Perfect Day

By: Sinead

Lyrics transcribed on: 7 January 2004

Written on: 19 May 2004


Author’s Note: I don’t own the singer, the song, Beast Wars, Hacker, Depth Charge, but Hacker owns Damian Cruisse. Don’t ask me to pronounce the last name. But I own the small satisfaction that this is now finished. Thank you to all who were patient, and I wish to apologize to those who are waiting for their series to come out. I’ll start the next series hopefully over the summer. I need a bit of a break from a commitment series, and I’m graduating this year, as well as turning eighteen on June 4th, and OI-VEY!!! *grins* Welcome to the wacky world of Rebecca Sinead. Everything manages to happen all at once, and I can never seem to catch up. But after a while, I got used to it. Until the next series! Ja ne!



I was faded last night

Lost out in the cold



Hacker’s mother looked at the young man standing there, blinking in a confused manner at her. She saw the stuffed animal in his hand, and recognized it immediately. “Oh! You found Vinnie!”


Depth Charge blinked at the bear, then up at the older woman, and cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. I’m returning it.”


“Are you one of Hacker’s friends from school?”


“Well . . . not really. But I know her well.”



Couldn’t see the light

Then she opened up the door



Hacker went to the door, trying to make herself look as if she were fine, but knowing that she was also failing miserably at that small deception. She never could really hide her true feelings well around her mother, but she would face the questions about how she was doing later on.


Right now, Hacker was interested in who the voice belonged to. She saw the stranger at the door, then blinked at the teddy bear that he was holding. Swallowing, she looked up at his eyes, and saw them to be a clear amber. They were the eyes that she had always imagined her Depth Charge would have.


And then he smiled uncertainly, trying to tell her . . . trying to tell her everything.



I came in from the dark

Fell into her arms

Just in time



They met in an embrace, and Hacker laughed through tears. “You’re early.”


“Had to be. I was told that if I didn’t get here on time, Donovan and Ajax would have to hunt me down. I didn’t doubt that the person who told me that wouldn’t do as they promised.”


“Who was it?”


“That’s a surprise,” Depth Charge replied kindly, wiping the tears away and holding onto Hacker carefully, not wanting to seem either pushy or timid.


After a moment, however, a throat cleared, and they were brought back to the present. The young man blinked up at Hacker’s mother, then swallowed, and loosened his arms. Hacker’s mum only blinked at him, then looked at her daughter, and said, “You two behave. I have to get to work. Oh, and Hacker? Your friend Sinead called.”


“What?! When?!”



Now I know that I

Left the past behind

Oh, let it go



“Before you woke up. But she didn’t call for you. She said that she wanted to talk to me, of all people.” Her mother winked, and then picked up a few files that had been standing beside the door. “So Depth Charge, is it? Don’t cause any trouble. See you both tonight!”


She left the two behind her, both gaping at what she had said. Depth Charge smiled, shook his head, then looked at Hacker. The young woman took his hand, and brought him inside. They just watched each other for a short while, before Depth Charge whispered, “Thank you for what you did for me and Rampage.”



You could tell me tonight

That maybe the world would end



Hacker smiled and reached up with her free hand to brush at his cheek. Her fingers came away wet, and the once-Cybertronian looked down, not wanting her to see, but she wrapped her arms around his chest and whispered into the aquamarine blue of his T-shirt, “You can cry. I don’t mind.”


“But . . . Hacker, I don’t want you to think that . . .”


“You’re not weak, Depth Charge. You’re you, you’re strong, and you . . . you’re the one I love.”


“Slaggit, you’re sappy.”


“Get used to it.”



That the sun wouldn’t rise

And it was gonna rain again



They laughed, and Hacker hugged Vinnie. With a smile, she took his bag and sat him at the table, then quickly put a plate of food in front of him. She sat at where she started to eat, and then looked at him. “What? Eat!”


“You act as if this isn’t something strange.”


“Well, it’s only happened three times before, but I’ve . . . I’ve been prepared. Plus, you didn’t keep me waiting four days, like Rattrap did to Sapph.”


“What happened to him?”


“She lives in South Africa, and he was deposited in . . . oh, what was it . . . one of those coastal countries on Africa’s western shore, about halfway up. Nambia! That’s it. Somewhere in the middle of Nambia.” She stopped just long enough to propel some food into her mouth, chewed, swallowed, and then said, “But I’m glad that you came as soon as you did.”



Just as long as she’s in my arms

It’s gonna be a perfect day



Depth Charge reached over to rest his hand upon Hacker’s, then sighed and rested his forehead upon the table, part of his hair falling onto Hacker’s hand. His black hair was streaked with blonde, just long enough to fall forwards into his eyes if he hadn’t had most of it slicked back. She reached over to rest her other hand upon his head, and then sighed, gently rubbing at his hair, not knowing what she was saying, only that it was comforting to him. He closed his eyes and soaked in the love that he could practically feel coming from her.


Then . . . he looked up at her face, seeing her smiling and crying at the same time.



There’s a look in her eyes

Makes me feel all right



Quickly, he stood and walked around to her, holding her in an embrace that, if any other man had given to Hacker, could have caused her to blush a full scarlet. But this was a good hug, meant in only the best and most innocent of ways. It was his way of saying that he was there for her, no matter what. He sighed and then asked softly, “You all right?”


“Now I am . . . yeah.”



Lights the perfect sky

That I couldn’t see before



Right after breakfast, they signed onto the internet, and immediately started looking for the other authors. Sinead was yawning as she turned her mic on. “Mornin’ Hacker.”


“You talked to my mother without asking me first?”


“Sorry. You were still asleep. When I called, she said that last night something happened, and when she went to check in on you, something had just jumped into your mirror.”


“It was probably Cheetor. Him and Silverbolt woke me up last night.”


There was a deeper yawn, and Sapphire was soon talking with them, asking how Depth Charge was.



That she helped me to find

Now that I’ve seen her shine

I know I’ll never be alone



The human young man smiled, then said, “I’m fine. Wasn’t last night, but . . .”


“Who . . . no kidding. You’re already a human?”


“Uh, yeah? Look, I just  had to find my way to Hacker’s place. It wasn’t easy. Fortunately, though, there was help . . .”


Sinead laughed, and Sapphire snickered. “Can we tell her?”




“You’re no fun.”


“I know.”



’Cause now I know that I

Have love I can’t deny

Won’t let it go



Hacker was about to ask, when Depth Charge rested his hands upon her shoulders, sighing and resting his chin upon her head lightly. “But when do you think that she should know?”


“Well . . . lesse . . . Sapph? What do you think?” Sinead asked.


“There’s that movie . . . huh . . . ? Oh! Er, I’d say just about whenever?”


“You guys are all up to something,” Hacker grumbled, “and you left me out again. What are you three plotting?”


“Technically? There’s seven of us plotting something, including Depth Charge,” Donovan replied, coming into the conversation.



You could tell me tonight

That maybe the world would end



Hacker stood, then headed for her room, saying over her shoulder, “I’ll be right back. I have to change.”


“You have to choose a name for Depth Charge!” Sinead called.


“Damian Cruisse!”


“Wow, offa th’ top o’ her head, too,” Ajax teased.


“She’s brought it up before,” The newly-named Damian replied. “Went through a whole list before I heard this name. It stuck with both of us.”



That the sun wouldn’t rise

And it was gonna rain again



“Quick, though,” Micheal said from Sinead’s microphone, “When should we come?”


“Give me until . . . slag. Dunno. Enough time to just be alone with her for a little while?” Damian replied slightly wistfully.


“Okay, look at a regular clock,” Starath said from Sapphire’s microphone. “See what time it is now?”


“Nearly . . . is that nine?”


“Yeah. We’ll be there at three. That’s roughly six megacycles, for how you’d keep track of time.”


“Done. Thank you.”



Just as long as she’s in my arms

It’s gonna be a perfect day

It’s gonna be a perfect day



Hacker ran back down to Damian and the computer, to see that he was looking through a website full of pictures of his Cybertronian body, and listening to Donovan and Ajax argue without losing a breath. Hacker snickered at a few of the comments, while looking over his shoulder. Quickly, he pulled her into his lap and looked around her shoulder at the computer screen. Before long, however, Sapphire and Sinead told Hacker to get off of the computer and to spend time with Damian. She obeyed, and they went out for a walk.


The young man was grateful that Starath and Micheal had taken the hint when he had heard Hacker come back out from her room and called a laughing greeting to her. They were playing smart, this group.



I think I lost you in another life

A part of me that I left behind

I won’t go on without you



In the town park, they walked upon the paved paths and talked. They subconsciously felt as if they were one person, and that this had been meant to be. The effects of that was not lost upon either of them as they passed another couple. The mischievous-looking young man winked a golden hazel eye at Damian when Hacker wasn’t looking. Damian nodded slightly, then blinked at a small pond ahead of them. “What’s that?”


“Oh! Come on, you’ll like this!”



And now I know that I

Have put the past behind

I let it go



As they spent time together, Damian/Depth Charge had let his past and the horrors of his past slide from his mental shoulders. This was a place of rest, a place of peace and trust . . .


It was heaven. Just as Hacker had said upon their second visit, this was a heaven that only belonged to the two of them. Then, another unanswered question rose to the surface. “Hacker, did you ever say what the price for Vinnie was?”


“No, but it worked itself out.”



You could tell me tonight

That maybe the world would end



“What do you mean?”


“You forgave Rampage. That was what I would ask for when the time was right.”


Damian laughed and kissed Hacker’s forehead. “You’re irrepressible, amazing, and utterly insane. That’s why I love you.”


Hacker laughed and curled into the embrace.



That the sun wouldn’t rise



They entered the house, and Hacker checked to see who was on. Nobody. “Odd. Usually Sinead’s still on by this time on a Wednesday. She says that she doesn’t work the evening shift on this day.”


“Aah, whatever. What time is it?”


“Two-fifty-eight, this clock says.” Hacker frowned. “Wait. Why was she on earlier?”



And it was gonna rain again



“What do you mean?” Damian asked.


“She was on at nine, and Donovan’s the one who’s lord of the computer at that time. Sinead takes it over after two-pm on weekdays . . . that’s really strange. Maybe her schedule changed.”


The doorbell rang, and Hacker sprung up to get it. Damain followed her, then stood behind her as she was hit with a barrage of yells and cheers from six different humans. Hacker turned around to glare up at her life-companion. “You knew.”


“Of course. Who do you think helped me find your house but Starath and Micheal?”


“You’re so sleeping on the floor.”


“Busted!” Ajax said, snickering. Donovan reached over to smack the back of his head, then dive into him for a wrestling match on the front lawn.



Just as long as she’s in my arms



Starath looked at Micheal, who sighed and turned to watch the fight. “Yes, I’ll referee this slagging thing. Honestly, Starath, I can’t resist those slagging eyes of yours.”


Hacker ran up to her room, then came back down with a small black velvet pouch. She held it out towards Sinead, who frowned in slight confusion then took it. Opening the top and carefully dumping the contents out into her palm, she gasped and stared at the necklace. “Dinobot!”


The black-haired young man pushed away from Ajax swiftly and ran over to her, then stared at the Celtic cross. Laughing, he kissed Sinead’s cheek and then smiled genuinely at Hacker. The young woman smiled back, and Sinead threw herself into Hacker’s arms, embracing her as if they had been sisters long separated at birth.



It’s gonna be a perfect day



The group came in and helped Hacker set up for an all-nighter. Sinead explained that she had called Hacker’s mom to ask her if it would be okay for the six of them to come and watch some movies with Hacker while they were “conveniently” in the area.




“Yes, yes, I know,” Sinead replied, laughing. “We were planning a trip here as soon as Sapphire came up from good ol’ Af-ri-ca, as Mum says sometimes. So anyway, we have ‘Princess Mononoke,’ Seasons One and Two of ‘Beast Wars,’ some ‘Rurouni Kenshin,’ ‘Lilo and Stitch,’ ‘The Last Samurai,’ ‘Wild America’ . . . uh . . . the ‘Matrix’ Trilogy, ‘Samurai Fiction’ . . .


“Can you see a pattern yet?” Micheal teased, gently pushing Sinead off of the couch and causing laughter and snickers to bubble up from around the room.


“We’re so watching ‘The Last Samurai’,” Starath said, still laughing. She snatched it from Sinead’s hands and popped it into the DVD player.


Hacker sat against Damian while the other couples sat close to each other, watching the movie. And for the first of many times, she felt as if that there was a kind of timelessness that surrounded her love.


And timelessness for the all authors and their beloved, it most certainly was.



It’s gonna be a perfect day