
Omega Wars
By Spectre the Hechidnat

Chapter 4: Other Encounters

Some distance from the crash site of the destroyed Axalon, a large lake stood out on the barren landscape left behind by the Planetbuster's attack. The lake itself seemed ordinary except for its size; only powerful sensors would have detected the low power pulsing coming from its depths. Rhinox had marked out this site in his memory before the Axalon's destruction. If his theory was correct, the lake contained the last of four alien structures depicted on the alien Golden Disk.

Frowning at the lack of any sort of cover, Optimus waved Cheetor and Rattrap over. "I want you two to scout the area for any traces of the Predacons. Dinobot, Silverbolt and I will accompany Rhinox to the lake. If you run into anything, give us a call."

Revving up their engines, the two Maximals shot off in opposite directions. Optimus shook his head briefly before drawing his pistol, noticing the green glow in Dinobot's eyes as the former Predacon drew his sword and drill. Silverbolt's weapons, which doubled as missiles and melee clubs, rested in a grip that was ready to tighten at a moment's notice. Meeting each others' eyes silently, the trio nodded before falling into flanking positions around Rhinox as he approached the lake.

"Are you sure you have the right coordinates, rhino? We don't have the time or resources to travel halfway across the planet so you can take pictures. Shokaract is out there somewhere, waiting for an opportunity to strike." Dinobot's words drew a glare from Optimus, who still didn't like how Dinobot failed to interact politely with the rest of the team.

Silverbolt's keen optic sensors darted back and forth, scanning everywhere for attackers. Though he would never say so, the Fuzor's mind was on Blackarachnia. He had not seen her since the battle in which the Axalon was destroyed; was she alright? Or had her misguided Predacon nature led her to attempt trickery with the reincarnation of the Chaos Bringer himself? "Dinobot, I don't think that this is going to help us accomplish our mission. Rhinox said that there is an alien device located here; that's good enough for me. Such power has to be used for good, or else destroyed. Can you imagine the horror Shokaract would enact if he got his hands on technology from our sometime alien nemeses?"

"Both of you will be quiet or go back to our hideout and wait. If there is a device here, than we'll find some way to deal with it. But if you two keep talking, you may bring the aliens and the Predacons down on our heads!" Optimus' reprimand sent both warriors into silence, both holding their weapons ready for any danger.

Finally, the party of four came to the lake's edge. This close they could feel the device's presence as an aura of intense foreboding. It was akin to a sailor sensing a creature in the water beneath his boat, one that he couldn't see or identify. None of them spoke as Rhinox drew out a communication device.

"I designed this gizmo to transmit the same activation signal I've detected when one of the other alien devices powered up. Unless I'm wrong, it should bring whatever's down there to the surface for us to talk to. Cross your fingers...and get ready for anything."

Shokaract watched from a nearby rock formation as the Maximals moved towards the lake. He could sense the nature of the alien machine; it stank of the same purity that he so hated, the energy of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership itself. Primus' essence was in the aliens who had created whatever that lake concealed. Such power was too much of a risk to allow the Maximals to get their hands on it.

"Terrorsaur, Waspinator, and Inferno, fly in and take out their patrol units. The rest of us shall take out Primal and the others; I long to devour his Spark. Ravage, you will go ahead in stealth mode; I want to see how the descendant of ever-so-mighty Optimus Prime handles an enemy he can't see."

"Your wish is my command, my liege," Ravage replied, though inwardly he seethed at the words. Could he have attacked and killed the giant Predacon, even at the cost of his own life, he would have. Instead, he was forced to bow to Shokaract's wishes until Megatron revealed whatever scheme he had in mind for destroying the Chaos Bringer.

Blackarachnia winked at the rebuilt Decepticon. "That invisibility of yours is a handy trick. Ever use it for something you shouldn't have?" The look she got in reply was exasperating; brutal he might be, but Ravage was a gentle-bot to the core. Funnily enough, she was vaguely reminded of Silverbolt. Shaking her mind to clear the image of the handsome Maximal from her thoughts, she drew her cyber-venom crossbow and began creeping forward with Tarantulas and Megatron as the Tripredacus Council Agent turned invisible.

"What if the Predacons had an army of such warriors? Our forces would be unstoppable, and the Maximals would be crushed within solar cycles," Megatron mused aloud.

"None of your daydreams of conquest, Megatron. Those days are over, as are any chances you have at becoming ruler of Cybertron. You'll count yourself lucky if I decide to leave here and let you spend the rest of your miserable existence on this dust ball. Even were you able to change history, there is nothing you could do to change my fate."

Holding his tongue and swallowing his pride, Megatron contented himself with a sideways scowl directed at Shokaract. Powerful as he was, the fusion of Unicron and Rampage had to have a weakness of some sort. For instance, the Autobot Matrix of Leadership; Megatron was sure that the Autobot artifact could defeat Shokaract as it had defeated Unicron in the year 2005. If only he could get his hands on it and get Optimus Primal to open it, perhaps he had a chance at taking back what was his.

"Looks like I'll have to enter the lake itself in order to examine the device properly," Rhinox said after broadcasting the activation code for several minutes. Nothing had resulted from the transmission; no power surges, no alien projections, not even so much as a ripple on the water's surface.

Optimus looked askance at his old friend. "Are you sure that's the smartest thing to do? Our encounter with the last machine showed us that these aliens can't harm Transmetals or Fuzors. Perhaps Silverbolt or I should go in."

"Actually, Optimus Primal, it does make sense. Rhinox is the least capable of the four of us when it comes to fighting; should he become trapped down there, we may at least be able to mount a rescue. Besides, if the aliens are down there, he may be the only one who can communicate with them. You have spoken to them once without success; Silverbolt and I are unlikely to have any better luck."

The Maximal leader was about to object, but Rhinox was already marching into the lake. Silverbolt watched him anxiously as the scientist got deeper and deeper. When he was in up to his waist, a sudden burst of energy blinded the Fuzor. Blinking, he regained his vision only to find Rhinox gone.

"Charge!" Shokaract bellowed, causing the Maximal trio to spin around. Five Predacons— including the giant hybrid— were rushing towards them at top speed, weapons primed and ready to fire. Just as he turned to open fire, however, a laser pulse came out of nowhere to strike him in the torso. Knocked off his feet, Silverbolt landed on his back just as Dinobot fired at the origin point of the blast.

Green energy rippling across his cloaked form, Ravage became visible and opened fire on Optimus and Dinobot. He was forced to retreat as Optimus deployed his cannons, unleashing a volley of blasts that would have otherwise shattered the Decepticon's armor. Primal then turned his attention to the others, opening up on the arachnids and sending Blackarachnia, Quickstrike, and Tarantulas diving for cover.

"Die cowards! To the Pit with you!" Dinobot's berserker yells seemed more in the character of Inferno than his own, but it didn't stop him from blasting Megatron. The deposed tyrant responded with is own energy weapon, firing a stream of purple energy that sent a cloud of steam rising from where it struck the lake.

Rhinox found himself floating in space, surrounded by a wondrous nova of color. Any stars that might have been visible were blocked by clouds of energy and unformed matter, and the entire area seemed apart from anything else the scientist had ever encountered. He wondered if he would ever get the chance to examine this place; his colleagues back on Cybertron would never believe him.

Suddenly, he caught sight of two forms stretched prone and surrounded by a blue stasis field. His red eyes widened as he recognized Tigatron and Airazor. Rhinox felt warmth in his Spark at the sight of their hands, each locked with the other in a death grip that was only a paltry reflection of the bond it symbolized. Never in all his years had he thought that the two of them would fall in love. Then again, they had been very alike; perhaps they had loved each other all along, but he just hadn't seen it.

"The communication matrix has been activated! There is a visitor in our midst." Hearing the voice behind him, Rhinox turned to stare at two creatures unlike anything he had ever seen. They had heads like human skulls, with long tentacles extending from the backs of them. Other than that, the two did not have any recognizable bodies.

"We are the Vok," said one of the aliens, a different one than the first Rhinox had heard. "Long ago, we were a terror that your race knows as the Swarm. Then we were purified by the Matrix of Leadership, and dedicated ourselves to atoning for the destruction we inflicted upon the universe. If you have come in search of your companions, then you have come in vain. Our study is complete, but we cannot allow you intruders to jeopardize the time flow any more than you already do."

Realizing what they were saying, Rhinox broke in. "I am deeply sorry for anything my comrades and I have done to affect time, but I assure you that it is not intentional. You have two of our friends, and we would like them returned. But you must know the danger that threatens not just Earth, but the entire universe. Unicron has returned, and he has become a Predacon named Shokaract."

"Chaos Bringer and Point Omega! THE PROPHECY COMES TO PASS!"


Rhinox heard the voices of the Vok as a scream in his mind, a painful roar that made him feel like his skull would explode. Light suddenly surrounded him, engulfing Tigatron and Airazor as well.


"Your companions are coming to you, Child of Primus! We cannot fight the Chaos Bringer except at great cost to both reality and ourselves; it falls to you and your comrades! NOW TAKE THE POWER WE OFFER, AND FIGHT SHOKARACT!"

Blinding light rose from the lake, leaving all the combatants blinking in amazement. Before anyone could move, the rumble of treads sounded. A huge shape launched itself from the light to smash into Shokaract. Unable to stand up against such power, Shokaract toppled.

Vision returning to normal, Maximals and Predacons alike gaped at what had to be Rhinox. He appeared to be a rhinoceros, but was covered in silver and blue armor with a horn on his snout that looked more like a sword-blade. His back legs had folded up into themselves, and tank treads were run through the gap between either side of the top plate of armor. The bottoms of his front feet had become like skies, large and flat so as not to impede the treads.

"Maximize!" Rhinox cried, transforming into Robot Mode. He was even larger than before, with silver armor covered his back and limbs. His torso and face still an organic look, giving him a similar appearance to Optimus. Despite the impressive appearance, Shokaract was more concerned with the short sword Rhinox gripped in his hand.

Shokaract roared as the Vok-forged blade sliced into his torso. While it lacked the purity that was his antithesis, the weapon was still enough to cause him pain. As he staggered back, Dinobot fired his laser beams to topple Ravage and Blackarachnia while Quickstrike and Tarantulas were struck by attacks from Optimus and Silverbolt. Cheetor and Rattrap rushed up, the Predacon fliers hot on their tails. Transforming into their fastest modes, the sextet of Maximals sped off into the desert, leaving the Predacons far behind them.

"Hey Big R, your Transmetal bod' looks sweet!" Cheetor said as he admired the newly upgraded scientist. Rattrap nodded in agreement, voicing his own opinion. "You'll have to beat your way through love-struck ladies to get to your lab once we're back on Cybertron, Big Green.

Embarrassed, Rhinox rubbed the back of his head. "It's really not that impressive. To tell the truth, I miss my chain guns." He smiled as the others— sans Dinobot—laughed, but then grew serious. "I've got even better news that this, guys. I made contact with the Vok-that is, the aliens. Airazor and Tigatron are on their way back here even as we speak!"

Cheers greeted the announcement as Optimus, Silverbolt, Cheetor, and Rattrap thrust their weapons into the air in excitement. Dinobot, not prone to such demonstrations, simply looked toward the stars. Had he not been a practical Transformer, he could have sworn that two of the points of light flashed briefly, almost as though sending a message:

We are coming.

Fury coursed through Shokaract's Spark as he fired a missile into the lake. Water exploded skyward as the alien device was instantly destroyed. That did little to satisfy him, as he could sense Vok enhanced Transformers getting closer with each passing cycle. One had managed to damage him; what would he do against three?

"My lord...if I may make a suggestion?" Megatron's inquiry was cautious, ready to back out the instant his master showed anger. Seeing none, he went on. "Perhaps you should use the Vok's interference against the Maximals."

Laughter to chill the hearts of stars erupted from Shokaract's mandibles as he realized what the Predacon had in mind. Gathering that he wouldn't disapprove, the others joined in, not quite certain what they were laughing about. Still, working for a Megatron had taught all of them that the best way to appease a tyrant was to show amusement at what they found amusing. For all the volume they added, the renegade Cybertronians knew that their guffaws were swallowed up in the booming chuckle of Shokaract.

To be continued...