"Beast Wars: Part I"

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

Moderators: Nurann, Starath, Sinead, Optimal Optimus Primal, Razor One

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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

(Ooc//Glad we could get things sorted.^^And finally kick some Pred!Or Maximal hide for Predaocn players.)

Wintersong took the command,"Maximize!" The female white tiger transformed grabbing her weapon and began to fire at the Predacons, especially Starshadow. Since their meet she at first was unsure of the strange feline but now she loathed Starshadow and would see her always as an enemy as she contined her attacking. When the shots were coming fromt he opposite side of the valley she quickly ducked ebhidn another boulder only coming up to fire a few times before ducking again.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow dodged Wintersong's attack as she flew up to the skies. "STARSHADOW, TERRORIZE!!!", she gave out a roar and transformed into her robot mode and rain down the skies with lasers. Then, she soared up to mid air and gave a a loud painful banshee scream. She flew down and spin herself like a tornado and shoot laser out from her wings.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong ducked behind the bould putting her smaller double-barrel blaster back at her side. The armor on her left leg opened revealing a much longer blaster of the same structure but as long as her arm then she aimed it up firing at Starshaow growlng slightly.
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Unread post by starshadow »

Starshadow gave out her loudest dispersing banshee scream attack to the area around her to make the Maximals cover their ears to delay their attack and pull.out her guns and starting to shoot at Wintersong.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: I still have not heard from Razorclaw so I'll continue convering Megs and Tarry for her. Blazemane, did you happen to hear from Jagna at all? Rattrap's got some smart alec lines and disobeying orders coming up real soon. And where is Night-Hunter? She's usually on top of the game... ))

Where ever the sneaky tarantula had settled himself, he crawled out to the open upon Megatron's order and stood on his eight legs with the rest of the Predacons, suspiciously glancing some of his green eyes up at Starshadow. "Tarantulas, terrorize!" he called out with his fangs twitching. Within a couple seconds, he was transformed to robot mode, standing on his two skinny legs.

"Megatron, terrorize!" the Predacon leader snarled. His entire chest swiveled on his torso as parts began moving and shifting all over his body. His tail and t-rex head both became powerful weapons.

"Optimus, maximize!" the gorilla growled. The Maximal leader's legs rotated beneath him while his beast mode head flipped down into his chest, revealing his robot mode head that had very similar features to the legendary Autobot leader's, Optimus Prime. It appeared he was weaponless, however, he was well equipped with defenses.

"Now, obliterate them!" Megatron demanded from his troops. He began firing large laser blasts from his t-rex head at the Maximal fools across the gorge.

Tarantulas immediately began firing his beast mode legs, located on his arms, like miniature gatlin guns at the enemy.

Primal dodged and strafed some sporadic shots before activating his dual cannons on his left wrist and targeting Megatron, firing a couple blasts. Shortly after, the Maximal leader caught sight of the shot fired by Steelclaw and barely had enough time to jump out of the way and find cover behind a large, oddly shaped boulder. "Saber-Fang, get to Valkyrie!" he ordered her, calling over all of the shots whizzing by. He didn't know how badly injured she might be, but with her laying there like that, she was a sitting duck. And then another problem surfaced...
"I'm... I'm stuck!"
Hearing Cheetor's plea for help made Optimus think fast. Something heavy must have fallen on him, and he may not have his gun in hand anymore, so he needed help getting out of there before he would become an easy target for the Predacons. "Rattrap, help Cheetor! We'll cover you!" he hollered to the rat and Rhinox, both of which had maximized and found cover nearby behind an even larger boulder, as the constant firing continued around them. Suddenly, the three of them needed to temporarily cover their audio sensors from Starshadow's shattering scream. It made Optimus cringe for a moment but it didn't stop him from commanding his crew.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

After Saber transformed she growled and covered her ears when Starshadow let out what sounded like a battle cry. "Thats it." Saber said getting out her weapon and fired at the insane Predicon. Once she fired at the crazy Pred she went into her beast mode and ran toward Valkyrie.
Last edited by Night-Hunter on Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Venatrix arrived at the site just in time to watch Waspinator shoot down Valkyrie, and the Maximals arrive.
Right after the exchange of words between the 2 leaders, and the first shots being fired, she turned her attention towards Megatron.
"The careless bug didn't finnish the Maximal. My calculations indicate her internal repairs should be finished with the next few minutes, therefor tipping the odds back into the Maximal's favor. I'll go and keep the odds in our favor for as long as I'm able."

With that Venatrix rushed of into the hole, Cheetor was in, and headed towards the downed Maxiamal bird.
She didn't take her time to do so covertly, and just headed towards Valkyrie.


In the meantime, Valkyrie slowly converted back to beastmode, and had her internal repairs undo the crucial bits of damage done to her by Waspinator.
she watched helplessly as a black panther, who she reconned to be of Predacon origin, rash towards her position.
All she could do right that moment was that one or preferably more of her teammates would come to her rescue.

[color=purple]"Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it;
Those who fail to learn history [b][u]CORRECTLY--[/u][/b]
Why they are simply doomed."[/color]
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Unread post by Wintersong »

The scream amde Wintersong drop her rifle covering her ears, the screech seeming very effecrive to her sensitive audio receptors. BUt in doing so she had become an easy target which in the brief cover of ehr ears she had no time to react to the shots that hit her shoulders then her back. "Slag it!" She snarld ducking behind the boudler to avoid the onslaught of Starshadow's firing. The white tiger femme looked for an opening as she reached for her rifle then took a risky move at standing and running from her only nearby cover firing at Starshadow, "You call that your best Starshadow! I've seen better shooting from a maintenance bot!" She called trying to think of something to distract Starshadow for enough time to get a clear aim.
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Unread post by starshadow »

"What. Did. You. Say?" Now those words got Starshadow's attention. She turned to Wintersong slowly, clenching her fist. She wasn't happy at all, not one bit. Her wings rattled madly, her optics glowed brighter red, she drew her claws out. "I'LL GIVE YOU A HELL OF A PARTY THEN!!!"
She charged at Wintersong in her zig-zag formation to confuse her aims.
Last edited by starshadow on Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Tor »

((Well this is a nice surprise! I'm happy that the ball's rolling again!))

Waspinator left his hovering over Valkyrie, its wasn't that he was stupid (okay maybe a little on the slow side), it was the simple fact that the conversation between Megatron and Optimus was far more attention grabbing. The wasp buzzled over the rest of his teammates, crossing paths with Terrorsaur. Waspinator hadn't particularly conversed with the red flier, something the insect decided to remedy later. Stopping above the Predacon leader, Waspinator did his part, looking mean and ferocious while Megatron declared the Great War would be restarted (something told him he failed looking mean when the rat-bot smirked at him).
"The careless bug didn't finnish the Maximal. My calculations indicate her internal repairs should be finished with the next few minutes, therefor tipping the odds back into the Maximal's favor. I'll go and keep the odds in our favor for as long as I'm able."
Razzling Venatrix with his long yellow tongue, Waspinator trailed the pitch cat when she prowled toward the grounded Maximal. Just for kicks, he fired a few shots toward the silly fuzz-balls on the other ridge, knowing full well that since he was in the air, he wouldn't be a major target. For once.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

(No worries Starshadow.^^)

Wintersong stopped her firing trying to find a clear shot in the zig-zag flying from the other femme. But it would be impossible. Thinking quickly Wintersong glanced over shoudler; the boulder she had been taking cover from was a good distance away but if she could make a quick dashed she might just get to it in time. Turning on her, rifle in hand, she rushed towards the boulder while looking bakc a few times and firing at random towards Starshadow.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

While Wintersong was busy with Starshadow, Saber made her way toward Valkyrie dodging what ever gun fire she could.
"Valkyrie, are you alright?" Saber asked when she reached the downed bird.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by starshadow »

"TOO SLOW WINTIE!!!", the femme laughed evily as she dodge the attacks Wintersong made. Starshadow suddenly popped infront of Wintersong and pushed her rifle with her legs and perched on it. Waiting for her next move, she thought about a combo attack.
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong almost fell forward but kept her balance. Her right shoulder was killing her, some circuitry sparked from the small part of armor missing and the extra weight from Starshadow perched on her rifle wasn't helping. BUt that wouldn't stop the tigeress"You think I am intimidated Starshadow." She growled raising her left fist, "You are wrong!"Bringing a fist towards Starshadow she opened ehr hands, black claws gleaming before she slashed Starshadow's cheek.
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Unread post by starshadow »

The opened claws of the white tigress femme gave the Starshadow a good idea. She grabbed her hand which was holding her rifle and bit it hard and grabbed both of Wintersong's hands and pulled her up to the skies.