No Escape

By: Sapphire

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Soaring above her was an eagle and it looked so free.
Below her scuttled a beetle and it looked so free.
Before her drifted a feather and it looked so free.
Inside her hung a heart, but it was not free.
Trapped in compassion, trapped in loyalty, trapped in love.
And what lay behind her, she dared not face, again.
The eagle cried, its call carried in the wind.
The beetle scratched the twigs with its spindly legs.
The feather fluttered noiselessly away.
Her heart beat faster, thumping in her ears.
There is no escape from the future, she thought.
She grasped the feather and squeezed it still it was
straggled and strangled.
She thrust her boot on the beetle, until it was crushed and splattered.
She lifted a rifle from her side
And with bitter accuracy, shot down the eagle
There is no escape from the future, she thought
Only death.