Plot bunnies?

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Unread post by Safeguard »

What if the "Beast Wars The Gathering" Maximals and Predacons ended up in the right time-line (they'd been chronally displaced before) and joined their respective factions?

What if Beast Machines never happened and they got to Cybertron and imprisoned Megatron?

What if both Silverbolt and Tigatron fell in love with either Blackarachnia or Airazor? (Think Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream")

What if Depth Charge and Rampage were brothers? :shock:

How did the Maximals and Predacons join their groups? (I know someone wrote a fic about that, but never finished it. It was you, Sapph, right? I love that fic.)
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Unread post by fizzybird »

Rewrite the Beast Wars, especially the stuff between the episodes, with Rattrap as a girl who flirts with everyone in the Axalon.[/quote]

:shock: *screams from true horror*

Okay, I'll try this.
What if Tarry and BA made it late to Inferno's pod and he'd be
a maximal?
What if Megatron woul've succeeded in his plan to destroy Optimus
Prime in 'The Agenda'?

Okay, I'm kida lame at it, I try.
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Unread post by charade539 »

What if the Axalon hadn't followed the Predacon ship and continued on it's original mission?
I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe...
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Unread post by Yachi »

Some ideas I've been toying with (some are a bit bland, but some are...complex. Meh.)

1] What if Dinobot does kill Rattrap at the end of Maximal, No More? (afterwards)
2] What if Megatron and Optimus accidentally switch bodies?


3] Another ship from Cybertron crashes down, and another Maximal takes charge in Optimus's stead. Likewise, Megatron is overthrown by a powerful Predacon spy aboard the new Maximal ship.

4] The Maximals stumble upon an enormous underground facility (part of the Vox's "project") and it automatically starts a planetary destruction sequence. With only three megacycles before Earth blows up, the Maximals and Predacons form a shaky truce in order to figure out a way to stop it. (This can get very angsty.)

Tha's all I got.....I've got an inklin' that I'll be after that last one someday...maybe. Dunno. Gotta focus on one atta time.

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Unread post by Unvereitletmann »

I have some!
What if rhinox was unable to find optimus in coming of the fuzors?
and if he did but without having that blank stasis pod?

What if tarantulas had gained the control over the alien facility in Other Visits?

What if Rampage had recover his spark from Megatron?

How the character of transmutate might have developed if he survived his one only aparition ( I didn't liked him at all, though it may be an interesting point of development in the stories)

What could've happened if after getting tarantulas off-line in Other Voices the pod wasn't finished?

And what if Tarantulas was the one inside it (I know he may have died as Optimus, cause that was what Megatron had planned, but with this I mean if he had a comeback or just plain killed him)

What if Megatron hadn´t succeeded in the beast wars? (Some of our worst nightmares called Beast Machines wouldn't exist, but i tried to figure how to continue the saga)

What if the predacons survived Nemesis, maximals might transport them back? or just Megatron.

Well my head is just flying around in ideas! I hope I can add more later.

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Unread post by Arachnid Champion »

My bump is smaller than the last one.
What if Tarry and BA made it late to Inferno's pod and he'd be
a maximal?
I am, in fact, writing down that very happenstance in my current fanfic. It gets rather interesting.

Let's see:
What if Scorponok and Terrorsaur survived Aftermath and were Transmetallized?
What if Tigatron and Airazor had blasted the Vok plant instead of promising to find each other in the afterlife?
What if Tarantulas succeeded in possessing/controlling TigerhawK?
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
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Unread post by Jagna »

re-reawakened zombie thread?
u noobs hav GOT to stop doing this...

ah well, when in rome...

heres one i shouldv put down when I first got here:

what if megs had succeeded in destoying optimus prime but the autobots win the great war anyway? :shock: :shock: :shock: tht would be ironic... :lol:
[img][/img] || [img][/img]
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Unread post by Safeguard »

Where the HELL do these linker people COME FROM!? :evil: :evil: :evil: *snatches Thor's sword from Matantei Loki and electrocutes possible spambots to death*
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Unread post by Razor One »

Thank you safeguard, the post by said spambot has been deleted and sapph is in the process of baninating the cursed filth from these fair forums.

Thats the second time that particular spambot has hit us. We can only hope that the upcoming Smite button is implemented without delay.
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Unread post by RobotInDisguise »

For some unexplained reason that's up to the author, the Beast Warriors are reborn as humans and live quite normal lives... until...

Randy's a short, skinny, womanizer who lives the life of the party as he continually attempts to convince Beth, the girl who works at the flower shop, to go with him to prom. Clint, his hot, blonde, fourteen-year-old brother, is a promising star on the high school track team. Life seems normal for the boys until they bring home a tall, burly seemingly ordinary Japanese exchange student with a healthy obsession for the samurai arts and values.

First, it's strange dreams of a past life and constant bickering between Randy and the Japanese boy. Then, while attempting to outrun the brutal track captain, Michael, in a race through a forest, Clint spots Tom, Beth's rumored-to-be-insane rival, standing over the remains of a stasis pod.

Meanwhile, Raymond, Clint and Randy's older brother, gets home from college and lands an internship with a company that calls itself the Maximal Elders. If the projects from Ray's work, the Japanese guy, and Tom and the stasis pod aren't odd enough, there's also Tom's Asian ex-girlfriend, a girl who's very well-versed in martial arts who seems to have an unusual interest in toxins.

Write it like a high school drama manga, preferably with lots of action and humor, but start it slow, centering on Randy and Clint's respective lives and dreams.

Characters and descriptions:

Randy Lonsdale
Hair: light brown
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'3-5'5
Build: skinny
Age: 18
Can always be seen knawing on a half-eaten apple. Reads spy novels. Wears mostly gray and dull-colored clothes.

Clint Lonsdale
Hair: blonde
Eyes: undecided
Height: 5'10
Build: medium
Age: 14
Immature. Likes cars and track practice but dislikes the team leader. Very cute. Wears black and gold team uniforms.

Randy Lonsdale
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Height: 6'0
Build: stocky
Age: 21
Wise, smart, tends to have a bit of a temper. Geek and likes to build things. Goes to MIT.

Hair: gray
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'11
Build: almost as stocky as Randy
Age: middle-aged.
Is secretly Optimus Primal. Mysterious. Does not have to appear much.

If she exists, she doesn't appear much and doesn't seem to be important.

Ken the samurai
Age: 18
Hair: black
Eyes: black
Skin: same color as Dinobot's helmet
Height: 6'3
Build: muscular
growls alot. Not the stereotypical, small, polite Japanese dude. Knows martial arts and prefers kendo. Argues alot with Randy.

Beth McNamara
Age: 18
Hair: dirty blonde, always tied back
eyes: green
Height: 5'5
Build: average
works 20hrs/week at the local flower shop. Initially indifferent to Randy. Always around at least 50% of the strange things that happen to the Lonsdales and is rivals with Tom when it comes to developping fertilizers.

Tom Hutchins
Age: 17
Hair: changes colors every week
Eyes: always wears goggles
Skin: pale
Height: 5'10
Build: medium
Seems to live in a chem lab and works some mysterious professor Migat.

Unnamed Asian girl
Age: 17
Hair: black, short, multi-layered and highlighted subtly.
eyes: black
Skin: gold
Height: 5'3
Build: petite
Tom's exgirlfriend. Hates Tom. Very agile and has at least 1 black belt.

Age: 18
Hair: red
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'8
Build: average
Screechy, whiny track captain who's sorta friends with Tom. Hates Clint. Wears a red track uniform.

Professor Migat
Age: unknown
Hair: black
Eyes: wears sunglasses that flash purple
height: unknown
Build: broad shoulders, large hands. otherwise unknown.
Seen only once or twice in the beginning, and only speaking to either Tom or the Lonsdales' dad. One of the communiques has someone watching Barney in the background.

Background figures. Always the same two boys fighting everywhere they go.

Hair: blonde
Really nice guy. Is Clint's friend and after the Asian chick. Starts as a background kid but begins to come more and more into the foreground.

Anyhow, just start and then go on. Like I said, it's a high school drama/action thing.
There's more to that than meets the eye.
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Unread post by artemis-lady-warrior »

okay..... zombie thread ahoy. lol somebody should really lock this if it keeps getting reawakened. since I can't I might as well post my whatever they're calleds.

What if Airazor and Terrorsaur actually liked each other?
What if Rhinox had stayed a Predacon?
What is Depth Charge hadn't died when he blew up Rampage?
What if DB2 hadn't of let himself get killed by the exploding Nenesis?
When did Megatron find the ark the first time before Blackarachnia and Silverbolt dug it out again?
What if Inferno had been a female?
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Unread post by Razor One »

How do you avoid becoming a necromancer of threads?

The answer is simple. CHECK THE DATE. If the last post was three months or more ago, DONT POST. If you REALLY want to discuss the topic, check for a more recent topic. If you cant find a more recent topic, then go ahead and make one, as long as it's worth the time to read.
Locked As Per Necroposting Rules