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kuwait events...(not BW sorry)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:09 pm
by Jagna
woa...this is my third cool links post in a row...duuuude.

okay this is not actually BW realetd, but i thought it best not to put it anywhere else as it is a link...indeed. hm.
anyway what it is, is the performance (well ONE of the performances)that had me so stressed out in oct/nov last year (last year??!?!! :shock: ) this is the first time anything iv been in (that i know of) has been on the teacher called me over to her very excitedly to tell me about it.

obviously, for internet saftey reaons, im not going to reveal myself...i just thought you guys might like to see what we get up to in kuwait...ladeedah. unfortunately, what you read isn't all that goes on, this is just the most impressive and expensive things...heh.
