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Varyn’s Top 10 Reasons Why Dinobot is the BEST Beast Warrior ever!!!*


  Disclaimer: Poor Dinobot…Not only does he belong to the evil draconian overlords at hasbro, he’s being made fun of by puny, insignificant little me. Life is so cruel….Awwww Dinobot you know I love you best, I just have to make fun of you too or the others will never cease thier moaning, especially Rattrap…You know how he is…*Dinotbot’s voice pipes up from the other room* “Could I not just exterminate him and save myself the humiliation?”*…Sorry, my dear fellow Raptor, but no…Apparently some people actually LIKE that pest! *rolls optics*


10. He can go from being the character with the most personality to the one with the least--Just add Transmetal and stir.


9. He whines about being treated like a Predicon criminal and then casts the snooty look to end all snooty looks when any 'you're a maximal now' sympathy is forthcoming...A better approach would probably be to say something like: "Oh, geez, don't worry about it-no one will remember you, anyway...I mean what important things did you ever really DO on cybertron? Everyone knows Megatron is the important one. Without his schemes, you were probably pretty useless." or even: "Heck, just walk around in your beast mode all the time and sign autographs for crazed Jurrassic Park junkies."


8. That voice...'Nuff said.


7. Somehow stealing disks for Megatron/ stealing disks from Megatron/ returning disk to Megatron/ Destroying returned disk/ dying in the process/ ultimate victim of own stupidity/ makes him one of the 'Best of Cybertron'.


6. Heck, I just like to count how many times he's says the word 'honor' in any given episode...especially those episodes in which he is being less than honorable. (Try it-its fun!)


5. I’m still thinking about his voice. Can you tell?


4. Likes to defeat his enemies the old fashioned way-BRUTALLY!... Or just cram them into the waste disposal unit, what the heck...


3. He wields a mean energon sword, and a spinning thingy that he seems to use for little more than looking impressive.


2. The indecisive teetering on the fringes of both factions. He must get some sort of twisted, vicarious titillation out of doing this...either that or he had some sort of tragic childhood that has led to even Dinobot not really knowing why Dinobot does the crazy things he does.... (Do you trust me?...Do you STILL trust me?...Ok, how 'bout now?...Oh WHY doesn't anybody trust me...I am doomed to die alone!!!)


1. The way he blames this indecisive teetering on the fact that his honor is Predicon honor, not Maximal honor. I actually believe this one, as I've gathered through the comparison of his and Silverbolt's ideologies that Maximal honor involves: a) Butt-kissing the local female(s) in the hopes of  'getting some'. b) Being absolutely loyal to your commander unless he is standing in the way of your 'getting some.' c) A very, very, high Corn Factor, elevated by the want to 'get some'.

Predicon honor, on the other hand, involves: a) Bloodlust, and lots of it. b) Shakespeare quotations. c) Honesty is not terribly important. You may hide things from your crewmates; attempt to destroy former crewmates; and betray every single crewmate you have ever had--but at the end of the day, you're still honorable. Sweet, huh?


*--Ok, for once the sarcastic title style of my Top 10 lists isn’t sarcastic—Dinobot really IS the best Beast Warrior ever. Life’s just full of little ironies, huh?