My 'Beast What' series...

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Wicked Woman
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My 'Beast What' series...

Unread post by Wicked Woman »

I figured that since at least some of you have been waiting for my Parody for a while that I'd preview what I have so far:


Warning: This is a random parody of Beast Wars pt 1 & 2 and will probably confuse the heck out of you. Confusion leading to walking around the room, laughing and/or screaming, wondering how and why this parody was made or wondering how it comes together is not the author’s fault ;). Please place a pillow, mattress or anything else soft for future falling out of chair laughter before reading this story ;). Please consult your doctor and/or theorapist before reading this story ;). If you are already randomly insane then good for you ;). Please enjoy this fic and thank you for reading the warning.

…I like chocolate frosting!!!


Patrick Stewart: Space… the final frontier. These are the…


Patrick Stewart: But who will narrate the story?

Author: I HAVE… *grabs remote and turns down volume to sound* I have a man by the name of Mr. Narrator doing the job.

Patrick Stewart: Ok. *runs away* I’m Frrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Mr. Narrator: What’d he say?

Author: Just shut up and start the story.

Mr. Narrator: Fine.

Mr. Narrator: Here we are, in space. Nothing new, just out in space. Infinate in its dark stars and planets around like~

Mr. Narrator nearly gets hit by the Darkside, which suddenly comes out of a transwarp portal.

Mr. Narrator: Hey watch it! *nearly gets hit by the Axalon* *Shakes fist angrily* CRAZY FRIDAY DRIVERS!!!

The Axalon and the Darkside shoot at each other until the Darkside ship throws a giant missile that says “Don’t Treed on Me” and hits the Axalon, which then falls to the big blue planet below.

Bots in the Darkside: HAH!

The Darkside then slams into a third moon.

Bots in the Darkside: DO’H!

The Darkside also falls down to the big blue planet. Third moon crumbles.


Away from the fic:

VOK #1: Hey what was that?
VOK #2: Shut up man, we technically aren’t supposed to be introduced until like the Trigger pt 1!
VOK #1: I thought it wasn’t until Chain of Command.
VOK #2: No even though it was our doing, we don’t get mentioned in the episode.
VOK #1: Oh.

Both VOK run away with a giant bag of buttered popcorn.

Back to the fic:

Mr. Narrator: The Darkside glided down to the planet be—

The Darkside glides gently down below while the Narrator speaks.

Mr. Narrator: Oh wait. No it didn’t.

The Darkside stops falling in a cartoon pause.

Mr. Narrator: It crashed miserably! ^___^ Silly me.

The Darkside crashes miserably on the ground of the volcanic area.

Mr. Narrator: *continuing* which is surrounded by lava, it has no grass *starts singing in the tune of Home on the Range* and the sky is grey all dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Megatron: *coming from inside the Darkside* Stop that!!!
Mr. Narrator: Fine, have it your way! *clears throat* The Predacons, who were inside the Darkside, surprisingly survived without a scratch and were now checking the landscape around them.

The Predacons are standing in the front enterance of the Darkside all together.

Red Bot: You go out there!
Purple (smaller) Bot: No, you go out there!
Tanned Snarling Bot: Well, I’m not goin’ out there!
Megatron (Giant Purple Bot): I know how to settle this.

Megatron picks up the green bot and throws him outside.

Green Bot: Wait… why I do believe that I feel… *suddenly gets a surge and goes unconscious*

Mr. Narrator: I thought you’d be using the Navigation system.
Megatron: This seemed better… and fun.
Mr. Narrator: O…k…

The Predacons use a giant pair prongs and drag the green bot back inside before his circuts got fried… further.

Green Bot: Green Bot feelzzz all weird inzzzide.
Megatron: I see… anyways. There appears to be too much energon for us to handle, so I suggest we choose alternative modes. And not like our ancestors had either for I refuse to transform into a hand held gun where one of my comrades can use me for their own selfish deeds!

Mr. Narrator: So much to the Generation One fans disappointment…
Mr. Narrator: The Predacons decided to settle with beast forms based on the most powerful creatures in the area. Three voted on dinosaurs, two voted for insects and only one wanted spiders… after a few hours of shooting lasers at one another, they decided that they would get what they wanted in an alternative mode… but dinosaurs would be higher up!
Megatron: Of course, there has to be at least one democratic decision used in our group.

Mr. Narrator: Are you all happy now?
Predacons: Yes!
Mr. Narrator: Good. Now onto the other team.
Predacons: What!!!

Mr. Narrator: Unlike the Darkside, the Axalon landed in a tropical place *starts to sing in the tune of Home on the Range* with a waterfall and rock climbing walls and the sky is not cloudy all dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Bots inside the Axalon: SHUT UP!!!

Inside the Axalon, there’s a rat, a cheetah, a rhinoceros and a gorilla.

Mr. Narrator: So, you all decided to go against you ancestors traditions as well huh?
All animals: *nods*
Mr. Narrator: Ok then.

Rat: Ah, it sure is great ta be a rat.
Cheetah: I wanna be Cheetor, no, how about “the spotted cat”, no how about Chee—*sees fly buzzing around* Hey a fly! Must squish!!! *starts trying to squish the fly.
Rhinoceros: Great, now I’m gonna be made fun of… Why do I have to be the rhino?!
Rat: Because my good friend, ya got da second shortest straw.
Gorilla: And why do I have to be the gorilla?
Rat: ‘Cuz ya got da shortest straw.
Gorilla: Couldn’t my rank as commander have overruled the…
Rat: *points to gorilla* WUSSIE!!!
Gorilla: I’m not a wussie.
Rat: Den shut you trap and get ta—hey, dat’s a good name fer me! Rattrap!
Gorilla: I’m glad I don’t have to think up a new name.
Rattrap: Ya still got it worse. What did an Optimus ever do fer us?

The gorilla, now known as Optimus, glares at Rattrap.

Rattrap: What?
Optimus: *to rhino* So what are you gonna be called?
Rhino: Rhinox.
Optimus: Why?
Rhinox: ‘Cuz it’s easier to remember.
Optimus: I see.
Rhinox: …
Rattrap: …
Optimus: …
Cheetah: … I like chocolate Frosting!!!
Rattrap: *ignoring the cheetah* So-uh… when do we git home?
Optimus: No clue. We crashed landed on an unknown—
Rattrap: Ok, ok, I didn’t want ta hear ya life story. I jist wanted my question answered.
Rhinox: Well, it’ll be a while I’m sure. We’re outnumbered.
Optimus: What do you mean by that?
Rhinox: The Predacons have six comrades, and there’s four of us.
Optimus: We have a whole crew in the stasis hold.
Rhinox: No, we don’t. When we started falling, you panicked and launched the pods out.
Optimus: …they’re safe right?
Rhinox: Yeah, but we aren’t.

Outside the Axalon:

Optimus’ Voice: DO’H!!!
Mr. Narrator: Ok, going back to the Darkside!

Mr. Narrator: At the Darkside…

DinoBot: I quit!
Megatron: Why?
DinoBot: This isn’t Earth, *snarl* the crew you chose sucks, and I don’t like you!
Megatron: Those don’t sound like very good reasons to—
DinoBot: Shut up OK, just SHUT UP!!! I’ve had it up to here with you! *throws Golden Disk at Megatron* You’re an idiot and no one here likes you! And you know what? Before I leave, I challenge you to battle!
Megatron: *mutters* How did I know that was coming?
DinoBot: Do you accept my challenge?
Megatron: I would but, I just don’t want to.
DinoBot: WHAT!!!
Megatron: You see, I am not like those tyrant leaders who would have someone attack… I’m the kind who patiently waits until the bot finishes complaining before I—Scorpinok, NOW!!!

A blue scorpion transforms into a blue robot and shoots DinoBot to the other side of the planet.

DinoBot: *voice fading in the distance* AH! DAMN YOU ALL!!!!

A red pterodactyl, a purple tarantula and a green and yellow wasp has seen what happened.

Red Pterodactyl: Didn’t see that coming. So, what now?
Megatron: Entertainment. DANCE PUPPETS, DANCE!

All three Predacons look worried.

Purple Tarantula: Or we could look for the Maximals who crashed landed on this planet too and destroy any who survived the crash.
Megatron: That can work too. But I’m looking as well. I want to find whoever is in charge of the crew and destroy him myself.
Other Predacons: Fine, whatever.


Mr. Narrator: Meanwhile…

Rattrap: Man… I’m sick of not doin’ not-ting.
Optimus: Well, you can help out by seeing what parts of the ship are salvagible.
Rattap: I said I was bored, not desparate.

Mr. Narrator: Ok… it appears that everyone is doing their part...

The ADHD cheetah, who finally decided to stick with the name ‘Cheetor’, is now running around.

Mr. Narrator: (Continuing) Except for Cheetor, who is running around like an idiot.
Cheetor: I caught the bug, so now I’m gonna help you guys out! No, wait, I’m gonna climb a tree, no, a cliff, no a—
Other Maximals: Cheetor! Shut up and take your cyber Ritalin!!!
Cheetor: But that stuff makes me sleepy, and I wanna do a lot of things here before I leave cuz it’s such a cool place to hang out a— *spots two cheetahs* ooh! Playmates! Gotta run! See ya!!!

Mr. Narrator: Cheetor runs off at the speed of light after his new found playmates… which is surprising in itself since he stumbles and falls every five seconds.

Cheetor does what Mr. Narrator said he does… stumble and fall every five seconds.

Cheetah #1: *snarl hiss growl* (Translation: What is that cat on?)
Cheetah #2: *snarl snarl shakes head* (Translation: Don’t care. He’s creeping me out.) *looks behind him and sees Cheetor catching up*
Cheetor: I’M CATCHING UUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! ^______________________^
Cheetah #2: *snarl panic snarl* (Translation: KEEP RUNNING!!!)

Both cheetahs take off at top speed and then stop when they see a wasp flying over them.

Cheetah #2: *Snarl grow hiss snarl* (Translation: Aw great, more weirdo’s.)
Cheetah #1: *snarl and whimper* (Translation: Split up! They’re everywhere!!!)

Both cats go in separate directions. Cheetor stops, takes one good look at the wasp, transforms and fires at it. Surprisingly enough, it’s Waspinator.

Waspinator: Oh no! Maximal attacking Wazzzpinator! Maximalzzz muzzzt be zzzmarter than Predaconzzz thought!

Mr. Narrator: Meanwhile, in Cheetor’s POV…

Cheetor: *still shooting at Waspinator* SHOOT THE BUG SHOOT THE BUG SHOOT THE BUT SHOOT THE BUG SHOOT THE BUG… (*keeps saying it*)

Mr. Narrator: *sighs* this is gonna go on for a while so let’s head back to where the good guys are.

Back at the Axalon:

Optimus: We must go after Cheetor!
Rattrap: Why?
Optimus: Because he forgot to take his cyber Ritalin.
Rhinox: He didn’t forget, he refused to take it. Don’t you remember what happened a scene ago?
Optimus: Scene?
Rhinox: Er… I mean a few minutes ago. *mutters* Yes… minutes.

Mr. Narrator: Will you all just get moving!!!
Optimus/Rattrap/Rhinox: Sorry.
Mr. Narrator: That’s better.

Back at the battlefield:

Mr. Narrator: Waspinator was beginning to get sick of the Maximal firing on him.

Waspinator: Wazzpinator izzz zzzick of zzztupid Maximal! Wazzzpinator TERRORIZZZE!

Mr. Narrator: And on the shooting did continue… even though neither one of them could hit the broad side of a barn.

Neither one of them is having any luck of hitting the other one.

Back with the rescue team:

Optimus, Rhinox and Rattrap are on their way to the battlefield.

Rattrap: So why do I gotta be here?
Optimus: Because we’re helping Cheetor.
Rattrap: Well I tink dat I shoulda stayed at da ship.
Optimus: We don’t need to protect the ship right now.
Rattrap: Really? Well I now tink that cuz of yer lack of tinkin’ skills, someone could git inta our ship and prevent us from gettin’ back in it again.
Rhinox: *in his head* What? Did he read the script too?
Optimus: Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. The enemy doesn’t even know were our ship is.

Mr. Narrator: Meanwhile, back at the Axalon…

DinoBot lands on a bridge as the missiles waved buh-bye and fly down the cliff.

DinoBot: O_O *then >_<#* DAMN YOU MEGATRON!!! I WILL GET EVEN!!!

Mr. Narrator: Um… DinoBot, there is a way for you to get back at him.
DinoBot: How?
Mr. Narrator: Behind you.
DinoBot looks behind him and sees the Axalon.

DinoBot: What kind of moron would leave it here unguarded? *gets an idea* Oh I know what to do. *smiles evilly*

Back with the ‘Heroes’:

Optimus notices that the route Rhinox is heading for was blocked off by boulders.

Optimus: Um... Rhinox, you might want to go another route…
Rattrap: *suddenly notices ‘road block’* For bootin’ up cold! TURN AWAY!!! TURN AWAY!!!

Rhinox keeps on heading to the area. Optimus and Rattrap shrug to themselves and put on hard helmets. The next thing that happens is that Optimus, Rattrap and Rhinox (replaced with their stunt doubles: a smaller version of King Kong, a hamster and the ballerina hippopotamus from the Disney movie, Fantasia, in that order) jump over the boulder-up area.

Optimus: *thinks for a second and then…* Riiiight, he’s a rhinoceros...
Rattrap: *remembers why at the exact same time as Optimus* Hey-yeah, yeah… ya know I-I… I knew dat…

Mr. Narrator: Finally, we return to the battlefield… oh, well, nothing new… THEY’RE STILL MISSING EACHOTHER AT CLOSE RANGE!!!

Cheetor and Waspinator are still missing each other. Cheetor’s gun gets jammed.

Cheetor: Uh oh! *starts running like crazy*

Although I may write up some more episode parodies for the Beast What series, I wouldn't mind if some of you with Parody episode ideas would like to add to the series.

It doesn't have to have the same personalities as the cast in my fic it can be completely different. Just let me know which episode you're going to make a parody of for the Beast What series and I'll be ok with it.

Hope you like :-D

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Unread post by Darkshadow14 »

WW, that help me laughing. I love your stories, therre so darn funny. wonderful, encore!

Rampage: Why was I not in the story?

Shut Rampy, WW doesn't hafta right about you all the time, like I do!

*WW watching fight stirring*

Rampage: your stories are awful.

*Gasp* Say that to my face!

Rampage: Gladly! *walks few feet* YOUR. STORIES. ARE....


lol, no anyways, WW I love to see more stories like this, and ignore Rampy! *hugs WW* Watch your back!
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Unread post by Sapphire »

Heheh, it's quite amusing, so far! I like parodies, so long as they're written with witty humour. It's really hard to make me laugh, and you made me giggle and grin a few times, so bravo for that! I'd like to see more. :D
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Unread post by Kamikaze »

You got the wittiness of lady dementia! And her fics make me laugh! hard!
I loved the way you portrayed cheetor.
"I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined."

Exterminating the Wapanese vermin since whenever.
Wicked Woman
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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

But wait... there's more... (Finally)


Waspinator flies after him, while Cheetor stumbles and falls, stumbles and falls and stumbles and falls and slips down a hillside and hides behind boulders.

Mr. Narrator: What are you doing. You could have shot at him.
Cheetor: My gun’s outta stuff that makes it go bang! bang! bang! Bang!
Mr. Narrator: That’s it! I’m sick of you and your foolish behavior, I don’t care if you get shot in the head!

Waspinator is still firing at the Maximal.

Mr. Narrator: Psst! Wasp!

Waspinator looks around but sees nothing. He points to himself using his gun.

Mr. Narrator: Yes you. Aim at those boulders.

Waspinator fires at the boulders and, low and behold, he nearly hits Cheetor in the head.

Waspinator: YAY!!! *does happy dance* Wazzzpinator did it! Wazzzpinator did it!
Mr. Narrator: Good. Keep shooting like that and you’ll get him.
Familiar voice: Cheetor! Get to cover!

Optimus, Rattrap and Rhinox have finally arrived.

Mr. Narrator: *acting like he rooted for Cheetor* Oh thank goodness you’ve arrived. I was just getting to the climatic part of the—!
Other Familiar voice: Oh which side are you on anyways?!

Predacons have finally arrived.

Mr. Narrator: *sheepishly* Oh, uh… I didn’t expect you all to be in the same place at once this early on… *clears throat* um… continue. *starts looking for big bag of popcorn he brought in earlier*

Megatron: …
Pteredatyl: …
Waspinator: …
Spider: …
Scorpinok: …
Rhinox: …
Rattrap: … *looks up* Your line, stupid! *hits Optimus*
Optimus: Huh? OH!!! *grabs script* *as if reading it out loud* We do not have to do this Megatron, there has been peace between the Maximals and Predacons for centuries. Why must we start this up again?
Rattrap: *slaps forehead*
Megatron: *has script* *as if reading it out loud* Peace perhaps on your side Maximal scum… er eh… *puts on reading glasses and looks at script closer* ah! Yeesss. But not on ours. *throws script away* I won’t go into the whole detail of our diabolical plan, however…

While Megatron is babbling, Cheetor finds a rock and places it in his gun.

Cheetor: This looks like a really really really fun bullet! ^^
Megatron: … so I’m sure you all know that we just merely wait for the perfect moment, to STRIKE!
Cheetor: *pops out from behind hiding place* Someone say ‘STRIKE’?!

Cheetor fires at Megatron and (not surprisenly) misses.

Megatron: *blink; blink* YOUR AIM SUCKS MAXI—! *gets blasted*

Optimus and Rhinox turn to Rattrap, who is transformed already and has a smoking gun.

Rattrap: Oh c’mon! Ya didn’t honestly expect me ta jist sit tight waiting for da kid ta actually hit ‘im didja?

Optimus and Rhinox admittedly nod and say something about Rattrap having a good point for once while transforming as well. The Predacons do the same (minus the admitting that RT had a point).

Mr. Narrator: *having given up on the Popcorn* And so the battle rages on…

They begin to fire on each other.

Mr. Narrator: …and continues…

More firepower.

Mr. Narrator: …and continues…

Blasty, blasty.

Mr. Narrator: …and… oh just forget it. It’s basically the same thing for about two minutes!

Scorpinok lowers his weapon out of boredom and accidentally fires. Cheetor, who is just beginning to climb to the top gets blasted and gets his foot jammed in between a bunch of rocks.

Mr. Narrator: Finally! Someone actually got a shot in! *gives Scorpinok an award* Here’s your ‘Character of the week’ award.
Scorpinok: YAY ^^
Optimus: Oh no! Cheetor is stuck in the middle of a canyon! *to RT* RT, I mean Rattrap, go down there and help him.
Rattrap: So ya want me ta go down da really really really steep hill in between firepower jist to save the ADHD kid?!
Optimus: And give him his cyber ridalin—.
Rattrap: Enough with da dang ridalin and I ain’t goin’!
Optimus: But I can—.
Rattrap: You can kiss my @$$ fer all I care I ain’t doin’ it!
Optimus: *mutters something about Rodent shishkabobs and flies down to Cheetor*
Megatron: *shoots Optimus and watches him crash into the canyon*
Mr. Narrator: *takes award from Scorpinok and gives it to Megatron* You are now the new ‘Character of the week’ for shooting the most annoying character in the series.
Megatron: But I thought Cheetor was the most annoying?
Mr. Narrator: When the war progresses, you’ll understand.
Optimus helps Cheetor up.

Cheetor: Whoa! The missile hit you like ‘BHAM!’ and you were like ‘AH!!!’ and then you landed like ‘THUMP’ and the—!

Optimus gives Cheetor his Cyber ridalin.

Cheetor: Thanks, that’ll keep me sane for a half an hour.
Optimus: Then we’d better hurry.

All the Maximals suddenly run like mad.

Mr. Narrator: You guys are the worst. Are you sure you’re the toughest Preds around?
Megatron: WHY YOU LITTLE *gets energon surge* ARRRGH!!! *Charlie Brown reference*
Predacons: *get energon surge*
Scorpinok: Hey, wait a cycle, shouldn’t Waspinator have gotten the surge first?
Waspinator: Wazzzpinator hazzz a five zzzecond zzzafety feature for Wazzzinator.
Megatron: Transform to beast mode!

Mr. Narrator laughs as Predacons transforms back to beast mode.

Back with the ‘heroes’:

Optimus and Rhinox are beating the crud out of Rattrap.

Rattrap: What did I do?
Optimus: You mean besides disobey a direct order?! From your superior?!
Rattrap: And where’d ya get that gig from? Da bottom of a cereal box?!
Rhinox: Don’t make me hurt you.
Rattrap: How, by sittin’ on me?!
Cheetor: wowthisisfun,whatshouldwedonext,shouldwetiehimtoatreeandleavehimthere?!
Rhinox: Dear slag, it wore off!
Optimus/Rattrap: RUN FOR IT!!!

Mr. Narrator: And indeed, they do run!

Back at the Axalon:

DinoBot is lying on a lounging chair with one of those silver thingys used for sunbathing and is wearing a sun hat… oh and he’s still in beast mode. (Start drawing BWINT :-P) DinoBot then sees the Maximals heading for the bridge.

DinoBot: What the slag took them so long, Megatron bore them with his conquest speech?! *gets up and walks to bridge*

The Optimus, Rhinox and Rattrap stop at the beginning of the rocky bridge to catch their breath as Cheetor caught up with them.

Cheetor: thatwasagreatracewehadthere (OP/RH/RT: *gasp in shock*) whowonwhowonwhowonwhoheywho’sthatguy?!

All three Maximals look up and see DinoBot on the bridge.

Rattrap: Who the slag is dis geek?
Optimus: I don’t know but he’s blocking our way to the base and the precious cyber—

DinoBot clears his throat and gains their attention.

DinoBot: Attention— *remembers that he’s still wearing the sun hat and quickly takes it off* Attention Maximals, my name is DinoBot. I have left the Predacons to join your group… as leader.

Mr. Narrator: What will our heroes do? Will they cower in fear? Will they surrender?

All four Maximals fall to the ground laughing.

Mr. Narrator: Oh course not, they’ll just start laughing like imbeciles.
Rhinox: Is this bot serious?
Optimus: Yeah, you can’t be in charge, I’m the one who’s— *stops laughing* oh.
DinoBot: I hearby challenge you, Optimus Primal, to a one on one battle.
Optimus: Dammit! I knew it. The day I became commander, I said ‘someone’s gonna challenge me to a fight to the death’.
Cheetor: He’s right, he did say that.
DinoBot: Would you let me FINISH?
All: Sorry.
DinoBot: *continues* The winner, shall lead the Maximals, and the loser, shall be destroyed! *inserts serious music*
Rhinox: *sighs* I knew I should’ve trusted my horoscope. *pulls out horoscope page which states ‘Taurus: Your oldest friend and/or commander will face challenges today’*
Now that this is done. Off to bed I go.

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Unread post by CabooseMoose7103 »

*falls out of his chair laughing*

Curses! I forgot to get a pillow!
Posts: 49
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Unread post by Mitarri »

roflmao teh best fic evar
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