Bad Landings

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Bad Landings

Unread post by Night-Hunter »

This is kinda a werid way to introdouce two characters that i made. But what the heck, here it is the intro of Saber and Sonar.

Bad landings
By: Night-Hunter

Saber sat in the chair her arms across her chest waiting patiently for Sonars ship to get out of hyperspace. She knew that she had betrayed the Maximals but she had done it to save herself from being shut down by the maximal elders, there was nothing wrong with saving ones self from being killed.

"We're almost out of hyderspace." Sonar said slightly turning his head to her.
(About time.) Saber thought.

The moment they left hyperspace alarms went off the ship had taken on damage while it was in hyperspace and when it had left hyperspace.
"What wrong?" Saber asked.
"The ship has taken on damage." Sonar replied.
"Great so much for a safe landing." She muttered.
She heard Sonar chuckle at her retort. "I suggest you strap ur self in, this has gone from a safe landing to a crash landing."
Saber chuckled sarcasticly but strapped her self in just Sonar had told her, the large ship came in hot as it flew towards the ground at alarming speed.
Just before the ship hit the ground both Saber and Sonar braced them selves for impact. It wasn't a very gracefull landing, the ship had hit the ground in a nose dive, it flipped onto its back until the ship hit a large rock and landed on its belly until the ship came to a stop.
Sonar let out a sigh of relief, he turned to Saber checking if she was alright only to smile to see her gripping the arms of the chair tightly.
"I hate you so much right now." Saber said after she relaxed.
Sonar only chuckled then turned to the computer. "Damage report."
<The ship is badly damage. It won't be able to fly again.> The computers voice said.
"Great." Saber muttered.
"What about scanners?" Sonar asked ignoring Saber.
<Scanners not as badly damaged. Do you wish to scan suitable life forms?> the computer asked.
<Scanning now.>

The scanner popped out the top of the ship and started to scan. Then two pictures one of Saber-tooth tiger bones and one of a Vampyrum Spectrum appeared on the screen.
"Very nice." Sonar said getting out of the ship, Saber soon followed jumping out in her beast form landing beside Sonar, streching a bit glad to be out of the ship.
The computer beeped quietly and Sonar looked. "We have to move we're gonna have company in a bit."
"Predicon or Maximal?" Saber asked.
"Predicons i'll meet up with them later lets move." Sonar said taking flight and heading for the forest Saber close behind him.

Well thats part one of bad landings part two coming soon[/i]
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

:lol: Interesting. THe characters are very convincing,and the title cracks me up! (I'm sorry if that offends you;I just find it funny)
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

No its cool. Thanks it was either that title or "crash landing gone wrong"
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Unread post by Tor »


I like Saber. She's kinda got that I-don't-care-what-nobody-thinks-of-me attitude. I like that. I respect that.

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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Thank u i kinda have that attitude i kinda put some of myself into Saber. :)
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