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what did you think

Unread post by beastgirl »

what did you think about beast machines at first and after? :?
Wicked Woman
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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

I liked it at first, figured since it takes off from Beast Wars it would be cool. But now, I know that it doesn't exactly live up to it's predacessor. '

Though there were some parts that were funny and cool, (ie cool: the final chase between Primal and Megs) but the ending wasn't what I wanted really. Then again, I really liked the barren darkeness that the planet was engulfed un during the series.

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Unread post by Kidcat »

At first I didn't like it, but I sat down and watched the whole thing because I loved the original Beast Wars cast so much that I couldn't 'not' watch it.

The story got slightly better at parts, but even towards the end it never lived up to what I expected. In a way it was really a love/hate throughout the whole thing for me. Loved some of the episodes but hated a very big majority of them. I loved Cheetor's growth in character, and I loved how they turned Rhinox against Optimus. I hated how they mutilatd Rattrap and turned BlackArachnia into the pink ranger, and I hated how the series ended (The final battle was great, but the transformers running down the hill was terrible).

I'm still trying to forget Botanica, that was just terrible. I know what they were trying to do but really, it end it up being horrible >.< And to top it all off they stuck her and Rattrap together :shock:

But yeah, all in all. It had a few good points to it, but I have to say I disliked it from the beggining to the end. I was expecting "Beast Wars, even better" and I got something that was the complete opposite. It just wasn't Beast Wars anymore.
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Unread post by Razor One »

Beast Machines? Techno-organics? I dont know WHAT you're blathering about! It all ended with Beast Wars I say! IT ALL ENDED WITH BEAST WARS! NOT LISTENING! LALALALALALALA! **blocks ears**

In all seriousness? I felt the future was Transmetal. Techno-organics and the overall look was... dissapointing. Well done but it just didnt strike me in the same way that the original iteration of Transmetal forms did. The constant blathering about the techno-organic balance was enough to make my stomach turn. I had enough of the balance of nature crap from Captain Planet years ago, I DIDNT need it in a show about transforming robots.

Then we get to the characters. Optimus? He became an idiot. Rattrap? He became an idiot. Cheetor? He LOOKED like an idiot but he thankfully had some logical growth.

Blackarachnia? Ditto to the above. She was the femme fatale that became the pink ranger, the token female of the team and her looks were less then inspiring when compared to her TM II form.

Storyline wise I wanted to beat someone over the skull. They did some good stuff, but the theme of Megatron and his beastmode, some of the actions that Megs took that were distinctly NOT Megatron-like.

Silverbolt turning Emo was the worst character decision ever. His look was also disheartening. Botanica fell completely below my radar. Thats probably how notable she was all said and done.

Then we get Obsidian and Strika, or, as I like to put it, walking talking plot holes. Apparently these Maximal Generals fought a thousand wars together and won them all. Lets see... 300 years of relative peace... nope. No time for a thousand wars there. The Great War? No, not really. That was one big war spanning an immense time. So where were these one thousand wars?

Speaking of plot holes... The virus apparently devolves transmetals. Okay... Explain Optimus then? His spark was placed into a new protoform and emerged as a Transmetal from the get go in Coming of the Fuzors Part 2. How could this virus, then, devolve his form to his pre-transmetal form if the body he was in was transmetal from the start?

Constant. Mystical. Connections. To. The. Matrix. Makes. Razor. One. Angry!

Also, no survivors? And no, Nightscream doesn't count. He was an idiot that I wanted to punch throughout the series. Come on, no virus kills EVERYONE. There are always survivors, and tough ones at that. Ones that could have put up a fight against the vehicons. Nope. Just optimus and co, how dull.

Ack! I'm ranting and raving and carrying on! See what you made me do! Argh! **bashes skull against nearest wall to beat Beast Machines forever out of his skull**
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Unread post by EverBlue »

I generally agree with everyone so far about Beast Machines. It was a mild disappointment at first but recently, I've seen a clip of the Optimus/Megatron fight from YouTube and it was probably the worst piece of dialogue/storytelling I've ever seen. I mean, Optimus yelling at Megatron about love and compassion? What is this? An after-school special? Let it be said that new age mumbo jumbo and Transformers should not mix.

Personally speaking, I was actually kind of glad they toned Blackarachnia down into being a token female character considering how overused she was in Beast Wars' final season and how much she upstaged everyone else at that time. What they did to Silverbolt was rather unique but no matter how hard the guy tries, he'll never be a badass in my eyes. Plus, his new attitude was just a little too derivative.

Obsidian and Strika? Psh. They were never really characters to begin with... just plot devices to give Cheetor and the rest of the Maximals sparring partners for the last few episodes.

But yeah, anything more I say has probably been said by the people above me. Beast Machines was a blemish that should not have been made.
Wicked Woman
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Unread post by Wicked Woman »

Razor One wrote: Storyline wise I wanted to beat someone over the skull. They did some good stuff, but the theme of Megatron and his beastmode, some of the actions that Megs took that were distinctly NOT Megatron-like.
Here Here! *takes a swig of Gatorade*
Razor One wrote:Constant. Mystical. Connections. To. The. Matrix. Makes. Razor. One. Angry!
... whoa, dude, you just sounded like my sister when she's watching Foamy. (none of BW reference, I know and I'm sorry)

The weirdest thing is that she is actually ok with some of the show. Anyways, the concept of corruption was pretty good... if only it was used better. :roll:

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Unread post by beastgirl »

well at first i was "wow hora this will be fun!", then it went all down hill from there black ark turning into a girly girly what happen to the real one who kicked butt?

i have to agree turing silverbolt emo was stupid,

optimus is soooo lonely on beast machines he talks every second,

that night scream fellow is just another cheetor,

cheetor is just another rhinox/dinobot

megatron ..well he...in words to understand he has a big ego

the only predacon who surived was waspinator

rattrap was...cheetor in some ways and himself

and rattrap and Botanica to mee seemed to be rattrap and dinobot all over again but this time they can get married! serisouly!

waspinator...they ruined it

rhinox...when he died i didnt realized he did till 6 episodes later

in over all i think just some jerk who thought "hey beast wars made it big, ill make one right after it", and for goodness sakes if your going to make something after or before beastwars WATCH! BEASTWARS! :roll: have the slag they put in beast machines was totally wrong liek how they ate energon and ony energon come on i see rattrap, terrrorsuar, ect eating egles, apples, deer and even eachother!

i think the only reason i watched beast machines was cause to see if optimud would ACTUALLY DIE!
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Unread post by BiffyPrimal »

At first, I enjoyed the series. Then, my opinion went spiraling down. However, I now enjoy the series after watching it via DVD.

There are obviously some things I don't like, but I enjoy the series.
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Unread post by beastgirl »

i have to argree watching a second time wasnt as bad, cause at least you already know whos going to die, whos going emo, whos going to kiss a girly version of dinobot :lol:
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Unread post by Kidcat »

I found Beast Machines on tape the other day and watched part of an episode, and it was just as bad as I remember ^^;

I thought I was going to watch an old Beast Wars tape, and when Rattrap's face from Beast Machines showed up on the screen I screamed lol It was the last thing I had expected to see.

Whenever I make fun of it I keep thinking that maybe I exagerate on how bad it is, but whenever I sit down and see it again, I realise that I'm really not exagerating at all.
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Unread post by beastgirl »

quickly we have to save her soul!
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Unread post by Crowbot »

I haven't actually seen Beast Machines yet, and going by what I've heard I'm not too eager to watch it anytime soon. BW people being out of character, rubbish storylines and messing up continuity is bad enough, but the show committed one unforgivable sin which means I never want to see it:

They ruined Waspinator's happy ending!

As far as I'm concerned Beast Machines doesn't exist.
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Unread post by Outtsyder »

Y'know... before, I thought about making some comments of my own to this thread that I hoped might be a little helpful. After seeing the direction it's taken now... I can't. Not without unintentionally causing a controversy, which this place doesn't need....

Outtsyder, and believe me; just posting this alone was already more than hard enough....
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