Now You Know
By: Sapphire
"Now you know," said Rhinox.
He shuddered to hear him speak.
"Eh, it ain't dat bad...?" Rattrap tried
He could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
"We'll be there for you," Airazor comforted.
And he knew she would.
"Besides, your skills lie in construction, not destruction," Optimus said positively.
Bylatron was going to die.
Infected by a cyber virus
He had two months to live.
He would soon be too weak to fight
And if he tried now
He would perish within a few days
Thanks, Tarantulas.
You're too kind.
"We'll try and find a counter virus, no matter what it takes," assured Cheetor.
His youthful energy so contrasting
to Bylatron's fading life
"Have faith, my friend, and you will fare better," said Tigatron softly.
So calm and gentle
Yet so sad
"You are a very brave Maximal and a good person. We will remember you," Silverbolt declared
His hand held firmly over his spark in respect.
There was a long silence
Heavy and deep
Bylatron turned to the only bot who had not spoken
And whose opinion
he so secretly admired.
"Dinobot?" he tried meekly
And looked into those cold eyes
Red, but like dying embers
Dinobot stared at him and said
"This is war"
"And you are a casualty."