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All Plans Ascew

Chapter 1


Authors notes....: To make my fics work a bit better, the TM2 tech was used to clone Dinobot before the end of season 2, probably around the time of Transmutate. Also, other than the TM2 clone Dinobot and Blackarachnia, there are no transmetals. And Megs has not figured out how to turn an already existing 'bot into a TM, only construct them ala the clone (thus it sort of makes sense how BA screwed herself up and needed to be reprogrammed as a Maximal when she tried to TM2 herself.) This just makes that TM2 device of some unknown origin (where'd they get that thing, anyway?) more of an advantage to whatever side that holds it, (if they can figure it out).

Other than this, I try to keep things fairly consistent with the show, but I can't guarantee anything.

And of course, BW and all its characters belong to the evil overlords at hasbro, and to other such bloated icons of consumerist madness.


Of Time, Space, and Grouchy Robots...


The stars reeled, spun; a kaleidoscope of horror through the windows of a wildly careening shuttlecraft. A smashed, sundered vessel destined for a very, very, hard landing.


A lone robot worked feverishly, trying to regain control. Even her thoughts came in gasps:


Stupid...piece of...slag! I was...NEVER...meant to be...a pilot! Curse that...bloody thing...blew me out of the sky...


Into her mind flashed a vision of the bizarre monument that had blasted her ship with a thundering burst of energy...


She had never known of the danger.


It had started innocently enough...A simple mission to what was either a small moon or a large asteroid orbiting the nearby planet, Eterix 5. An unknown metal had been detected there and she was to go out and bring back a sample for testing.


Hardly even a challenge...


Only when she got within range for a visual, she discovered the strange metal was not found within the natural crevices and formations of the moon, rather it had been shaped already by forces unseen. A large pinnacle, adorned with many strange signs, towered over the bare rock on which it stood.


She wondered how it had cropped up there, for all the nearby planets were bereft of intelligent life. Alas, she did not have any great length of time to ponder it--for in the next moment it fired, tearing her vessel from its course; sending it spiraling into space...


That was when some sort of hole opened up in the fabric of space itself, its rippling mouth gaping ominously...In hardly a nanoclick, it had swallowed her small shuttle whole and spewed it out into another place, another time...


And directly onto a crash course with some sort of cloudy blue-green planet.


She was jerked back to the reality of the present as she realized that her only two crewmates were standing behind her, watching her frenzied efforts. Vaguely she heard a familiar, sultry, female voice ask with eerie calmness:


"We're finished, aren't we?"


* * * *


Nominated for Best Battle Sequence '03


All Plans Ascew


 Chapter 2


A Dilema Spirals Downward...



Utterly ridiculous...I, a veteran of the great war, a machine built purely for the purposes of battle...Dead on a mining mission to discover new metals for my defeated kind...Ah, I would never have signed up if it were not a mission with a subtext.




To seek and discover...Another sort of war, only now undercover.

Had their ideas not run so close with mine...I would not meet now with this demise.


Was it really--such hope!--destined to cross the path of doom? Perhaps...

But if I had let slip this trying chance...What then?


There was the rush of air, the blaze of red hot fire. Friction wrapped itself around the offending object, smiting it with burning blast, before--ere long--it was no more.


My ambitions yet ran too deep. Trying, for ages on end, to rekindle a lost flame.


Like all my race and creed, I had my chance. If only we had been somehow stronger...Fought somehow better, longer. Alas, carpe diem did not ring true for us! At least not then.


My only want was that it would sound again, for myself and the rest. That this lost last cause would be our best.




Forever, ever more.


'Til I met with that end in honor, the very thing which so many of my people sought and would yet seek if the chance should take wing again, even after all these wasted ages.

This chance I would have given them, should it have been given to me.


It was simply not to be.


* * * *


Had this been a sport, the move would have been brilliant.


The large--almost egg-shaped--craft hit the slightly convex, sandy, cliffside and scooted down it as though it were a ramp. It proceeded to skitter across the dusty valley and up a jutting piece of rock that spurred over the lip of a nearby canyon. At the end of the flat-faced pinnacle, it hit an upright--rather tooth-like--slab that that fired it backwards, head over non-existent heels. The slab, uprooted, shot off into the recesses of the energon-filled depths below... The ship smashed down onto its own back-end with a mighty fireball, no doubt due to the engine being violently rent in two.

As though committing a final bow, it abruptly flopped down onto the ground at the nearby pinnacle's base.


Hollowed by fiery blast, pummeled by rock and earth, but still triumphantly whole.


* * * *


Optimus Primal watched the object's descent into his territory. It was no stasis pod...Had Cybertron found them at last? He hoped it was so, but he knew it could be otherwise.


He would send a small team out for reconnaissance. If there were living maximals, he would send out more 'bots and they would do all they could to save them...If there were living predicons, this could prove an hour of bad news indeed. Even if they did not automatically side with Megatron, there was very little chance they would ever side with the maximals. If there was nothing left alive, this was but a race for good spare parts.


Either way, it was something of a waiting game...For now.


* * * *


Megatron had not been having a gook week...First Blackarachnia had stolen his TM2 device and defected...Then a stasis pod had landed practically beside his base...Only it was a blank, sparkless, protoform. Entirely useless.

If he had known what was to come next, he would have shut himself up in his quarters, taken a nice long energon bath, and tried to forget this world existed.


* * * *


"Megatron-there's something here and I think you should--"


Rampage got no further, as something large and very explosive crashed into his side...Followed by another, and another. Blasts from wrist-mounted energy cannons pummeled him until he dropped to ground, turning, his back to the energon-filled canyon below.


"Arise!" Commanded his adversary.


The voice was new too him. Female, yet lacking in screechiness... Rather it was low, melodious somehow, with an odd inflection. Not an earthling accent, exactly, just a small, strange, mannerism. R's emphasized, nearly rolled; harmonious with a hint of the guttural.


Alone she stood, her only two crewmates knocked off-line by the crash. She herself was rather damaged, yet entirely unafraid.


"Who ARE you? And why do you fire at me--we are both Predicons!" Rampage demanded in return.


"I would fire at any who served the one you serve. I heard you alert that foul criminal!...If you would know the name of your reaper, it is Trowena...Now fight, foolish miscreant! Be valiant in this battle, for it shall be your last."


"I am not with Megatron by choice...I hate him, in all likelihood moreso than you do. He holds me in a perverse thralldom, with my experimental spark as captive..." Rampage replied.


Trowena lowered her sword, drawn in haste as she had prepared to terminate him. An experiment? How familiar that was!


"In my day, I too was an experiment...My self in its entirety, my spark included, was engineered for the purposes of the Great War. I was one of the first Predicons! Abandoned by my creator, for I had one flaw...Thankfully it was later fixed...Yet still..."


Here her voice trailed off, for she knew not what she wished to say. Rampage looked up at her, meeting her gaze. No more words were needed.


"Help me..." Rampage said with a sort of desperation. "Help me be rid of him...My spark is already doomed to corruption, could it not at least be my own?"


"Upon my honor, it shall be." Trowena answered, not quite knowing what prompted her to do        



She had hardly finished before a laser beam erupted into her back, sending her flying. Her sword sprung from her hand and landed at Megatron's feet, just as the Predicon leader stepped out from the cover of a nearby stand of thick jungle. Beside him, the horrifying form of TM2 Dinobot loomed ominously.


"How very touching, my dear Rampage, yesssss. Such a terrible pity, to be owned as you are. Poor crazed killing machine, too dim to realize he needs to be controlled thusly."


In a sudden moment of unbridled hatred, Rampage madly fired his plasma gun at Megatron. It was a move that was essentially nullified as it began, for TM2 Dinobot wasted no time in proceeding to torture his spark. For a moment, Rampage was paralyzed...Yet slowly, impossibly, he managed to squeeze his finger back down onto the trigger. All the inner pain and horror that crazed transmetal put him through did not prevent another rain of energy from tearing at Megatron.


Enraged, the Predicon leader picked up the nearby sword and hurled it at the offending minion. He meant only to cut the gun from his hand, but his aim was off and the blade imbedded itself deep into Rampage's chest plate, insofar that it sliced clean through him, the tip bursting out from his back.


Just then Trowena arose, badly charred but still functional. She grabbed the giant automatic rifle that was strapped to her back and began riddling Megatron with innumerable points of hot lead. In return, he fired a missile; whose path she quickly leapt from. The blast was so massive it knocked Megatron backwards...And the other 3 robots flew, like so much crumpled debris, into the energon-filled canyon below.


This first explosion was nothing to scoff at, but it was the second that truly lit up the sky.


TM2 Dinobot had landed on Rampage, driving the sword already imbedded in him furiously downward...Directly sundering a cube of otherwise stable energon.


If Rampage had not taken the full force of the explosion, TM2 Dinobot would have been so much TM2 dust.


As it was, he was horrendously damaged, literally blown back up on to the ledge from whence he had come.


And Rampage was no more, having added an entirely new dimension to the word scrapped.


Trowena had been at the opposite end of the canyon, but it had not spared her much. She hauled herself back towards the cliff face, sparks from her own exposed systems showering down upon her.


On the ledge above, Megatron threw what was left of his TM2 creation over his shoulder and turned to leave the scene, muttering:


"Fool...Dead trying to save that which would never return the favor...Ah, the quaint ignorance of the self-sacrificing..."


 And yet, inwardly, Megatron was not so smug...He had, by his own hand, lost the very powerful Rampage, and was most likely going to lose TM2 Dinobot as well...If only he had still possessed that TM2 device, perhaps he have could re-constructed the clone...His mind whirred away as he wondered if possibly, using some more Dinobot DNA and the scant knowledge he had gained from the alien device, he could rebuild his creation...Yes, perhaps...perhaps he could even make use of that blank protoform that had earlier been a disappointment to him.


The last thing TM2 Dinobot saw as he went off-line was the mysterious warrior that they had been fighting haul her incredibly badly damaged self over the cliff edge, her claws scraping desperately upon stone.

She shot her white-hot eye-beams with the last of her energy, but Megatron had run too far...


The look on her face was one of pure Death as a single word rang out across the plateau:




* * * *