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G1/G2 Int'l Tag Team Tournament Final: Open!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 3:39 am
by Outtsyder
Japan, Europe, and Generation 2 were well represented in this Conference of the TF Combat Tournament. And while the sixteen teams’ showings provided various results through the three rounds, two teams from separate eras – Generation 2 and G1 Japan – blazed the two most dominant trails to the Championship Finals of the Conference. Once again, as in the Singles Tournament in this Conference, the two Finalist teams in the G1 & G2 International Tag Team Tournament represent one of each allegiance: Autobots (or Cybertrons, if you will) versus Decepticons!

From Generation 2, Jhiaxus & Rook suffered not a single dent on their path towards the Championship Finals; even the unknown factor of Rook’s alleged powers have done nothing to hinder his team. With the focused and driven Jhiaxus at the helm, they steamrolled over duos from both Japan and Europe, crushing Autobots and Decepticons alike! However, their last opponents should not be taken lightly, as they have racked up a victory record almost as impressive as the G2 Decepticons, over teams from Europe, Japan, and G2. Star Convoy & Sky Garry represent the terminating era of G1 Japan, but with the upgraded form of Optimus Prime on their team, Jhiaxus may find that he’ll have a harder battle against the Autobot/Cybertron Commander this time, with the G1 & G2 Int’l Tag Team Championship on the line… or will he? Can Jhiaxus & Rook combine their abilities and regime mentalities to overcome the power of the Zodiac… or will Star Convoy’s new body and power carry him & Sky Garry to yet another victory? Only you can decide that… and this is your chance!

This time, it's simple. You only need to pick the winning team of the one match. As always, the trick is to pick the more realistic winners in this Championship Final, using the criteria that a win can be gained by (a) forcing a surrender from either or both members of the opposing team, (b) rendering either or both members of the enemy team unable to continue after a 15-second count, or (c) destroying either or both members of said team. The profiles of both teams, and their respective roads to the finals, are here once again for a reminder:

Jhiaxus & Rook (Decepticon) – From Generation 2, the callous-yet-controlled Warlord of the expanding Cybertronian Empire and his advisor are among the “latter-generation Decepticons” that abandoned the “throwback” factions of Autobot and Decepticon. While Jhiaxus suppresses his old past as a sadistic tyrant, Rook quietly observes his commander’s stability while remaining co-operative. Jhiaxus transforms into a Cybertronian bomber with large-caliber cannons and a tailfin-mounted gun; robot mode’s armor has unusually high resistance damage, and massive strength to destroy an opponent with his bare hands. Rook’s powers and alternate mode(s) are unknown; he is suspected to possess high intelligence, with a covert connection to a higher Decepticon-like power. Jhiaxus’ attempts to ignore his hidden past can be triggered by an unexpected memory, briefly disorienting him; Rook’s wildcard status makes him a mystery. ... hiaxus.htm ... s/rook.htm

{Defeated Artfire & Stepper (100%), Deathsaurus & Leozak (100%), and Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (100%) to reach the Finals.}

Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Cybertron) – From the Japanese Battlestars manga story; the returning new form of Optimus Prime now teams up with the Battlestars Micromaster Commander. Star Convoy’s new body has been re-adapted, allowing both partners to transform into armored Micromaster-scale base modes, both bristling with weaponry. Star Convoy now transforms into armored semi-tractor halftrack-trailer truck, which can adopt variable-caliber roof-mounted weapons; robot mode is powered by the mysterious Zodiac power source. Sky Garry transforms into an aerial carrier craft armed with various blasters and artillery cannons; a flight expert with great physical power and combat skill. ... convoy.htm ... ygarry.htm

{Defeated Powerdive & Ransack (100%), Skyquake & Stalker (100%), and Star Saber & Victory Leo (71%) to reach the Finals.}

And, as in the other Tournament Finals, for those who feel a little creative, not only do you get to vote for the winning team, but this is your chance to write out a move-for-move description of how you think the battle between these powerful teams will go! It can be long or short, concise or detailed. But make it a good and realistic battle, worthy of a championship final. Use the profiles and abilities of the combatants to whatever potential works the best, and keep them in character. And remember, this is a two-on-two battle, with Jhiaxus & Rook and Star Convoy & Sky Garry using their own powers and resources. No outside interference. No additional reinforcements, outside of their own hardware (i.e. the G2 Decepticons will not be allowed to “bud” more warriors; and Star Convoy & Sky Garry cannot be assisted by their Micromaster partners). And… no need to worry about the "hero always wins in the end" rule in the cartoons. But if you feel like adding a little extra to your written description of the fight -- anything from crowd reactions to making it a cage match – if it works, feel free to do so.

The deadline for voting and submissions will be Saturday, September 2, 7pm Pacific Daylight Time, shortly after which the results will be posted, along with some samples from any written battle scenarios, to be posted on all four participating boards; The Underground Hangar, The TF Collectors' Club Forums, Ages 3 & Up's Forums, and Beast Wars International. You can cast your vote for the winner of this fight (and send your submission of your battle description if you wish), by e-mailing me at, replying right here in this thread, or even letting me know in a Chat or IM. In the rare moment that we might talk in person or on the phone, casting your votes also count there. For message boards that allow a poll feature, I have also added a poll if you feel too rushed to type out a whole post. As usual, you cannot cast your vote for this match more than once (yeah, an anti-ballot box-stuffing measure). And on the forums where it’s possible, a poll option will be included for casting your vote also.

Final Match: Jhiaxus & Rook vs. Star Convoy & Sky Garry

This is it. Let the battle begin. 8)


Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:33 pm
by Outtsyder
About three days are left before the closing of this Championship Final's deadline. If you haven't chosen your winners for this match, there's still a fair amount of time remaining.


Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:20 am
by Outtsyder
Only a day is left to cast your vote for the winning tandem in this Championship Final Match! If you still need to vote for your winners, do so soon!


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:14 pm
by Outtsyder
Deciding to close this one a little early, due to new circumstances, although new votes at this time are unlikely to come in at this concluding stage of the Tournament. And some of the comments submitted said how this Championship Final pitting Jhiaxus & Rook against Star Convoy & Sky Garry would be one of the best matches of the G1 & G2 International Tag Team Tournament… even though the end result was one-sided. And now, the complete rundown of the G1 & G2 Int’l Tag Team Tournament results are as follows, with one selected comment hear the end:

Round 1:
* Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Europe) defeated Dreadwing & Smokescreen (G2): 56%
* Leadfoot & Manta Ray (G2) defeated Skyjack & Hooligan (G2): 67%
* Jhiaxus & Rook (G2) defeated Artfire & Stepper (Japan): 100%
* Deathsaurus & Leozak (Japan) defeated Electro & Volt (G2): 100%
* Star Saber & Victory Leo (Japan) defeated Buster & Hydra (Japan): 100%
* Metalhawk & Minerva (Japan) defeated Roadbock & Dirtbag (G2): 89%
* Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Japan) defeated Powerdive & Ransack (G2): 100%
* Skyquake & Stalker (Europe) defeated Boss & Flash (Europe): 78%

Round 2:
* Thunderclash & Rotorstorm defeated Leadfoot & Manta Ray: 100%
* Jhiaxus & Rook defeated Deathsaurus & Leozak: 100%
* Star Saber & Victory Leo defeated Metalhawk & Minerva: 100%
* Star Convoy & Sky Garry defeated Skyquake & Stalker: 100%

* Jhiaxus & Rook defeated Thunderclash & Rotorstorm: 100%
* Star Convoy & Sky Garry defeated Star Saber & Victory Leo: 71%

And the comment on the Final Match, submitted by Megaru of The Underground Hangar: “Awesome match! Going with Star Convoy and Sky Garry! Jhi could beat G2 Prime, but Star Convoy? The guy that beats up on overpowered man-eating Megatrons and a Unicron-like dude? Jhi would be in for one helluva fight. Sticking the equally-powerful Sky Garry in there basically screws him over. And since Rook is probably nowhere near as strong as Jhi, there's no way he could win.”

Championship Final Round:
* Star Convoy & Sky Garry defeated Jhiaxus & Rook: 83.3%

’Bots & ’Cons, Maxis and Preds, Vehicons, Minicons and Neutrals; the Winners of the inaugural Generation 1 & 2 International Conference Tag Team Combat Tournament....


Be sure to watch for the debut of the eighth Conference of the TF Combat Tournament – the Beast Wars Japan Conference – to begin approximately a week after BotCon 2006!
