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Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Greetings, beastgirl!
and watch beastwars on tv HAH its still on along with shadow raiders reboot ect
XD I miss Reboot and Shadow Raiders! I watched Reboot all the time; loved Megabyte, Turbo and Hack and Slash. I can't remember much about Raiders, though. I had only caught a few episodes before it vanished from my cable. :cry: I bought a Reboot DVD a while ago so I'm not too deprived of it, but I'd like to buy the whole series along with Shadow Raiders some day. Beast Wars I don't miss because I already have them on DVD. LoL Along with... *shudder* ...Beast Machines. :wink:
Cheetor became an instant favorite. I just loved his disobedient childish actions
LoL That's funny to me because that's exactly what made me dislike that feline! LoL Optimus and Rattrap are definitely way up on my favorites list. Okay, Optimus is my top favorite, I'll admit, but Garry's had a big influence on that. Rattrap's my second (used to be first in the beginning). But, uh, Cheetor's pretty far down on my list. LoL Sorry. XD BUT not as far as Scorponok and Terrorsaur. :wink:
but wouldnt u agree its gr8 to hav other ppl to talk to about bw? its a shame coz in my house, i mention it once and my sis goes 'omg not again!'
:lol: Poor Jagna. And welcome to the board! I actually had a quite different reaction with my siblings when Beast Wars came out. I fell in love with the CGI, the fact that these Transformers were animals instead of vehicles or cities, and Rattrap. LoL But my brother got me into it because he liked the G1 (I did too I just couldn't remember it very well since I was born the year it aired :x ). And then we got our youngest sister to watch (who fell in love with Dinobot) and then we finally talked our oldest sister into watching it and she ended up liking Cheetor because his beast mode was a cheetah (which was her favorite animal). :roll: :wink: So, we'd talk about the show all the time and watch every episode every time it came on. Thoooose were the days. I miss those days. :(

I loved Rattrap because of his endless sarcasm, his jokes, sense of humor, and he was adorable in his little rat beast mode. LoL But eventually the huggable gorilla won me over with his selflessness, generosity, kindness, sacrifices... and I seem to always like the good guys and leader figures anyway. :lol: I find myself to be like those two put together, I suppose.

Beast Wars rocks hard! XD
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Unread post by geniusbob »

Welcome....this is my first welcome.
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Unread post by Kidcat »

Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:
Cheetor became an instant favorite. I just loved his disobedient childish actions
LoL That's funny to me because that's exactly what made me dislike that feline! LoL Optimus and Rattrap are definitely way up on my favorites list. Okay, Optimus is my top favorite, I'll admit, but Garry's had a big influence on that. Rattrap's my second (used to be first in the beginning). But, uh, Cheetor's pretty far down on my list. LoL Sorry. XD BUT not as far as Scorponok and Terrorsaur. :wink:
LOL! To each their own I guess ;)
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Unread post by CabooseMoose7103 »

Welcome beastgirl!! (Yep, once againa I'm late on this, but life happens.)
Optimal Optimus Primal wrote:
but wouldnt u agree its gr8 to hav other ppl to talk to about bw? its a shame coz in my house, i mention it once and my sis goes 'omg not again!'
:lol: Poor Jagna. And welcome to the board! I actually had a quite different reaction with my siblings when Beast Wars came out. I fell in love with the CGI, the fact that these Transformers were animals instead of vehicles or cities, and Rattrap. LoL But my brother got me into it because he liked the G1 (I did too I just couldn't remember it very well since I was born the year it aired :x ). And then we got our youngest sister to watch (who fell in love with Dinobot) and then we finally talked our oldest sister into watching it and she ended up liking Cheetor because his beast mode was a cheetah (which was her favorite animal). :roll: :wink: So, we'd talk about the show all the time and watch every episode every time it came on. Thoooose were the days. I miss those days. :(
I didn't, although my sister wasn't even born yet (and even if she was she would have been more interested in baseball...where did I go wrong? :P ) Thankfully my friends were as BW crazed as I was. We all watched the show (and then talked about it in lunch the next day), we all had the toys (and played with them constantly during recess, somehow mine still look like I just took them out of the box. I've never figured out how I managed to do that.) Heh, I remember when one of my friends brought his new TM Optimus Primal to school, everyone went nuts over it since it had just come out in stores and nobody else had one. Ahhhhh yeeeessss, those were the days. I do miss them a bit, but not too much. The toys change, but the boys stay the same. :P Now instead of BW, it's our Xbox360s (and soon the Wii, I can't wait). I bought a VGA cable for my 360 so I could play in High Definition on my monitor, and everyone went nuts over that. :D Some things never change.
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Location: Canada, BC, Poco OR in dinobots closet

Unread post by beastgirl »

lol when i bring up beast wars in my house, my mom looks at me confused and my brother is always makign fun of them "mostly rhinox"
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

LoL Poor Rhinox. That's okay, though. I always make fun of Cheetor to annoy my older sister. She might try to say something bad about Rattrap, but that never bothers me because the monkey's my favorite now. LoL

I love having siblings. XD
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Location: Canada, BC, Poco OR in dinobots closet

Unread post by beastgirl »

he always making rhinox part of the jenny criag add's and for some reason he puts dinobot in power ragers and batman :? yeaa hes a very creative one
Optimal Optimus Primal
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RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
Location: Pennsylvania

Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »


I think I'm worse with Cheetor... only because of the "proof" I've seen in the show, but I won't get into that because I think it'll start a big contraversary with the Cheetor fans here. LoL

Rhinox is cool. I don't care what your brother says! :P

I can see Dinobot in Power Rangers... :wink:
"Well, that's just prime!"
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