Hacker's Report:
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada: DoubleTree
Hotel Convention Center
Ah, nothing like getting up early on a Friday morning to
head off on a long day of traveling to reach a TF convention. No seriously, it's one of
life's small pleasures! If you like traveling that is… J
This particular convention started off Friday afternoon
around 5 o'clock with a customizing panel. A very inspiring setup where
several fans had their art lined up on three tables with various
Transformers with different bits and pieces from here and there. I
think I took a picture of one of the tables and you can see it
posted at the bottom of this.
This was a very laid back panel, those who were curious could
walk right up and inspect the different figurines while waiting to
ask the artists about the designs.
This went on until about 6 o'clock when things started to
wrap up with that panel and the organizers started setup for the
next panel, which happened to be the Transformer Trivia contest,
part 1. The way the contest worked was that the people who signed up
to participate were divided into teams and seated in front of the
audience. Next, the
teams decided together a team name and who within the team would be
answering the hard, medium, and easy questions. As the questions were asked,
one member from each team stepped up to the microphone to go head to
head. The first person
to raise a hand got the chance to answer the question on their own
and if they could not answer correctly, it was passed on to the
other team. The
question could be answered by the one person for the full value or
the one player could ask his/her teammates for help, but have the
point value knocked down to 1.
The theme for part 1 happened to be all about G1 Transformers
and questions could be about anything that ranged between the show,
movie, voice actors, and I know very little about this subject, so I
had to sit out this session out. Glad I did too, some of the
questions were harder than expected even by the experts.
After all of the players had been asked one question,
round 1 ended and the scores were tallied. The losing team was asked to
take their seats in the audience and the remaining team was divided
up yet again. With four
people to a team, two people had to take easy questions, one medium,
and one hard. The same
step was repeated as in round one and the winning team's players
were separated at the end of the round and each was given a sheet of
paper to answer the final question. Silverstreak, I believe was
the overall winner when all was said and done and I think that this
guy was one of the finalist from last year's trivia
The stage was cleared quickly to catch up on the 7
o'clock Fan panel.
Again, this was another pretty laid back panel with a few
people grabbing mics so they could talk to everyone in the room,
though not everyone was paying attention. A few people brought out
toys and started trading and selling on the spot and I found myself
wandering about the room waiting for the Transformers Trivia part
two to start. Beast
Wars and Beast Machines Trivia, my favorite. Waiting for this event to
take place, my attention was drawn in on someone in a very
flamboyant Terrorsaur costume.
I went over to ask her name, Lunatron as it was, and I
introduced myself and told her I could be found at BwInt.net. The person standing next to
her suddenly nods her head and states that she did know who I was
and introduced herself as Wayward. After a few moments talking,
Wayward announced that she had to leave for the night and Lunatron
went off to sign up for the trivia contest as well.
8 o'clock finally rolled around and I joined several
others on in front of the audience for the trivia contest. The first team I was a part
of was a group of six, if I remember correctly and I volunteered to
answer one of the medium questions. After the first easy
question, I went to take my turn and I correctly answered the
question of how Megatron was able to control Rampage. The rest of the round pretty
much went in my team's favor. We were able to get most of the
questions, save for a few centered around the Beast Machines and toy
line. After the round
ended, the scores were tallied and my team had won the round. Then we were divided again
and I ended up on a team of three and the other two admitted to not
knowing much about Beast Wars or Beast Machines so I volunteered to
take on the hard questions.
That round went very quickly, my team and I were pretty much
smoked due to the fact that all the questions were centered around
the toys and Beast Machines.
So back in audience, I stayed to watch the final question
being asked to the lucky remaining contestants. The final question was
Beast Machine related, asking the players to name all of the
characters in the show who did not have a Beast Wars character's
spark. Yes, it was very
confusing and everyone was so absorbed in it, that we were all
equally shocked when we heard the voice of Optimus Primal come over
the sound system asking a question about the final question. Garry Chalk had snuck
in on his way to the hotel pool to check on the last event for
Friday night. I let Mr.
Chalk get away, tomorrow I would be able to snag the interview with
him. Lunatron was the
winner of the Beast Wars, Beast Machines trivia contest.
~End Day One~
~Day Two~
Yay, the second day. This was a one day convention,
sadly, but all of the events were nicely spread out. Which struck me
as odd, because usually at the larger cons you have so much stuff to
do and all of it is happening at the same time you don't know what
panel to go to! *cough* Anyway…
6:30 am I woke to get ready for the scheduled breakfast
for those who pre-registered for it. Not very many people at all,
but lots of great food.
Tons of pancakes which were an essential part for the first
contest of the day. For
those who wanted to try, the challenge was to create an Autobot
symbol out of breakfast items, but a pancake had to be included in
one way or another.
Another catch of contest, in order to win, you had to be able
to eat your creation.
And we all felt bad for the one person who used mounds of
butter, strawberry jam, syrup, and ketchup. For that traditional red
color. Yes, he was able
to eat it, but alas, it was in vain as he was not the overall
After the breakfast, I headed up to the front counter
where I could claim my t-shirt, comic book, sheet of stickers and a
nice poster. With
about half an hour till
the dealer room opened to the pre-registrants, 9 am, I quickly ran
up to my room to stash my stuff before I headed once again down to
the lobby. Here, I met
up with Lunatron and I tailed her around the dealer room, checking
out various tables dealers had set up. I happened to spy some very familiar artwork laying
out on a table, "Hmm, that looks like….Wayward!" Waving hi to her, I
started flipping page after page of amazing art, not really paying
attention to the person on my right. That was, until he spoke up… I
had to do a double take as I realized I was once again standing
right next to Garry Chalk.
He said he was using his free time to sneak around the dealer
room to have some fun and just see what all of us fans were cooking
up. He didn't stay
long, he still had a lot tables to look at before 11:30, when he was
scheduled for an interview with the people hosting the
convention. Right after
that was of course my turn to interview him so I had to finish
browsing around fairly soon as well. I bought a few more posters
that had caught my interest and ran in to a guy whom I'd sat with
during breakfast.
Timothy Carter, he said his name was. One of the finalist in
the flapjack's contest from breakfast, you can see him peeking in on
the camera when I took a picture of his Autobot pancake.
**Carter, if you are reading this, I haven't forgotten
about you, but I lost the little card you gave me with your email on
Anywho, I ran into Carter's table and found my long lost,
first ever Transformer, Iguanus. He survived the flight back
home and now sits among my very small and limited Transformers shelf
in my room.
Well, it was getting close to interview time, so once
more I ran up to my hotel room, grabbed my camera and my video
camera and headed back downstairs to catch Garry Chalk. He was just finishing up
with his first interview as I popped into the room. I was able to nab him and I
cannot thank him enough for the time he gave. The interview can be found
at a link at the bottom of the page, please note that this interview
is exclusive only to Bwint.net and The Underground Hangar. Soon after the
interview ended, there was the autograph session. Sapph, your letter was
delivered and Nurann, I have a nice picture of a signed Optimus
Primal for you!
Feeling tired after the interview, I had to get up to the
room to lay down for a bit.
Thinking I had time for a quick nap, I accidentally missed
the Dreamwave panel and a Fan Club panel. I made it back down in time
for the voice auditions for the live script reading. And for those who just might
be wondering… Yes, I did try out for a part in the reading. No, it
was not Waspinator, it was for a character named Tai. No, I did not get the part,
but it was fun to try anyway.
And just like that, with the script reading over, so was
the convention. Very short, but nevertheless, I had a good
~End Day Two~

Here you can see several amazing figurines, sorry no
close ups. If any of you get the chance to visit Transformers
conventions, you might be able to see these guys floating around in
the art room.

beginning of the G1 Transformers Trivia panel. Everyone is
still goofing off...

Next, we have the script reading panel
picture of all those who won in the voice auditions. You can see
them all practicing their lines before the actually reading takes
place. The person wearing the costume on the end happens to be

the actual script reading and it is of the narrator and of course
Garry Chalk.

Hacker and Gary Chalk
The five finalists of the Flapjacks contest. Goal: Make
an Autobot symbol out of your pancake.
Hacker's Interview
with Gary Chalk
Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special,
Hacker, Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. Bwint.net
is copyrighted to the bwint.net team. Disclaimer: Beast Wars
Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a
product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment. Neither the
owner nor the Bwint.net team and visitors claim any rights to it.
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