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- Nominated for Silly and Sweet '03




TM2 Dinobot gets a taste of how life in the Ozarks feels like.



We see the TM2 Dinobot, walking along a path going around some pine trees and near a grassy field. He’s singing some kind of mountain song.


TM2 DINOBOT: (singing) “I like mountain music! Good old mountain music! Played by a real hillbilly band! (normal tone) Vacation in the Ozarks. So quiet, so peaceful, so far from war, so-“


Someone has a rifle gun pointed to the left side of his head (HIS left.)




He takes a look in the rifle gun and sees an orange optic. (Terrosaur’s optic)


TM2 DINOBOT: “::laughing:: O, Cybertroid. Look what crawled out of the metal work.”


We look to see Terrosaur whit a big and funny hillbilly hat. He pulls the trigger to his gun, it shakes a few seconds, and then *BOOM!!!*.


When the smoke clears, we see Dinobot still as a board.


TM2 DINOBOT: “Uh… What is it?”


TERRASOUR: “Be all Cyber, or be all Mc. Koy raptor?”


TM2 DINOBOT: “Well my friends say I’m Dino Koy. ::laughing::”


TERRASOUR: “A KOY?!! Skuar off, ya’ shoult. Me and you’sa feuding on count tha’ I’m an Auto.”


Terrasour pulls the trigger of his gun again, and it shakes.


TM2 DINOBOT: “Boohoo, now I will never see my wife and young ones again. Never no more! Boohoohoo!”


We switch back to see Terrasour again.


TERRASOUR: “Hey, ya’ durn fool!”


Terrasour is going in front of his still-shaking-rifle-gun to untie the ‘knot’ Dinobot made.


TERRASOUR: “Wats’a idea of tyin’ knots at ma’ rifle barrel?”


Dinobot backs off wall the pterrasour-bot unties his gun. Then, *BOOM!!!*.


When the smoke clears, we see Terrasour’s hat filled whit holes and his face filed whit red dots.


TERRASOUR: “Just call me ‘Freckles’.”


TM2 DINOBOT: “Well, that’s that. Now to get back to that peace and quiet I was talking about.”


He stops abruptly as he sees another gun pointing to his chest. It was Scorpanok on the other side, and he was also wearing a big, hillbilly hat.


TM2 DINOBOT: “Ha? What the?”


SCORPANOK: “Hol’ on there cridr’!”


TM2 DINOBOT: “And just who might you be?”


SCORPANOK: “I might be Katie Rosyvelt, but’I aint’. I’m Scorpanhill Auto. And I see whach’yall dun to ma’ brother.”


TM2 DINOBOT: “Your brother? Well, glad too know you, Scorpanhill!”


He moves in to shake hands whit him.


TM2 DINOBOT: “Any brother of your brother is a-“


SCORPANOK: “Hold on ther’ freak-eye! I’m aimin’ ta’ terminate this ‘ere feud right now. Now hold still.”


Scorpanok pulls the trigger of his gun, and it also shakes. Dinobot put his hand over the scorpion-bot’s gun and somehow it shot the other side. When that cleared, Scorpanok’s hat was filled whit holes. He tapped whit one of his claws, where his ‘ear’ is, and those little extra bullets they put along whit the actual came out on the other side. From his hat, he pulled out…a teeny-weeny damaged Quickstrike?




Terrasour and Scorpanok are walking on a field towards the ‘camera’ that keeps a fair distant apart from them.


TERRASOUR: “Thar’ there raptor cridr’ is bown’ to be her’, someweres’.”


They come across Dinobot’s footprints.


TERRASOUR: “An’ I count’a I sees his footyprints.”


SCORPANOK: “Hey! There’s the varm’nt now!”


We see Dinobot in Beast mode hopping along.


TM2 DINOBOT: (singing) “Ram tham ti tha ti thum! (Two shots from the brothers miss the raptor-bot.) There goes the rodent! (normal tone) They don’t give up, do they?”


TERRASOUR: “Let’s get im’ Scorpanhill!”


SCORPANOK: “We got em’ cornered, Terra-bob!”


Dinobot runs towards a nearby shed whit a ‘Danger! Explosives!’ sign. He goes in, and the other two decide to go in to capture him.


TERRASOUR: “He can’t ‘escape us, now!”


The three of them are all in the shed.


SCORPANOK: “Where is’e, where’s the cridr’ at?”


TERRASOUR: “Shak-Shaminy, it’s sa’ dark in ‘ere I can’t see notin’!”


TM2 DINOBOT: ::Transforming:: “Let’s light up! Here, use my lighter.”


He gets out of the shed, and the pterosaur-bot is trying to get a light. The raptor-bot waits outside, leaning on a tree.


TERRASOUR: “The durn thin’ won’ work.”


TM2 DINOBT: “Keep trying!”


Terrasour finally got a light, but *BOOM!!!!*. Then, Terrasour got out of the shed all mangled up, whit the lighter on.


TERRASOUR: “I think yall’a using too strong fluid…”




We see the two brothers running down a hill with their guns.


TERRASOUR: “Well’ get that cridr’, even if it takes us till Doomse’day!”


They come to a house whit a sign saying: “Square dance tomorroy night.”, and they ignore it.


Suddenly, from the house came out Dinobot, but in a FEMALE version. (A ScaleClaw disguise.)


DB2=SC: “::whistle::”


The two stopped abruptly as they saw him\her. (Dinobot didn’t look a thing like a male and they obviously fell for it.)


DB2=SC: “What’s ya’ hurry, boys?”




SCORPANOK: “::sexy whistle::”


They both got in front of him/her.


DB2=SC: “Ya’ll care to practise with me for the square dancing tomorrow?”


TERRASOUR: “Delighted, ma’am!”


The pterosaur takes off his hat.


SCORPANOK: “Same likewise, I’m sure, ma’am!”


The scorpion takes off his hat as well. Then, both brothers put their hats back on, and proceed to follow ScaleClaw in the house.


SCORPANOK: “::sexy growl::”


In the house, Dinobot walked next to one of those year 70’s music box.


DB2=SC: “O, er, pardon me. One of you gents’ got a spare nickel so I may juice up the jute box?”


Scorpanok runs up to him\her with a nickel.


SCORPANOK: “Here you is-“


Terrasour comes up, cakes the coin from his bro’s hand, and gives it to Dinobot.


TERRASOUR: (continues what Scorpanok said) “–ma’am.”


Dinobot takes the coin.


DB2=SC: “Thanks joust all to pieces!”


He\She puts the coin in the music box.


DB2=SC: “Salarbelly trio, coming right up!”


In the music box, three very realistic Black Waltz toys pop up. Each one of them has an instrument.


One has an accordion, Two is already playing a violin, and Three has a guitar.


3: “Lets ya’ll square dance!”


1 and 3 then start playing their instruments too.


3: “Plaices all! Bow to your corner, bow to your own!”


Dinobot, Terrasour, and Scorpanok dance wall 3 is singing the next things.


3: (singing) “Three hands up and round you go, brake it up with a dozy-do!

Chicken in the bred pan, kickin’ out do!                                                                                   

Skip to my loo’ my darlin’!

Youl’day out you pretty little ting, how many aid around the ring!

Big foot up and little foot down, make that big foot dawn the round!

Lady step back and two gets in, back you go and forward again!

Step right up with and elbow swing!

Skip to my loo’ my darlin’!”

(Dinobot backs away till he’s next to the music box.)

“All’a mine left, hold ol’our left hand, follow though the right left band!”

(Dinobot turns back to his own self, puts another one of those hillbilly hats, and takes a violin off of the music box.)

“Meet your honey with a grate big smile, common made Indian style!”


Dinobot snaps the main wire to the music box, plays the violin, and he continues the song. He knew that the two brothers will follow what he will say, and he was going to pull a prank on them both.


TM2 DINOBOT: (continuing the song)

         “Promenade across the floor, stash and right out the door!”

         (The two brothers go out the door, and Dinobot follows.)

         “Out the door and in to the glade, and everybody from a Ned!

         Step right up your doing fine, I’ll pull your bred, you pull mine!”

      (Terrasour and Scorpanok start tugging each other.)

      “Tug it, again, and again before, brake it up with a tug a war!”


The two tugging brothers reach, and get on a bridge above a lake. And they start do a tug of war.


TM2 DINOBOT: (still singing)

“Now in to the lake and fish for the trough,” (The brother’s tugging stop and the get in the lake.)

“Dive right in and splash your pout!

Trough, trough, trilly littl’ trough, one more splash and come right out!” 

(Terrasour and Scorpanok get out of the water.)

“Shake like a hound dog, shake again, wallow around in the old pigpen!”

(The two shake, and then they hop and start to wallow in the pigpen.)

“Wallow some more, you all know how, roll around like an old fat sow!

All’a mine left with your left hand, follow through with the right left brand!”

(We see that Scorpanok is now dancing with a pig.)

“Now leave your partner ‘the dirty ol’ thing, follow through with an elbow swing!

Grab a fence post, hold it tight, whap your partner with all your might!”

(They both hit each other, each with a fence post.)

“Hit him in the shin, hit him in the head, hit him again, the cridr’ aint’ dead!

Whap him low and whap him high, stick your finger in his eye!”

(A wobbly Scorpanok sticks his claw in to Terrasour’s eye.)

“Pretty littl’ rhythm, pretty littl’ sound, bang your heads against the ground!

Promenade around the room, promenade like a birden’ groom!”

(They all get in front of a hay bailer.)

“Open up the door and step right in, close the door and in to a spin!”

(Dinobot opens the door of the hay bailer, the two brothers get in, and he closes it.)

“Whirl, whirl, twist and twirl, jump around like a flying squirrel!”

(Dinobot turns on the machine.)

“Now don’t you cut’ and don’t you swear, joust come right out and form a square!”


Terrasour and Scorpanok get out of the machine’s ‘exit’ in hay bails. They get out of them quickly.


TM2 DINOBOT: (still singing)

“Now right hand over, left hand under, both join hands and run like thunder!”

(The two brothers join hands and run on the field.)

“Over the hill and over the dale, duck your head and lift your tail!

Don’t you stray and don’t you row, turn around and come’date home!”

(Terrasour and Scorpanok almost reached the edge of a cliff, but they stopped, turned around, and walk back relived.)

“Corn in the crib and wait in the sack, turn your partner from an eight’ back!”


The two turn around, holding hands, and with their heads looking back at Dinobot, they walk towards the edge of the cliff again. Pretty soon, they walk on thin air. When they looked down, they fell to the bottom.


TM2 DINOBOT: (back on top of the cliff) “And now your home, bow to your partner, bow to the gent’ across the hall,”


The brothers, who are all the way down to the bottom of the cliff, bow to each other, then go to stasis lock flat on they’re faces.


“And that is all!”


Dinobot finishes the song with the violin.


                                                             THE END