The VR’s Most Hilarious Quest 
By: Lady Scale

Scene 3 

INTRO: We see the inside of ‘Sector 43’ which is actually ‘Sembre’, the famous pizza parlor, where lots of characters, bots and such are dining and chatting. 

[We view one of the tables, where FelixARR and a HydraliskARR are protesting.] 

[Screen freezes] {TM2 Db: Felix is a Protoss hero and the Hydralisk is a Zerg from the ‘Starcraft: Brood War’ strategy game.} [Screen unfreezes] 

Felix: “-and I said that I’d be good for that role, but she said I’m too ‘sophisticated’.” *sigh* “Talk about ‘politically correct’, eh?..." 

Hydralisk: *growl!* *hiss!* {Translation: “Your telling me?...”} 

[We pan to see another table, where the litch, Kel’ThuzadARR, IllidanARR and the death knight, ArthasARR are arguing.] 

[Screen freezes] {TM2 Db: Illidan, Kel’Thuzad and Arthas are heroes from the strategy game, ‘Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos’ and its expansion ‘The Frozen Throne’.} [Screen unfreezes] 

Kel’Thuzad: “What kind of performance do you call THAT?! You sound like a penguin, and making me look bad!” 

Arthas: “Sorry, I was trying to be in character.” 

Kel’Thuzad: “You mess up in the next scene, you will be ‘Jack Frost’!” 

Illidan: “Same goes for me! You try anything and you’ll be meeting my blade!” ::holds his blade in a treating position:: 

Arthas: ::backs away quickly:: 

[We view yet another table, where TM2 Dinobot is talking with Sapphire (she’s still got the blue paint on her shirt and face) about the new fic] 

Sapphire: “Okay, there are some parts of this new fic that need to be adjusted. There is not enough humor and too much PG-13 rating, nobody learns anything!” 

TM2 Db: ::casually:: “Megatron learns not to stay in place when he’s about to be crushed by a 1 ton wooden rabbit…” 

In the Background: We see G1 SoundwaveARR taking a seat and ejecting his cassettes. 

Sapph: “He’s gone.” 

Background: Soundwave pours some bird seed in a bowl, and LazerbeakARR and BuzzsawARR start pecking at it. 

TM2 Db: “Nah, he always comes back. I just tell him how I need him. We hug, we cry,-“ 

Background: At another table, Beast Wars RampageARR is about to eat the ‘Fillet of Manta Ray’ he ordered. 

TM2 Db: “- I slice some of his parts off, I laugh…” 

Background: Depth Charge grabs Rampage and starts pounding him. 

Sapph: “He is HISTORY, okay?” 

TM2 Db: *blink* ::becoming unnerved:: 

Sapph: “And another thing, in the fic, there will be some naga guys that need to be defeated. Answer, we add a hot femme that will subdue them.” 

TM2 Db: “Naturally,-” ::turns into femme mode:: (insert wolf whistle) “- I have that certain ‘attraction’ spell…” 

[Then, a blushy original Dinobot comes and gives her a rose, then goes back to his seat] 

Sapph: ^_^() “Um… about that ‘cross-dressing’ thing, to some, funny, to me, disturbing…” 

TM2 Db: ::turns back:: “Miss. If you don’t find this feature amusing, we have absolutely nothing to discuss about.” 

Sapph: --* “Look. I didn’t get much sleep last night, I’m trying to be nice; I came here for this because of that contract I signed, and I’m not going to let you, or some purple T-jex-”  

TM2 Db: “Rex.” 

Sapph: “T-rex, T-wacky, T-nutty, T-fruitcake, T-extra crispy, it doesn’t matter…” 

TM2 Db: ::puts a lot of contracts in front of her:: “Well, these matter-” ::shows his creation certificate:: “-and this! 

Sapph: ::reads it and pauses a moment:: o_o 

TM2 Db: “And I say, we get my ‘dad’ back.” 

End of Scene 3