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Beast Wars International Gathering: London, UK

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:31 pm
by Sapphire
Hey everyone.

Because there have been a few questions about the possible London gathering, I thought I'd start a thread for it.

In June this year, four members of Bwint will be in England at the same time. It is for this reason that I'm proposing a tentative Gathering for that time (venue most likely will be London). I also know of a few other BW fans who are planning on visiting England next year, so it seems like a good time to have it. I am aware that Botcon is at the end of June, so I'd hold the Gathering a week or two before that, so that anyone who wants to do both can combine the trips in a neat little roundtrip flight package.

I know that others in the U.S. are trying to organise a Gathering there, but this one is catering for people on this side of the globe, as we have a considerable fanbase in Europe and the middle East. Of course, anyone from Bwint is welcome, no matter where they come from.

I ask that anyone interested in attending this particular Gathering please post a reply so that I can get an idea of numbers. More details will be added over time.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:06 pm
by Jagna
coolio...oh, how i would KILL to come...
does it HAVE to be BEFORE june? y not after Botcon? i know im probably in no position to suggest that as iv never been to one, but it is just a suggestion. dangit, i would love to go, but tht time of yr is soooo inconvenient. i have exams in may/june. to elaborate, AS EXAMS!!!! rrrg.
its a shame coz i usually dont get back to the UK till early june. o well...let me know about next year! have fun, those who are going!

ps. take lots of pictures and post them here! :P

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 2:33 am
by Sapphire
We're keeping it June because that's when Miss Special and Razor One will be here. They'll have returned home after that. I also know of two others who are looking to be in London around June, so it just seems like the best time. We're already starting out with a gathering of 4 in June and it makes sense to keep it then so we can add to that number. (Varyn and I make up the other two.)

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:08 pm
by SilverfromOZ
Sapphire you sneaky temptress... you just don't want me to have ANY money this year at all do you? :lol:

This will have to go in the same category as my Botcon plans for the moment, i.e. dependant on how much money I have when I return from my little holiday. I'd love to do the gathering thing and then mosey over to Botcon followed by the movie. That would rock major, slaggin #insert various number of profanities which are used in positive manner to indicate the awesomeness of the prospect#

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:45 pm
by Sapphire
You're very welcome to attend, Silver! But I thought you were coming to London sooner? Well, if you choose to drop by the UK at the time of the Gathering, do let me know. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:10 pm
by SilverfromOZ
Yes I will be coming over sooner. I suppose the realistic method would be to postpone the second half of the trip until the gathering/botcon, however that method is boring and I've never really been a heavy subscriber to reality as is :D An additional trip would make it all so much more fun :D

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:51 pm
by Araneae
Well it will be much easier for me to travel to the UK than to the States, since the UK is just over the fjord from here. So I don’t know a reason why I shouldn’t be able to come to a gathering in London, except maybe for financial reasons, but I think I can scrape together enough to travel :D

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:43 pm
by Jagna
okay im definately unhappy now...

in june? bugger all its NOT FAIR! i just looked at the edexcel exam timetable today and my *$##!^&*) exams start from beginning of june till end of may!!! NOOOOO!

*sniffs* how miserably unfortunate. yeeees.

...*bing as light goes on*...unless botcon's been postponed? *is chased sown dusty street by angry mob wielding fencing helmets and cucumbers* ya i know, im just trying to make it seem there was the slightest possibility of going. sigh

o well, let me know how it turns out <:)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:57 am
by SilverfromOZ
No no no!! The scene's all wrong. Of course we would wield the helmets, they can pack a whallop when you hit someone with them, but we would wear the cucumbers. That's a true uniform.

Sorry to hear that the timetable thing doesn't work out for you this year, but fear not young maiden, as long as the spark of Beast Wars lives on in our hearts, we can continue to have Gatherings and oh yes, you will make us brownies... uh.... I mean attend and have lots of fun... dum deee dum. :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:36 pm
by SilverfromOZ
OK I need to make an important announcement here regarding my time.

3rd of June I have my cousin's Wedding
10th June I have my little cousin's confirmation

So if the BWint Gathering has not had a date set, can it please please please be after the 10th? If it is, then I'll jump on a plane the day after my cousin's confirmation and rocket over to shenanigise with the assorted BW commune.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:35 am
by Safeguard
I'll not be joining you. There are two easy explanations... first, I'm going to go to a driving school in April and it'll take a long time before I'm done. Second, I'm so shy I just lock up and can't talk in English. >_>

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:28 am
by Maeglin Dubh
Camp training starts for me on the 16th of June, and I probably can't afford the puddle-jump, so I won't likely be there. You'll just have to wait to get your fill of Maeglin at BotCon.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:33 pm
by Sapphire
I recently sent out an email to all those interested in attending, as well as to other European Beast Wars fans. The proposed dates for the Gathering are the 22nd of June til the 25th of June. The venue will be a hotel in London. If you're reading this and did not receive the email, leave me a message here and I'll add you to the mailing list (please remember to leave me your email address if I don't have it.)

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:02 pm
by Jagna
SHOOT! NOOOO FAAAAIR!!!! im only coming to england on the 24th! noooooooooo!!!!! why? why WHY! dangit

ya i did get the email thanks Sapph. but its still not fair! does it mean that the gathering will be somewhere else next year? shoot rhymes with pit. dangit again. i would KILL to be able to rant to anyone who UNDERSTANDS at the very least what im talking about let alone take an interest.

hopefully we will go along with the idea of me arriving in england a little earlier this year. fingers crossed, yeah? this is very emotional. at the beginning it looked like i didnt have a chance to even think about coming. but things have altered...situations have changed. yeeeesss....

hope to see anyone there!

PS. ill be starting a thread soon on possible interest in going to see the transformers movie in london, but first i need to find out exactly when its on b/c, as Sapph said, its a little later than the US. ill get back to everyone on that!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:54 am
by SilverfromOZ
Of course Jagna if your plan is successful you will have to use the "I've had a change for the better" quote. :wink:

If you are arriving on the 24th then you'll be there smack bang in the middle of it and I promise to rope everyone into a "Previously on BWint" flashback scene just to get you up to speed. (Or it may just be me playing everyone's roles in a form of interpretive dance..... :? .... yeah very me).

Best of luck with it bub... also I can't remember... are you doing the Botcon thing or is the money thing a bugger for plans? If so, talk to some travel agents and see if they can work out a package. I still have no Botcon plane trip sorted yet, however nothing beats courier rates if you are that way inclined. :D

Yay to Sapph with the organisation thingy! I think I miss spelled organization.. yep the second is better. No squiggly line. Yes. Cudos to the sorting out and getting people sorted and insert the word sort again just for annoyance factor. Hmmm... a room full of BW boys. Scary thought. Add some alchi-hol to the mix and we got ourselves a good ol fashioned drinkin night. #Disclaimer: No one should listen to Silver..... ever. That is all#

MD look forward to catching up with the Botcon thing. I eagerly anticipate the entire group squealing like little girls once Optimus makes his debut on the CG big screen (yes I probably will squeal if you have issues with that then... uhh... talk to Sapph... yes... that'll do).

OK enough silly ranting for one sitting. I need to have a shower now (plus side of being unemployed and crashing at parent's place is the ability to train every day. WOO!) Alright I'm going.