Gaia Online

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The Crab
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Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:13 pm
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Gaia Online

Unread post by The Crab »

So, like, I'm re-addicted to Gaia. Again. It's your basic online community, 'cept it's really fun. You can create your own chibi-ish character to however you want him/her to look, and you can earn gold to buy clothes and such. It's also really fun because there's an online 'Chatroom' of sorts, in which your character can walk around, and interact with other players.

For example!
Me, in my 'Oh-Good-Lord-I-Wish-My-Clothes-Actually-Looked-Like-That' outfit, with my excellent awsome someone, Aku.

When ya type and hit enter, they come out as word bubbles, and even have awsome emoticons. My favorite is "PWNED!" ^_^

Check it out! I think it'd be quite a fun way to have our chats every now and then!
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