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Beast Wars Chronicles
Kindred Spirits
By: Eliot Lefebvre (aka Stormcloud)

It was always the same one.

He was in a dark, barren landscape.  Shadowy figures surged 
past him, blowing away other shadowy figures.  Barely 
recognizable faces drifted past him, and he knelt to the ground in 

"Get up!" bellowed Megatron at the soldier.

"M-m-mighty Megatron..." he began.

Megatron picked him up and smashed him into the ground.  "You 
will obey!  Now, combine to form...Devastator!"

The soldier nodded, and ancient procedures ran through his 
head, clicking him into a perfect shape to combine with his 
teammates -

- but for some reason, it didn't work.  They simply smashed 
together, and began falling into deep, dark holes.  He felt himself 





Bonecrusher sat up in a cold sweat.

*Whew,* he gasped, wiping his brow.  *Only a dream.  Wonder 
where it comes from...*

He shoved the thought out of his head.  Getting up, he glanced 
out of the porthole in his quarters.  *Still dark.  My organic form 
probably needs more rest.*

The thought of having the nightmare again did not appeal to 
Bonecrusher.  He decided that it would be prudent to get out of 
the Axalon for a little while.  Maybe a little night jog would get his 
brain moving.

He began to head towards the exit.  He tried his best to keep 
quiet, since normally his footfalls would echo throughout the ship 
- not something that would put him high on anyone's list.

He reached the nearest exit.  Pressing a couple of buttons, the 
ramp slid open to allow easy exit.

He transformed and gallopped out of the Axalon.


"Work faster!" bellowed Blackarachnia at Drill Bit.

"Yes, Empress," replied Drill Bit, continuing to assemble the 
framework that Blackarachnia wanted.

"Wazzzzzpinator zzzzick and tired of working for you," grumbled 
Waspinator.  "Wazzzzpinator not follow your orderzzzz anymore."

"Oh, Megs..." began Blackarachnia.

"Wazzzzzpinator love thizzzzz job," said the Predacon as he lifted 
another girder into place.

Blackarachnia sighed.  "I'm going outside for a little while," she 
said.  "If anyone asks what this is all about, it has nothing to do 
with me."

"But you ordered itzzzzz conzzzzztruction," said Waspinator, 

"Come here, Waspinator," said Manterror.  Waspinator did, and 
Manterror smashed into the side of his head.  "Now quit acting 
dumb and let us do the talking!"

Blackarachnia could hear them bickering even when she left in 
spider mode.


Bonecrusher plowed through another row of trees.  *Nineteen,* 
he thought.  *That's the most yet.*

He'd been out here for over two hours now.  He tried his 
damndest to get the nightmare out of his head, but he couldn't.

And it wasn't even just the nightmare.  Ever since he had landed 
here, there had been a part of him that never felt right.  He was 
always second-guessing himself, asking himself if he was doing 
the right thing.  He often felt like the best idea would be just to 
leave the Maximals and strike out on his own.

But he never did.

A noise disturbed him.  He stood perfectly still, listening to the 
distant noise.  He could hear it distinctly - the click of mandibles.  
Like a Predacon.

He was miles from either of the ships.  Any battle he got into 
would be strictly on the up-and-up.  He decided to go with his 

So he barrelled through the forest at full speed until he reached 

He transformed and lept at the female Pred.  She yelped and 
scampered out of the way before he landed.  She transformed 
and fired a pair of missiles at him, which he dodged to the left.  
He then came up with an uppercut, which she flipped away from 
into the trees, where she launched another volley of missiles.  He 
reurned fire, then dived forward as the missiles she launched 
exploded behind him.

Blackarachnia fired a web at Bonecrusher and leaped to another 
tree.  Bonecrusher ripped the web apart with a berserk charge, 
then madly fired missiles into the trees, without even bothering to 
aim.  The sky was lit up by the missiles as they blew apart the 
tops of trees.  Blackarachnia fired a pair of missiles behind 
Bonecrusher, knocking down the tree he was standing in front of.  
He dropped to the ground and rolled away from the falling tree, 
them charged forward in bison mode, knocking Blackarachnia 
out of the tree.

Blackarachnia gracefully landed on the ground and delivered a 
swift roundhouse kick to Bonecrusher's head.  She followed 
through with the kick, then transformed to spider mode and 
advanced on the downed Maximal.  Her mandibles clicked 
dangerously near Bonecrusher's head.  He struggled to push her 
off, trying to keep from being injected with her deadly venom, 
similar to that of Waspinator.  He finally shoved her off and raked 
the clearing with missiles.

Flames licked at Blackarachnia's heels as she ran in robot mode 
from the missile blasts.  She finally dived to the left, sliding out of 
the clearing and into the forest.  Bonecrusher followed, missile 
launcher at the ready.  She leaped onto his back in spider mode, 
and sunk her mandibles into him.  Bonecrusher twitched and 
convulsed for a few seconds, then went limp.

She tied him up in a mass of web and dragged him off towards 
her camp.


Bonecrusher's world slowly came back into focus.  "About time 
you woke up," said Blackarachnia, who was toying with a small 
rodent.  Finally sick of it, she grabbed the small animal and 
tossed it down her throat.  The sound of crunching bones was 
audible as she devoured it.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" asked Bonecrusher angrily.

"I don't know, really," she said, a cocky grin on her face.  "Mother 
always said I had a nasty habit of playing with my food."

"I hope that doesn't mean what I think it might mean," said 

"Oh, but it does," she said, still smiling, but now more seductively 
then anything else.  "You see, a black widow finds a mate, then 
uses the mate's body as nutrients so that she can lay her eggs."  
She began crawling towards him.

"Oh, come on!  Maximals don't kill Maximals!" exclaimed 
Bonecrusher, inching away from her.  Not that she was by any 
means unattractive - indeed, Bonecrusher would not mind having 
a good excuse to both take his mind off of his problems and get 
laid all at once.  But somehow, it didn't feel right.

"Are you suggesting I'm a Maximal?" asked Blackarachnia 

"Well, you were - until Tarantulas reprogrammed you."

Blackarachnia shrunk back.  "You mean I used to be a 


"Sounds just like something a Decepticon would say."

Bonecrusher glared at her.  "I'm a loyal Maximal and you know it, 
Blackarachnia!" he bellowed.  Was he trying to convince her...or 

"You used to be a Decepticon, though.  Admit it.  Some of that 
old Decepticon programming still gnaws away at you, doesn't it?"

"I'll admit it...but only when you admit that the reason you didn't 
kill me was because some of the Maximal in you still couldn't kill 

They were both silent for a long moment.

"You're right.  I couldn't bring myself to kill you.  I don't feel any 
remorse when I think about it, or when I send off others to kill, but 
when it comes to the actual deed, I freeze up."  She looked 
Bonecrusher over.  "Although the part about the mate was not 
entirely untrue."

Bonecrusher remained silent for a few seconds after before 
saying anything.

"I know that that Decepticon programming does still eat away at 
me.  Not just at me - I often have flashbacks of my former life, 
flashbacks that I remember but yet seem totally alien to me."  He 
sank his head.  "To be honest, I sometimes think of leaving the 

"So return to us!" said Blackarachnia, her voice taking on a 
slightly fanatical tone.  "Come back to the Predacons, and 
together we will go to victory!"

"I can't," said Bonecrusher.  "A part of me is still evil, but it's a 
part I must come to terms with, not a part that must take over."  
He looked at her intensely.  "And what of you?  Don't you ever 
want to return to the Maximals?"

She shook her head.  "The Maximal part of me is so deeply 
buried, I can only barely feel it - and even then, it gets smaller 
every passing day.  I miss it, I really do."

The two of them sat across from each other in the darkness.  
Then, Blackarachnia began cutting the web encasing 

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm cutting you free.  What does it look like I'm doing?"

"But - I'm your prisoner."

"Not anymore you're not."  She finished cutting the last strand of 
web.  "Let's just say that you burst loose, and I couldn't restrain 
your mad rage."

Bonecrusher nodded.  Then he turned to face her.  "I -" he 

"Forget it.  Now go, before I change my mind."

Bonecrusher transformed and sped off into the night.

One last thing to do, now.

For the first time since he had landed, Bonecrusher's thoughts 
felt clear.  He had one last thing to do before he could return to 
the Axalon.

Climbing up on a ledge, he began to sing the Cybertronian Song 
of the Dead for the Maximal Blackarachnia and the Decepticon 
Bonecrusher - two beings that were now gone forever, no matter 

The song filled the valley for hours as Bonecrusher paid his 