1.) After Earth  2.) The Great Battle 3.) Invincible 4.) Picking up the Pieces
5.) When the Tide has Turned 6.) Whetting Calamity's Appetite 7.) Prologue to Hell 8.) Disclaimer Note

Welcome to the After Earth series section.  This series has been a good learning experience for me as a writer and as you read along, you'll see that each story gets better and better and more and more interesting.  My story 'When the Tide has Turned' was one of my particularly good ones.  But the thing is, the very first in my series which is unfortunately a first impression, was my very first fan fiction!  So it, for obvious reasons, wasn't very good.   I have come a long way from the first story.  Even the second in the series is a big jump from there.  You can, if you want, read the first, though if you'd rather dive into the better quality stuff, click here for a one page summary of the first story.


Also, it is advisable that you read the Note From Authoress as there are some important things in there.

I really hope you enjoy the series, and if you do, then read the Uprising series which is a direct follow on from this series.  Please send your comments or suggestions to malachite157@yahoo.com  and tell me what you think!


Please note that I am South African and that South African English is very slightly different.  If you are American, you would spell color with no 'u', but in South Africa (and Britain) the word is spelt colour.  There are numerous little words like that.

Before you read my series, please click here - it is very important. 

All fan fiction on this page is copyrighted to Sapphire and may not be reused in any way without her consent.  She claims the rights to her own characters but does not claim the right to Beast Wars Transformers and their respective characters.  Beast Wars is a product of Hasbro, Mainframe and Alliance Entertainment.