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Arachnid Champion
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Unread post by Arachnid Champion »

What, a living Beast Wars site? With fanfics still being submitted, yet! Truly, there is a Primus.

Ahem. Anyway, I am the Arachnid Champion, so named because I champion the arachnids of the Beast Wars. Except Blackarachnia. I can't stand her, frankly. But Tarantulas is the slag (ahahahahaha) and Scorponok... has gotten the shortest end of the stick of any Beast Wars character. Even shorter than Transmutate's. I mean, people actually CARED when she(?) died. But no one even seemed to notice when Scorponok did... sheesh. A great deal of potential, wasted.

My primary interest at this time is fanfic writing, which I am rather new at. I will almost certainly post them here.

By the way, does anyone here watch Fullmetal Alchemist? One of my stories is a BW/FMA crossover, and it'd help if some people understood the FMA storyline.
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Unread post by Jagna »

welcome. Welcome! WELCOME!

nice intro! yes this site is alive...IT LIIIIIVES *cackles* <--arachnid reference recognisable enough for ya? :wink:

i cant stand blackarachnia either...*get hit by flying waffle from elusive BA fanclub members* Ow...
I agree! poor scorpinok and terrasaur! and how ironinc the only one who ever even mentioned them ever again was BA...obnce but still! poor guy. only thing i have against scorpinok really is that his robot mode is butt-ugly...not the face though its aright...*ends pointless garble*

im relatively new at fic writing to (well, i hav been writing for a while but never posted...iv been here a while but i will get there eventually!)
say, how about quickstrike? he's got some arachnid in him if you ignore the un-ignorable snake head... :S SAY! you could join the quickstrike fan club! we need one more member to make it official...waddya say, pardner?

anyway welcom again! and no i havnt even heard of...fullmetal alchemist...?
ull have a blast here! watch out for crazyness! *hops onto ratrap and rolls away singing slip slidin' away by paul simon with big rubber sword...*
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Unread post by FoK »

Welcum Arachnid Campion to the best BW forum there is :D
Don't worry about crazyness...that's Jagna we're talkin' about :)
(and don't worry about flying waffles too...I know my waffle exterminator
is around here somewhere...)

Btw, Jagna what's this I hear about a Quickstrike fanclub?
His last words were a shame: "Hey there is light at the and of the tunnel." Unfortunately it was a train.
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Unread post by Jagna »

yup yup crazyness...*ponders*...HEEEY! :lol:

quickstrike fanclub: it should be in the beast wars section...add ur name and resons u love 'im to the list...we need four peeps for a club! see u there! :wink:

o btw here's ur waffle exterminator" *hands it to Fok

and AC (can i call you tht?) ull need to watch out for nuts and evil penguins too! they're coming... :evil:
[img][/img] || [img][/img]
and OP, RT and DB
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Unread post by Arachnid Champion »

I suppose Quickstrike counts as an arachnid...

Nuts? Evil penguins? I've dealt with worse, trust me.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Welcome to the board, Arachnid Champion!

:shock: I noticed when Scorponok died. :wink: He was a Soundwave wanna be so it was hard not to realize when Megatron had lost his most loyal minion. Poor, poor Scorponok. Although, I didn't care much for him and Terrorsaur. XD Not their fault, I'm just drawn to the good guys more. :lol:
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Unread post by VelociBerg »

^ One does not get more loyal than Inferno. :lol:

That aside, welcome to the boards AC! Consider this, Scorponok did us ALL a favor at the end. Not by dying, but by taking Terrorsaur down with him.

Terrorsaur's TM form is HIDEOUS. Small mercies...
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Unread post by fizzybird »

Greetings, and welcome AC.
In the beginning I never saw when they died, but later when
I saw it is was a bit sad.
I cared, not because I liked him, but it's because he added to the humor.
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Unread post by Nurann »

Welcome to BW INT! I do believe we are the last (large) pure BW fan site still standing *grins* so the more authors to keep it alive, the better!

BW/FMA cross you say? Now THAT I would LOVE to see! *pictures Al pointing at the beast warrior*
Al: Look brother! Other people trapped in suits of armour!
Beast Warriors: Huh???

You want the ultimate tribute to Scorponok? Find just the right map of Canada, and look at the border of Quebec/Labrador. The outline will look *very* familiar... ;)
~Nurannoniel Amruniel ~ Blessed Be~
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Unread post by Arachnid Champion »

Al: Look brother! Other people trapped in suits of armour!
Beast Warriors: Huh???
Something like that... Actually, the first interaction involves Quickstrike calling Ed short. Blows are only barely avoided. There's an OC created by someone whom I'm working with (she's "involved" with Greed, by the way), lots of Philospher's Stones, a nasty undead alchemist, and a very odd romance.
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Unread post by Lady Ocelot »

Greetings AC! Feel free to sample our flying sugary bounties :wink:
-ducks to avoid waffle-
Even shorter than Transmutate's. I mean, people actually CARED when she(?) died.
-jumps up and down-
Ooh! Ooh! I was one of those people!
It was so saaad, she'd only just begun her life before it was taken away. Even though she lasted for barely an episode she still had more of a personality than the weather-king Tigerhawk, who amassed a grand total of two and a half eps.
-the clear blue sky suddenly clouds over and a bolt of lightning zaps Lady O-
...0o -coughsootcough-

To be brutally honest Scorponok irritated me, along with Terrorsaur (why Starscream didn't possess him I'll never know), but at least the writers didn't follow their original plan and kill Waspinator instead. That would've been a great tradgety if everyone's favourite pinata had been liquified. There'd be no more Waspinator parts to collect, for example.
("Man, do you know how many pieces of Waspinator I got?").

Actually, I'm also working on my first fanfic. Although I don't know squat about FMA I'll be interested in reading the cross-over oddities that usually occur with...cross-overs.

...I really need to stop drinking Milo in the morning :shock:
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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »

#Silver stumbles into the forum suffering from terrible hangover from heavy drinking in Tokyo#

G`day mate! #thud#

#Jagna walks up and pokes him with a stick# Third time this week. #shakes head and walks away#

Weclome. Yes I too praised this allspark upon encountering this wonderful website and have Sapphire to thank for dragging my wayward soul into this forum. I have since continued my reign of terrrr.....rriffic advice and stories.... yes.... that`ll do :wink:

I enjoyed Scorpinok.... Soundwave? Kind of. Loyal? Endlessly so. I would have found it interesting to see how the group dynamic would have turned when Megatron started playing his little games and sending Inferno instead of Scorpinok on other missions. Perhaps some sibling rivalry? Who knows? In my opinion Scorpinok was a much more interesting character than Quickstrike. I much preferred the boneheaded, scientist to the slapstick cowboy. But the story it is and the story it shall stay. Anyhoo have fun and enjoy the site. :D
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

Yes dear...
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