The VR’s Most Hilarious Quest
By: Lady Scale
Scene 10
INTRO: TM2 DinobotARR, SapphireARR, TM RattrapARR and (minimized) TM MegatronARR tripped over themselves on the platform when entering The TowerMP through one of the Portals.
{TM2 Db: LiteOn is the main computer that is in the Tower.}
[Sapphire gets off Rattrap, looks around and finds the FevraVonarsMP she knows on BWINT …and a renegade PoisonMP.]
{TM2 Db: Poison is Widia’sMP (Spydrana’sMP sister) infestation mode that looks like a black Zerg Lurker.}
Poison: ::skitters into view:: *Shrieks* *Growls*
RT: O.o “OY!!”
[A huge claw catches the infestation but she slips out of it’s grasp, she roars at it, but is caught again and now she’s whimpering like an injured puppy.]
LemarakashMP: ::is controlling the claw, puts Poison into a giant jar that is among others and closes the lid::
Poi: ::in the jar:: *Squeaks*
Lema: ::is plugging up holes in the jar’s lid with the same claw::
Poi: ::draws a deep breath::
[Some White GuardiansMP come in the room and corner the ‘intruders’.]
{TM2 Db: Guardians are giant black stick-figure-like half-spirits that protect certain temples in the VR. White Guardians are the same, but on a smaller scale.]
Megatron: “Alright! Hand over that huge gem! Yeessss!”
Guardian: ::zaps him with a hand::
Megs: *Splat!* ::is now a puddle of purple goo with red eyeballs on the floor:: “Clean-up on isle 5!...”
TM2 Db: -_@ “Good going Megs…”
[MimeMP, the Virus Security agent comes in with SmarandaMP, LS’s cat.]
Smaranda: “Hi all!”
Mime: “Good morning. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. At ease!”
[The White Guardians stop the aggressive stance.]
Sm: “My name’s Smaranda.”
RT: “But ‘ah know ‘ya.”
Sm: >< “I was talking to her, doofus!” ::gestures towards Sapphire::
RT: “Oh, right…” -_-
Sm: “I’ll take care of this.” ::sucks the Megs puddle into a huge eyedropper::
Megs: ::in the eye dropper:: “Just give it to me straight. How bad is it?”
Mime: “Ahem. Shall we?”
TM2 Db: “Of course.”
Sapph: “Hold it! You can change Megatron back, right? Because I don’t want to get back to the Fic Studio with ‘Megs Soup’!”
[They all go around the giant jars, which are holing Poison, Zombie Nova HowlerMP (wearing the ‘space-casket’ of hers), a PredatorARR, a ZergARR, and who else than MorganaMP.]
{TM2 Db: A Predator is from the ‘Aliens vs. Predator’ ‘craze’, A Zerg is from the ‘Starcraft: Brood War’ game, and Morgana is the #1 infested FevraVonar in the VR.}
Mime: “We have the capability to reconstitute the body to its original state. The mind, though, will still remain a gooey mess.”
Sapph: “Oh…” ::looks at the jars doubtfully::
[They go into another room where DecemberMP and SecreteriaMP are tending to ReconquistaMP who is laying in an open PylonMP… and has spikes growing on her face and chest.]
Sm: “Your dismissed.” (the bird and snow leopard go) ::to Req:: “You doing okay?”
Req: “Yeah.”
Sm: ::pushes a button and the lid of the Pylon closes so Reconquista would sleep::
Sapph: “Um… What exactly is it that you do here?”
Sm: “Security for the other worlds the Portals are connected to, Infestation control, all kinds of stuff…”
[They go down a hall that has huge windows viewing the Great Desert of the VR, by the looks of it, they are at least a few kilometers high and lots of levitating hallways and rooms are connecting and disconnecting from each other and around the tower like chains.]
Sapph: o_o “Wow….” ::is out of words:: “Awesome…”
[They go by a Magic PenARR that is holding Clone KyraMP.]
{TM2 Db: A ‘Magic Pen’ is a destructible doodad from the ‘Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne’ game, and Clone Kyra is a Brackar-based clone of KiramashMP, the Terratron saint.}
Sapph: ::looks at the monster a bit scared::
[On the opposite side of the hallway they where, OctoberMP and MantistaMP are moving a strap-bed that’s holding down an infested original DinobotARR. (Now he has wings, horns and hooves. ….What do you say, is this DiabloARR?)]
Db: “No! Let me go! I’m fine! DO YOU HEAR ME?!” >_> “What are you looking at, Vermin?”
RT: 0_o “Uh… Notin’…” ::keeps staring::
Sapph: ::keeps staring wide-eyed too::
AT ‘BAD GUY CENTRAL’: VoldemortARR is giving CarnageMP an earful.
V: “What is wrong with you?! You smited a whole village by their souls before, and now you can’t even handle a girl and 3 robots! (She looks at him with a bored face) “-And don’t blame the equipment! The equipment is good!” *shrug* “Now buck up and lets see a little smile.”
Carn: ::makes a slight smirk::
V: “Little bigger…”
Carn: ::give a slight smile::
V: “A little bigger…”
Carn: ::her lips stretch from ear to ear, her smile twice as big as her head::
V: *blink* “Uh… Good girl. NOW GET OUT!!”
Carn: ::falls over off the stool, but gets up and goes::
V: “Be careful! There are some men out there that are moving a piano and I don’t want you to trip the rope and-“ (We hear a piano that fell on some guys.) “-…and be careful of the box of fireworks, it’s-“ (We hear someone tripping over something, and we hear poofs, pops, and explosions.) “-ahem… I guess I shouldn’t mention about the stained glass windo-“ (we hear some glass shattering) *sigh* “…It’s tough being the boss…”
End of Scene 10