
Megsie Got Run Over by a Reindeer

By  Crazedy


Megsie got run over by a reindeer,

(Megs is squashed by a monster truck driven by Rudolph)

Walking to the Darkside Christmas Eve,

(Megs limps to the Predacon base but is run over again)

You can say there’s no such thing as Santa,

(Inferno torches all of the non-believers)

But as for me and Waspy we believe!

(We build up our own shrine to Santa)

He’d been going crazy,

(Megs talking to his rubber ducky)

And we’d begged him not to go,

(Preds throw Megs on top of their base)

But when he was free from the straight jacket,

(Megs laughs maniacally and runs around in a circle)

He fell off the base into the snow.

(Predacons watch and laugh as they see Megs fall off the base into the pit of rabid elves)

When we found him Christmas morning,

(We stare at Megs trying to pull himself up)

At the scene of the attack,

(Terrorsaur pushed him back into the pit)

There were toys stuck to his forehead,

(Mini Santa key chains dangle from Megsie’s head)

And tiny little bite marks all over his back.

(Megs jumps from the pit and runs around with little people stuck to his back)

Now we’re not so sure about Inferno,

(Looks over to the demonically possessed Inferno thrashing against restraints)

He hasn’t been acting quite himself,

(He goes for his Flamethrower. Author: No that’s normal)

See him staring blindly into the lava,

(Preds creep behind him)

While we hope he falls and kills himself…

(Preds push him into the lava and run away)

Megsie got run over by a reindeer,

(Megs: STOP I—” He’s squashed once again)

Walking to the Darkside Christmas Eve,

(The IRS is there waiting for him)

You can say there’s no such thing as Santa,

(Santa steals Megsie’s toys while he’s distracted)

But as for me and Waspy we believe!

(We chase Inferno with a chainsaw after he toasts life-size Santa Poster)

It’s not Christmas without Megsie,

(Author: Party time ya’ll!)

And we’re all dressed in black,

(Maximals follow the rainbow and find the pot of gold)

And now we can’t help but wonder;

(They wonder what to do with the pot of gold)

If we should dig him up or send him back?

(Light bulb clicks on out of nowhere)

Send him Back!

(Optimus beats Megsie back into the grave with the pot of gold)

Now the game is on the table,

(Rattrap crushes Dinobot’s game piece with his; Dino tries to strangle him)

Which points out that the murderer is blue,

(Rattrap points to Dino’s skin)

But this doesn’t have any relevance,

(We shake our heads sadly)

‘Cause this song isn’t based on Clue…

(Dino is beating Rattrap with the game board)

I didn’t bother to warn my friends and neighbors,

(Author sits on a couch and watches cartoons)

‘Cause I just didn’t really care,

(Author: Hee..hee..Nope)

If they were all blown to smithereens,

(Santa: Whoops…)

By the Evil Snuggles bear

(Santa high-fives Snuggles)

Megsie got run over by a reindeer,

(Megs digs himself up and says: I HATE YOU!!!” Author runs him over with the sleigh)

Walking to the Darkside Christmas Eve,

(IRS take possession of the Darkside)

You can say there’s no such thing as Santa,

(Snuggles pushes Santa out of the sleigh in mid air)

But as for me and Waspy we believe!

(Wazzpinator catches him and hugs him to death)