Saber Vs. Rampage

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Saber Vs. Rampage

Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Rampage found the female and alone and smiled to himself, he raised an optic ridge, her power almost matched his but her nature was different then his he senced that in her. He heard her sigh and caught her emotions, his eyes narrowed a little he senced regret and a feeling of being trapped and no way out.


Saber opened her eyes she had the feeling she was being watched and also senced anger. "Maximize." She went into her robot form and before she could pull out her weapon Ramage brust threw the undergrowth, grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into a tree. She put her hand on his wrist in a vain attempt to get his hand off her throat.
"Hmmm for a Maximal you have darkness in your spark, you and i are alike just opposite i nature." Rampage said his hand still on her throat.
"I'm nothing like you... Rampage." Saber said.
Rampage raised an eye brow he thought he would sence fear and terror but he just senced defiance.
"Well, well, well. General Saber-Fang, we meet at last." Said a deep voice from behind Rampage.
Megatron moved to the right of Rampage so that Saber was able to see him.
"I gave that title up when i left Cybertron," Saber growled. If she had her gun she's shoot Rampage then give the purple idiot and a piece of her power. "Why don't have the crab let me go so you and i can duke it out."
Megatron only smiled. "Where's Primal? You and he are inseparable." Megatron mocked.
"How should i know?" She growled.
Rampage felt some thing stir in Saber and suppressed a smile.
"Oh, yes. Where is your companion?" Megatron asked.
"I don't know what your talking about." Saber said
"That ship you crashed in is a two man ship. Where is your campanion?" Megatron asked again growling.
"He didn't survive the crash." Saber managed the to say.
"Hmmm since you no use to me i no longer need you alive....."
"Royalty allow me to finish her off." Inferno offered.
"No, since Rampage found her, it will be Rampage to finish her off, yesss." Megatron said then looked at Saber and smiled.
"Rampage finish her." He ordered.
Before Rampage could do anything Saber used her feet and pushed Rampage away from her with all her might. And went into her beast mode growling her teeth bared. Rampage took out his three barreled gun and fired but Saber dodged the attack and she returned his attack by slashing his chest with her claws leaving four claw wounds.
Growling he took out his missle launcher and fired two had missed Saber but another had hit the ground next to her, the impact caused her to tumble several feet but she forced herself to her feet, the fur on the back of her neck rose as she fought back the darkness wanting to brake free. But her eyes did flash bright green as she lunged for Rampage only to be grabbed by the back on the neck and thrown into a tree braking it.
Saber breathed heavly getting to her feet she saw Rampage grab the tree and walk towards her with death in his eyes.

Dum dum dum that was part one sorry that it took so long it took me a bit to come up with some thing part two coming soon!
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Unread post by Tor »


The extreme nail-biting fight we was waiting for.... So OP and Saber have a relationship? Interesting, yessss.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Its more of a close brother-sister relationship
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