Terrorsaur has grown on me
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:05 pm
Come as a surprise, doesn't it? I admit that I didn't like him very much at first much like everyone else. I mean, he's honestly a very easy character to hate. He's arrogant, conceited, loud-mouthed, and always willing to shoot our protagonists in the back. There aren't many redeeming qualities to him at all.
Lately, though, I've started liking him more and more. I don't know how to explain it best but I've found him to be more and more entertaining and interesting of a character lately.
He provides some of the best aerial battles in the show. From Power Surge to The Spark to Dark Voyage, he's proven himself to be one of the most dangerous fliers of all the Maximals and Predacons.
He has great chemistry with Waspinator. The two of them made a really awesome duo throughout Season 1. I hate to admit it but Waspinator just wasn't the same without Terrorsaur in Season 2 and 3. They're like Yin and Yang. Separate one from the other and the universe is no longer in balance.
I genuinely find him to be an entertaining and amusing character now. He's helped to add a lot to some of the most powerhouse Season 1 episodes and it's really fun watching him try to betray Megatron and take over the Predacons. He's not on my top five favorite characters list or anything but I still like him a lot more than, say, Blackarachnia or Scorponok.
I really like him more now than I used to in the past. Dunno how it happened exactly but it did.
Lately, though, I've started liking him more and more. I don't know how to explain it best but I've found him to be more and more entertaining and interesting of a character lately.
He provides some of the best aerial battles in the show. From Power Surge to The Spark to Dark Voyage, he's proven himself to be one of the most dangerous fliers of all the Maximals and Predacons.
He has great chemistry with Waspinator. The two of them made a really awesome duo throughout Season 1. I hate to admit it but Waspinator just wasn't the same without Terrorsaur in Season 2 and 3. They're like Yin and Yang. Separate one from the other and the universe is no longer in balance.
I genuinely find him to be an entertaining and amusing character now. He's helped to add a lot to some of the most powerhouse Season 1 episodes and it's really fun watching him try to betray Megatron and take over the Predacons. He's not on my top five favorite characters list or anything but I still like him a lot more than, say, Blackarachnia or Scorponok.
I really like him more now than I used to in the past. Dunno how it happened exactly but it did.