The Riddle of the Rampage
By: Lady Dementia

Writer's Note: This is sort of based on the Riddle of the Sphinx. You know the story, right? The Sphinx sits outside a city, not letting anyone in or out without asking them a riddle. It says it will let them go if they answer correctly, but none do until one guys answers it right and kills it. I started thinking about Rampage as the Sphinx, except even he doesn’t know the answer to the Riddle. And who else would he ask besides his victims? It sort of gave me a strange look at why he has to kill and torture. Er, anyway, Hasbro owns the Beast Wars, and I’d really appreciate feedback because that’s all I get because I make no profit.


Life-blood covers my hands

Yet another kill

I’ve taken a life again

A familiar thrill

But as the high passes

All I feel is ill

I haven’t found any answers.

I haven’t, but I will.

I’m not very old

Made not long ago

I was once someone else

Who, I do not know

I have no past that I know of

No debts that are mine to owe

But I’ll search for answers to my questions

Until then everyone is a foe

Because I was reborn in agony

I’ll give back only pain

And every scream you give me

Somehow is my gain

You call my search deranged

Me you call ‘insane’

But until you give me answers

I will be your bane

Things might have been better once

More peaceful before I came

But I didn’t ask to be brought here

I’m an unwilling piece in this game

I could have been normal

Just one among many all the same

But you made up all the questions

And for the answers I’ll maim

For this life is different

All I know is grim and dark.

Being a lab experiment

Has left a permanent mark.

You wanted me to stay there

A future you made stark

Because all you needed me for

Was my invulnerable, immortal spark

So here I am in the present

Can YOU tell me why?

I promise I’ll let you go if you answer

Just please do not lie

What was my name before this life?

Who or what am I?

Why am I immortal?

Why can’t I die?

Life-blood covers my hands

Yet another kill

I’ve taken a life again

A familiar thrill

But as the high passes

All I feel is ill

I haven’t found any answers.

I haven’t...

...but I WILL.