Botcon 2007

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Curse Hawkwind
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Unread post by Curse Hawkwind »

*prays for the movie cast he knows he's not going to meet*
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Unread post by Nurann »

Uh, Starath? If you want us to give you a ride down to Providence that night, you are welcome to stay with us. We've gotten two... king sized? I'd have to check, but we have to large beds, and only the two of us, so we do still have room for someone else.

I do feel obligated, however, to forewarn about our snoring... ;)
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Unread post by Beastbot »

News from about the dinner:
We have made some great changes to Saturday night's dinner. Instead of a dinner, we are going to have
a PARTY! Not just any party, mind you, but a real throw down! The Awards Party starts at 7pm
with a cash bar cocktail hour.

At 8PM the Cusaks (a local '80s band) will start the evening with a bang and we will also begin
serving the party food and sometime around 9pm STAN BUSH will be in concert at BotCon 2007!

In addition, Stan will be with us the entire weekend with his own panels and autograph sessions.
Upstairs will be tables and seating, along with the convention favorite "Bingo", complete with all different kinds of
Transformers prizes. Also upstairs will be a quite lounge and a game lounge where you can play your favorite
Hasbro board games or you are welcome to bring you own.

Don't forget to get your Awards Party Concert Goody Bag when you enter at 7pm
(courtesy of Hasbro, thanks guys!)
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Unread post by Starath »

*scratches chin* Hmmm.... You know, that might be a good idea. I'd have to talk to Sinead to see what she says in case she has any specific plans for me that day, but otherwise that'd give her one less person to get to Providence! :mrgreen:

I am rooming with Sinead and Hacker for the rest of the 'Con though, that part is planned. I just wasn't sure of the where/hows of Wednesday night. o_o

I'm gunna be such a nut during all this, Ooooh dear.... xD

*checks thread* And you're arriving 10 minutes after I do in Boston. That should make things fun. n_n

As for additional surprises... I've heard so much about Mr. Scotty McNiel... he'd better show up... >_>
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Curse Hawkwind
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Unread post by Curse Hawkwind »

hm a stan bush concert.....well....cant be any worse
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Unread post by Nurann »

Pardon my ignorance, but who?


~Nurannoniel Amruniel ~ Blessed Be~
Curse Hawkwind
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Unread post by Curse Hawkwind »

stand bush had songs on the original movie soundtrack from the 80's

and i completed the sign for the pickup :) i hope you all notice'd have to be blind not to
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Another musical guest has been announced at

Ernie played guitar and was the principle songwriter in the band N.R.G. whose song "Instruments Of Destruction" was featured in the animated "Transformers, The Movie" and on the animated movie soundtrack as well. In 2001 the R2 DVD release (UK, Middle East, and Asia) of TFTM featured N.R.G.'s song "Aw S#!+ What Are We Going To Do Now" as a DVD extra. You can hear it rockin' to the Transformers storyboards on the special features. Ernie currently resides in Nashville, TN where he owns and operates a recording studio. As luck would have it - Ernie will be performing in Rhode Island for the month of July immediately following Botcon at Ballard's Inn on Block Island.
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Unread post by coffeegodd »

and the schedule is up:

on a seperate note, Baron what time are u checking into our hotel...I may have already asked this but answer anyway. Thanks again

6 days until botcon!!!!!!!!!
Baron Fel
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Unread post by Baron Fel »

Well (and this is fairly normal for hotels) check in is at 4 PM on Thursday so I was planning on doing it then, and then immedietly heading out to the registration area. (then later in the evening the TF movie.)

No clue what on Earth to do before then though. Once I arrive at the hotel I'll try and check-in early. We'll see how that goes though. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't.
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Peter Cullen's attending again, w00t!

They're REALLY hawking David Kaye, though-- 4 different panels over the weekend!? That seems like overkill...
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Unread post by SilverfromOZ »


Yesssssssssss!!! Thanks oh very thank you to those luvverly parentals of mine. Sent direct to Sapph's place here in ol rainytown. #dance, dance and dance some more#

What?!!! PARTAY?!!! HELL YEAH! AND Stan BUSH!! Best Botcon/experience of my life ever!

Note: Silver will be the one clad in shiny new trench coat and not so new goth boots moshing merrily away to any 80s music being played (even if it happens to be someone's ringtone)
It's ok sir. I'll be fine...

Just listen to your commander, bonebrain!

Yes dear...
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Unread post by Sinead »

o.o ...

*cackles* okay, since eveyone seems to be obsessed about the movie and actors and whatnot, I noticed something that was vastly overlooked, it seems.


OMG. Does everyone remember last year's? *cackles more*

Phsh. Yeah, I agree that four David Kaye panels are indeed overkill, but that's not gonna stop me from attending all of them. 9.9; yeah, me, the DB fanatic is going to be going to a Megatron thing. But ask Starath! She's been finally winning me over to see the ... uh ... "good" in him.

I'll stop rambling, now.


5 DAYS!!!
Uncle Iroh: I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but *cries* it's just so sad!
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Unread post by Beastbot »

Yeah, I can't wait for MSTF either, I love that-- but it's always at every Botcon, hence why I didn't mention it specifically. I hope they do another Beast Wars episode this year.

And I'll probably go to 2 of the David Kaye panels, but I probably will have had my fill of listening to questions regarding his career after that...

I'm also really looking forward to the IDW panel, I want to see more pics/details of the Beast Wars comic & Sourcebook they have coming in August!!!
Last updated April 25th
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Unread post by Maeglin Dubh »

My comrade and I will be dropping in on Saturday, no idea how long we're staying or what time we'll be there, so...

If someone could hop on the mailing list and throw out a final listing of the phone numbers for group contact, I'd appreciate it... I'm an archery instructor and wilderness guide at a local camp, and I won't get a chance to check the forums until Friday, but they may be putting in a computer for staff to check email.

To ensure delivery, send only emails I absolutely need to see, such as a cellphone list or a meeting place, to an address and name which I will be PMing to Silver.
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