Hi War W! Nice to meet you i'm Darkshadow, the local predacon pest and shape-shifter, so is Greth. She's somewhere over here. We LOVE to play pranks on people and Beast warriors....watch out
I'll allow someone else to ask all the fun question's. I'm in love with Rampage, Tarantulas, Quickstrike and Depth Charge! *hugs all 4* I'm not a normal fangirl. *smirks*
Well...if yah start a new topic, you can tell us more about yourself. *poke* Soooo....
hey y'all. Its Elfy but just on a different account. i was unable to log in under Elf_princess. and don't understand why but the good news is is that i am back!!!
hey y'all. Its Elfy but just on a different account. i was unable to log in under Elf_princess. Crying or Very sad and don't understand why but the good news is is that i am back!!! Razz
That's odd. But good to see you around. Welcome back!
I am new here because I just discovered this beautiful fansite. I am already 23 but I always loved the Beast Wars. This site is wonderful, especially the gallery and I thank you all for that good job.
my favourite hero is Dinobot.
Welcome to BWInt, Featherwing! No, you are by no means the oldest here. We recently held a poll about ages, so I can say that with confidence now lol. Feel free to make your own introduction thread too