Test’s, Quiz’s, Robots and Killers Oh My!

Pt. 10

Awww… but I like guns….


By: Lady Venom

Note: I want to thank Varyn and her insane counterpart, Varun, for helping me past a writers block, and for the ultra cool word hyperosity. Also, in Sinead's continuing mirror series, Hacker has met Depth Charge, just to let you know for the small reference to the series. Oh, and a small bit of swearing, for those who offend easily.

Disclaimer: I don't own Starath, Hacker Depth Charge or Rampage

Okay folks, recap.

When we left off, I was contemplating various forms of torture for the mechanoid crab that he would hopefully not enjoy. For reasons still unknown to me, I was now seated on the small couch in my bedroom, using every fiber of my new shiny body to not pounce and find out the hard way how much damage I could take.

Not that we’re up to speed….

I’m gunna kill him!

"…after all, you seem to like robots immensely, I decided that you would enjoy being one."

"W…w-what are you, Freud now?!" I sputtered. "Since when did you decide that me being robotic is a good thing?!"

He gave me that sadistic grin of his, "When you decided that me being human was okay."


"Yes, but I have a job, and friends, and …and…rent! What did you gain from staying a robot?"

"I had been in the process of annoying fishface and his new human companion when I was sent to this pit."

That’s right! Starath had mentioned something about Hacker meeting the Maximal.

"Okay, that’s all fine and good but," I moved to cross my legs and realized that I still had no clothes on. Panicking I sprang toward my closet and shoved the sliding doors open.

"What’s wrong now Courtney?"

"Argh! I hate that name! And I’m looking for something to wear! This is the second time I’ve been naked around you and frankly, this pattern is frightening me."

"But you are not naked, you are fully armored." He told me with the innocence of an immortal killer.

I grabbed a random tee and jeans, praying that they were clean enough to wear.

"Not for my tastes, I prefer to be clothed with cloth, not metal…. I still feel naked, no matter what you say…Besides, how do I know you’re not lying?"

I pulled the tank, as I discovered it was, over my head easily, mindful of my new head horns, the jeans took some tugging…stupid metal hips!

"Why would I lie to you?"

Haven’t figured that out yet…

Inspecting myself in my mirror, I turned on the chuckling robot turned human, "One Waspinator crack, and they’ll be one less spot at the supper table tonight!"

The bright yellow tank was a large contrast to my light green body. Just watching him made my blood boil at what he had do-

Wait, robots don’t have blood, they have…mech. fluid….

Well, WHATEVER is ruining through my veins… or, tubes and… wires… I’m sure it’s boiling!

Stupid robot analogies…

"I am curious about one thing though," When I was positive he knew I was actually talking and not ranting, I continued.

"Why give me these horn things? Why not just a cool helmet, or robotic hair?"

He eyed them, and then the rest of me, making me feel like a cow being surveyed at the market.

"I never cared for a bot with helmet. They always looked like they were hiding something. As for hair, if I don’t get any, why should you?"

"So what? You assumed these… things sticking out of the side of my head would look good?" I retorted.

"Personally? No, but they don’t look half-bad. I just figured they would bother you, or at least get in the way."

Yeah, I can just imagine me trying to put a sweater on over my head with these antlers sticking out.

I’m going to have to invest in a lot more tank tops…

"Look, I’m really not comfortable as a bot, so turn me back, please. Now."

"Humph, like I am being human? Besides, the original wish had no set reverse time."

I gaped at him, he had turned me into this without thinking ahead, with no thoughts of repercussions and without a preknown change time?

This is Rampage. Destructo crab extradonaire!

DAMMIT! Robots can’t pinch themselves!

Note to self: Find other methods of staying focused.

I wonder if robots have ADD….?


"Lady Venom, why are you kicking yourself?"

Note to self: Find less violent ways to stay focused.

I wonder if I have weapons…


Find new method soon!

"Do I have a specified faction?"

This caught him off guard, or at least surprised him a bit.

"Do you care?"

I shrugged, "Not really, it’s just the Maximals are too wholesome and good for my tastes. Even with the rodent and widow. And the Preds are too bloodthirsty for me as well. I can go for that hate, gore and all that, but y’all do some pretty nasty things sometimes."

"So you would be happy to know that you belong to neither, since I too despise both."

"Sooo…I belong to nothing? Hmm…catchy title; The Nothings…yea, I like it! Hey ‘Page, wanna join me on The Nothings’ side? Our activation code can be Thin Air!"

Rampage watched my insane anger turned insane hyperosity with a raised eyebrow.

Huh? I didn’t know he could do that trick…. I wonder if he’s met Lady Dementia or her crab?

"Thin Air? The Nothings? Are you positive you didn’t drink the last Vanilla Coke?"

I nodded, bouncing on the couch.

"Uh huh! Here, look, this can be our insignia!" I pointed to a blank spot on my upper arm. He leaned in close to get a better look.

"But there’s nothing there."

"EXACTLY! It works out because it’s vanished and – did you say we’re out of Vanilla Coke?"

The complete 180 from overly excited to comprehensive shock frightened even me.

I just processed that my main source of caffeine was gone, to say I was miffed is understated.

"What do you mean all the coke is gone? We had two full boxes three days ago!"

Did he seem… fidgety all of a sudden?

"Yea um, well you see…"

Still standing I put my hands on my hips and promptly lost my hands in my invisible subspace compartments.




"Sweet! Hey ‘Page, shut up a sec and check this out!"

I pulled out some small weaponry including an array of small throwing knives, two brass knuckles and a few proximity bombs. This body was definitely built for my kind of fighting: A lot of it at close range!

"Miss Venom, need I remind you of your ‘no violence’ policy?"

Picking up a knife, I tested it for sharpness, "Rules were made to be broken, or did you forget that Rampage?"

"Hmm… and just who do you plan on doing harm too?"

I set the knife back down and picked up a gun.

"Not so much harm as scaring shitless."

The gun I was fiddling with suddenly went off, hitting the human in front of me square in the chest. I watched in horror as the fiery blue shirt had a large hole incinerated in it, and the dark flesh underneath became charred. Rampage grunted but remained standing, acting as if the blast was nothing more than a light tap.


I jumped over to him to check the wound. After peeling away bits of the melted shirt I was given a clear view of his smooth, unbroken skin.

Well. How was I to know the whole immortal thing worked when he was human?

"I’m fine Courtney," He assured me, after taking a moment to decipher what I had yelled. "But I believe that you would be safer if you wouldn’t touch anymore firearms." And with that, I was now three weapons short.

But that was okay, I had what I needed to scare ol’ Johnny boy.
