nearly finished. just a few more details...

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nearly finished. just a few more details...

Unread post by Jagna »


bla...what to say now? it IS nearly finishe (thank you Primus!) there are just a few fuzzy things im not clear about, and a few suggestions for this particular minor detail would be appreciated...

there are surviving decepticons/autobots left on cybertron right? (how could you say no, ravage but are there any particulars? coz 2 o my characters are an autobot and a decpticon left after the war, and theyr on the borad bla bla ull find out...

if there are no real things, even though this is just a fanfic i dont want to get anyone upset by using the same name as an existing character, coz i dont watch G1...

(its nearly done! o wait...its just chptr 1!!! dangit!)

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Unread post by VelociBerg »

Well, not being a big G1 fan myself I can't tell you exactly. But I can give you a helpful link or two.

Main Wikipedia Transformers article:

For the specific G1 sub-link:
Generation One

And a Wiki devoted entirely to Transformers, and Transformers alone:
Teletraan I

Hope this is a help!
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Unread post by Jagna »

it does actually, thanks!

i might have to go with ultra magnus, and some other obscure deceticon...ill make up the other names...

i did learn a lot about sparks and all sparks and unicron (who is one ugly bugger if i amy say so!)

thanks VB! what does anyone else think? should i go with ultra magnus and some other D?
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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »

Beh. I say write your story the way you want to. Besides the beauty of writing is that the universe bends to your will. If you find out along the way that there is an inconsistency, make up something to fix it. The entire BW series started with a specific rift in Transwarp space (something I have started to play around with in the BM script :wink: ) Additionally, I am choosing the character I wanted to survive from the series. If it makes for a good story there is nothing anyone can say to deny that. Best of luck. :D
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

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Unread post by Jagna »

thanks Silver...

*blinks blankly at him*

but...i have already finished...chapter one id up uner BEAST WARS REBIRTH: Chapter 1

*blinks again*

there must be something in that Japanese mead...btw welcome back!
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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »

Well. Cudos on getting it done. (Actually I realised that it was done as I typed the msg but figured I'd post anyway. Oh well :D )

Ohhh.... sake is an evil thing.

It GREAT to be back. :wink:
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

Yes dear...
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