The VR’s Most Hilarious Quest 

By: Lady Scale

Scene 6 

INTRO: We see SapphireARR going to Optimus Primal’sARR house where RattrapARR lives as well. 

Sapphire: ::knocks at the door:: “Hello?” ::opens the door and goes in:: “Hellooo?!” ::looks around the room:: “Helloo?! Rattrap?! Uh, I’m not mad at you, I just want to know if that purple tyrant knew where he was going!” 

[She hears some sounds in another room and goes there, opens the door, and realizes that it’s the bathroom and somebody was taking a shower. She slowly creeps up, and gets the shower-curtain to one side.] 

*Que scary music* 

TM2 Db: (looks like he’s in a black&white film) ::looks back in horror:: ::starts screaming in pain:: 

Sapph: 0_0, o_0, o_o, (he keeps screaming) 0_o, …-_- ::she makes a bored face::  

TM2 Db: ::holds on to the shower curtain, it rips and he falls flat in a fatal position:: 

[We zoom in on the shower floor, where we see Dinobot’s hand opening a can of CocaColaARR and spills it (hence for the blood), we zoom in into the drain, and it does that ‘drain-to-(Db’s)eye’ effect] 

TM2 Db: ::stops playing dead:: “Doesn’t anybody knock anymore?” ::goofy grin:: 

Sapph: >_<* “Why are you torturing me?” ::stomps into the hall:: “What did I ever do to-“ ::notices the newspaper on a table:: “*gasp* Oh no… Starath is coming here for a show? Now I know why Lady S. wanted me to get Megatron back by Wednesday… Now she’ll be so disappointed…” *sniff* ::gets teary-eyed:: 

TM2 Db: ::gets in with a towel in his hand:: “Ah, please Miss Sapphire, I can’t stand to see a grown woman cry. Will you feel better if I told you Megatron went to Party Central with Rattrap?” 

Sapph: *sniff* “…It might…” 

TM2 Db: ::throws the towel:: “Well then, how about taking a cruise… in this?”  

[They both get in MehmedMP, the cool black car, Sapphire in the driver’s seat, and Dinobot in the passengers’.] 

TM2 Db: “Ahem. Party Central, Mehmed…” 

Meh: “Taking you to ‘Party Central’.” ::engine starts::  

[They both have their seatbelts automatically fastened.] 

Meh: “Hang on.” 


[Both of them are almost thrown back by the force Mehmed’s 400 horse-power was accelerating.] 

LATER: We see Mehmed going down the same track Kup did earlier. And there is the ‘My Name Is’ song by Eminem playing from Mehmed’s radio.  

Sapph: >_< ‘This song is SOOO irritating…’ ::shuts the radio off::  

Meh: “Hey! Hmph. You have no music in your soul, missie’…” 

Sapph: -_- “I am aware of that, yes…” 

TM2 Db: “You are sure you’re not curious of all the ‘extras’ he’s got? Heh. What a wi-“ 

Sapph: “Don’t touch ANYTHING! You can set off a bomb somewhere, where, you won’t know!”  

TM2 Db: ::is not listening to her and pushes a random button:: 

[A hatch opens on Mehmed’s back bumper, and a rocket shoots out. They both look behind and see an explosion that crumbles a random cliff.] 

Sapph: ::sights in relief:: 

TM2 Db: “Heh. What does this do?” ::pushes another button:: 


[A bottle pops up and pours some energon-champagne in a glass.] 

TM2 Db: ::look strangely at it but takes it:: “Ah well. It's one o’clock somewhere…” 

Sapph: *>_> “You touch one, more, thing… I will-“ 

TM2 Db: “Shhhh! I’m about to defy you…” ::reaches for another button:: 

Sapph: ::tries to swat his hand away, but ends up pushing the button herself:: 0_0 “Oops.” 

*Beep! Beep! Beep!* 

TM2 Db: <_@ “Now you did it…” 

Meh: “Hands down, please.” 

[A ray beam pops up and they are engulfed in a yellow light] 


[The light dies down, and they appear in… formal clothes. Sapphire has dressed in a shiny blue dress, and TM2 Dinobot was in a silver-like suit.] 

Meh: “Formal wear, activated.” 

TM2 Db: -_@ “Um… At least you know people’s tastes, Mehmed…” 

Sapph: ::notices that her dress is quite revealing:: >_< “Oh… no…” 

[Another annoying rap song starts off the radio, and we are watching Mehmed zooming off into the distance.] 

End of Scene 6