Character Bio thread

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Unread post by Razorclaw »

Gaaah! :shock: *Throws Tor off,chokes.* Bleah! *Dutsts self off* Whew! :? :lol:
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Unread post by Tor »


*Climbs back to feet* *looks at sugar on da floor* Aww man, you dirtied it! *huffs* I'm going to da Darksyde if anyone needs me.

*Walks off*.....sugar......
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Unread post by Sinead »

Back on topic, people! Character Bios are here, nothing else! If you want to have a convo about sugar, OOC it! XD
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Unread post by Razor One »

This thread is looking unusually clean now :D


Please note: If your post got eaten up somewhere during the clean up, feel free to repost it.
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

:lol: Does that mean we can come out of hiding now? >.<
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Unread post by Tor »


*Big sigh* I'm glad dis has been cleared.

O! O! another character I kinda don't wanna play but someone else could play. Some o you have heard o her.

Name: Sazzafrazz (nicknames: 'Fazz or Frazzled or Frazzled)
Faction: Undefined
Beast Mode: Otter
Rank: Unknown
Physical Traits: I'll let whoever (if anyone does) does wanna play her design her since all I know bout her is one her chest plate she has a stable Energon crystal mounted dere.
Personality: Sweet, giggly, and has short-term memory loss. She has a child-like curosity and understandin of things, which gets her into trouble.
Brief History: Sazzafrazz was da project da lead up to da idea to make an indestructable super soldier (Protoform X). She was a prototype called Protoform Energon which was an attempt for transformers to resist da effects of Energon buildup so soldiers could have unlimited energy on da battlefield. Unfortunately da project was costly and too much Energon was bein used, plus da protoform being experiemented on mainframe was damaged creatin further problems.
Motto: None
Quote: 'A Maximal? Don't ya mean an animal? Cuz I'm pretty sure I'm one o those....' (followed by exasperated sigh from whom she was conversin)

So0o0o0o anyone wanna be a Beast Wars Dory (from Findin Nemo, peopleZ)

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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

... and I realized that I didn't say who I wanted to try out for:


Optimus Primal (unless OOP wants to come and take him on.)
I'm not sure yet, Sinead. XD But thank you for thinking of me. I'd love to because I don't think I'd be any good at Rhinox or any other Maximal except for Rattrap, and I know Jagna really wants to play him. :wink: I just need time to make an audition post, which I hope I can do soon. o_O I've been playing him for a long time now with just about every form of him from BW to BM to Universe, so I don't know if I should finally give up or keep going. :?

As for an original character, I have a couple I could choose from but I'm not prepared at the moment to post any bios. I plan on using a Predacon because I have a feeling we're going to need them. :roll:
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Unread post by Jagna »

Optimal Optimus Primal wrote: I'm not sure yet, Sinead. XD But thank you for thinking of me. I'd love to because I don't think I'd be any good at Rhinox or any other Maximal except for Rattrap, and I know Jagna really wants to play him. :wink:
That's what auditions are for, OOP :wink: Although I must say, it's quite different from real life auditions...I've got one in less than two weeks *cringes*
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote: I plan on using a Predacon because I have a feeling we're going to need them. :roll:
Good grief, that's true :shock: In that case, mind if I try for Waspinator? That would be a hoot :XD:
[img][/img] || [img][/img]
and OP, RT and DB
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

I thought that I should note that the Blaze I am using for this RP is the "oldschool" version. I have updated her look,voice,intrest,and personality,to give her a more "bad girl" persona. However,I thought it might be more fun to play her original form(and the one whom I mentioned in the OC topic), as it is a little bit crazy,thus resulting in some comical moments.
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Sweet i can use Saber and not have to change her into anything else. Hey who ever is playing optimus primal is it ok if he and Saber have a brother sister relationship?

[b]Name:[/b] Saber-Fang

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Age:[/b] Some what younger then Optimus Primal

[b]Beast mode:[/b] Large Saber tooth tiger three times the size of a grizzly bear with tan fur and dark green eyes, but without the huge fangs (I'll explain why in her history)

[b]Faction:[/b] Maximal

[b]Physical appearance:[/b] Saber is the same height as Dinobot but not as aggressive she can be if she wants to, her optics are green with white pupiles, her robot mode is similar to Dinobots, her front legs form her arms and her finger nails can become claws its the same with her legs minus the claws.

[b]Rank:[/b] Former General of Cybertron but gave the title up when she left (I'll also explain why in her history)

[b]Motto: [/b]"Its good to be brave but is better to be smart" or "Some actions can never be undone" *heavy sigh*

[b]Character disposition:[/b] Saber's is pretty much a loner but doesn't mind company once and a while, she has little to no tolerance for heroics so she and silverbolt wouldn't get a long very well. But she's always there to help if her help is needed, she's more deadly in beast mode then she is in her robot mode. SHe can be hard and cold at times but aside from that she does have a gentle side, but rarely shows it, she is also kind when she wants to be, she would give her life for those she deeply cares about, she would pull a Dinobot if it came to that. If there was a creature or a bot that was to dangerous to be left alive, she would kill it no matter what the punishment would be.

[b]History:[/b] Saber had been a respected general back on Cynbertron, but there was some thing dark in her that she told no one about if she did the maximal elder whom she no longer has any respect for would shut her down in no time flat. Wanting to find help she did the unthinkable she went to a predicon scientist named Sonar. Brilliant but crazy he agreed to help her but at a price her loyalty to only him, she agreed and to every bot's surprise retired. She joined up with the Maximals on the Axalon and when she got the chance left during the night to meet up with Sonar and he changed her beast form into some thing more dangerous and deadly.

Tech specs:

Strenght: 9
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 9
Endurance: 8
Rank: 5 was 9
Courage: 9
Firepower: 8
skill: 9.9

[b]Weapons: [/b]
In beast mode: her teeth, claws, and her stealth.
In robot mode: Her claws, two blasters, an automatic
Last edited by Night-Hunter on Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by Venatrix »

Name: Venatrix

Functions: Huntress/Field Medic/Scout/Spy/Melee weapons specialist/unarmed specialist
Faction: Predacons
Rank: Predacon special forces
Motto: "I'm the Predator. Guess who's my prey?"

Strength: 7
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 5
Rank: 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 1
Skill: 10

Physical Discription:
Black panther. Compleetly black, accept for her yellow eyes. Practicly invisible at night.
-Robotmode: Mostly black, with some grey parts. Yellow optics.

Abilities: Venatrix is a true predator. Having almost an endless source of patience, she can stalk her prey till the perfect moment comes she can strike. She also had special training in Melee and Unarmed combat. With other words, she's quite deadly with, or without her weapons. She also has remarkible skills as a field Medic. She can take care of nearly any wound that she herself, or her teammates gain, without using any special equipment. Her unique tracking and stalking abilities make her a very good spy or scout. When she stalks, not even she herself could hear herself wallking. Her sences are nearly perfect. Besides these skills, she's smart, fast, agile, and very calculating.

-Twin blades (robotmode). These blades are costimised blades, made for Venatrix The blades them selves aren't much different then any other cybertronian blade, however, her skills in wielding them is masterfull.

-Claws (both modes) Both in Beastmode as in Robot mode her claws are her primary weapons when she's not using her blades in bot mode. Combined with her unarmed skills, these claws are a force to recon with.

-Teeth/jaw (Beastmode) Her razorsharp teeth, and powerfull jaws make it almost impossible to escape critical injuries when she has her prey within her claws.

Personality: Venatrix is a very complex female. Hard to bond with, and hard to read her. But when you get her to talk, she has a tendency to be nice..... sometimes.

History: Venatrix has been part of the Predacon Special Forces for some time. The Predacon council usualy send her kind to do all their dirty work. Assassination, Black-Ops, etc. She had done some missions side by side with the infamous Ravage. They used to make a good team together, having him take on the targets at long range, while she takes the short ranged targets, and guard eachothers backs constantly this way.
Their cooperation didn't last how ever, since his skills where needed elsewhere , and they never seen eachother since.
After that she usualy worked alone.


This is an adaptation from an original bio, and changed a few features.
I chose Venatrix is my first over Phoenix, coz Phoenix i believe might be to complex to be anything less then a Transmetal 2 character.
Those who RPed with me as Phoenix before know what i mean, but i'll figure something out to reconfigure her so she can fit into this game.
Till then, i'll play with Venatrix, and hopefully Black Arachnia.
Last edited by Venatrix on Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by una »

Hi! Everybody!

Name: Laughing Octopus
Faction: Predacon
Rank: Unknown
Physical Appearance:
A fembot with no transformation. She has four huge tentacles above her head that can lift her up in the air. Her visage is light gray with no optics or mouth piece. Her chest plate is gray which follows all the way down to her skinny legs.

Personality: She is a psychopath and murderer. She shows no emotion unless in a battlefield, which is only complete insanity. She laughs uncontrollably at the deaths around her.

Detailed History: No past history or even a record of activation. Though, there is a record of her kills. She is wanted for the murder of 100 Maximals and 200 civilans.

Motto: "Laugh with me!"

Abilities: She uses an automatic weapon full of bullets at long ranges. She can grab her victims by the finger spiked from her tentacles. Octopus can curl up in a ball to shield herself.

Her tentacles can also stab through metal.

Also, her whole body, tentacles and all, can camoflague. She can transform her face to any form.

And one more character

Name: Voyeavoda
Faction: Neutal
Rank: Commander
Physical Appearance:
Tall with thick, white armor around her body; her optics are yellow. One insignia painted on her right arm looks like a planet.

Detailed Past: Born with a Predacon father and Maximal mother, Voyeavoda pledged no allegiance to any side. After the death of her parents from the opposite side, she despises both the Tripedacus Council and Maximal Elders. She plans to free the people from their control. Her Resistence, which still remains unnamed, scouts Cybertron and terrorizes both sides.

Her unit sees her as a savior to one day bring both sides together as brothers and sisters.

Personality: A stern leader yet compassionate to her unit like a mother. She protects her beliefs and fights with honor.

Motto: "I don't want power nor riches, or war. I want to see a place where Maximals and Predacons don't exist. Only Cybertronians."
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

Name: Sonar

Gender: Male

Age: Older then Saber

Beast mode: Vampyrum Spectrum or also known as False Vampire bat

Faction: Predicon

Function: Ninja warrior, crazed scientist, Predicon spy

Physical appearance: He's taller then Tarantulas and more muscular, his body is tan and silver, his beast mode head rests on his chest. And spikes jet out from his elbows.

Rank: unknown

Motto: "Its better to be insane then sane" or "Watch your back because you might be my next victim"

Character disposition: Very smart and just as sneaky, he has a sick and some times twisted sense of humor. He would use a maximal even a Predicon as a shield or genie pig, unlike Tarantulas he thinks things threw before he makes his move which is his greatest strength. He rarely fails if he does he will destroy what he was working on and start from scratch, he is also very level headed and patient.

History: Sonar was revered as one of the greatest scientist of both factions, until he captured, tortured and then killed two young Maximals. He then was wanted by the maximal’s but was given a high honor by the preds and was protected by them. Some time later the former General Saber-fang came and told him about the darkness inside her and she had asked if he could help her in any way. He had agreed but at a price at which she agreed to, he meet Saber on earth and turned her beast form into a deadly beast. Sonar was the frist crazed scientist that was a beast transformer, the male spider was the second.

Tech specs:

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 9.8
Speed: 6
Endurance: 6.9
Rank: 5 maybe 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 8
Skill: 9.9

Weapons: Two automatics, a dart gun, and a sniper rifle. When in Robot and beast mode he can use his echo's to blast back opponents or put them in severe pain this weapon is faster then any kind of gun.
Last edited by Night-Hunter on Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Hmm, I thought I posted the bio Triassicus here. but Oh well, I guess i'll post again.

Name: Triassicus, Tri for short.

Gender: male

Age: About 14 or 15 in human years.

Beast Mode: Compy

Faction: Predacon

Function: Spy

Pysichal apperance: ... s-78270851

Triassicus is Dinobot's younger brother. But id the complete oppiste of his brother. He can be rash and impatient. He's not really that brave but he will try to act tuff. But of course he'll drop the tuff guy act and run away once he knows that he's in over his head. He's speciality is mostly dogding attacks and hiding, which is mostly why he's more willing to do spy work and sabatoge than actual combat. He's like sto make fun of how his big brother quotes Shakespeare. He does look up to his brother and wnats to kind of be like him, but willing to admit it. If he follows his brother to Maximal side, he keeps his Predacon insigina.

Tech specs:

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 9
Endurance: 8
Rank: 5
Courage: 6 (Increases as time goes on)
Firepower: 2
Skill: 8
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Unread post by Razor One »

Additional Characters I've been thinking of adding.


Name: Razor One

Gender: Male

Chronological Age: ~200 Years

Mental Age: Late 30’s to Early 40’s

Beast Mode: Thylacine

Faction: Maximal

Function: Scout, Recon

Physical Appearance

Razor One is black with white stripes, with a medium build. In robot mode he has additional metal fins which are a remnant of a more aerodynamic transformation in his past. He has the image of an eagle boldly emblazoned upon his chest and has Maximal insignia’s etched into his arms, legs, torso and forehead. His optics are combined as one thin blue strip spanning from temple to temple, he stands fairly tall but is not taller than Dinobot by any measure.

His beast mode is a Thylacine with a cream coloured coat and black horizontal stripes running down his back and legs.

Whilst in robot mode, others would perceive his technology to be thoroughly antiquated and old. Most of the younger bots would dismiss him as an ancient relic whilst the older and wiser might doubt his ability to function.

Those well versed as medics and highly experienced bots however, will know better, and understand that even antiquated technology can be just as effective.

Rank: Low, but will be insubordinate if and when he feels he is doing the right thing.

Character Disposition

This can vary dependant on mood. When in his element, Razor can be a happy, genuine and warm bot. When put in a dire situation, he can take on a sheer bloody mindedness that can at times frighten others. At most times he is gruff, terse, snappy and despondent that he is stuck in yet another war.

Razor One’s determination once he has set his mind to a task, is nigh indomitable. He will risk permanent damage to himself and never, under any circumstances, give in. This stubborn bloody mindedness has served him well in the past but could conceivably be turned against him under the correct circumstances.

Character History

A veteran of two secret wars, Razor One is experienced, but scarred. He has maintained a tentative relationship with Aurora over the years but feels that he must take his own path in life.

Ever since the last secret conflict he was involved in (Codename: Omega) Razor has been showing increasing signs of post traumatic stress and shellshock, though he hides it extremely well. He is filled with self doubt, abuses positron sticks and radium tipped energon, and often finds himself out of work.

It was quite recently that he managed to get his life back on track and pull himself out of a pit of despair. Unfortunately the job on offer, a security posting in a museum, went south launching him on a new track for despair.

At his wits end, he was contacted in quite a timely manner by Aurora with a job offer: Rescue Optimus Primal and his Maximals.

Razor One sees the mission to rescue Optimus and his cohorts as the first real step to reclaiming his life. Without hesitation, he accepted Aurora’s offer…

Razor One claims partial ancestry to both Autobot and Junkion. While he has refused to elaborate on the exact nature of his so-called ancestry, he has been known to use certain vague pop-cultural references from Earth and a few more exotic species.

Tech Specs

Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 5.5
Speed: 7.5
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 8.0
Skill: 6.0

Weapon: “Black Betty” Plasma Shotgun

Motto: “Strike while the Iron is hot”

Additional Quotes

“I never pictured my life like this. Never thought I’d keep getting caught skid-plate deep in the slag over and over and over. I keep dragging myself out but life just keeps knocking me back in, trying to see just when the slag I’ll give up.

Well guess what? I’m not giving up. I’m never giving up. You fragging hear that life?! I’m NOT giving up! You can keep crushing me the slag down for eternity for all I care! The only time I give up is when I’m dead! Dead you hear?! DEAD!”

Note: I’d like to take pains to explain that this is **not** a self insertion. The Character Razor One is **not** me at all. The character has actually been in my head since long before I signed up on the forums and I took my name from him when I needed a username.

Name: Nightscape

Gender: Female

Chronological Age: ~30 Years

Mental Age: Late 20’s

Beast Mode: Komodo Dragon

Faction: Maximal

Function: Sniper

Physical Appearance

Nightscape has ash grey to ebon black armor plating and a slender physique. Contrasting this are orange optics, a silver face and a “helm” similar in appearance to Cheetor’s.

Her beast mode is a similarly colored Komodo Dragon.

Rank: Low, will follow orders to the letter.

Character Disposition

Nightscape is military through and through. Her rigid application of discipline and utter devotion to the Maximal cause can wear on others. She looks disfavorably on insubordination, treason and weakness in the face of battle.

While she is by no means a warmonger, she does feel that war between the Predacons and the Maximals is all but an inevitability and she finds the presence of friendly predacons to be grating at best.

She is cold, gruff, and determined. She looks upon the “War Veteran” Razor One with a large degree of mistrust and derision for his “Weakness” and feels his claims to being a war veteran are false, much to his annoyance and chagrin.

Character History

Nightscape was brought online in an asteroid colony in the Chau Kelar system and spent most of her early life manning drilling rigs and processing ore, energon and other precious raw materials for shipment to Cybertron.

Chau Kelar was notorious however for piracy and lawlessness, and in this aspect Nightscape found her forte. Her aptitude for the long range railgun weaponry helped ensure the colony remained safe from attack for years before an overwhelming strike force managed to besiege the colony.

By the time the Cybertronian navy managed to clear a path to the colony, most of the miners were dead, save for a handful, including Nightscape.

The battle is said to have changed her entirely, where once there was a warm, caring ‘bot was now a persona as cold and hard as fusion tempered slag.

She immediately applied for the Maximal Cybertronian Defense Force and rose through the ranks fairly quickly. She is currently on special assignment, pending promotion upon completion.

Tech Specs

Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 6.5
Speed: 6.5
Endurance: 7.5
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 8.0
Firepower: 7.0
Skill: 4.0

Weapon: MK3112-NM “Sharpshot” Sniper Rifle

Motto: “Mark my words. War with the predacons is inevitable.”

Additional Quotes

“Let’s put this into terms even you can understand. I lost everything to the Predacons. My life, my home, my family, my love… So maybe you can’t understand why I think a war is a certainty.

Maybe you never will until you lose it all. Either way, if those Predacons make one false move, one small slip, anything to make me think they’re stabbing us in the back, I won’t stop until they’re dead, dead, dead!”

Name: Terminus

Gender: Male

Chronological Age: ~230 Years

Mental Age: Late 30’s

Beast Mode: Anklyosaurus

Faction: Predacon

Physical Appearance

Terminus is heavily built, heavily armored, and heavily set. His arms are rated to carry heavy loads and are thick, large and powerful. Dirty yellow armor with black highlights seem to remind one of safety striping, reminiscent from a time when Terminus worked on spaceport loading docks lifting heavy loads.

Rank: High, considered leadership potential.

Character Disposition

It’s not known if Terminus has always been odd, insane and brutal, but it would surprise no one if he has been. Terminus is calculatingly cruel but indiscriminate in his application of violence and brutality.

He is eloquent and well spoken in an eccentric manner. When he addresses someone, he will generally address them as “Oh My Brother…” or “Oh My Sister…” and depending on the tone he carries, can be endearing or threatening, and maddeningly at times, both at once.

He has an inner reserve of strength that allows him to keep his madness, his brutality and his violence in check. This would seem that his violent and cruel streaks are not so much the acts of one whom can’t help themselves but rather the acts of one who chooses to act that way and prefers it.

Character History

Terminus early life is fragmentary at best. There are tales that he fought in the Cybertronian underground under the alias “Flare”, legendary for his strength and cunning. What is clear is that at some point, Terminus was overtaken by an insatiable lust for violence and death that made him an unstoppable danger to anyone and everyone around him.

Terminus was taken in for Re-Programming and released back into the community a changed bot. He had become well spoken, peaceful to a fault, incapable of violence in any sense of the word.

Unfortunately his inability to act violently became a liability when his former associates caught up with him. In the ensuing days, Terminus endured torture, deliberate damage of his systems and energon starvation.

It was during this that the former personality of Terminus, the one that had been “Cleansed” from his system during the re-programming, resurfaced and recombined with the extant personality of Terminus. The result was a well spoken killing machine who ripped his tormentors to ribbons.

Since then, Terminus has made a name for himself as the well spoken crook, the eloquent thug, and the duplicitous diplomat. His ability to negotiate, often by force, has been a great boon to Predacons with regards to internal politics.

His assignment to the search and rescue mission was a controversial one, but came with the promise that Terminus would in no way harm the Maximals unless they betrayed the Predacons in a tangible, provable manner.

Tech Specs

Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 8.5
Speed: 4.5
Endurance: 9.5
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 7.0
Firepower: 4.0
Skill: 5.0

Weapon: Melee Weapons of any description, Bare hands preferred.

Motto: “Oh My Brothers, this is just the beginning.”

Additional Quotes

“Oh My Brothers, did you really think that was the end of me? I fell hard but I did not snuff it, oh no. If I had snuffed it, I would not be here to tell what I have told. If I am to die, dear brothers, then it shall most certainly be on my own terms, much the samey wamey as a certain traitor!”
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