What goes where! <--important

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Miss Special
Posts: 234
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What goes where! <--important

Unread post by Miss Special »

This topic has been needed for awhile, but I forget and I procrastinate, and oops the sky fell in.

There's always been some amount of confusion as to what topic should go where, so here's an in-depth rundown of the categories of the forum:

-Rules: You should pop in every so often and check the Rules thread for updates. You should read this thread before registering.

-Introduce Yourself: This is where you should post your intro thread. You are not required to post an intro thread, however it's always nice for someone to introduce themselves when they're new.

-Cool Links: Alright, here's where most of the confusion occurs. If you have a link that isn't Beast Wars related, post it here. If you just want to post a link (even if it's BW related) and don't really have any commentary to provide, post it here. In other words, if you want to post just a link, you should post it here.

-General Stuff: Where general site news and miscellaneous things go, unless it belongs in the Rant section, which will be discussed further in a moment.

-Beast Wars Talk: Unless it's just a Beast Wars link (with little or no commentary), anything and everything related to the show, comics, etc. goes here.

-Rant Section: If you want to rant about something, good or bad, do it here. Random wonderings, emofests, and toga parties go here. If you're not sure if your thread should go in General Stuff or here, don't worry about it. Gray areas exist, and we're pretty forgiving when it comes to this.
However, there are rules. You can't call out someone specifically (as in, by name, being vague is fine), especially if they're a member of the forum, swearing is off-limits, and please keep in mind that not everyone is going to agree with you.

-The Console: Anything related writing, be it fanfiction or whatever, goes here. If you want to talk about plotbunnies, put it here. If you want to share your poem that you wrote on the back of a napkin while eating Pixie Stix (Sticks?), post it here. A 60,000 word novel? Here. And so on.

-The Gallery: Exactly the same thing as the Console, except for art. Any and every kind of art is welcome here (even if it isn't Beast Wars), except art that would earn an R or higher rating.

-The Archives: A largely unused place where the admins and mods put old or dead threads that could be useful later on.

There ya go! Any questions?
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Posts: 146
Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:26 pm
Location: NB, Canada

Unread post by Kidcat »

I'm really happy you posted this :) Makes everything a lot more clear. I also had no idea that I could post non BW related stuff in the gallery. Which brings me to my question:

I understand the "Keep it below R rating" thing. But I was just wondering what's considered and R rating. Because I think some of my stuff may be border line. I wouldn't post anything with nudity in it, but for example my latest pic is hiding just the right parts... But still, I dunno if it would be considered too mature or not. Or maybe I should just stick to posting pics that are safe for sure?
Miss Special
Posts: 234
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:21 pm
Location: California

Unread post by Miss Special »

The important thing to keep in mind is that Beast Wars is a show targeted towards kids, so there are going to be kids here (even if most of us aren't). If you don't want, say, a 12-year-old (or younger) seeing it, you probably shouldn't post it here. Other than that, if you're not sure, you should be fine if you post a warning in the subject line.
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Posts: 146
Joined: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:26 pm
Location: NB, Canada

Unread post by Kidcat »

Alrighty. Sounds good :) Thanks for the info.
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