An Excellent Video

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An Excellent Video

Unread post by CabooseMoose7103 »

This is the trailer for a machinima series I stumbled upon. It's called "Project Crimson". It looks like it has some promise, although the storyline is a bit cliche and the voice acting could be improved a little. Still, the team that put this trailer together is VERY good at video editing. The syncing and visual effects in this are dead-on and it's still worth seeing for yourself. Even if you decide to not watch the series (coming out this winter), I'd recommend watching the trailer since it's quite excellent.

It's available in WMV and Quicktime formats, you can either download it and watch it, or just open it in WMP or Quicktime to watch it.

Project Crimson

I had the URL for the official series website, but I've lost it and can't seem to find the site again.
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