The VR’s Most Hilarious Quest

Scene 14


By: Lady Scale


INTRO: We see the underground walls packed up with tons of dynamite crates, then pan to see SapphireARR and RattrapARR with their hands tied up to a giant crane hook.


RT: ::tries to break free::


Sapph: “You know, when I fired that megalomaniac, I never thought we’d be in this kind of predicament…”


RT: “We gotta’ find ah’ way out of ‘dis.”


Optimus PrimalARR: “You just have to put your mind to it, Rattrap…”


RT: <_< >_> “Besides ‘dat, Ah’m hearin’ Op’s voice in mah’ head.”


OP: “I’m down here, friends!”


[We switch to the scene of the Hogwarts express going at top speed, then we get back.]


RT: “Don’ worry, Ah’ll be ‘dere in a jiffy!”


[Rattrap and Sapphire get out of the ropes easily.]


Sapph: *blink* “That was too easy…”


[They get off, then the hook goes up, and a huge crate fell and cracked open in front of them. Its contents turned out to be a huge pile of bones that started assembling.]


*skitter skater scamper*




OP: “What was that noise, Rattrap?”


RT: 0_o() “Uh… Op? Abou’ L.S.’s favorite critter in Heroes 4?”


OP: “Uh, yes?”


RT: “Ah just found out…”


[The creature that emerged from the bones turned out to be a Bone Dragon from Heroes of Might and Magic 4. ()]


BD: *ROOARRR!* ::starts snapping at them::


BD’s point of view: We see that everything is in infra-red.


[Rattrap and Sapphire try to evade the dragon, but it keeps getting in their way.]


Sapph: “Hold it. Metal brakes bone, right?” ::picks up a huge wrench:: “Hey! You want to play? Catch!” ::throws it at the Bone Dragon::


[The critter catches it in its jaws, and munches it like it was a biscuit.]


Sapph&RT: O.O()


BD: >:):. ::growls satisfied and licks its chomps::


IN SPACE: We see UnicronARR in his whole lot smaller planet mode charging up to fire.


[We zoom out to the inside of Nova’s 6th level starfighter modeMP, where BW MegatronARR is holding a jet pack.]


M: “It looks like it’s going to be a deadly mission requiring strength, cunning and nerves of steel! Oh yesss… So,-” ::shoves the jet pack in TM2 Dinobot’sARR arms “- good luck, Dinobot, I’ll keep the engine running.”


TM2 Db: -_@ “Thanks, Megatron…” ::puts in on and goes out of the ship::


[He looks around and sees a cannon pointed at his head. It belonged to MorganaMP.]


Morg: >:( “You tricked me!”


TM2 Db: ^_@ “How’s it going, Morg?”


Morg: “Now I’ll have to incapacitate you with my bubbles!” ::makes a huge pink bubble with her cannon::


TM2 Db: “Isn’t that cute.” ::pokes it::




[TM2 Db was thrown back and hit the hood of Unicron. Hard.]


TM2 Db: ::shakes head and looks meanly at her:: “Of course you realize, this… means… war…” ::takes his laser monocle off and it turned into a red lights-saberARR::


{TM2 Db: A light saber is from Star Wars.}


[They start battling in mid space. TM2 Dinobot is even reading a book while fighting like a pro.]


BACK IN THE UNDERGROUND: The Hogwarts train is still going at top speed.


[Skip the scene to Sapphire and Rattrap with the dragon.]


RT: ::points:: “Yah’ go ‘dat way, ah’ll go dis way!” ::runs to the side of the room, but is intercepted by the Bone Dragon’s tail:: “Yipe!”


BD: ::looks back at it’s tail, growls, and hits the rat::


Sapph: “Careful, Rattrap!”


RT: ::tries to crawl away, and holds on to a pole::


BD: ::grabs and drags him back::


RT: “AAaaaaa!”


Sapph: ::throws stuff at the dragon:: “Let him go! Now!”


OP: “I don’t want to put you under pressure, but judging by the vibrations of these train tracks, I’ve still got 1 minute and 35 seconds left!”


Sapph: “Down! Put him down!”


BD: ::throws Rattrap in a pile of crates::


RT: “Ayyeeeee!” *THUD*


BACK IN SPACE: TM2 Dinobot is still battling like a pro.


[We zoom out to Nova’s interior, where Megatron is holding his rubber ducky and sucking his thumb.]


M: *gulp* “What am I going to do, what will a Decepticon do? What will Megatron do?-” ::slaps self:: “Hold it. I am Megatron.”


{insert hero music}


M: ::stands up proudly:: “Yesss! I’m going to be the hero of this picture!” ::puts on a jet pack:: “Megatron to the rescue!!


*BOOM!* [The jet pack exploded.]


M: (is covered in soot) ::takes another one @_@ “Megatron to the rescue.”




M: ::gets another one:: @_@ “Megatron to the-“




M: ::looks at the last jet:: -_- “Meg-“




OUSIDE THE SHIP: Megatron, without a jet pack, is flying out.


M: “AHA! It’s you-know-who to the rescue!” ::points at his back:: “Forgot about my own jets…”


BACK IN THE UNDERGROUND: Sapphire climbs up a net of crates and hangs on.


BD: ::looks back menacingly at Sapphire:: *Growl!* ::chomps on the net and shakes it::


Sapph: “AAAAAAaaa! Bad dragon! Bad dragon! Let go!”


RT: ::gets up, shakes his head, sees a dangling crane hook and gets an idea::


[The TM rat grabs the hook, swings on it, attaches the hook to the Bone Dragon’s neck, and jumps off.]


BD: ::looks back at the rat:: *GROWL!* ::goes after him::


[We see the Hogwarts train getting close and Rattrap runs towards where Optimus is tied up.]


BD: ::is held back by the hook::


RT: ::does the great jump and…::


Sapph: O_O ::sees the train went through… and Rattrap and Primal are on the side of the rail tracks alright:: ^_^ “YAY!!”


BACK AT THE TRAIN: We see Mal’GanasARR, from Warcraft 3, cursing that he lost them, looks back at the front of the train and sees the pile of lighted dynamite.


MG: 0_0 … –_- ::hold up a sign saying “And they don’t pay me enough”::


*BOOOOOM!!!* [The explosion was at safe distance]


BD: ::looks, frowns and scratches itself like a dog::


BACK IN SPACE: A claw loads the Eye of Sargeras into Unicron, and he is getting ready to fire.


[TM2 Dinobot is still fighting with Morgana… but a bubble hit his hand, the light saber went flying, and he got engulfed in a giant bubble, one he couldn’t get out.]


Morg: “That takes care of the raptor, now to neutralize that T-rex!” ::takes out a remote and pushes a button::


[Megatron evades some energy polls, but they get attracted to him like a magnet, and…


*Squish!* [Megatron was squished in between two polls.]


M: -_- “Ugh. This can’t be good.” (*BOOM!*) @_@ ::shakes head::


Morg: “Hah! Now the gem will bathe the VR in a brainless transforming glow!”


Unicron: “Launch in 10…. 9…..”


M: ::throws his tail gun at the ray beam::


U: “8…. 7….6….”


[It hit the spot, and held on.]


U: “5…. 4…. 3…. 2…. 1…. Overload!... Overload!”


Morg: “Grrrr! Working evil makes my skin crack!” ::points her cannon at the huge bubble TM2 Dinobot was trapped in::




TM2 Db: ::sticks his hand over Morgana’s cannon::


[She pulls the trigger, and she gets herself trapped in a bubble.]


TM2 Db: “Hehe. It takes care of that!-“ ::is caught in the claw:: “ARGH!!”


[Megatron’s tail is holding the ray beam back, but a little beam still shoots out and goes towards the planet.]


U: “Overload!... Overload!... Kaboom!”




TM2 Db: ::goes flying:: “AAAAaaaa!” ::is caught by Megs:: -_@ “Thanks, Megatron.”


M: ::gives off the shining smile::


Morg: (still in the bubble) “Curse you, do gooders!”


WITH THE BEAM: ::it goes towards the evil castle::


Voldemort: ::is out of the stupidity shield:: “Are you all idiots yet?” ::sees the beam:: 0_o “Oh no…”




[Sapphire, Rattrap and Primal get back and see him.


V: ::counts on his fingers:: “Duh… 2 + 2 = 5, me thinks…”


Simona: ::is crying next to him::


OP: ::takes out hand cuffs:: “Check mate, Voldemort. You're going down.” ::cuffs him::


BACK IN SPACE: We see Nova going back home.


M: “Oh come on! Just a little ‘you’re my hero’?”


TM2 Db: “Nope. Not interested.”


M: “Come on. Nobody will ever know!”


TM2 Db: “Nope.”


BACK: Rattrap puts his hand on Optimus’s shoulder.


OP: ::looks back:: “I’m proud of you, Rattrap.” ::hugs him:: “I knew I could count on you!”


RT: ::looks at the window and sees Nova getting back:: “Uh, Op, ‘ah think we should move…”


OP: “But what’s wrong with our house?”


RT: “I meant from this spot…”


[They look at the window, scream, and run for cover.]




V: “Ooo! Pweeetty! Do it again!”


[Nova went through the window, and hit the wall in the room. Then TM2 Dinobot and Megatron walk out casually.]


TM2 Db: <_@ “I think we scratched her…”


M: “Don’t worry. It’ll pass.”


Sapph: “Guys! You pulled it off!”


TM2 Db: ::pulls Megatron’s mouth off: “Pulled it off alright.”


M: ::takes it back: “Give me that!”


RT: ::gives him a pat in the back:: “Way to go. Megabutt!”


M: “You didn’t do so bad yourself, stunt-rat.”


TM2 Db: “Okay, to set the records straight, all the credit for saving the VR goes to… Megatron.”


M: “Exactl- Hwoa, hold it, you’re the hero, buster!”


TM2 Db: “You’re the hero!”


M: “You’re the hero- wait a minute! Pronoun trouble. I’m the hero.”


TM2 Db: “I’m the hero alright!”




WITH SAPPHIRE: They are going down a hall.


Sapph: “I didn’t properly introduce myself.” ::shakes Primal’s hand:: “I am Sapphire, a really big fan… of Rattrap!” ^_^


RT: ^_^()


TM2 Db: “Well, congratulations Megatron! You achieved your goal of being a hero!”


M: “Yessss! And you didn’t achieve your goal of putting me back in your stupid movie! Aha!”


Lady ScaleMP: “Cut! Okay guys! That’s a rap!”


[The background began disassembling, and we see the interior of a studio where there are a lot people and actors going around.]


M: 0_o … -.-… <_< “Remind me to get a new agent, will you… Hey! Maybe we are a team! Dinobot and-no, wait- Megatron and Dinobot! What do you say?”

RT: ::looks at his stunt double:: “’Ey, you. Remember me? ‘Ah threaten’ you manly an’ yah’ got me fire’?”


RTsd: “Oh! I remember you!” (to his secretary) >_> “Do I know him?” (back to RT) “I think you must be a bot I fired. You know, I’m getting a lot of people fired.”


RT: -_-* “Uh huh.”


RTsd: “Be good now.” ^_^


RT: “Like I said…”




RTsd: ::is on the ground::


Others: “Oh no, not again.” “He’s out again.” “What about the other guy?” “He said he could do stunts!”


RT: ::looks at Sapphire:: “Let's go.” ::they hold hands and get off the set::


LS: (to TM2 Dinobot) “The usual, Dinobot?”


TM2 Db: (to LS) “Of course.” (to Megs) “You know Megatron, you're right. From now on we will be equal partners in this situation. No second prize for you.” ::goes out with LS::


M: ^_^ “Thanks pal! I really appreciate this! Yesss!” (to himself) “At last. My star is rising! All my hopes and aspirations will-“ ::notices:: “Whoops.” ::hops to his left::


*CRASH!* [A spotlight fell where he was before.]


M: “Heahahaha!” ::walks past the spotlight:: “What do you know! My luck is changing already!” *SQUISH!* (a big black circle just fell on him)


TM2 Db: ::comes out of the circle:: ^_@ “End, baby…”


LS: “See you next time!”


[Everything goes to black.]