flying towards the mountain.
"The Predacons do enjoy wasting a lot of ammunition, don't they?"


Megatron watched the Maximals barely escaping his brilliantly laid out ambush, as he watched Optimus Primal even save the insignificant rodent from surten doom.
He wasn't pleased at all with the performance of his minions. Not even the slightest bit.
He couldn't restrain his own rage as he smacked Terrorsaur down to the ground.
"Incompetence! You let them escape!"
He was about to continue on his rampage to punnish his minions by slamming his T-Rex head into Waspinator when his most trusted follower's voice caught his attentions.
"M-Megatron...." Scorponok started as he pointed into the direction of the missiles that missed the bridge. "Look up there! The Missiles!"

Only moments later the missiles caused a large maintain top to explode, revealing a ridiculously large deposit of raw energon.
"Energon! Yeeesss.... Raw, natural energon crystal. I knew it was here!"
Before he could finnish his sentence, his body contracted an energon surge for the second time that day.
It was a lot sooner this time then the first time. Even Waspinator could figure that out Tarantulas knew.
"Nagh! Our systems haven't fully recovered from the last energon surge yet. We cant stay transformed for long without significant repairs." the spider said.

Megatron muttered loudly, obviously in pain like his minions.
"Urgh! Quickly! Return to beastmode!"
With that said, Megatron, Scorponok, Tarantulas, Terrorsaur, and Venatrix transformed back to beastmode, and they all followed their leader towards the large energon crystal.

((If i skipped something in my post, let me know, and i'll edit my post first thing in the morning.))

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
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Unread post by starshadow »

"Okay....This is the stupidest team I ever joined..." Starshadow rolled her scarlet eyes.
Walking with her new crew, she was yet confused.
"Just what is their main goal for coming to this strange planet?" she thought. Being too curious, she asked Tarantulas since he was the 'brains' of the predacons.
"Tarantulas, what is Megatron's purpose for coming this planet?"
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Unread post by Venatrix »

"Tarantulas, what is Megatron's purpose for coming this planet?"
Felines... Quite useless it seems.
"You came here, and you do not know? Come to think of it, i cant remember you being among the original crew. Where did you come from?"

Though he was as treacherous as the come, it was imperative he made sure to keep his own agenda secure from prying eyes like that of the always curious felines, or the maniacal Megatron.
The saurian always seemed to have an eye on him, even if he was occupied with something else.
A true Predacon leader needed to be paranoid, or his rule will come to an end way to abruptly.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow laughed.
"I'm glad you asked. You see, it all started when I was at Colony Omicron..I was an infamous assassin or somehow a killer who was a member of a secret society of an ex decepticon general. One important mission we had was a fail. In the end, I got imprisoned with my sister with my whole family executed, escaped and chased out of Cybertron, and landed here." she smiled with her fangs exposed.
"My aim is to scrap the maximals, go back to Cybertron, find my sister and terrorize the cities."
Last edited by starshadow on Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.