Time Is But A Window

A section for online Role Playing Games of a Beasties nature.

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Optimal Optimus Primal
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RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
Location: Pennsylvania

Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( Thank you, una, for posting so quickly! Sorry if I went too far with Megatron, then again, I think he might have panicked anyway if he felt anything differently with his spark no matter how insignificant. ))
"While it's admirable of you to have such devotion and faith in your crew, may I remind you that it was a member of your crew who killed my companion in cold mech fluid," "And then came after me. So I'm sure you'll understand why I have my reservations about your assurances."
Optimus sighed quietly as his words backfired on him. Zodiac was right. And Primal could have given him several reasons to try and assure him again that that would not happen, but it was clear that he was unwilling to trust any of his Maximals, even himself. After everything the shape shifter had been through, he couldn't blame him. At a loss for words that probably would have been in vain anyway, the leader reluctantly dropped the subject.
"It's a pity you will no doubt never share whatever secrets I presume she told you about, but rest assured she won't hesitate to turn on you like she did me if you stand in her way.
Just as I won't share your secrets with her, Optimus thought, if Zodiac had offered any that were meant to be. When bots confided in him, he took it seriously. And whatever knowledge he was given was sealed in a steel volt inside his mind, unless he felt that it would harm his crew. But would Nemesis betray the common respect they had for each other that had taken so long to develop? Perhaps, to save herself from Megatron's wrath. Well, he was going to find out just how right Zodiac was about her very soon...
Yes, it is quite the coincidence we both ended up here.. now.. on this planet. But it's not fate. I genuinely don't believe she has any interest in sparing my life, much less that this is something we can just fix with a few select words."
Finally, that was something Primal thought the pretender was wrong about. He may have known her better back when they were both imprisoned and experimented on, but she was likely a different bot now in some aspects. In fact, she hadn't even been as ruthless as he had with her freedom as a Decepticon. Nemesis seemed to carry dignity and honor with her. She seemed to care about her reputation. But again, Optimus didn't know everything about her, only what she had shown on the battlefield and while she was under the Axalon's roof for her own safety. He could be wrong... It seemed he was wrong about a lot lately...

"How quickly they forget," "Arrested?," "At a time nobody there would know us? A time before either of us, nor the Viper, had been conceived? Besides what makes you think we'd simply park such a valuable vessel within optical scanner range of the Council's headquarters? I think not, Megatron. And I'd watch my back if I were you, so others don't do onto you what you did to them..,"
Megatron's expression twisted to intolerance and disgust the longer Zodiac had kept explaining his pathetic plan. It didn't even matter anymore, and he waved it off dismissively as such to the shape shifter. The tyrant's own plan was far more damaging and permanent, so he had no time to listen to Zodiac's nonsense even if he was right about it.
"You are making a grave mistake,"
"I do not make mistakes. I rectify them," he told his clone coldly, as he implied that Zodiac was a mistake, growing more disgusted by the second with Zodiac's poor imitation of him. "Nervous?" he had asked him rhetorically as he sensed some of Zodiac's vulnerability and uneasiness judging by him trying to pitifully talk his way out of the inevitable.
I know why you're doing this, Whitegrazer, but there's another way, Optimus pleaded with her as he forced his way to open their link. Although that may not have been the best opportunity to do so. He could feel the heavy force and darkness from Megatron now. Whatever he was sending her was terrible and powerful. He must have been practicing to protect his spark after what had happened in the Metal Hunter. It even surprised the Maximal Commander, although it wasn't as concentrated or controlled as his and Whitegrazer's link was. But just like that, whatever Megatron had done, it had immediately cut off Primal from Whitegrazer. It felt like glass shattering into millions of pieces, the shards piercing his spark that felt like a hundred bee stings. It was quite painful.
Whitegrazer's voice was the last one Primal heard before the cave-in began. Rampage had retreated, but it was too late for Optimus to avoid being trampled by the heavy debris. He felt his body being shoved before he fell, and the equine Vok was very near to him, but everything had gone dark.
"Arrgh!," "You foolish traitor!,"
The Predacon leader had heard Tarantulas's cries, but he didn't dare stop or waste any time leaving that base with his prisoner in his arms just to assist the spider more than he already had. Inferno and Megatron blasted out of there as quickly as they could, the ant being more injured than the dictator but keeping up with his Queen regardless while they flew off to their destination with Zodiac, leaving the Axalon in shambles with its injured crew.

Except for a few loose pieces randomly falling down here and there and sparks flying from severed wires that were still active, everything was quiet. Except for his mind. There were faint alien whispers again... Clear to Wintersong but incomprehensible to Optimus as he regained consciousness, and they disappeared. Primal's orange optics illuminated under the wreckage, giving him a little light to see, but all there was was debris. He coughed a little and started to move. Thanks to Whitegrazer's efforts, he didn't seem to be badly injured. There were no sharp pains or any kind of numbness, just a lot of weight on top of him. He took a moment to assess the situation. Megatron had taken Zodiac to a secured location to kill him, so he had to move fast if he and his Maximals were to rescue him... even if Optimus and Whitegrazer were the only ones who had any desire to do so. Many of his Maximals, that he was aware of, were wounded though. He needed to get up and see to them. And Sentinel was off-line. Maybe Nemesis was still on the premises per Aurora's earlier update so he could question her. There was no time to lose! Optimus carefully started shifting his body under the rubble in case he might make matters worse for himself. He was laying on his back though which made it a little more difficult to push things off of himself with his injured arm. He was going to need help.

"Whitegrazer? Are you alright?" he tried calling to her, but his voice was muffled under the debris. She was close to him though, he could sense her... The Axalon violently shook again, and he immediately stopped moving until it stopped. Unbeknownst to him that Spineback had fired a couple more projectiles at their already heavily damaged base. And then the area fell quiet once more until he heard someone digging through the rubble near him and Whitegrazer. Some light started to filter through within his limited vision, so Optimus wiggled his arm around to reach for the white hand that he kept getting a glimpse of. At first he thought it was Whitegrazer's until he realized it was much larger.

Just a little closer, he thought as he stretched his good arm toward the hole that the hands were progressively making wider. Primal gave another cough from the dust trickling down on his scarred face. One of his feet felt stuck, so he tried bending the other leg as much as he could given the limited amount of space he had to wedge its foot under the debris and loosen the stuck one. Pulling on it, he managed to free it and twisted his upper body to crawl toward the hole. He reached through it and grabbed a hold of Tigerhawk's arm who proceeded to lift the Maximal leader out of his temporary tomb and set him down. Breathing in the less dirty air and regaining his bearings as his upper body was bent over with his hands resting on his knees, he coughed a little again and finally straightened himself to stand up. "Thank you, Tigerhawk," he said as he took in the large Fuzor's wounds which made him frown a bit, but he was clearly relieved to see him after everything that had happened. Hopefully his presence meant that all of the Maximals had found their way back to the base after their unfortunate battle with the Predacons. "Whitegrazer is here somewhere," Optimus told him as he frantically began to search for her, picking up bigger pieces of the wreckage and moving them to the side. "Rhinox and Airazor are over there, and Blackarachnia could be anywhere there," he paused his digging to point out their locations across the room. ((OOC: Assuming BA was buried. ))

Of course, Rhinox was capable of helping himself. With a deep grunt, he pushed upward to stand, and all of the wreckage on top of him that he had shielded the wounded falcon from cascaded off of his large back and onto the floor with a lot of noise. "Easy, Airazor," he suggested to her as he helped her up before he looked over to find that the Predacons were long gone, but Tigerhawk had arrived and was assisting Optimus and Whitegrazer. Thank Primus.

"Can you see them, Rhinox?" Primal asked him. It was a long shot since he didn't know how much time had passed while he had been buried.

The rhinoceros peered out of the gaping hole in the hull and looked around in every direction as far as he could see without letting go of Airazor in case she was too unsteady to keep herself up on her own considering how damaged her leg was. "No. They're long gone," he frowned at his leader.

Primal shook his head with frustration. He was angry at the Predacons and angry at himself for letting them succeed. Now he had no idea where they had taken Zodiac... He promised to keep him safe, that he would do anything to protect him from Megatron, and he broke that promise. He had nothing to show for it. He was such a fool! But how would Whitegrazer feel about it? That was her child taken from her to be executed. She could have stopped Megatron if Optimus hadn't told her to back off. His fault again... But it just wasn't the right thing to do. She would have regretted it had she gone too far, and Primal wasn't going to let her live with that. There was still a chance to rescue him... This whole mess had been made possible by Nemesis forcing him to lower the shields. Primus, is Rattrap all right?! his thought suddenly shifted.

"Can we track their signatures?" the engineer asked.

"Sentinel is down," Optimus answered rather upset while he continued helping Tigerhawk. "I'll need you to asses everyone's injuries and get them to a CR, whoever needs one," he started ordering him. "And then get Sentinel back on-line."

Rhinox watched him and Tigerhawk search for Whitegrazer and Blackarachnia before he looked over at Airazor with some concern. "All right," he agreed and started to move carefully with her, stepping around the mess that covered the floor although his large feet could support him if he chose to walk on top of it, but he did it as a courtesy for the wounded female that he was escorting.

"Aurora? Dinobot? Report," Optimus called to them through his comm. link.

"Whitegrazer? Can you hear me?" he then called for her again as he kept digging. Then he spotted the rifle that he was going to use on Zodiac in case he tried to attack him or escape. It was a little beaten up and dirty, but it looked functional. Reaching down, he picked it up and examined it as he got an idea. Setting it aside, he moved more rubble. "Whitegrazer? Blackarachnia?"
“I will worry about it when it becomes too much to ignore. We have more important matters here in the moment than worrying about what the Vok did; as I’ve told Optimus and Whitegrazer it can be handled later.”
Wait too long and it might be too late, Rattrap thought as he watched Wintersong, who now sounded aggravated with him, and her purple eyes hurry off after Spineback.
“She’s gone for now.”
Having been left alone in his weakened state, he almost succumbed to his fatigue until he heard her voice again. He lifted his head to see her return. At least she didn't sound as hostile this time. Was she going to be moody like this from now on? He supposed he shouldn't be too hard on her considering her past encounters. Everyone who had been abducted by the Vok never came back the same.
“Lets get you inside the hanger at least.”
Rattrap nodded lightly and started to slowly climb onto her back while she lowered herself to the ground to make it easier for him in his beast mode. He gave a little jump when they both heard Spineback cause more damage to their base with her loud explosives.
"Wintersong! Rattrap!"
The rat slowly turned his head in the direction of the familiar voice and tried to smile. "Hey... Tigatron... the barbarian!" he cheered as happily as he could, and that took a lot of effort.
"Are you two okay?"
"Just a... few scratches...," Rattrap lied to the tiger. "All of you... made it back...?" he asked as he still felt the pain of his failure at the battle. He needed to know that everyone was okay though, that everyone had returned. He couldn't stop thinking about if he had lost anyone.


Arriving at the Predacons' predesignated coordinates, Megatron lowered his altitude but callously dropped his doppelganger, Zodiac, letting him fall several feet from above the ground before landing near him on his feet with a thud and pulling out his tail gun to target him as he waited for Tarantulas and the rest of the Predacons to arrive. Granted his weapons wouldn't inflict much damage to the bot's nanotech, but it would be enough to slow him down until Tarantulas arrived. The area was in neutral territory with some fairly decent distance between both bases. It was lush with tall, green grass and very little cover to hide behind should there be a battle. A few trees were scattered about, and there was a river nearby with moving water, but it wasn't rapid. The spot was surprisingly peaceful and tranquil despite the tyrant's destructive and dominant personality.

Inferno then landed beside the Royalty in the grass, albeit a little wobbly considering his injuries that he had acquired from Airazor and Rhinox, and trained his weapon on the pretender as well.

"Well, here we are, Zodiac," the tyrant began as he tried to ignore the aftereffects of the turmoil breaking the link between him and Whitegrazer. "As it was always destined to be," he boasted with a sly grin before it quickly faded away as he towered over him on the ground. "Not even Optimus Primal could save you, but let's be honest, his Maximals give him too much credit. Now, have you any last words?"

The fire ant watched curiously as he looked from Megatron down to Zodiac.

"On second thought, we've wasted enough time delaying the inevitable as it is, and I have grown weary listening to you speak or plead for your miserable life. I believe we both know that it will have no effect on the decision that I have already made because of the fate you sealed for yourself prior to this circumstance." He tapped his index finger with his free hand over the scar on his chest that Zodiac had given him when he had tried assassinating him.

(( OOC: EDIT: I added a description of the secret location where the Predacons will be meeting with Zodiac. ))
"Well, that's just prime!"
Ultra Poster!
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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

((Sorry for the wait again, nearing the end of the school year for my siblings and been dragged around to just about all their end of school stuff. Hopefully should clear up by next week.))

Tigerhawk kept working his way through the debris, at this point his thermal sight activated to follow the signs of body heat. Thankfully, the debris wasn’t overly thick and he followed where the mass of body heat was showing the most. Much to his surprise through one of those masses began to move, slowly but clearly conscious enough to react to his presence.

Spurred on by this, the large fuzor moved with gusto, clearing more of the debris until someone took hold on his arm, Tigerhawk grasping the hand he recognized immediately as the Maximal Commander and carefully pulling him free of the debris. “Good thing Quickstrike isn’t the most competent guard.” Tigerhawk spoke with a nod, seeing the anguish and worry in the transmetal ape’s features, but he did not linger on this for long as he moved to clear more of the rubble. “Calm yourself Optimus, they’re going to be alright.” The fuzor assured him, grunting softly as he move a particularly large part of the hull. At least he believed they would be alright, they had faced worse after all.

Though the fuzor only paused briefly when part of the area moved, seeing it was Rhinox and Airazor, both fortunate that Rhinox could handle some punishment. But Tigerhawk’s gaze briefly returned to the ape, finding worry and frustration etched in the commander’s features that reflected his tone, making him wonder how serious the situation was before returning to finding the mare and the black widow, “Come on you two, give us a sign, something.” He muttered finding his sensors indicating he was just a few inches away from someone, causing him to dig away at the rubble before he felt his hand grab for someone beneath.

Airazor coughed slightly at some of the dust that still got into her intakes, opening her optics to find herself and Rhinox partly buried beneath the collapsed roof. Of course Megatron would make sure they were slowed down or incapacitated, slowing them down from chasing after him if they had had the numbers. She wasn’t even sure of the state the others were in, especially the rhinoceros who had thrown himself over her to protect her from being crushed completely.

Before she could ask if he was alright however, her question was quickly answered as Big Green pushed himself up, bringing a relieved smile to her face as she took his aid to stand, “Well, that could have gone better.” She sighed, leaning slightly on Rhinox for some stability and limping along as he moved, green optics peering down at her busted knee joint that would need some work. Some day back that was for sure. She still was angered at herself for allowing Nemesis and Terrorsaur to catch her off guard as she did, and Spineback getting the upper hand in their confrontation. “Honestly, we get my knee patched up, I could help try to track them; no one has sharper eyes than me.” She told Rhinox, trying to ease his obvious concern, “And I’ll be alright Big Green, it will take more than a wounded knee to keep this girl down.” She told him with her usual enthusiasm and confidence.

Back in the bridge Cheetor could only give the slightest grin at Aurora’s ingenuity. Despite her young age she was more inventive and crafty than anyone he knew, aside from Rhinox himself. Though he turned his attention back to Terrorsaur, wondering if a prisoner or two was what they needed, especially when Megatron had gone the distance to get their resident shapeshifting troublemaker. “We’ll have them, but will they talk is the question.” Cheetor indicated, doubting it would be so easy, especially for someone like Nemesis. She wasn’t exactly a conversationalist with everyone nor was she a boastful type like Terrorsaur was.

The distant sound of what sounded like a landslide caused Cheetor to look back towards the bridge with worry. “Big Bot?! Rhinox?!” Cheetor tried to com, but all he got was static in response, finding himself exchanging a worried glance with Aurora and Dinobot, “Do you think something-” The sudden two explosions outside the base caused the young cheetah to shift his stance, catching himself from becoming off balanced by the sudden shaking, “What was that?” He asked, hoping this wasn’t a second wind from the Predacons. But their distractions were all he needed as Terrorsaur charged his eye beams, giving a fanged grin when hearing the ermine cry out suddenly, drawing Cheetor’s full attention away from him at last. “About time.

With opportunity presented to him, the transmetal flier fired his eye lasers, knocking Cheetor off his feet before doing the same to his former comrade and kicking him back with both feet to the chest for good measure. Rolling back to his feet, Terrorsaur grabbed his two blades that had slid from his hand after being tackled, optics still bright in case the two Maximals wanted to try something.

Wincing a little from the new scorch mark to his chest plate, Cheetor turned his gaze on Nemesis, anger and worry flashing in his optics, concerned for the young fuzor’s safety, “Okay Nemesis, we’re putting our weapons away. You win this time.” Cheetor told her, trying to keep his cool as he coiled his tail back up, giving a quick glance towards Dinobot to do the same before shifting it back to Nemesis and Aurora, “Just let her go and you can leave.” His main priority now was Aurora’s life, the biologist having more than had her fair share of trouble lately, the cheetah stepping aside to allow the two Predacons passage. “Leave the squirt and lets go Nem before Megatron blows a gasket.” Terrorsaur told his partner-in-crime, having his blades at the ready as he moved by before jogging off back to the way they had come in, quickly taking flight.

Maybe I should have made sure she retreated for good.” Wintersong spoke, watching as Tigerhawk had taken care of Spineback for the final time before she seemed to get the message to retreat. She could even sense the faint smugness coming from the Vok presence inside her over being right the first time, but as she had been doing dismisses it quickly. With Spineback taken care of the transmetal tigress began trotting over towards the hanger, the nearest CR chamber she could think of being located inside. Given Rattrap’s state he could use it as soon as possible.

But Tigatron’s voice made her ears swivel back and caused Wintersong to stop in her tracks, turning her head to see her fellow tiger catching up, “Tigatron! You guys made it.” Wintersong offered a quick smile, having last seen him, Cheetor, and Blackarachnia figuring out a plan to get the others. “My wounds are shallow, nothing my self-repair can’t handle for the most part.” She told him, gesturing with a nod towards Ratteap, “But Rattrap needs a CR ASAP. Help me with the one here in the hanger.” She motioned for Tigatron to follow as she came inside the hanger, optics scanning the room as she did, spying where Rampage had blasted the entrance earlier. Easy access for someone if they had followed him. But with no signs of any Predacons around, Wintersong made her way over to the hanger CR chamber, using her tail to press the button to open it, “Alright rat face, nice and easy.” Wintersong directed as she crouched once more to make it easier for him to get down with Tigatron’s aid if he had followed.


Once they had arrived to the territory, Rampage wasn’t too far behind Megatron and the damaged Inferno, transforming to robot mode when he finally saw them land. He gave a brief quick glance at their location, a surprisingly tranquil place for someone so...destructive and vile, “Fitting resting place.” Rampage remarked as he approached, covering the final distance towards the three, optics flashing with curiosity as he looked downed at the vulnerable Zodiac.

Was that hopelessness and fear he was sensing? “Lost your bravado when staring death in the face Zodiac? Perhaps that is all you are good at, talking yourself up to be so superior and in the end it blows up in your face.” Rampage taunted slightly, his now repaired jaw formed into a wicked sneer, “You should just put him out of his misery Megatron, he’s a pathetic hunk of metal that isn’t worth all this fuss. Not anymore.” Rampage pointed out, crossing his arms as he awaited to see what Megatron would do from there.

Though he did perk up briefly, sensing one of their numbers coming to join via the river nearby.

It was shortly there after that Spineback emerged from the depths of the river, having taken cover after Tigerhawk’s last minute attack against her. She had glanced back before retreating, only able to wonder if her distraction had been enough for Nemesis and Terrorsaur to escape by now. Given they were some of their fastest fliers, she estimated it wouldn’t take them long to join them soon enough. “Apologies my liege, had a bit of a hold up back at the Axalon.” Spineback apologized with a dip of her head as she came to join them, remaining in her beast mode for the time being.
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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

((OOC: Yeah, I kinda figured Megatron wold react that way, nomatter how Whitegraer approached it. So no worries. :wink: I just wanted to clarify my post. And sorry, guys, today has been hectic, but here is my post! XD ))

Whitegrazer had felt Optimus reaching out towards her through the link, which frightened her, as she didn't wish for him to make himself vulnerable to Megatron or the energy of the struggle that occurred between her and Megatron. Optimus, no, disconnect, please. she pleaded with the one she loved. Part of her feeling guilty, but another part of her didn't want him to feel nor talk her out of it, believing she was doing what she needed to do, to protect Zodiac. But the feeling of his presence was severed when Megatron shattered the link between himself and her, something a ruthless brute like himself would do to something that was beyond his limited knowledge, even if he so believed he could harness or even find a way to fight back from it.

As she shielded Optimus from the blast, shielding him from as much of the falling debris as she could, she knew her actions were wrong. It was a desperate act of a mother trying to save a child she didn't realize was stolen from her, but if he hadn't been, he would have been dead like the others. Oh, the trauma of feeling them die still burrowed deep within her soul. She had a connection with those thirty-five souls. She knew them, and it wasn't just because she birthed them. No, they had spoken through her spark, talking, mingling with each other with their own shared connections. All of them with separate and vibrant personalities, all eager to be awakened into a world that filled them with both dread and excitement, all screaming, crying out for her help when they sense the stink of death, the terror of knowing they were in trouble but powerless to stop it, all voices, all now silent.

She felt movement behind her. Optimus must have been shuffling around, trying to broke free from their surroundings. She could hear Tigerhawk calling out, but Whitegrazer, still stunned by her actions and what has happened, remained quiet. She found it hard to move until she felt the heaviness lifting away from her. Someone was digging her out. There was one bit piece that covered her up. She used whatever strength she could muster and helped release herself from the avalanche of metal. It was Optimus who greeted her above. She smiled at him, despite the pain she was going through. The debri had left her body scratched up with a few dents to her armor. The only real wound was that a piece of the ceiling stabbed through her thigh. "You are all right," she said with relief, but also, as a question, knowing how this was rough for him as well. She held no ill will towards him trying to stop her. She was grateful, as she felt like she was undoing everything she hoped to accomplish, but she still couldn't wash away the sorrow in her spark for failing Zodiac and disappointing her friends. She saw Tigerhawk alongside him and gave him the same warm smile, "I am happy to see you are all right, Tigerhawk." She remembered the las time she sw him he w sdowned for the count, smoking. To see him, at least not so bdly damaged, gave her relief. "Is Rhinox, Airazor, and Blackarachnia all right?"

She heard a echo of a scream within her spark, a scream of pain, an image of Aurora. Her spark pounded against her chest plate. She looked up, or rather behind her, at the path towards the bridge, "Aurora... Optimus, Aurora is in trouble." She attempted to sit up. She failed one of her children today. She will not fail another. The wound in her thigh made it difficult for her to stand up, though. When she tried, she let out a yelp and collapsed again on the floor. She looked at the piece of metal and pulled it out. She needed to help Aurora and the others, and then, no matter how injured she was, she was going to find and help Zodiac before they... She tried to not think about it, but her spark filled with dread.

It all happened so fast. After the explosion, Dinobot expected Terrorsaur to try and attack them because the pterodactyl would try something like that because he was an idiot, a powerful and opportunistic idiot, but he never expected Nemesis to be able to cut through Aurora' substance. He heard Aurora let out a yelp of pain. Nemesis' sai stabbed through Aurora's foot, and the dishonorable bird held the little by the throat with a blade that could kill the little ermine in one strike due to how small the ermine was compared to all of them. Dinobot growled, but didn't do anything. He can't. One move, and Nemesis won;t hesitate to kill the little ermine. Why not? She proved she was capable of anything. "You dishonorable piece of slag, you will hurt and hide behind a child?"

He felt the heat of Terrorsaur's eyebeams. He reacted quickly, though, and backed off.

He placed his sword on the ground and backed away so more, not wanting Nemesis to hurt the ermine. It would be dishonorable and reckless of him to put one of his comrades in danger over his bloodlust and animosity towards the particular Predcons in their presence. "We did as you asked. Now, do as Terrorsaur says, and leave Aurora be and leave here." Dinobot still wondered about the explosion close to the brig. Were Optimus and the others okay? What did Megatron do?

Tarantulas grabbed and threw her off his shoulder. She landed on her back. She flipped over with the help of her legs and transformed with her cybervenom weapon aiming right at him. "Traitor? You betrayed me first, legs, when you tried to crawl into my head." She flipped around, avoiding his shots at her, but she had no chance to return fire as the explosion threw her off balance and pushed her away. Some debri covered her, but unlike the others, she wasn't as in bad shape as them. But the fact that Tarantulas escaped from her fury, made her throw a fist against some of the loose debri, "I will kill you, Tarantulas. Some day." She spat out some dust and wiped the ash from her gold and black finish.

"I'm all right," she said to Optimus when she heard him say her name. "Tarantulas left some traps in your ventilation system. I know him and his traps. I might be enable to disable them sfely some they would be any trouble."

Tigatron just smiled at Rattrap's playful nickname for him, but seeing the full extent of Rattrap's injuries gave him pause. "What happened to you?" His concerned look as only heightened by the sudden growl in his chest. Rattrap had been one of the hostages, and seeing his injuries, it made him curse the Predacons for hurting his friends, which made him all the more worried about Airaor and her condition. The Predacons were just as unfriendly to her as their were to Rattrap. But he told himself Tigerhawl was on the way to help him. He trusted him, so he tried to swallow his fears for now as Wintersong gave him a warm smile, which he returned, happy to see she was no worse for wear. "The others and myself were more worried about you all." He pointed at the Axalon. "With the Predacons attacking and using you all as hostages, we feared for your lives."

Tigratron nodded at Wintersong and helped her with Rattrap and taking him to the hanger, so they can give him soem time in the CR chamber. He activated the chamber, so Winterson could put Rattrap inside, letting the doors cshut and hear the humming of the chamber starting to do its repairs on their friend. "We should find the others and tend to anymore wounded. Tigerhawk is at the brig, helping Optimus and the others, but what about everyone else?"
Last edited by una on Tue May 21, 2019 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RPG Characters: Nemesis,Aurora,Zodiac

Unread post by Phoenix »

Zodiac had looked at Primal as he reminded him that the conflict hadn't been as one sided as Optimus seemed to believe, and that his Maximals were indeed capable of committing acts of violence as well. Nobody was innocent, Zodiac knew that better than most. While it was true he himself carried a heavier burden than most in that regards, he still wasn't beyond putting someone who felt they were better in their place. Especially if that someone was Optimus.

The Maximal leader remained silent while Zodiac explained his history with Nemesis, only occasionally meeting his gaze to let him know he was indeed listening. Meanwhile the changeling almost seemed comfortable with discussing this normally uncomfortable subject, as if he didn't really have anything to hide anymore. In reality he was doing it not to bear his chest, so to speak, but more so because he wanted to get Primal in a state where he lowered his guard enough so that the renegade could get away. And afterwards, well, Zodiac had always been opportunistic so he'd no doubt figure out a way off this planet.. somehow. And leave the Maximals and Predacons to battle it out among themselves.

Although as he continued speaking, he found it easier to open up. Perhaps that was Primal's gift that made him so successful as a leader. This patience and ability to listen were not commonly found traits in someone who held any semblance of rank or power, or at least that had been Zodiac's experience. A lesson to take note of, for sure. And right now he almost welcomed the opportunity to speak without interruption, just having someone to listen. Even if he had his own agenda for doing so.


On the opposite side of the spectrum there was Megatron, ever impatient, intolerant, egoistical, and cruel. In some ways those were traits the renegade could to some extent recognize in himself, of course he did a much better job of hiding them. Zodiac tried to reason with him, using the only thing he had available to him right now which were his words, but to no avail. The tyrant only feigned interest for the shortest period of time before his expression turned cold.
"I do not make mistakes. I rectify them,"
While his words were certainly intimidating, Zodiac wasn't about to give Megatron the satisfaction of knowing how he truly felt. The tyrant's intended meaning with his remark was obvious to anyone who was listening, but the renegade managed to keep a neutral facial expression regardless. After all he'd been trained to withstand worse, a lot worse, and he was also keenly aware that Megatron could never be talked down with some pathetic grovelling. So the clone maintained his cool as best he could, keeping up the charade of being virtually not phased by the odds stacked against him.

The pretender wanted so badly to simply attack Megatron at that exact moment, to stab him like he had Whitegrazer back when his true identity had first been revealed. But much like then he was surrounded, and frankly the surge that had hit him only moments before had left his systems in a bit of disarray. He felt weak and more than a little queasy. Slowly the nanomachines were starting to regain their senses again, prompting them to reboot to speed the process up a bit. As they did, his visual presentation of being Megatron's clone flickered a bit before the disguise was dropped altogether in favor of his normal appearance.

"And yet you surround yourself with cutthroats and lowlifes who would like nothing more than to slit your throat first chance they get..," Zodiac muttered as his wings appeared to grow out of his back before coming to a rest on the floor next to him. He briefly glanced up at Megatron before letting his gaze drift to some of the more shady individuals in the tyrant's team that were present, hoping to make the tyrant second guess himself if only for a moment.

"Seems logical..," he then added with a slight smirk.
But it would appear the tyrant had no intention of changing his priorities as he hovered over the changeling on the floor. Zodiac dared himself to look up, staring intently at Megatron. Nervous didn't even come close to being an accurate description of the dread he was feeling. Still he maintained his carefree appearance, knowing the tyrant would only feed off of his emotions otherwise.

"No. Should I be?," he asked with his youthful cockiness, making a slight grimace as he spoke. Was he nervous though? Of course he was. He was probably more frightened of Megatron at this moment than he had been of anyone for quite some time. The tyrant had made his intentions quite clear, after all, and from the looks of it the Maximals were not going to be able to stop him this time.

If his face, words, and overall demeanor may have suggested he was carefree, the way he inadvertently stiffened up when Megatron scooped him up before hauling him away to what was seemingly going to be his final resting place, may very well have given the truth away. Zodiac couldn't do anything to prevent it either, not yet, and could but watch as Megatron ordered the remainder of the brig collapsed thus trapping the remainder of the Maximals who could have helped him. For a brief moment he thought he could feel Whitegrazer's desperation to keep her loved ones safe, yet he still didn't know why she seemed to want to protect him of all people. After all he had done nothing to earn it, made no attempts to prove himself to her.. to any of them.. so why she seemed to care so deeply about his fate was beyond the shapeshifter. Yet somehow, for some reason, he felt her spark tugging for his, as if trying to keep him there. But the moment was brief and the sensation started to fade as soon as Megatron had put a little distance between them and the Axalon.

Aurora fought so hard, and failed miserably, at holding back the tears that kept threatening to run down her cheeks. Her foot hurt so badly, and it only got worse by Nemesis yanking her petite frame upwards. Yet she dared not move, realizing that either her foot or her neck would break if the pressure was increased any more than it already was. Her tearfilled and scared optics darted over to Dinobot and Cheetor, hoping the two of them had an idea of how to handle this without angering the Predacons any further than they already were.

Nemesis' grip stayed firmly around the fuzor's neck, while her other hand held the sword almost casually against the smaller female. She seemed quite confident that the Maximals present weren't going to pose a threat now that Megatron had called for a retreat. All that remained now was to meet up with the others and deal with what was left of the traitorous renegade..
"Aurora? Dinobot? Report,"
Unable to speak right now, Aurora could only gasp out a reply to Optimus. He was alive! Despite whatever happened down at the brig, their leader was still alive! And with any luck, the other Maximals who had been down in the brig with him were okay as well. The fuzor couldn't have been more relieved considering the circumstances. But how to let Primal know what was going on..?

Suddenly realizing all she had to do was keep her channel open so that Optimus could hear what was being said, she did just that. With any luck Primal would be able to help them out unless the Predacons hurried to depart.
"You dishonorable piece of slag, you will hurt and hide behind a child?"
Nemesis shook her head briefly without lowering the sword she held against the hostage's throat. "The way I see it your choice is quite clear. Drop your weapons and back away, allowing free passage for Terrorsaur and myself. If you do, you may avoid having to pick up the little fuzor's pieces afterwards."

Her grip around the fuzor's throat tightened ever so slightly as to persuade the little pest to stop struggling. It seemed to work, at least for now, since Aurora stopped moving and remained as still as she could.
“Okay Nemesis, we’re putting our weapons away. You win this time.” “Just let her go and you can leave.”
"Throw your weapons in that corner," Nemesis said, gesturing the further corner which would slow the Maximals down considerably should they happen to change their minds or try some trickery of sorts. "All of you," she then added for the other Maximals to do the same.
“Leave the squirt and lets go Nem before Megatron blows a gasket.”
Nemesis glanced briefly over at her fellow Predacon before giving him a quick nod of acknowledgement. "Go, I'll be right behind you."

No sooner had she said that before Terrorsaur was heading out the door. Nemesis watched him depart before turning her attention back to the others, a trace of a smile on her face since this mission was actually turning out to be a complete success. They had gotten what they came for and the traitor was in their possession, the Maximals wouldn't be able to track them without the use of Sentinel, and fortunately Optimus still hadn't showed up since she honestly wasn't sure how she would handle it if he had.
"We did as you asked. Now, do as Terrorsaur says, and leave Aurora be and leave here."
The avian female agreed, so she wasted no time before dropping the gasping fuzor onto the floor. Next Nemesis crouched down with surprising speed, grabbing the handle of her sai and yanking it back while extracting another whimper from the fuzor as she did. While the little ermine sank to the floor, frantically holding her foot in an attempt to stop the bleeding, Nemesis made a swift couple of rolls proving just how agile she was before storing her weapons away and making her way out through the doorway. From there she started heading down the passageway she'd come from, making her way towards the freedom outside.

Meanwhile the spider scientist was also making his way outside after the Predacons had successfully brought down the ceiling and buried the remaining occupants within. His movements were a bit slowed since he was forced to climb over countless piles of debris but fortunately he was a spider and thus able to climb up the walls and what remained of the ceiling so he managed to make his way outside without too much trouble. He was both jittery and annoyed, however, since he was fairly certain his failure creation had survived.
"Traitor? You betrayed me first, legs, when you tried to crawl into my head."
Her head had been his to do with as he pleased! And it would be again, especially now that he had watched the surveillance tapes from the Darksyde from that fateful day the she-spider had helped herself to certain information normally only accessible to Megatron himself. Tarantulas was certain the female had obtained some of that information, and he wanted it for himself. It hardly mattered to him if he had to crush her skull to get the info he was seeking, in fact he was hoping for it. This particular creation was one he had come to regret.

"Foolish wench! You will give me what I need, just wait," he had called after her, promising her this wasn't over, as the roof came collapsing down around her and he made his escape. Indeed the she-spider was going to pay.. dearly.

But first things first.. He had another prize waiting for him at the pre-arranged meet-up point. It was unlikely that Megatron would be able to kill the shape shifter before the spider had a chance to intervene with his own inventions, or at least so he hoped. After all he needed his test subject alive, or at least mostly in one piece, to perform his own experiments. So the spider continued on his way, transforming to his motorcycle mode as soon as he was clear of the Axalon.

They had been flying in silence for a while, passing through the Axalon's sensor range and well beyond that before Megatron started slowing down. Over the course of the trip Zodiac had attempted to keep track of his whereabouts, or at least the overall direction they were heading it, but these attempts proved futile since the after effects of the weapon Tarantulas had used on him left him drifting in and out of a daze while his nanomachines continued their efforts to purge his systems. But by the time they stopped, Zodiac had started waking up again, enough so to at least take in the scenery from above a bit before Megatron dropped him.

The fall was over fast, too quickly for Zodiac to do anything to slow his descent before he slammed into the ground. Not the most graceful landings for sure and it hurt, yes, still it could have been worse. At least the grass offered some small protection during the unforgiving landing.

Letting out a pained grunt as he impacted, Zodiac then lay still for a moment as he took in the feeling of the grass tickling his armor, the smell of the dirt it grew out of, and the sound of the slight breeze and nearby river. For a split nanoclick he actually wondered if he was already dead and if this was the afterlife, but the aching sensation in his body as well as the thuds from where his Predacon escort were landing near him quickly told him otherwise. Still.. It was a welcome change from the surroundings he had found himself in ever since his capture, so if this truly was to be his last resting place it could have been worse. A lot worse.
"Well, here we are, Zodiac,"
Wherever here was.. It was nowhere the Maximals would be able to track them. It was just him and Megatron.. and all the Predacons cheering the event on.
“Fitting resting place.”
Oh how foolish he had been to ever think he could make an ally out of that crab.. Zodiac regretted it now, since all of this was taking place as a direct result of that unholy alliance he had made with the supposedly invulnerable crustacean. Of course.. the fact that he was here could be a huge disadvantage to the renegade, but he wasn't one to merely give up even when the odds were stacked against him.
"As it was always destined to be,"
Zodiac's initial reply came in the form of a groan as he clenched his fists together and slowly turned his head to look at the tyrant. He still ached, but he was starting to feel better now that most of the damage had been purged from his systems. Still he let the tyrant boast some more, taking the opportunity to heal up as much as possible before he needed to use his abilities to defend himself.

"Quaint..," the renegade responded with a slight shrug of the shoulders, "So this is where you take your rubber duck out for date night?," he added, not afraid to hide the fact he'd taken a close look around while in Megatron's quarters.
“Lost your bravado when staring death in the face Zodiac? Perhaps that is all you are good at, talking yourself up to be so superior and in the end it blows up in your face.”
"At least I won't spend the rest of my days as a slave doing the bidding of someone who should be beneath me..," the renegade replied with some indignation present in his voice. Even if he was to die, he hoped to be able to leave a rift between the tyrant and the crab that couldn't so simply be mended.
"Not even Optimus Primal could save you, but let's be honest, his Maximals give him too much credit. Now, have you any last words?"
Plenty of them, the renegade thought without verbalizing it. Not yet. As long as the tyrant was talking, he wasn't firing his weapon or otherwise inflicting additional damage. Although Megatron's words held true. There really was no way the Maximals could offer any assistance at this point.
“You should just put him out of his misery Megatron, he’s a pathetic hunk of metal that isn’t worth all this fuss. Not anymore.”
"I'm starting to think you enjoy being on a leash like a pet," Zodiac returned with a growl, wishing the crab would shut up. "You're too weak to stand up for yourself even. And you call me pathetic.."
"On second thought, we've wasted enough time delaying the inevitable as it is, and I have grown weary listening to you speak or plead for your miserable life. I believe we both know that it will have no effect on the decision that I have already made because of the fate you sealed for yourself prior to this circumstance."
The renegade scoffed at the smugness in Megatron's voice, immediately using his arms to push himself up to a kneeling position before getting all the way up. If he truly was to be executed here and now he certainly wasn't going to go out as a whimpering coward on the ground. As he stood on somewhat unsteady legs, his attention drifted to the scar the tyrant was gesturing towards. And the sight of it brought on a slight, albeit humorless chuckle.

"It fits you quite well," he told the tyrant when the chuckle suddenly stopped. "In fact I'd be happy to give you a matching one right through the spark."

Ignoring the other Predacons who were gathering around them, including the female who had emerged from the river, Zodiac suddenly lunged himself at Megatron, spikes growing out of his forearm as he intended to impale the tyrant right where he'd need a lot more than a repair chamber to heal.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Posts: 3247
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
Location: Pennsylvania

Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"And yet you surround yourself with cutthroats and lowlifes who would like nothing more than to slit your throat first chance they get..," "Seems logical..,"
The way Megatron played and manipulated his troops was very logical, to him anyway. Did Zodiac not see that? Though I may suffer treachery within my ranks, there is also devoted loyalty among a few, thought Megatron toward Zodiac's comment as if he was comforting himself. Only a select few, but that was all he required. Everyone else had exceptional firepower which was enough to keep the Maximals grounded, so to speak. Regardless, he decided to try and give the shape shifter an emotional blow with, "Did you not arrive with a crew?" He seemed to put on a dramatic display of pondering as if it was difficult for him to remember when it really wasn't. "Their usefulness must not have been very memorable as I can't seem to recall their faces." He shrugged since he couldn't care less before he added, "Although there was that one fellow who met his demise by my hands. You know the one, as I'm certain you stumbled upon what was left of his rusting carcass outside of the Darksyde." A callous but sly smile tugged on his purple mouth as he looked upon the pretender who "uncloaked" from the tyrant's appearance hoping that his heartlessness and complete lack of care toward others - especially Zodiac's own little crew - had hit a nerve. Surely, he had made his point clear. Say what he will about Megatron's goons, at least he was capable of leading them and maintaining his numbers, even if he had been forced to take one or two lives in the past as a way to keep the rest of his crew in line. Zodiac had no one left, which had been careless and a common mistake of ego and inexperience. How illogical.
"No. Should I be?,"
The menacing Predacon warlord gave him a skeptical gaze while he studied him, almost offended, but he soon retracted it when he could see it in his prize's optics. Of course he was nervous. Perhaps he was even scared. There were very few on the planet who didn't tremble before him especially when they knew how determined and powerful he was to achieve his goals. He would be feared by all one day.

Optimus, no, disconnect, please.

Primal had heard Whitegrazer's plea but strangely enough, he hadn't been able to feel the majority of Megatron's energy that he had been dumping on her. He mostly just felt her as he cared about her and her actions. Of course that probably meant that Whitegrazer had taken the brunt of the anguish that the tyrant deliberately forced on her. In the end, however, the link had been severed when Megatron had lost control of it and escaped the Axalon with his Predacons. He didn't know yet whether it had been damaged or not.
“Good thing Quickstrike isn’t the most competent guard.”
While that was obviously true, the Fuzor could still prove to be fatal given his venom as part scorpion as well as his obsession to slag the Maximals, so Optimus didn't want any of them to underestimate Quickstrike. Fortunately, this time, they seemed to have easily overpowered him or fooled him and managed to escape their imprisonment in order to return to the Axalon and help them.
“Calm yourself Optimus, they’re going to be alright.” “Come on you two, give us a sign, something.”
Primal gave Tigerhawk a quick glance full of concern but found it difficult to heed his advice as sound as it was. He tried to slow down, but he found himself picking up his pace again as he moved the debris aside.
“Well, that could have gone better.”
And it could have gone worse, thought Rhinox toward Airazor's opinion. Much, much worse. But he tried not to put a damper on their already bleak situation. Bleaker for Zodiac though.
“Honestly, we get my knee patched up, I could help try to track them; no one has sharper eyes than me.”
The falcon was right, and the engineer nodded. "I agree, Airazor," he voiced and noticed Optimus look in their direction, but at the time, he hadn't verbally agreed with them. Rhinox gave their leader a moment to calculate his options since he was certain that's what he was doing while he searched with Tigerhawk for Whitegrazer and Blackarachnia. With everything that had happened that day so far, it was taking a toll on everyone, and a lot of them were injured, so Primal's mind was constantly running and seeking advantages to turn it all around and stop Megatron from doing the unthinkable.
“And I’ll be alright Big Green, it will take more than a wounded knee to keep this girl down.”
The rhinoceros managed a light chuckle and eased up on his assistance with Airazor. She might not have looked like it, but she was tough, and she was a fighter. He hoped he hadn't insulted her with his aid, but it was in his nature as their Chief Medical Officer to tend to the wounded with such compassion and selflessness.

Pulling up one more large sheet of mangled metal, Optimus discovered Whitegrazer underneath it, who was actually smiling up at him, and a huge sigh of relief rolled off of his shoulders. He immediately leaned down to hug her carefully, but just as he was about to help her up, he stopped himself when he noticed her injuries and the large wound in her leg. He frowned at it as he cupped one of her hands in his to comfort her.
"You are all right,"
"Yes," he nodded to assure her. "Thanks to you," he smiled softly, but he couldn't help but feel guilty for the pain she was in, physically and emotionally. It had been his decision to lower the shields which allowed the Predacons to invade their base and cause so much damage. How foolish of him to have thought that they could've fended them off... And it had been him that told her not to manipulate Megatron's spark which allowed him to steal Zodiac, her child. But he was determined to redeem himself.
"Is Rhinox, Airazor, and Blackarachnia all right?"
"We're okay, Whitegrazer," Rhinox announced his and Airazor's presence not too far from her on the other side of some of the piles of debris.
"I will kill you, Tarantulas. Some day."
The black widow's proclamation stole Optimus and Rhinox's attention for a moment after she had emerged from the rubble by Tigerhawk. "Blackarachnia," he called her name to let her know that he had heard her. Those were words that Primal did not condone, and the look he sent her showed his disapproval even though she might have disregarded it or ignored him. There had been enough death in this war already, and he wasn't going to allow anymore of it.
"I'm all right," "Tarantulas left some traps in your ventilation system. I know him and his traps. I might be enable to disable them sfely some they would be any trouble."
Glad to hear that she okay, Optimus took the she-spider's offer into consideration and nodded at her. "Go ahead," he allowed. "And thank you. Be careful."
The Maximal leader looked back down at Whitegrazer when she uttered the ermine's name and appeared to be distressed about her. It reminded him that neither Aurora or Dinobot had answered his hail to them. Were there still Predacons in their base?
Optimus, Aurora is in trouble."
Watching her torture herself trying to stand up to get to Aurora and the others on the bridge, Primal caught Whitegrazer before she completely fell to the floor and then eased her down to it gently. "Hold on there, Whitegrazer. You're in no condition to go running off. Aurora is with Dinobot and Cheetor," he assured her. But he suddenly fell silent when he began hearing voices over his comm. link. First, he thought he heard a gasp, so he urged everyone around him to be quiet with his index finger over his mouth so that he could listen and none of their voices would pick up on the other end. His internal computer identified the active transmission coming from Aurora.
"You dishonorable piece of slag, you will hurt and hide behind a child?"
Primal's face grew angry and upset hearing Dinobot's claim. But to whom was he speaking to?
"The way I see it your choice is quite clear. Drop your weapons and back away, allowing free passage for Terrorsaur and myself. If you do, you may avoid having to pick up the little fuzor's pieces afterwards."
Nemesis. The one who used Rattrap against their shields nearly killing him. ...Or it had killed him, for all he knew... Now she was threatening Aurora's life? He clenched his jaws and balled one of his hands into a fist while he was kneeling beside Whitegrazer on the messy floor. His optics shifted to the rifle again that was nearby.
“Okay Nemesis, we’re putting our weapons away. You win this time.” “Just let her go and you can leave.”
Cheetor. He was making the right decision, and Optimus was proud of him for it. But would Nemesis and Terrorsaur actually leave without harming any of them? The rest of the Predacons had already retreated, so they would be outnumbered now.
"Throw your weapons in that corner," "All of you,"
“Leave the squirt and lets go Nem before Megatron blows a gasket.”
For once, that was something Optimus could agree on with Terrorsaur; just leave Aurora alone. Leave them all!
"Go, I'll be right behind you."
For Primus' sake, why was Nemesis hesitating? Just go! He feared he might not be able to control himself if he bumped into her. The rage inside of him was boiling like liquid magma inside of a volcano that was about to erupt.
"We did as you asked. Now, do as Terrorsaur says, and leave Aurora be and leave here."
Hearing Aurora whimper softly after being dropped - he assumed, judging by the loud crash on her end - Optimus could also pick up Nemesis's footsteps that hurried out of the command center and faded away from the origin of their transmission. "Hang in there, Aurora. You were so brave," he commended her. "Cheetor will help you until Rhinox can offer his assistance."

Standing up and grabbing the EMP rifle, Primal looked at Tigerhawk and ordered him, "Get Whitegrazer to the infirmary. We'll need to extract that shard of metal from her leg before she goes into a CR."

"Rhinox, repair Airazor's knee as quickly as possible. I'll need her to come with me." And with Blackarachnia covering the explosives Tarantulas left behind in their air ducts, that covered everyone who was currently in the brig.

"I'll get him back, Whitegrazer," he told her with confidence. "Trust me," he asked of her. Just as she felt like she had failed Zodiac, so had he, so he was determined to rectify this and bring him back to her. With help, he could do it. He was sure of it. He would gather his Maximals shortly once he knew who would be able to join him. "Aurora needs you here right now." After looking deeply into her optics, almost longingly, Optimus turned and jogged out of the heavily damaged brig with his permanent limp and headed toward Nemesis's direction.

"Let's get going," Rhinox told Tigerhawk, Airazor and Whitegrazer as he began leading them out of the large room and toward the medical bay.
“Maybe I should have made sure she retreated for good.”
"Don't... worry about it," Rattrap told Wintersong. What was done was done. At least the Preds had fled, or so he thought that all of them had.
“Tigatron! You guys made it.” “My wounds are shallow, nothing my self-repair can’t handle for the most part.”
"Quit... braggin'," the rodent managed to tease faintly at the tigress as he fought his green eyes from closing.
"What happened to you?"
"Nemesis...," Rattrap tried explaining to Tigatron in his weakened state. He hadn't felt this horrible for quite some time. "...Forced me... against de... shields... to lower 'em."
“But Rattrap needs a CR ASAP. Help me with the one here in the hanger.”
"I don't feel... so good," he said quieter between breaths. His beast mode hadn't been able to keep up with his depleting energon levels, and he was progressively slipping into stasis lock.
"The others and myself were more worried about you all." "With the Predacons attacking and using you all as hostages, we feared for your lives."
Tigatron's voice started to fade as alerts appeared on the Maximal Spy's internal computer. Stasis lock imminent. He could feel his body being moved and lowered into one of the chambers. The door closed, and he immediately felt the repairs begin to his little body before he lost consciousness succumbing to his injuries.

Meanwhile, Optimus was tracking Nemesis's footsteps noticing them getting louder and louder toward him. He gripped the rifle tightly in his hands and remained hidden behind a corner of a hallway that connected to the main corridor. He would have to gain the upper hand with an ambush so she wouldn't have time to wield a weapon or target him. Taking a deep breath, he held it as she got closer and then stepped out in front of her before she could pass him, effectively stopping her in her tracks while he aimed the rifle with the bowl-shaped dish on the end of it directly at her chest. "Leaving so soon, Nemesis?" His voice was cold and stoic as he faced her with his index finger lingering on the trigger ignoring the pain in his wounded arm and the dirt and scratches that decorated his body. His orange optics narrowed at her threateningly. What she did to Rattrap, and whatever she did to Aurora, he was clearly outraged and unpredictable, but he didn't want to incapacitate her just yet since she had information that could help him. "It would be in your best interest to cooperate," he warned her since she had no idea what his weapon was capable of. Well, she might take a wild guess. Without wasting time, Optimus got straight to the point, although he didn't expect her to answer him truthfully considering everything that had recently happened, and her fear of her leader finding out. "Where did Megatron take Zodiac?" he demanded to know.

“Apologies my liege, had a bit of a hold up back at the Axalon.”
"For good reason, I am sure," the t-rex commented further on the matter a little dismissively considering other Predacons had yet to arrive as well. "Let us take note of the others' tardiness," he added impatiently and intolerably as he referred to Nemesis, Terrorsaur and Tarantulas.

"I'm here, Boss Bot!" Quickstrike announced as he crawled up to the others who were gathering around Megatron and Zodiac.

Growling in disappointment, the commanding officer said, "I will deal with your failure later, Fuzor," he glared at him.

The TransMetal scorpion/cobra hybrid lowered both his heads a little and nervously opened and closed his pincers a couple times.

"Predacons, secure the perimeter," he instructed them just in case anyone would find them and interrupt his happy hour.

Inferno saluted his Queen, albeit a little unsteadily, and marched off with his large gun to position himself at a safe distance from the rest and diligently watch for any intruders.
“Fitting resting place.”
Megatron couldn't care less about the view, nor had he intended any meaning behind it. It was simply a location that he presumed the Maximals wouldn't guess in time to intervene with Zodiac's slaughter given the tyrant's personality.
"Quaint..," "So this is where you take your rubber duck out for date night?,"
A faint smile appeared on his face before it was quickly replaced by a sneer. He greatly fought back the urge to backhand the lowlife with his tail weapon to make him shut up.
“Lost your bravado when staring death in the face Zodiac? Perhaps that is all you are good at, talking yourself up to be so superior and in the end it blows up in your face.”
"He is about to lose a great deal more," Megatron smirked at the crab.
"At least I won't spend the rest of my days as a slave doing the bidding of someone who should be beneath me..,"
Raising his foot, the Predacon leader kicked his heel at Zodiac's head for an upper cut to his lower jaw. "DO NOT SPEAK UNLESS I PERMIT IT!" he hollered at the cocky underling who was surrounded by the enemy, merely taking his anger and aggression out on him. And it felt good. It felt very good.
“You should just put him out of his misery Megatron, he’s a pathetic hunk of metal that isn’t worth all this fuss. Not anymore.”
The purple and copper dictator raised a curious brow at Rampage's words. So much hatred and distaste for the one he had partnered with not long ago to hijack a ship and escape the planet to travel back in time to Cybertron. It almost made Megatron grow suspicious of his support to end the shape shifter's life, and he felt like he needed to watch his back.
"I'm starting to think you enjoy being on a leash like a pet," "You're too weak to stand up for yourself even. And you call me pathetic.."
"His words are merely a response to his desperation and vulnerability," Megatron explained to Rampage. "Manipulation is all he has left. Quite tragic," he added with fake sympathy while talking about Zodiac as if he wasn't even there, like his existence was meaningless and insignificant.
"It fits you quite well,"
"Indeed!" Megatron practically jeered at Zodiac before his voice lowered dramatically. "After all, what does not kill me, simply makes me stronger. Yesss," he loomed with darkness over the pretender as he seemed to take his scar with greater stride now.
"In fact I'd be happy to give you a matching one right through the spark."
The t-rex in robot mode just as quickly ignited his twin turbine engines and pulled himself back out of Zodiac's reach evading his spiky forearm and then firing at his side in retaliation with his tail gun before deactivating his thrust and landing on his feet again. "Predictable, Changling," he criticized his unimpressive maneuver and almost yawned.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

Wintersong gave a faint chuckle at the light teasing from Rattrap, relieved to see he hadn’t let this incident bring him down entirely. But, she took note of how quickly he was fading, wishing she knew more of what happened to the rodent to turn out like this. Far as she had ever known none of the Predacons had an electrical weapon to cause those kind of burns. Yet it became clear what occurred when Tigatron had asked and Rattrap has mustered the energy to explain along the way to the CR chamber.

The shields?!

The tigress shot a surprised look at Tigatron, shocked at how far the Predacons has been willing to go. All for Zodiac. It made her hatred of the shapeshifter go ever deeper than it had been in that moment, and even more so for the Predacons who continued to find new ways to make their lives miserable. Maybe embracing what the Vok has to offer wouldn’t be so bad after all. But she kept her rage that had began to boil up again in check, making sure Rattrap was securely inside the chamber before she transformed, briefly catching a glimpse of her reflection in the CR. The lines has spread a little, more so covering the left side of her face entirely to the point even her optic had permanently become the same ominous purple as one of the Vok beings. Her initial but brief thought of embracing the Vok quickly faded as soon as it had appeared, somewhat disturbed by how quickly their take over was. “I could assume they’re in the brig then or the bridge, that was where Aurora was when I left earlier.” Wintersong finally answered, turning towards Tigatron, seeming to dismiss the obvious spread, “Check the brig and see if you can help there, I need to go make sure Aurora or anyone else is okay in the bridge. Hopefully the Predacons have left.

Wintersong was clearly determined but shaken, but her worry for her teammates, her family, override her fear of the Vok in this moment as she sprinted from the hanger towards the bridge.

Once Tigerhawk had moved some more of the ceiling aside, he found a rather angered Blackarachnia, probably in better shape than the rest who had been in the collapse. He raised an optic ridge slightly as he helped her from the rubble, glancing towards Optimus when he spoke her name. The look of disapproval spoke loud without Optimus having to state it. But then again, considering her nature, it didn’t surprise the fuzor on her need for revenge, “I think you are losing your discrete nature Blackarachnia.” The fuzor tried to point out lightheartedly, stepping back to give her some room. And despite likewise not being in support of her methods, he couldn’t help somewhat admiring the spunk she showed. At this point it seemed everyone had come out from the rubble mostly unscathed, except maybe Whitegrazer who he noticed fell to the floor again.

Before he could say anything further though, he quieted down when Optimus indicated silence, watching intently. From his facial expressions and Whitegrazer’s worry, it appeared more was happening elsewhere than they were aware. But by now Tigerhawk assumes others were back from the rather disasterous mission from earlier.

Stepping forward when Optimus began to give out orders, the large fuzor came over towards the damaged and distressed equine, “She will be in good hands.” Tigerhawk assures Optimus, the assurance full of more confidence now as everyone began to move and Tigerhawk carefully scooped Whitegrazer into his arms, being as careful as possible to not further damage her thigh, “Just not having a good time are you.” He told her before adding, “And sometimes, thick armor comes in handy.” He added to answer her previous words of being glad to see he wasn’t in as bad shape as before.

Airazor was relieved to see the others were coming out alright, including the annoyed Blackarachnia. She sometimes wondered if the widow ever thought about anything other than her revenge for her creator or wanting power, as had been evident in their past encounters. Nevertheless, the falcon patiently waited for them to begin moving, watching the others with some relief to see them up and moving from the hard day they had endured, wishing she could have done more to help. Even her sneak attack on Inferno had done little to deter the Predacons but she sure as heck wouldn’t go out on that note and was happy when Rhinox agreed and so did Optimus albeit wordlessly.

I’ll contact you when I’m ready to go Optimus.” Airazor told him with a nod, limping along with Rhinox, Tigerhawk, and Whitegrazer towards the infirmary.

Terrorsaur didn’t need to be told twice on that order. The Maximals were far too sentimental to consider risking harming the ermine fuzor or getting her killed by a mistake on their part. And it gave him the opportunity to leave this retched base. Whether Nemesis would be behind him as she said would be another matter, and not his concern, if she said she would follow then he would leave her to her own devices as he flew from the base, transforming to jet mode the moment he had enough room to head to the renedevouz point.

The young cheetah glared at Nemesis, wishing he could just blast her then and there as she threatened Aurora. Despite his history of being rather impulsive, Cheetor held himself back, reluctantly listening as he tossed aside his tail sword, eyeing the blade close to Aurora’s neck. “You have free passage, just leave.” He urged, a hint of anger in his voice.

And that was the thing about being young as he or Aurora were. No one took them seriously and Cheetor was all too aware he was far from being a leader, a negotiator, or someone deemed needing respect from someone such as Nemesis. But he was trying. Thankfully, Nemesis seemed satisfied with their decision at last, watching her with further rage as she unceremoniously dropped the young femme, waiting for her to make her way out before the young warrior made his move, rushing over to a storage compartment to grab the first aid and finally coming over to Aurora who was trying to stop the bleeding, no doubt in some pain, “Don’t worry, I got you covered Aurora, just enough before we get you to the infirmary.” Cheetor spoke, going to work in getting out some of the tools to begin some basic repairs, enough the bleeding would stop and to ease some of the pain. “Dinobot, check the damage on Sentinel, Optimus or Rhinox might need a report on it.” Cheetor added without looking up from his job.

He was no medic, but it would have to do.

Meanwhile in the main corridor of the ship, Wintersong had been nearing the bridge when a voice caught her attention just ahead. It sounded like Optimus, but hadn’t he been in the brig before? Unless things had been settled there after all, making her wonder if the Maximal commander and some of the others had been making their way to the bridge as well. She had slowed her pace a bit, expecting things might have been cleared until she spotted the transmetal gorilla, optics zooming in briefly and realizing it wasn’t any of her teammates he was speaking with but Nemesis herself, a conversation she did not want to interrupt.

Instead, she took a few steps back before moving behind a corner, deciding to take the opposite hall to the bridge. Once she only faintly heard the two did she sprint again to cover the final distance, arriving to be bridge to find it in disarray, “Are you three alright?” She inquired as she moved closer, seeing the wound on Aurora’s foot Cheetor was trying to fix and both adorned with their own new wounds of today’s recent battle.


Rampage crossed his arms at Zodiac’s words, again speaking truth but the crab was all too aware of it. He would always be in shackles, someone’s inmmortal slave to do with as they pleased. At the moment though, Megatron has been the only one giving him some freedom, even if it meant having Rampage within arms reach of his bidding. “Your words have no weight here dragon, because I seem to recall you were no less eager to hand me the other half of my spark back than this slag eating saurian.” The king crab spat, indicating their precarious truce before that had all but dissolved.

Now, now the crab had a greater arrangement, to a degree but made it no less obvious his disdain for being controlled as he was. “Manipulation through desperation, hm? Are you sure Zodiac is the only one those words should apply?” Rampage added towards his newest “master” in a sense of the word. This only seemed to imply the crustacean was no less trusting of Megatron than he was of the shapeshifter, even showing a small hint of greater weariness and rebellion in his words.

After what he saw earlier that day what reasons did he not have to look out for himself? His coldness wasn’t just directed at Zodiac but both reptiles in some manner. But for now, Rampage did as ordered and backed off a safe distance on the perimeter, keeping his optics on the terrain and occasionally the skirmish breaking out between the two of the three individuals he despised.

Unfortuantely, their reinforcements arrived sooner than expected on all sides.” Spineback reported, which no sooner had it been said did Quickstrike arrive. For the moment lucky enough Megatron seemed more interested in handling Zodiac than punishing the fuzor. For now. “We should really consider improving your technique fuzor, might do you some good.” The veteran spoke as she listened to the exchange between their leader, Rampage, and Zodiac but her gaze having fallen to the scorpion/cobra fuzor. Though it was a suggestion, it was hard for Spineback not to express some criticism over his performance either. Quickstrike has potential if he really tried but at the same time there was room for improvement rather than his crude, gung-ho style.

Leaving it at that, the former Decepticon followed Megatron’s order in moving to a safe distance for a perimeter, transforming to robot mode at last, her Plasma Sphere Shooter starting o charge up. Though she kept one optic on the surrounding terrain, her attention never completely left her leader, frame tensing as Zodiac made a move towards the Predacon leader who thankfully had moved in time. But his taunting wasn’t going to help the risk in her opinion, having to bite her tongue to warn the young commander not to be so foolish. ‘Do not underestimate a desperate individual Megatron, especially someone who might be desperate enough to fight tooth and claw for his life.’ She silently urged, as even a clever, tricky bot like Zodiac could be dangerous to his last dying moment. And for an extra precaution, the Chief Medical Officer subtly removed a tranquilizer dart gun from her subspace, having it at the ready with a finger on the trigger.

Terrorsaur’s optics zoomed in towards the distance, his sensors picking up several Predacon energy signatures. It appeared he hadn’t missed the party after all as he approached, engines being a hard noise to miss before he had shifted to his beast mode, flapping his wings as he grew closer and closer to the gathered Predacons, curiously watching the exchange between Zodiac and Megatron, both seemingly going at it for the final showdown. “Haven’t missed the fun yet I see.” Terroraur said with an eager grin near Inferno and Rampage, the crab ignoring him as per usual now. “Think Zodiac will last?” He asked the red ant with a smirk, transforming to robot mode as his shoulder cannons shifted into place as he took a spot along the perimeter. Though a part of him did wonder where Nemesis was since he figured she would have been not too far behind by now.
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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

((OOC: Terrible, terrible day. I hate almost hundred degree weather. I don;t do well. Yikes! I hope this post is allr ight, everyone!))

Dinobot kicked his sword to the corner, not willing to change angering the former Decepticon female, giving her an incentive to hurt the little ermine who had actually one-upped the dishonorable blackbird. Cheetor immediately went to the little one's side and gave her first aid. Dinobot went to reclaim his sword and sheath it back behind his back. Dinobot went to Cheetor and Aurora's side, hearing Optimus through the com-link. He was listening in? "Optimus, are you and the others... all right? We had heard an explosion." s he waited for Optimus response, Dinobot, a bit awkwardly, commended Aurora too, "What you threw on Nemesis, that attack, was impressive."

Wintersong entered the bridge, wanting to know if they were okay, "We are all right now." Dinobot scratched the gash on his chestplate. An injury he brushed off. He was big and bulky, the injury just angered him more than hurt. He went to check on the systems Nemesis damaged, as cheetor told him to do. He let out a snarl and raided two shaking fist in the air. "Bah! The consoles are going to know extensive repairs as well Sentinel. The male voie of Sentinel was trying to speak, but kept repeating it over and over again. He banged the screen to try and get it stabilized. It did, but a heavy spark made him flinch and he growled at it.

Whitegrazer, though relieved that Optimus appeared to be okay, could sense through their link the amount of guilt weighing heavily within his spark as he embraced her. She returned the embrace warmly, as well as when he cupped one of her hands, after she was freed from the debri. She gently squeezed his hand with a smile. She too felt guilt for the actions she was about to partake in. Even, if she believed she had no other choice, she felt like her own character had taken two steps back from what she was trying to be. Something about revelation of Zodiac being part of her and the whole implications of what that meant burned a flame that she thought she put out in the past. "You did the right thing," she said to reassure him, showing, expressing that she wasn't angry with him interfering with her actions. She placed a warm, comforting hand on his cheek. When Rhinox answered her question about the state of his and Airazor's health, she breathed easier, "Thank Primus." She wondered if she was responsible for Megatron setting off the explosion. Maybe in her actions, Megatron reacted with a wrathful fist, pouring all the frustration of what she did to him, a feeling she felt when they were connected for a period of time, a feeling of surprise and shock, a feeling of insult and fury for her interference and for getting inside his spark where no doubt secrets he wished to remained hidden for Maximal optics. She didn't know if her assessment of Megatron's actions was correct, but it did make sense with how Megatron acted.

With Aurora in trouble, though, her spark dropped heavy with guilt and the need to go and rush in to help the little ermine, but as her injured thigh stopped her, Optimus caught her before she fell down on the ground. Despite her injuries, and the reassurance that Dinobot and Cheetor were with Aurora, she felt the need to go and see for herself. The injury in her thigh might slow her down, but she wouldn;t allow a simple injury to stop her from making sure Aurora was safe. Optimus held his index finger to lips, telling them all to remain silent as voices talked with his com-link.

The first voice was Dinobot, who seemed agitated, but his question sneered in contempt made her optics widened in worry. The child Dinobot mentioned had to be Aurora. Another voice came out, Nemesis, she was there too? It was Nemesis, she was the one who was holding Aurora, and possibly the one who caused Aurora pain. Whitegrazer noticed the change in Optimus' demeanor. The balling of his fists, the clench of his jaw, the narrowing of his optics, and she saw how his hand reached for the rifle nearby. Optimus and Nemesis' relationship had always been one of respect and she noticed how Nemesis seemed hesitant with her actions when Optimus was closeby. She kknew Nemesis held Optimus in a regard. So did Optimus in a way, but for his reaction to her voice, it was clear something happened. Maybe it was because of Aurora, but the way his demeanor changed when he immediately heard her voice. It made her wonder what else had happened while she was webbed. Whitegrazer was conflicted in her emotions. She held a kindred spirit with Nemesis, even if the former Decepticon wasn't aware of it. She remembered Nemesis being surprised and confused as to why she helped her so much when she was framed and marked for death with the Predacons, or back when they battle against each other, Nemesis clearly had the upperhand and ready to kill her, but she didn't when she reached out with the former Decepticon, steadying her hand. Some part of her disgusted with the thought of harm against Aurora, but another part of her understood what Nemesis did. It didn't excuse her actions, but Whitegrazer understood, and wished she tried harder in persuading Nemesis to remain with them, instead of the Predacons.

As it seemed Cheetor and Dinobot lowered their weapons, with Terrorsuar screeching to Nemesis to leave Aurora, she could the heat of boiling rage coming off from Optimus. She looked at him, expressing worry for him, hoping that Aurora was okay and being released. She figured Nemesis only took Aurora hostage in order to make sure the Maximals didn't attack and give in to her demands, just like what happened back in the forest, knowing they didn't want any harm to come to their comrades. She shook her head at the mess Nemesis got herself into, praying that they would leave.

She heard footsteps and no more words from the Predacons, so maybe they were keeping their word. She breathed a sigh of relief, and as Optimus commended Aurora, so she did also. "You will be okay, Aurora." There was a sense of pride she illuminated towards the little one. Especially with the fact that Aurora was the one who find out about the relation between her and Zodiac. Something she actually wanted to discuss with her, well, really, congratulate her.

Optimus ordered Tigerhawk to help her to the medbay. Due to the metal in her leg, she pulled it out, but there was still some more metal inside there. Optimus looked into her optics, promising her that he will get Zodiac back for her. She just smiled, "I know, but please, be careful." But he wasn't going to do it alone. Despite her injury, she wasn't going to sit idly by. But for now, she must relent and allow her thigh to be attended to. When he said Aurora would need her, she nodded her head.

As Tigerhawk came to her side, she chuckled at his statement, "Oh this?" pointing to her thigh, and dismissed it, "I had worse." She would go into detail, but now wasn't the time. "I wasn't blessed with heavy armor," she smiled, remembering all those times her friends literally called her naked in the battlefield, "but I'm not into heavy armor. I find myself much more graceful and attuned with my surroundings more with just this light armor." She just conceded to Tigerhawk's aid and they followed rhinox to the medical bay. She sat down on a cot, and let tigerhawk help her in attending her wound, but a part of became fidgety. "I might skip the CR Chamber. Just a bit a gel and I will be okay." She would get a Cr chamber when she knew it was safe to. Right now, she wondered about Optimus. Did Nemesis leave yet? Optimus seemed really eager to go.

She could feel the slight tickle of nanomachines crawling around her skin. If she can still feel that, then that means Nemesis was still here, and if she was, Whitegrazer wanted to see and talk to her, but as she felt through her link with Optimus, Optimus wasn't happy with her, especially with the way he carried that weapon. Maybe she should go to him.

Tigratron looked in horror at what Rattrap said, "Nemesis put your body into the shields? That could have killed you!" Tigatron was just glad that Rattrap didn't look no worse for wear, but still, it made him growl a beastly roar at what Nemesis did. At the horror and violence that the Predacons did to his friends and the Axalon. Senseless, ruthless, unnecessary violence and brutality. Wintersong shared the sentiment as she growl similarly at what Rattrap said. Rattrap seemed to be losing consciousness as Wintersong and he carried Rattrap into the CR chamber.

Wintersong seemed to be a bit in a state herself. Tigratron placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Rattrap's a fighter. I hve no dobt he would be fine. As well as the rest of our friends." He too shred her worry about them. Especially with Airazor. He nodded when Wintersong asked him to heck teh brig as she went for the bridge.

He went towards the brig when he saw Rhinox leading Airazor while Tigerhawk led an injured Whitegrazer to the medbay possibly. "Rhinox, tigerhawk, Whitegrazer," he acknowledged them all, and then, "Airazor..." He came to her side and embraced her. "I'm glad you are all right. All of you. I saw the aftermath of the explosion outside. What happened?"

Blackarachnia waved a fist at Tarantulas as he left with his parting words of threatening to retrieve the knowledge she gathered from Megtron's backup files on the golden disk, knowledge he wanted, and sadly, he nor Megatron, had anymore access to now. Optimus didn't seem to like her proclamation earlier when she said she showed her willingness to kill him. She shrugged, What? Trust me, it would save us all a headache later. Besides, with him gone, that was one less bot trying to dissect her brain. When Optimus thanked her for her offering, which she thought was unnecessary, as she knew Tarantulas better than anyone here, "Don't thank me yet. This is going to be time-consuming work.... unless you re a spider like myself." She smirked as transformed and entered the same wy she came out, in a vent shaft.
Last edited by una on Thu May 30, 2019 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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RPG Characters: Nemesis,Aurora,Zodiac

Unread post by Phoenix »

Zodiac had never been a fan of Megatron. He had disliked the way Cryotek had compared him to his former pupil, but much more so the fact that no matter what he did he always came up short compared to the tyrant in his creator's mind. And that dislike had only grown since the two of them had found themselves on the same planet, both fighting for similar yet still very different goals.

But now, as the tyrant was tormenting him with words that were playing on the shape shifter's insecurities, Zodiac was really starting to loathe the other male.
"Did you not arrive with a crew?"
Yes, he did. And now they were both dead, mercilessly killed in the worst possible ways. One of them no doubt ending his life at the hands of Megatron himself after he foolishly released the virus the renegade had brought with him for the occasion while Megatron was looking. His fault, sure, but a small part of Zodiac did wonder if it could have gone down differently if he had been more specific with his instructions. Still he played coy about the entire ordeal, refusing to give Megatron the satisfaction of knowing how his words had an impact.

"Mere cannon fodder," Zodiac said with conviction. "Much like most of your crew."

However Megatron wasn't quite done with rubbing in his point just yet, making the renegade suspect he could see through his little lie.
"Their usefulness must not have been very memorable as I can't seem to recall their faces."
Zodiac shrugged. "Granted, they weren't much to look at," he added with a hint of humor that quickly turned very dark given the circumstances surrounding his crew mates' demise. But he would be damned if he was going to allow Megatron to see his grief.
"Although there was that one fellow who met his demise by my hands. You know the one, as I'm certain you stumbled upon what was left of his rusting carcass outside of the Darksyde."
But try as he might, the renegade wasn't able to hold back the slight frown upon hearing Megatron remind him yet again of the sight that had greeted him when he went to the Darksyde. Oddly it wasn't so much the charred and rusting remains that bothered him, no, what really caused his insides to churn was the fact that this was likely going to be his own fate as well. His dead comrade had merely been a foreshadowing of his own destiny, and likely Megatron's wrath towards the shape shifter extended far beyond his reasons for mutilating his crew mate the way he did. So no doubt his own end would be even worse, even more painful, even more brutal.. And after his spark had stopped pulsating or perhaps even a few moments before, Megatron would no doubt let his crew salvage whatever they could from him. Zodiac really didn't want to think about it, especially not what some of the more shaded individuals within the tyrant's ranks such as the spider scientist would do to him. Whatever it was, it wouldn't be pleasant.. Far from it.

"Was that who it was?," Zodiac responded, trying to keep up the pretense of not being afraid. "I didn't recognize him," he then continued, lying yet still doing a fairly good job of keeping up the pretense of being unphased by all of it. His 'crew' as they were had not been forced to come with him on this mission. They knew the risks involved, and they never questioned them. Still, part of Zodiac felt.. something.. a tiny bit of guilt perhaps, certainly some anger, of his plans having gone astray like they did. And now he was paying for it.

“You have free passage, just leave.”
Oh, Nemesis fully intended to do so. In fact the only reason she hadn't done so already was that she wanted to make sure the Maximals wouldn't follow them. Sooner or later, however, Optimus and the others were bound to dig themselves out of the little tomb Megatron had arranged for them at the brig. Or at least that's what she presumed all the noise had been about, given the fact it happened at the same time Megatron called for a retreat. And she was all too keenly aware that when that happened, when Primal managed to free himself from his temporary tomb, he would come after her. It was an encounter she'd rather avoid, since she was certain the big ape wouldn't understand how she could betray his trust like she had.

Her reasons were.. complicated at best. But they were her own.

She heard the little fuzor whimpering behind her as she sank to the ground, bleeding profusely from the open gash in her foot, as well as the foot steps of the young cheetah who promptly came to her aid. But Nemesis didn't look back, instead she hurried down the corridor in an attempt to put as much distance between herself and this place as possible so that she could meet up with Megatron and the others for the final act of vengeance against the traitorous shape shifter.

Aurora gasped as she clenched her hands around her bleeding foot, trying to at least slow down the bleeding. Fortunately Cheetor was quick to come to the rescue, and the fuzor looked at her comrade with an expression of gratefulness, relief, but also quite a bit of pain shown through her tearful optics.
“Don’t worry, I got you covered Aurora, just enough before we get you to the infirmary.”
Well.. she wasn't alone, at least. In fact, she had some pretty good company right now! And as if to prove the point, Optimus' voice chimed in via com link again.
"Hang in there, Aurora. You were so brave,"
Brave.. The fuzor would have chuckled slightly since she certainly didn't feel very brave right now, in a whimpering heap on the floor, but even the slightest of twitches caused her foot to hurt more so she quickly realized she needed to stay calm.

"Don't worry.., Optimus. Cheetor and Dinobot are both here, helping. How is everyone in the brig? And Rattrap??,"
she wanted to know before adding, "Nemesis left but from the sound of it, the Predajerks got what they came from," she replied, trying to remain calm and collected, although a few painful gasps could be heard as she spoke. Although the pain seemed to be lessening a bit, or perhaps she was just growing immune to it.
"You will be okay, Aurora."
The fuzor hoped so.. Actually, since she was surrounded by her comrades now she was certain of it. But it was so good to hear from Whitegrazer as well, to know that the older female was alive. "Are you all right?," she responded to the white mare/vok. They hadn't really gotten a chance to speak since before Aurora had been the one to deliver the shocking news of Zodiac's true origin to Optimus.
"Cheetor will help you until Rhinox can offer his assistance."
"He already is," the fuzor confirmed, although she was starting to grow more concerned about the others again now that she was out of immediate danger. "Rattrap?!," she asked, trying to hail him via com link as soon as Primal went on to other things.

As Cheetor started making some repairs, minor as they were, she dared the tiniest of smiles. "Thank you..," she whispered through her tears before nodding at what looked like a welding tool in an attempt to help him out a bit. "Use that to cauterize the wound," she added, "It will slow down the hemorrhage."

Sure, it would likely hurt some more, but that would only be temporarily. And any cosmetic or long lasting effects from the makeshift patch-up job could then be mended as soon as she got to a CR chamber. At least now that the Predacons had all left, the Maximals could shift their focus to their own repairs and that of their base as well.
"What you threw on Nemesis, that attack, was impressive."
Aurora grimaced a bit as Cheetor made the last few preliminary repairs as to stabilize her condition enough so that they could move her to the infirmary without any further issues. But she did force a slight smile through the grimace when Dinobot commended her on her actions as well. He wasn't normally one to give anyone a pat on the back, so his words meant a lot to her.

"I only wish it had worked a little better..," she admitted, "She wasn't supposed to get away like that," she continued, stating the obvious.

Meanwhile, in the corridors leading to the outside, Nemesis was making fairly good progress. After all she knew the layout of the Axalon quite well from her time seeking refuge here, and she certainly wasn't going to linger. Thus far the corridors had been blissfully empty, leading the Predacons second in command to believe the Maximals were still trapped in the chaos left behind at the brig. This scheme of breaking into the Maximal's own home to take their prize from them in the one location that they would feel safe in had actually worked out amazingly well.

Yet in her haste she failed to take notice of some parts of her surroundings, particularly some of the hallways that connected to the one she was travelling down. So when Optimus suddenly stepped out from his hiding spot, effectively blocking her path, she was caught off guard and came to an abrupt stop.
"Leaving so soon, Nemesis?"
The female slowly shook her head, as if hoping Optimus showing up was just some figment of her imagination that would dissipate if she just stared at him long enough. But alas, he was very much so really standing there, covered in dirt and scratches from the collapsing ceiling, and in his hand he was holding onto some contraption that looked like a rifle but with a large disk around the barrel of it. Nemesis avoided looking at it for too long much like how she tried to avoid eye contact.

"Optimus, I..," she started before finally forcing herself to look straight at the male she had been hoping to avoid. She was clearly very uncomfortable with the situation, the way she shifted her weight as he stared her down proved it. But upon seeing the anger in his optics, she quickly lowered her gaze again.
"It would be in your best interest to cooperate,"
Or what?, she wanted to ask him, to challenge him, yet she found herself nearly frozen in place by his stare. It wasn't even the sight of his weapon, whatever that thing was, that persuaded her to remain calm. After all there weren't many weapons that could actually inflict much damage to her, although Optimus knew that. He was well aware of her weaknesses and triggers. So the bigger question was how far would Primal go in his present, enraged state of mind.

Slowly, making sure she didn't make any abrupt movements, she partially held her arms up in front of her as to persuade him she wouldn't use her weapons against him.

"Get out of my way, Optimus,"
she continued with some urgency in her voice. "I don't wish to hurt you.."

It was true. Although she had shown no such compassion towards the other Maximals, Primal was a different matter altogether. Ever since their first intimate talk, she had found herself stuck in a difficult situation.. caught between her loyalty to her cause and her own feelings of respect and perhaps even friendship towards Optimus. It all made for such a messy, complicated situation she had unwillingly ended up in the middle of.
"Where did Megatron take Zodiac?"
Nemesis tilted her head while Optimus laid out his demands. Of course he just couldn't let this Zodiac business go.. Why did Optimus have to be so caring towards anyone he came into contact with? Even someone who had proven himself dangerous and untrustworthy time and time again. She really didn't understand since it went against everything the Predacons were and what they believed in, everything she'd ever been taught since way before she came to this planet.

"Don't you have more pressing concerns to deal with right now..?," she asked, hopeful she'd be able to lower his guard. "Your Maximals are injured and your base is in shambles, yet you're wasting time worrying about the life of one bot who has done nothing but caused you trouble? Surely you have greater priorities."

As she spoke, she also started easing up a bit, growing more confident Primal could be persuaded to act in her favor. Sure, he was angry with her right now, she realized it, but he was also the forgiving type. And she did let Rattrap and Aurora live in the end, or at least she presumed they were both still alive. So there was always a chance Optimus could be reasoned with or at the very least distracted for long enough for her to get outside where her speed would actually benefit her. It was unlikely that Primal would follow by himself, not until he knew for sure his crew were all right. Ever predictable in his compassion as he was.

Nemesis waited for a moment to see if her words had made an impact, but upon realizing Optimus was not backing down this time she was left with little choice on this matter. Of course openly attacking the enraged Maximal leader wouldn't benefit her much, not when he already had his new weapon aimed at her chest. So the avian female decided her best course of action would be to take the weapon out of the equation to improve her chances of escaping this mess unharmed. In a sudden move she kicked her leg out against the weapon, her foot impacting it against the middle of the barrel with as much force as she could muster. Upon making contact, she kept spinning so that her other leg followed and swiftly slammed against Primal's chest in an attempt to knock him off balance.

When Megatron ordered his Predacons to guard the perimeter, it didn't exactly help boost the shape shifter's confidence in his chances any. Perhaps that was the tyrant's play in all of this, since surely he didn't expect the dragon to be able to outmaneuver all of them to escape. He had thought about attempting to escape, of course, but quickly dismissed that idea when more and more Predacons arrived at their location. His best chance seemed to be besting Megatron in battle and then take flight during the resulting chaos.

The tyrant didn't seem to care much for the renegade's attempt at humor at his expense, not that it mattered too much. If anything it urged Zodiac to keep up his petulance, again resorting to the belief that anger could cloud the tyrant's judgement. He had already condemned the renegade to death after all, so what more did he stand to lose?

"Ah, I see I struck a nerve. Oh don't worry, Megatron, I can keep a secret," he declared next, making sure he was loud enough for any Predacon nearby to overhear his mockery towards their leader.
"He is about to lose a great deal more,"
Somehow the tyrant was able to keep himself collected, although it was fairly easy to notice the barely constrained fury raging underneath the thus far calm exterior. But when the outburst came, it was violent and painful if not entirely unexpected.
The kick was hard enough and brutal enough to send the renegade crashing back onto the ground, extracting a slight whimper which only went to prove the renegade was not invulnerable to pain, and leaving him working his painful jaw for a moment or two to rub the sting out of it before he attempted to move again.
“Your words have no weight here dragon, because I seem to recall you were no less eager to hand me the other half of my spark back than this slag eating saurian.”
Eager.. was not a word Zodiac would have used to describe it. He had found himself in a difficult situation and at the time he had made the only choice he felt he could make. Yes, he had essentially given the crab's spark away to save himself and its recipient had been the last individual he ever imagined giving it to, but if he was to be faced with similar circumstances he would do the same thing again. Of course he wished he had been aware of how badly his plan was going to backfire so he could have avoided heading down that path in the first place, yet he was certain most bots would have made the same choice he did.

He briefly glared at the crab, somewhat annoyed by his words and how quickly he loyalty changed. But he did understand. In a war, one had to look out for oneself first. Granted he and Rampage, as he was now known as, were very different individuals. While the crab longed for death so he could be freed from the chains he'd been forced into in life, Zodiac was desperate to cling to that life and freedom. And around the likes of Rampage, anyone with a semblance of common sense would realize that keeping control of the beast was the only way to assure their own safety. No, he hadn't returned the spark like he promised. But he didn't do it because he needed to preserve his own life and make sure the crab would cooperate.

"Take care how you speak for your master is right here, ever watching your every move," Zodiac scoffed back at Rampage for so easily falling in line behind the tyrant. By now he had given up on obtaining the crab's assistance against Megatron and his goons, but he certainly wouldn't mind widening the rift between the two of them to cause future friction.
"His words are merely a response to his desperation and vulnerability," "Manipulation is all he has left. Quite tragic,"
"And manipulation isn't what you've been doing to your pack of rubble?," Zodiac challenged, finally forcing himself back up again.
“Manipulation through desperation, hm? Are you sure Zodiac is the only one those words should apply?”
From the sound of it, Rampage had taken notice of this fact as well. Good. The crab may no longer be his ally, but if he could turn him against Megatron or at the very least make the tyrant believe he had then it would improve the renegade's chances of survival greatly.
"After all, what does not kill me, simply makes me stronger. Yesss,"
Or makes you vulnerable for attacks.., the renegade thought to himself as he lunged himself at his opponent, forging sharp weapons from his own arms to aid him. Megatron, however, did not merely stay still for the blows to hit, instead he proved his battle prowess by maneuvering out of the way. If the renegade hadn't been on the receiving end of this beat down and intended execution, he would almost have been impressed by how quickly the tyrant reacted. Almost.

The tail gun shot pummeled into the renegade's exposed side, again sending him crashing into the ground with a louder groan than the previous time. Yet Zodiac refused to stay down this time, instead he used the momentum to roll himself to the side and push himself back up before Megatron could get another shot in. The wound in his side was smoking a bit, but it quickly started glowing as his nanomachines rushed to the area and started healing him swiftly and effectively. And while the renegade still couldn't access his firearms, he still wasn't down for the count and Megatron was about to realize it for himself.

Zodiac soon revealed just how quick he was on his feet as he closed the gap between Megatron and himself in a zig-zag pattern, both ducking and rolling in fluent motions to avoid the incoming shots. A few would hit their mark, sure, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. As he got nearer the tyrant, his arm seemed to be glowing as well, the hand starting to take on the form of a rigid clamp that the renegade swiftly closed around Megatron's throat in order to squeeze it tightly. His other hand clenching into a fist so that it could connect with the tyrant's face simply because the shape shifter couldn't stand looking at him anymore, and in part as revenge for the jaw kick Megatron had done to him only a few nanoclicks ago.

"You could have just walked away," the renegade sneered, squeezing harder around the tyrant's neck with his now hand-clamp, while the other fist kept pummeling him in an attempt to knock him to the ground. It was then, however, that the renegade suddenly stopped, instead turning his focus to what his nanomachines could do to the tyrant's face. In an instant the hand around the neck started glowing again as more and more nanomachines started rushing to the area, providing a sense of heat and then pain around Megatron's neck.

"You never stood a chance, Megatron," the renegade said in a dark voice as the world around him seemed to fade into nothingness and in that moment he forgot about the other Predacons even being there.

It was during the battle that Tarantulas finally arrived in his motorcycle mode. He skidded to a halt and transformed, taking in the scene nearby in stride with a certain glee present on his face. Oh what a wondrous development! If Megatron perished, it would certainly not cause the spider to shed any tears, but of course he couldn't very well let his new prized specimen get away either. So while the two squabbled, the scientist started digging through his equipment as well.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"You did the right thing,"
Had he? Primal wasn't entirely sure considering the outcome, and Whitegrazer probably felt that from him, but as the commanding officer, there were actions he couldn't allow his crew to permit, especially if they were unethical. And they would have to obey his orders otherwise they showed distrust and disrespect for his leadership decisions. After all this time on this planet battling Predacons and the Vok, he wasn't incapable of learning more but he had gained enough experience and wisdom that had constructed his self confidence and determination to be where he was now, which was much farther than when they had crashed on the planet. At least she comforted him with her words as well as her embrace.
"Thank Primus."
Rhinox managed a light smile in the Empath's direction as he assisted Airazor. Yes, as far they knew, everyone was still in one piece. Rattrap may have been the only exception.
“I’ll contact you when I’m ready to go Optimus.”
The Maximal leader had given the falcon a confident nod acknowledging her comment.
What? Trust me, it would save us all a headache later.
Granted, but it wasn't the right thing to do, nor was it what Optimus wanted to hear.
"Don't thank me yet. This is going to be time-consuming work.... unless you re a spider like myself."
Sometimes Blackarachnia could get a little cocky with her skills, but since she knew Tarantulas the best, she was the perfect choice to deal with his traps and hopefully disarm them without hurting herself or anyone else. He was grateful for her volunteering to do it, even if there was some other agenda behind it.
"I know, but please, be careful."
"I'll be as careful as I can, Whitegrazer," he had told her. He wasn't foolish enough to confront the Predacons alone and without a plan, but she had every reason to be concerned considering how determined Megatron was and how the Predacons may be able to put up a good fight yet.
“She will be in good hands.”
Of that Optimus was certain. It was Whitegrazer's stubbornness and eagerness to jump back into the fray after all of her injuries that day that concerned him. Returning to battle before being fully repaired could impair her judgement and weaken her making her vulnerable and a target. But after granting Airazor permission to help him track the Predacons before she was fully functional, he couldn't exactly advise the equine to do the same. However, her emotions might be compromising considering her attachment to Zodiac that she had only just recently found out.
"Nemesis put your body into the shields? That could have killed you!"
"You mean... dis ain't... the Matrix?" Rattrap had muttered to Tigatron as sarcastically as he could given his state. His TransMetal upgrade was probably the only thing that saved him besides Wintersong finding him and helping him.
"Don't worry.., Optimus. Cheetor and Dinobot are both here, helping.
That was the kind of status report that he needed to hear, and he sighed to himself with relief.
"Optimus, are you and the others... all right? We had heard an explosion."
"We're alright, Dinobot," Primal confirmed with the soldier keeping his reply brief, although he was glad to hear from him as well. "What is your status?" he inquired in hopes of figuring out who he could appoint to join him for his rescue mission.
How is everyone in the brig? And Rattrap??,"
Rattrap... What Nemesis did to him... The thought of it briefly rekindled his anger as well as hearing the pain Aurora was in, and it could be heard in his voice when he began loud and frustrated in his response, telling the Fuzor, "I DON'T-!" No one had responded to his orders earlier to help their resident rat. For all he knew, Rattrap had expired... But he refused to consider that outcome. He couldn't lose him. He couldn't lose any of them. He suddenly adjusted his tone to a softer and apologetic one as he continued, "I don't know Rattrap's condition, Aurora..." He felt disappointed with himself and ashamed, feeling that he failed both Rattrap and her while losing his ability to lead his Maximals successfully against such a difficult and brutal attack. He knew how strong their relationship was and how much they cared for one another, and he was sorry that he didn't have better news for her and for briefly losing his temper. "Everyone in the brig is heading to the infirmary," he continued to update her. He hoped the injuries she had sustained weren't life-threatening. It sounded like she was in a great deal of pain, but it did him good to know that Cheetor and Dinobot were there to help her.
"Nemesis left but from the sound of it, the Predajerks got what they came from,"
"Yes, they did," was all Primal confirmed with his Chief Biologist before he was about to confront Nemesis...
"Rhinox, tigerhawk, Whitegrazer,"
"Tigatron!" the rhinoceros joyfully greeted him when the white tiger bumped into them on their way to the infirmary. It was really good to see him. So far, most of the Maximals seemed to be fairing quite well despite everything they had been through that day. Optimus might have more help than he thought he would, which was good.
Watching the two embrace, Rhinox had stepped back from Airazor to give them some space and allow Tigatron to see to her while he entered the medical bay and started setting up the equipment, cots and tools he would need to begin repairs and have someone help him to speed up the process.
"I'm glad you are all right. All of you. I saw the aftermath of the explosion outside. What happened?"
"Megatron and Inferno blew the brig wide open after we were forced to lower the shields," Rhinox explained while he worked. And the image of Rattrap absorbing the shield's energy on the monitor haunted his memory. "They used Airazor as a hostage..." His voice trailed off. "I don't remember much when I was knocked unconscious until Megatron was able to gain control of the situation when Rampage showed up and attacked Optimus, and Tarantulas dropped in to subdue Zodiac before Whitegrazer and Blackarachnia could counterattack and help stop them." He shook his head in frustration wishing he had done more. "Has anyone assisted Rattrap?" he asked when he finally stopped what he was doing to look intently onto Tigatron to show the significance of his concern for his smaller friend. "Some of our comm. links have been scrambled, and Sentinel is off-line."

Setting up two stations for Whitegrazer and Airazor's repairs, the engineer had been unaware of Aurora's current condition, but there was plenty of equipment that could be used, and there were still two repair chambers that were available. "You might want to look into occupying a CR chamber, Tigerhawk," Rhinox commented toward his extensive wounds and depleted energon considering he was in stasis lock earlier and continued to function afterward. "Tigatron, you can start working on extracting the rest of the debris from Whitegrazer's leg," he instructed the older tiger after Tigerhawk carefully set Whitegrazer onto a cot. "She can guide you through the procedure." It would have been simple enough just pulling the shards of metal from her thigh that were still inside of it and being careful around any vital wires and tubes. Given Tigatron's limited medical experience, the Vok/Empath should have enough knowledge to assist him. As much as the tiger might have preferred working on Airazor because of their close relationship, Rhinox needed to be the one to handle her injury with great efficiency and accuracy so she could join Optimus' search party as quickly as possible. Her crippled knee required more surgery than Whitegrazer's wound, so he immediately got to work on the falcon once she laid on the cot on her back.
"Optimus, I..,"
"You were only doing your job?" he finished Nemesis's stammer for her with some emphasis on the last word, clearly upset and distraught over the situation, and how she was trying to sneak out of the base, possibly even trying to do so by avoiding him. And for good reason. He watched her partially raise her hands up to show that she was unarmed or not a threat while he targeted her with his electrical-based weapon that would scramble her nanobots.
"Get out of my way, Optimus," "I don't wish to hurt you.."
"You practiced no such compassion toward one of my Maximals," he challenged her in return. "Primus help me, if he didn't survive that energy overload, Nemesis," Primal told her coldly as he attempted to keep his voice steady and was certain she knew that he was referring to Rattrap. Despite witnessing her moving him to a less vulnerable location after she had shoved him into the Axalon's shields not once but twice, his patience wore thin with her now, and his emotions were obviously conflicted with his history and respect for her. It almost seemed that she was too eager to throw it all away just to stay in Megatron's good graces. Did she have any remorse for her actions? Honestly, it did appear as though she was feeling pretty guilty about it judging by how uncomfortable she appeared and even tried avoiding eye contact with the leader, but that didn't change the fact that her actions may have cost Rattrap's and Zodiac's lives.
"Don't you have more pressing concerns to deal with right now..?,"
"They're being tended to," Optimus told her firmly as the strength returned in his voice growing impatient with her redirection, not that he needed to explain his leadership to her. "Where did Megatron take Zodiac?" he demanded again.
"Your Maximals are injured and your base is in shambles, yet you're wasting time worrying about the life of one bot who has done nothing but caused you trouble? Surely you have greater priorities."
"My priority is the preservation of life. What happened here is on YOU, Nemesis. What's going to happen to Zodiac will also be on YOU. Do you really want all of this weighing on your conscience for the rest of your life?!" Outrage saturated his voice while he seemed to barely contain himself from exploding and firing at her, putting all of the blame on her as a way to find out where she really stood in all of this, and if she really thought that allowing Megatron to kill Zodiac was what she wanted to happen to him. "Where did Megatron take Zodiac?!" he repeated once more. But during his little rant, he failed to realize that she had subtly changed her demeanor and was now on the verge of going on the offensive. He also didn't realize that Wintersong was nearby despite her heavy Vok influence that usually infiltrated his mind, but it was good that she was in case Optimus needed her help subduing the Decepticon-turned-Predacon.

Just when he noticed Nemesis move to lift her leg, he squeezed the trigger of the rifle that blasted a shock wave of electricity in her direction, however, she had been quicker in her maneuver to knock it off of its aim in his hands, so if any of the wave had hit her, it would have been too weak to slow her down. Although he didn't drop the weapon, Optimus tried to lift it in time back up to its intended target when his chest was suddenly met with her other foot while she had spun around. The force caused him to stumble backwards with a growl, shoving his already injured arm into the wall which prompted his reflexes to drop the rifle. Panicking that she would escape, he left the weapon where it had landed not far from Wintersong in order to use the thrust in his feet to fly at Nemesis and try to tackle her to the floor with his arms ready to wrap around hers or her torso, whatever he could reach or grab in time without letting her slip away. If she did, he feared they wouldn't be able to help Zodiac in time, unless they resorted to Whitegrazer attacking Megatron's spark again, assuming she could even touch it after what had happened earlier, which seemed unlikely. Regardless, Optimus refused to let Whitegrazer go down that path again. Right now, Nemesis was his only hope to save Zodiac's life, even if she, and most of his Maximals, disagreed with the notion.

“Unfortuantely, their reinforcements arrived sooner than expected on all sides.”
"They often have an uncanny knack for that. No matter," Megatron seemed to brush off Spineback's explanation as he held no anger or frustration toward her since she was one of his more loyal and intelligent subjects. "In the end, we were victorious."
"Mere cannon fodder," "Much like most of your crew."
An ominous smile crept onto Megatron's face after Zodiac denied any emotional attachment to his crew who had perished. "No hard feelings then," he casually mused with no empathy.
"Granted, they weren't much to look at,"
The Predacon's smile faded as he studied the shape shifter's replies closely and quizzically. He was certain he was merely putting on a good show, but it took the fun out of the tyrant's taunting in Zodiac's final hour, so he was finding less interest in keeping him around for much longer before he and his Predacons were going to eat him alive. Figuratively speaking. Or literally. It was often difficult to tell when it came to Megatron.
"Was that who it was?," "I didn't recognize him,"
"Well, that pretty much sums up your 'leadership', does it not? Or lack there of," he scoffed at the pathetic renegade whether he was being honest or not. Megatron was sure he was denying his emotions about that one. But it hardly made a difference. None of this was going to matter soon. Very soon.
"Ah, I see I struck a nerve. Oh don't worry, Megatron, I can keep a secret,"
"Declare it, or take it to your grave," he openly invited him. "It matters not," the t-rex professed with a slight shrug. "Not a single Predacon present values your life or your words. You have made enemies out of everyone you have crossed paths with, and they would sooner stand behind the victor than the fool on the ground."

Megatron had absorbed the slightest satisfaction upon hearing Zodiac's pitiful whimpering after his foot had connected with his jaw, and he very much anticipating inflicting more pain on the pretender. What a waste of time and resources he had been under Cryotek's training. Zodiac would have never amounted to anything like Megatron. Never.
“Your words have no weight here dragon, because I seem to recall you were no less eager to hand me the other half of my spark back than this slag eating saurian.”
"Take care how you speak for your master is right here, ever watching your every move,"
Momentarily, the Predacon leader shifted his gaze at Rampage, glaring at his choice of disrespecting words that he used to describe him despite how accurate they were. He said nothing though to further incriminate himself with Zodiac's follow-up.
"And manipulation isn't what you've been doing to your pack of rubble?,"
“Manipulation through desperation, hm? Are you sure Zodiac is the only one those words should apply?”
Megatron's demeanor seemed to settle a little bit as he smiled at both of them. They thought they were so clever. None of them would be where he was right now with so much power in his hands. "When handled correctly, I believe the magnitude of my success will speak for itself. After all, here I am with my Predacons, and there you are," he mocked at the shape shifter in the grass.

Having strafed Zodiac's first attack and then hitting him in his side with his powerful tail gun, Megatron decided to allow the shape shifter to gain the upper hand in their scuffle. After all, it seemed one of his opponent's greatest weaknesses was never thinking far enough ahead to foresee other avenues or consequences to his actions. Megatron had yet another trick up his sleeve to dismantle the shape shifter, but he needed to be close to him in order to unveil it and catch Zodiac off guard without any mistakes, or letting his intentions seem too obvious. It was a tricky maneuver to accomplish.

Watching the black dragon roll after he took the dictator's blast, he quickly got back on his feet and charged at Megatron. The leader fired several plasma shots at Zodiac as he pretended to make them "accurate", but the renegade's zig-zagging method made it even easier to appear that way which worked to Megatron's advantage. "Trying" to turn away from him before he could get a hold of Megatron, he was too late when he felt the clamp squeeze around his throat like a vice. He choked a little and reached up with his free hand to grab his arm so he would look more desperate about this sudden turn of events than he really was, but he dropped it back to his side when the relentless punches came to his face. Pound after pound knocked his consciousness around, but he managed to maintain his awareness.

Inferno watched with horror as he witnessed his Queen being overthrown. Although he was already suffering from multiple injuries, he was ready to intervene but hesitated since he had not given him any signal yet to do so.

Quickstrike stood by idly as well after he had converted to his robot mode and placed himself within the perimeter that the rest of the Predacons had developed.
“We should really consider improving your technique fuzor, might do you some good.”
The small Fuzor glared at Spineback as he was offended by her words. "Aren't you just a medic?" he tried insulting her as if she could possibly offer any kind of advice to him when it came to guarding Maximals that greatly outnumbered the smallest Predacon on their team. "Maybe I should recommend that you increase yer tranquilizer dosage since it didn't knock 'em out nearly as long as it should've," he complained. "They shoulda been comatose!"
“Haven’t missed the fun yet I see.”
The pyro was too concerned about their leader's well-being to see much "fun" in the scenario. Of course, Terrorsaur was probably reveling in it, the treacherous Predacon that he was.
“Think Zodiac will last?”
"No," he had already concluded, always on his Queen's side, even though Megatron was at a disadvantage at the moment. "He is already weak and fatigued," Inferno had observed from his energy readings earlier prior to them confiscating the pretender from the Axalon. Certainly Megatron would overpower him because he was stronger and more cunning.
"You could have just walked away,"
Megatron gagged more with Zodiac tightening his grip around his neck. He dropped his tail gun so both of his hands were now free, but he seemed hesitant to use them. It could have been perhaps he was too weak or too disoriented from the brutal pummeling he was taking to the face. Damage started to appear on it, and his head ached, but he was still conscious, which was probably what Zodiac wanted; to make him suffer and actually think he could instill fear in him.
"You never stood a chance, Megatron,"
However, the risk he was taking was beginning to be extremely dangerous. Megatron could feel the shape shifter's nanobots beginning to crawl on his throat and gnaw on it like tiny insects. It was an itchy, warm feeling that almost made his neck feel numb. Such an odd sensation. But he wasn't entirely helpless. However, if he was going to make his move, it would have to be soon because he didn't know if Rampage was going to take advantage of his entrapment as well to try and get his spark back. To keep Zodiac distracted, Megatron planted his optics on his which "appeared" to show desperation now and silently pleading for him to stop. But Zodiac's own gaze seemed mesmerized and consumed by his own actions that were probably fulfilling his satisfaction to harm the great and powerful Megatron. It was now or never for the tyrant's own sneak attack.

As subtly as he could so as not to draw attention to his movements, he reached one hand toward his subspace and the other toward Zodiac's forearm that was attached to his neck, grabbing it to keep up his false pretense of struggling, or at least some of it. From his subspace on his back, he slowly pulled out a dagger. But this was no ordinary blade. It had been customized, much like the energon scalpel he had used to splice Rampage's spark. This dagger worked like a taser since Zodiac's most common physical weakness was electrocution. Although the blade was metal which could be absorbed by his nanobots, an electrical discharge of strong voltage would disable or fry any nanobots that came in contact with it, so he wouldn't be able to immediately consume it. Slowly lowering it to his side for a moment, his other hand squeezed Zodiac's forearm pulling him toward him while he swung the dagger upward into his abdomen to pierce it and drive it deep into him with as much force as he could muster given his own predicament. He then pressed a button on the handle that sent a short but powerful jolt into his body. By now his choking sounds, almost a growl, seeped through his clenched teeth that were bared at Zodiac in pure hatred and rage, and his carnivorous optics never wavered from his opponent's as if he was testing his dominance over the renegade to see whose gaze would falter first. Megatron was in pain, there was no doubt about that, but now he needed to witness how Zodiac was going to suffer through this ignorance of his. He pressed the button on the dagger again to send another pulse of electricity into Zodiac's abdomen.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Joined: Sat May 09, 2009 11:46 pm
RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
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Unread post by Wintersong »

Good thing Cheetor and the others got back in time when they did.” Wintersong spoke with relief, the young cheetah pausing only briefly to nod in acknowledgement. But it was clear he was focusing on helping the damaged ermine, the injury causing Wintersong to frown slightly. It really did amaze her how far the Predacons had been willing to go that day just for Zodiac, and possibly explained Optimus’ angered tone she had heard when going around him and Nemesis a bit ago.

She didn’t intend to linger there long anyhow, the confrontation between the Maximal commander and Predacon avian still concerning her. What if Optimus had needed help? She knew he could handle himself but given his current state after the fight in the brig who knew how long he would hold up against someone who likely hadn’t expended much energy as of yet. “I will see you guys soon then, there is one last thing I need to check.” She gave them a quick smile before she turned on her heel to leave until Aurora trying to hail the unconscious Rattrap brought back the thought that the others might not be aware of his condition, causing her to back track briefly, “Aurora, Rattrap will be alright. Me and Tigatron got him in the CR chamber inside the hanger.” She quickly informed the younger femme, hoping it might alleviate her worries and those in the bridge. She figured Tigatron would let the others know in the infirmary.

For now, the tigress wasted no more time remaining in the bridge, sprinting back the way she had come a couple minutes ago.

No problem.” Cheetor acknowledge with a tired smile, “You’re not losing a foot on my watch.” He assured her with a faint bit of humor, trying to alleviate the obvious pain and worry the young fuzor was in. He followed her directions in using the welding tool, carefully cauterizing the torn wires and tubing while reconnecting them in other places. He was no medic and welcomed her expertise in slowing down the bleeding and repairing some of the minor damage. Though he also listened to her transmissions, flinching a little from Optimus’ harsh tone at first. He knew that tone to some extent, having been on the receiving end of the transmetal gorilla’s anger before due to his earlier antics, but thankfully he seemed to catch himself.

He had acknowledged to Wintersong they were fine as Dinobot spoke at that moment, growling in slight annoyance at Nemesis having sabotaged their primary defense systems. “Great, Zodiac’s gone and Sentinel is down, is there any good news?” He muttered in frustration, finding it difficult to keep his own cool at this rate, especially with so much having gone wrong this day.

It seemed the tigress did think of one thing, the young cheetah perking up when she mentioned Rattrap was in a CR chamber, most likely tired but at least he would be in one piece. “Finally, something good.” He spoke with relief, but it was plain to see the day’s events had worn on the young cheetah, especially with being unable to help his friend and feeling partially guilty for not doing more to stop the attack earlier. Trying not to dwell on these thoughts, Cheetor made the last bit of repairs before putting the tools away, “This will have to do Aurora, now we just need to get you to the infirmary.” Cheetor told her, offering a hand to the smaller bot as he moved to one knee in order to help her to her feet.

By the time Wintersong had returned to where Optimus and Nemesis had been speaking, the two had started a scuffle, the tigress stopping where she had come across them originally. She was surprised at how quickly things had devolved between the two, Optimus seeming to desperately trying to prevent Nemesis from getting away. But near the corner Wintersong caught sight of the dropped rifle, quickly picking it up with a quizzical expression at its shape but nevertheless moving to take aim towards the treacherous avian who had nearly fried Rattrap to bits and most likely was one of the Predacons who had harmed Aurora. She couldn’t be sure but she wasn’t ruling out all suspicions after the attack, “This is for Rattrap.” She growled under her breathe, waiting for the right moment before firing a couple of shots.

Tigerhawk wondered if it was wise for Optimus to go tackle the issue with any remaining Predacons alone, even with his skill. But the large fuzor decided to leave it be for now, already aware his usefulness would be dwindling soon enough, feeling the tug of exhaustion and getting a warning for the energy drain he was facing. He had been going well after he had awakened from stasis lock but had ignored chances of falling right back into it given that the lives of his teammates had come first before his own well being. “Hey now, us thick armored individuals can be graceful.” The large fuzor retorted with an amused chuckle, “Well, when we need to be.

Perhaps that was not entirely true, but Tigerhawk had to admit when it really counted being graceful would have its moments. Just not as often as someone like Whitegrazer. Though his attention was drawn back towards his fellow feline, seeing Tigatron appeared to have been able to help Wintersong and Rattrap...hopefully. “Good to see you in one piece once again.” Tigerhawk greeted before he continued to the cots, lying Whitegrazer down as Rhinox caught Tigatron up to speed but he too listened since he had caught the tail end of the conflict. It appeared they had used them as a distraction and a chance to get into the ship easy, which would explain why Rattrap was in such bad shape from what he could have seen. But that was for Tigatron to confirm. But he didn’t have much of a chance to listen before Rhinox indicated he could use time in the CR, giving a slight nod, “So I have begun to notice. With all the excitement I didn’t think much about it.” Tigerhawk admitted, giving a brief glance to Whitegrazer, “I have a feeling you won’t get off that easy Whitegrazer.” He pointed out, not only referencing her wound but her emotional state of mind. After that was said and done, the tiger/hawk fuzor took Rhinox’s advice and stepped into one of the open chambers allowing himself to shut down for the time being to let the machine do its work.

Airazor could feel the pain in her knee having somewhat ebbed away by the time they were arriving to the infirmary, the numbness having helped for the most part and just the passage of time allowing her self-repair do its thing. But, it was far from perfect. She could still feel an ache for every step they took, occasionally wincing as she moved before a familiar voice caused her to suddenly forget the pain for the moment. She hadn’t had a chance to talk with the tiger for a little while and to see him in rough shape but alive brought relief to her spark, “Tigatron.” She greeted warmly, voice full of relief and love as she shared the tender embrace with the feline, “I got worried after what happened at the clearing and with Rattrap...” Airazor trailed off, shuddering at the memory of seeing Rattrap slammed against the shields and held there to fry. She too could only wait to see what news Tigatron had on the rat, if any at all.

Though she was quickly brought back to the task that still needed to be done, reluctantly releasing their embrace as she limped over to the cot, grunting softly as she pulled herself onto it and laid back. “We’ll get him back Whitegrazer, and if...worse comes to worse, Megatron will pay for his crimes sooner or later. Karma hits eventually.” The falcon tried to assure the white mare/vok, showing her empathy for the mare’s plight and determination to do what she could. Even if she herself did not particularly agree of having the shapeshifter around, she wasn’t going to allow her friend and commanding officer go play hero alone.


Maybe it’s just fear that drives them to keep me in chains. Fitting.’ Rampage entertained the thought of how the Predacons, especially Megatron, would have handled him with a whole spark. He was already a force to be reckoned with, extremely difficult to bring down, empathic abilities, and a spark not so easily destroyed. It was a wonder no one would ever be able to so easily take him offline, much less fulfill his greatest desire to be rid of a tortured existence. But, at least this bunch had a fighting spirit and gave a reason for him to work for his appetite.

Still, the crab said nothing further, only crossing his arms as he watched the confrontation. As the battle began to turn towards Zodiac’s favor the supposedly immortal mech’s optics narrowed. If Megatron were to indeed fall...yes, the opportunity would be there, a chance to reclaim that which was his. So, he shifted his stance to be poised to act, optics watching the fight closely and ignoring those around him except those who got involved in the fight.

Are you blind insect? Megatron is getting his skid plate handed to him on a silver platter. Heh, maybe he is all talk and no guts, a few fancy moves won’t win him this one.” Terrorsaur remarked, grinning a tad at the thought of the shapeshifter finally ridding of Megatron once and for all. That would be one step closer for him to take command and lead the Predacons to a proper victory. But at the same time, it was purely entertaining to see the transmetal t-rex to get the snot beaten out of him for once.

Spineback gave a humorless chuckle at Quickstrike’s attempts to insult her. It was almost sad really, but she partly expected he spoke out of frustration and disappointment for his failure. Perhaps even fear. A natural reaction of course, especially with getting bested when you had the upper hand. But Quickstrike’s wounded ego would have to be a concern for another time as her gaze focused on the battle, tensing as Zodiac showed himself to be gaining the upper hand which could smell trouble for the rest of them, especially the cutthroats as he pointed out before. “My dear Quickstrike, you should observe and you might learn something. I have been fighting wars before you were a thought, I know more than you might realize youngling.” She commented in a matter-of-fact tone as she brought the tranquilizer gun up, “And larger doses are for times like this.

Without giving him a chance to further complain, Spineback finally began moving forward, seeing Zodiac’s attention focused on Megatron. From the corner of her optics she could also see Rampage poised to make a move, making her open a private channel to Inferno, “Inferno watch Rampage, if our royalty falls he might act to finish our commander off.” The veteran warned, trying to appeal to his colony-like mindset. Not that she would ever say that in front of Megatron herself, she had seen what he did to Inferno in response to being called as such more than enough times. But she quickly put her focus back on the two mechs, raising an optic ridge to see Megatron had a trick up his armor, catching sight of the sparks coming off the blade and seeing an opportunity, “Won’t stop you, but it should slow you down a little more.” She muttered, firing two darts targeted for Zodiac’s abdomen where she suspected he would be the most vulnerable from the shocks with his nanomachines offline or fried. Add two darts with double the usual dosage of sedative she had a feeling he wouldn’t being fighting in top shape soon enough.
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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

"We shouldn't have turn our back on her," Dinobot reassured the little ermine. Nemesis was a crafty one, especially with her sais and her hulky flaming sword. They knew better than to let themselves get distracted around her, but the explosion and dealing with Terrorsaur had threw them off, threw him off. When Optimus' voice came on to the om-link, after speaking with Aurora a bit, and hearing the white mare telling Aurora that she was okay, Dinobot answered Optimus query to him, sensing that more battles laid ahead, and another chance to get back at the Predacons for what they did here, expressing his determination and eagerness in his voice, "I am still able to fight, Optimus." When Aurora asked about Rattrap, Dinobot didn't want to appear concern, but he listened in, wanting to know if the rat had survived. Optimus, clearly, wasn't taking what happened to Rattrap and the others well, especially since, just like him, no one knew the rat's status.

For all they knew, he could have died, but Dinobot had no time to ponder that reality when Wintersong stepped up to the plate and gave them his status, "He would live?" No doubt this was good news, especially with Aurora, who was very close to the rodent, though Dinobot never understood why, with the rat's constant smell and dishonorable attitude. Though, Dinobot glad he was okay. "No doubt Rattrap would love to hear about what you did to Nemesis here. He might get a thrill out of it, after what she did." Dinobot knew if he ever saw that blackbird again, he will not hesitate to repay her kindness.

Cheetor expressed the same frustration he carried. Dinobot continued to look at the damaged console with a snarl. He wanted to smash it, but that would just make Rhinox's job harder. Dinobot just balled a fist and shook it a bit before he turned to Cheetor. "They would pay for this."

Tigratron just smiled at Rattrap's remark. The fact that he could still snark back gave the white tiger relieved that Rattrap will pull through. Though, with the state of his injuries, it might take him days before he could recover from the wounds he suffered at the hands of Nemesis.

He patted Airazor's back, not wanting to let her go, but he had to, knowing she too needed to get to the medbay and repair and heal from her wounds she too suffered at the hands of the Predacons. Cheetor and I had to help Whitegrazer and Tigerhawk who were being guarded by Quickstrike, he smiled, "We were able to save them, and I had given as much first aid as I could to Tigerhawk as Whitegrazer, Cheetor, and Blackarachnia headed back to base." He looked at tigerhawk, glad to see that he was still all right, "You too, tigerhawk. I'm glad that my first aid was of use, thanks to both Rhinox and Aurora training."but Tigerhawk would need additional repairs. Tigratron only alleviated some of his pain and injuries. He still needed rest. He turned his gaze back to Airazor, "I just wished we arrived sooner." He said with a heavy heart, seeing all the damage the Predacons caused. "I had seen what Nemesis did to Rattrap."

He listened intently to Rhinox explaining what happened. He shook his head, swallowing his guilt for not being able to save Airazor or the others who had been taken as hostages, the helplessness he felt, and the anxiety about wondering about their fates, but everything seemed to be fine now, Airazor was fine, so was Rhinox, Optimus, Rattrap, oh wait. Rhinox must not have known about Rattrap's condition. From what Rattrap told him, the others probably witnessed or heard what Nemesis did, not knowing if he was alive or not. Tigratron placed a hand on Rhinox's shoulder, knowing that Rattrap was a lose friend of Rhinox's. "Wintersong and I put him in a CR Chamber in the hangar bay. He will be fine, in time. He gave Rhinox a reassuring smile and gently squeezed the rhino's shoulder before letting go and continuing to follow them all in the med bay.

Tigratron nodded as Rhinox asked him to attend to Whitegrazer's leg where a shard of metal, from the Axalon's hull he figured, stuck out. He crouched, inspected the wound before walking off to gather supplies then returning back to the white mare.

Whitegrazer could sense Optimus too held conflicting emotions with what she did. She understood as well as part of her still warred with what she tried to do, what road that would have taken her, and how the people she loved and cared about most in the world would see her after it, and yet, she was saddened with the fact that she had failed. She wanted to save Zodiac. There was a still chance, but if she had not hesitated, if she just squeezed Megatron's spark until he went unconscious, they might have been able to save Zodiac from his fate. But she couldn't dwell with what happened now. It was now the past, and she couldn't allow that to get in the way. Zodiac might yet still be saved, and she didn't want to get in the way of that.

Whitegrazer nodded at Optimus, who she knew won't do anything to hurt himself or the others around him, but she was worried about him. She could sense his growing frustration, rage at what the Predaons did, losing Zodiac, and the injuries of the other Maximals. She smiled warmly as Aurora asked about her, "I am fine. I was worried about you and the others." Whitegrazer knew Aurora was the one that discovered the genetic markers inside Zodiac. The little ermine probably wondered how all of that went down. She wanted to say something, but the earlier revelation still held a shock to her system, and she didn't want to announce it in the com-link where more of her friends were listening and already dealt with enough as it is. It wasn't that she believed they would look at her differently, but she was still hurt. Zodiac. The revelation of one of her children still being alive, the fact that the Maximal High Council were aware of his existence, not bothering to tell her, but instead experimented on him, trying to warp him like they had warped her. The trauma and anger still bore deep within her. But she didn't want to little one to fret about it either. After all, she was thankful for the knowledge. The fact that one still remained after all this time. "Thank you, Aurora." To let the little one know, putting her mind at ease, if she was worried at all about the her reaction.

When Aurora asked about Rattrap, she could feel the rage radiating off of Optimus. "Rattrap?" She wanted to know what happened. Unlike the others, Cheetor, Blackarachnia and her arrived at the tail end of the attack on their base. She never saw or knew what took place. She looked at Optimus, worry in her expression, knowing, sensing something terrible must have happened to him.

She smiled at Tigerhawk as they entered the medbay, her smile also extended to the loving scene between Airazor and Tigratron, "Oh, I'm sure, Tigerhawk." She chuckled, "Maybe you can show me that gracefulness in a sparring match sometime," Whitegraer attempted to try and lighten the mood a bit from what had transpired. It was something she hadn't been able to do much of recently, mostly after what happened in the Metal Hunter. Well, not with a group, mostly alone or with Optimus. She just thought after her revelation as being Vok she give everyone a chance to accept the fact of what and who she is and give thema ll time to forgive her deception. She looked over Tigerhawk. He looked exhausted from the day's events. "Well, sparring will have to wait, but a meditation session and some r and r in the Cr Chamber might be in order first." She smirked, "Something I think we all will need." Her optics glanced at Rhinox, Tigratron, and Airazor, especially Airazor who had been held hostage and used as shield and kicked on by Predacons.

Whitegrazer sat on the cot as Tigratron still working on her wound. As he worked on her, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she needed to be with Optimus. If he was leading a team to go and save Zodiac, she wanted to be there. She wanted to be. For peace of mind, to redeem herself, in Zodiac's eyes, in her own eyes. She didn't even flinch when Tigratron, surgically, gently, carefully, removed the long, jagged metal shard from her leg. "You took that well," the spiritual white tiger remarked towards her as he held up the shard before wiping it and placing it on a white cloth beside him. He started to patching her when Airazor reassured her. She smiled grateful at Airazor's words, "Thank you, Airazor, and I know that we, together, will make sure that Megatron and the others don't succeed."

Within her spark, she felt something. It wasn't the crawling out-of-control nanomachines she was feeling from Nemesis, who she felt still lingered, and knew that if she still lingered, Optimus would surely confront her, wanting to know where Zodiac was. But she could still feel a radiating anger and outrage exploding within Optimus. Something she believed was directed to Nemesis, she guessed.

She closed her optics. An image of Megatron's energon shard, the same shard that she felt cut through Rampage's spark, stabbing through a chestplate, not her chestplate, Zodiac's chestplate. The same sensation she felt when Megatron penetrated Rampage's spark returned, sending a chill through her spine, her body trembled. Her spark ached, a fist gripped it, lingering from past actions. The shards of Megatron's link still pained it, reverberating even more pain through to herself, as she felt a sharp jolt of electricity. "Zodiac!" Her spark had called out, not knowing if he could hear her or not.

"Whitegrazer, what is wrong?" Tigratron noticed her hand gripping where her spark would be and her other hand holding her adbomen. Was she in pain? There was some scratches, dents, a few shears in her armor, and lots of bulet holes, no doubt from Tarantulas' machinegun, whih tigratron himself had been shot with on multiple occasions, but still, not enough to pain her in that specific area.

He was halfway done when Whitegrazer stood back up. "I need to speak with her." Nemesis, she needed to know. She needed to know.

"Wait, Whitegrazer, wait!" Tigratron followed her, "I still have to patch it."

The pain, echoing of screams, sadistic laughter, and the reliving of past trauma compelled her to leave the medbay and talk to Nemesis herself. She limped, holding her thigh. Some of her fluids leaked out from her wound, but Whitegrazer continued on, not caring.

She followed where the crawling nanomachines became stronger and stronger.

Optimus asking the same question on her lips, seeing Optimus's weapon knocked on the ground, Nemesis fighting to escape, Wintersong returning and helping Optimus out, Whitegrazer called out to Nemesis, to everyone "Stop." She said it towards them all. "There's.. there's been enough fighting here." She didn't want anymore fighting all she wanted to know was where Zodiac was. She galned at Nemesis, showing nothing but sorrow but gentleness in her features. "I know you want Zodiac to pay for what he did to you. And I know you want to prove, above all else, that you are loyal to Megatron. But he isn't here now. "Whitegrazer put some pressure on her wound. "Nemesis, please, tell us where Megatron is holding Zodiac. That's all we want to know."

That's all she wanted to know.
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RPG Characters: Nemesis,Aurora,Zodiac

Unread post by Phoenix »

"I DON'T-!"
Aurora had almost had to dim the sound when Optimus practically shouted back at her via the comlink, his voice coming across so clearly that even her fellow Maximals in the room seemed to turn and look at her. Sheesh, she thought to herself as her ears flattened against her head to block some of the noise out. She was worried too, oh man was she ever, but she did manage to refrain from getting quite as loud about it.

Fortunately Primal seemed to calm himself quickly enough and he sounded much more normal when he continued.
"I don't know Rattrap's condition, Aurora..."
And just like that, Aurora's spark sank. She still hadn't gotten a response from Rattrap, but she wasn't sure if that was due to his communication system getting damaged by the electrocuting effects of the shield or if the truth was far worse.. She really didn't want to think about it since she could already feel a lump growing in the back of her throat, threatening to choke her.

Oh Primus, Rattrap had to be okay..!

"I'll go find him," she responded through the pain emanating from her foot. She still didn't quite know how she'd make it outside when she could barely even stand on her feet, but her injuries weren't life threatening whereas Rattrap's could very well be.
"I am fine. I was worried about you and the others."
Oh Whitegrazer, ever one to worry about everyone but herself. Aurora couldn't stop the smile from creeping up on her face as she heard the white mare's voice through her comlink. Thank goodness she was all right too!
"Thank you, Aurora."
For what.. exactly? The fuzor wasn't quite sure what Whitegrazer had been referring to, since she hadn't been told about Whitegrazer's confession so to speak yet. Yes, she'd seen the test results, but she still wasn't entirely sure what they meant. The vok dna circulating in both Whitegrazer and Zodiac alike was much more complicated than the more commonly seen cybertronian.

"We'll be okay. Cheetor and Dinobot are here, and the Predagoons ran off," she replied with relief in her voice.
"Everyone in the brig is heading to the infirmary,"
Well, at least that was some good news. It sounded like they would be okay after some repairs. And, with any luck, so would she. All in all, though, Cheetor had done a surprisingly good job of patching her up. Perhaps there was a bit of a medic in the cheetah as well.

"Any serious injuries?," the fuzor wanted to know, hoping for the best. The Predacons sure had brought the big guns this time, but at least Primal's response didn't seem to indicate there had been any casualties during the attack on the brig.
"Yes, they did,"
Aurora merely sighed, letting the frustration that was building up out in a long exasperated gasp. She was seriously starting to doubt that there could ever be peace between the Maximals and Predacons when the latter could be so predictable in their unpredictableness. Time and time again the Maximals extended the arm of acceptance only to have the Predacons turn on them in the worst possible way. And it was the Preds who at times almost seemed respectable that often turned out to be the most deceptive.
"We shouldn't have turn our back on her,"
It would appear Dinobot was thinking along the same lines as she was. Indeed, Nemesis had proved herself to be particularly dangerous during this attack. Of course Aurora only knew bits and pieces of what had truly gone down, which was probably a good thing. Thank goodness the avian female had decided to flee as well..

"No point in obsessing about it now," the fuzor said with a pained grimace as she attempted to place some weight on her wounded foot. "The Preds have all run off." Leaving the Maximals to pick up the pieces left behind.
“You’re not losing a foot on my watch.”
"And hopefully nothing else either," the fuzor replied with a bit of a grimace. It was all in good fun though, as the cheetah was surprisingly gentle and thorough in his repair job on her foot. And she was ever grateful for it.

It was then that another Maximal suddenly made her presence known when Wintersong suddenly stopped by the brig as well, briefly catching up with Cheetor and the rest of them, before heading back out into the corridor as if she realized she had forgotten something important. Aurora merely stared after her before letting her green optics drift back to Cheetor.

Well, at least Wintersong had brought some great news with her during her unexpected and brief visit. She informed them that Rattrap was okay, news that resulted in the fuzor's mouth dropping open in surprise and her optics lighting up in relief.
“Aurora, Rattrap will be alright. Me and Tigatron got him in the CR chamber inside the hanger.”
The fuzor wanted so badly to ask Wintersong some questions but she had no time before the other female disappeared again. And it still took a few moments for these news to fully process in the fuzor's mind, but when they did some happy tears appeared in the corners of her optics.

"He's alive..," she mumbled in what was barely more than a whisper before repeating herself, a bit more loudly. That rat sure was tougher than he looked.
“This will have to do Aurora, now we just need to get you to the infirmary.”
Aurora couldn't have agreed more! For once she was eager to get into a CR chamber so she could be done with this pain, this limp she presently had due to the damage done to her leg, and this day overall. She really couldn't wait for some rest. Unlike Optimus and Whitegrazer, she wasn't really overly concerned about Zodiac's fate. Yes, it might be a bit cruel, but she hadn't seen any redeeming qualities in the shape shifter as of yet. And if this attack had been orchestrated because of him, he was clearly a liability to keep around the base. In that sense the Maximals were better off with him gone.

Nemesis had remained still, almost frozen, for a short time after Primal had first made his presence known. Obviously the Maximal leader was upset, very much so in fact. Yet the avian female still felt he wouldn't try to harm her unless seriously provoked, so she tried to keep her movements as limited and inconspicuous as possible until she'd come up with at least some form of plan. However desperate it was.
"You were only doing your job?"
The female turned her gaze to the ground for a moment, still keeping her arms partially raised in front of her for a bit longer before lowering them. "I know you won't understand so I see little point in trying to make you. But I really have no time for this now, Optimus..," she told him, still hoping that maybe he'd just cut his losses and simply let her go. Still she avoided eye contact as far as it was possible to do so.
"You practiced no such compassion toward one of my Maximals,"
It didn't take long for Nemesis to realize who he was referring to. After all she may have done harm to others within the Maximal group this day, but none had been nearly as severe as what she had done to the rodent. After slowly shaking her head, she finally raised her gaze to meet Optimus' for but a split second. His optics were piercing hers with his anger and frustration, as if he was searching for something within her very spark. And for a moment longer she remained silent, not quite sure how to answer his accusations. Nemesis was bred as a soldier and as such she could usually do a fairly good job of keeping her emotions in check, however she did not have Zodiac's background in espionage and for that reason she didn't quite know how to best respond in this situation.
"Primus help me, if he didn't survive that energy overload, Nemesis,"
"I didn't..," she started before catching herself. "The rat is tough. I'm sure he's survived worse," she then added, not quite willing to take the verbal abuse for her socalled misdeeds.

"He was still alive when I pulled him away from the shields and put him down in as safe of a place as I could all things considering," she continued, although she quickly realized that her excuse didn't really sound like the best defense. But really, her intention hadn't been to murder the rodent or anything. She had merely been tasked with getting the shields lowered and that's exactly what she had done, even if the rat did have to pay the price for it.

"I did what I had to do," she finished, attempting to bring out some more confidence in her words.
"They're being tended to,"
"Good. It looks like you might benefit from letting someone tend to you as well," she replied, still avoiding taking accountability for her actions in her words. On the inside, however, her thoughts were in a bit of an emotional turmoil. Of course she knew why Primal was so upset. Honestly, if their roles were reversed, she probably would have pulled the trigger already. But lucky for her, it wasn't Optimus' style to shoot first and ask questions later.
"Where did Megatron take Zodiac?"
The inevitable question again.. Honestly, Nemesis didn't understand why Optimus cared so much about someone who had proven himself to be anything but a friend to him or his team. Yet Optimus' desperation was becoming quite evident in his words, prompting Nemesis to meet his gaze for another moment.

"To his grave," she replied with as much confidence as she could muster.

"Just let it go,"
the avian female requested next, implying it would be the best solution for everyone involved. Aside from maybe Zodiac, but she really couldn't let old feelings prevent nature from taking its course. "And let me go."
"My priority is the preservation of life. What happened here is on YOU, Nemesis. What's going to happen to Zodiac will also be on YOU. Do you really want all of this weighing on your conscience for the rest of your life?!"
Was he right? Maybe. Nemesis shifted her weight uncomfortably as she stood in front of him, still the target of his rage and raw emotional state. And it bothered her a bit, honestly, perhaps more so than she cared to admit.

"And what of the preservation of the lives of every other Maximal and Predacon on this planet? Zodiac has proven himself as an enemy to both sides and he tried to destroy us all for reasons only he knows for sure. We are merely completing the justice you are too weak to serve!," she threw back at him, sounding more than a little irritated, yet she quickly came to regret letting those words slip. Before even realizing what she was saying, she muttered a much more quiet "I'm sorry, I was out of line." And she quickly regretted apologizing as well. That shell she was trying to hard to keep up, to seem like she had no remorse, was starting to crack. Sighing, she decided going on the offense was really the only option that remained for her.
"Where did Megatron take Zodiac?!"
She did not verbally respond this time, instead she kept her focus on trying to disarm Optimus as quickly as possible without actually having to resort to dealing damage to him. Her initial kick to the weapon only barely managed to budge it in his hand, but her follow-up kick to the abdomen and chest region landed hard against his armor and forced the Maximal off balance. Being as agile as she was, Nemesis quickly regained her composure, so she was already ready to move as soon as Primal slammed into the nearby wall. He had attempted to fire at her, she noticed, but his aim had been off and the weapon's discharge didn't hit her. So it didn't manage to slow her down any, and now she was free to depart.

And she would have, too, had she not gotten distracted by the female voice of another spectator.
Nemesis stopped in her tracks, her optics immediately drawn to the newly arrived female if only for a moment. And almost on instinct her hand went for her weapons, in case this interfering Maximal would turn out to be a threat.
"There's.. there's been enough fighting here."
Her grip on her rifle loosened a tad when she realized who it was, having witnessed Whitegrazer's rather unique abilities up close when they went to investigate that last vok weapon which had almost wiped them out. In fact she still remembered the grasping sensation around her spark, as if the vok hybrid had squeezed it tightly in an effort to destroy it. She also remembered an earlier time when Nemesis had attempted to put the equine out of her misery by stabbing through her spark, only to find that she had been unable to do so. Unable to make the final blow.

"You shouldn't be here," Nemesis warned to the other female, wanting her to leave as not to complicate the situation even further.
"I know you want Zodiac to pay for what he did to you. And I know you want to prove, above all else, that you are loyal to Megatron. But he isn't here now. "
No, he wasn't there. But if he had been, maybe she could have brought up the courage to do what needed to be done more quickly. Or it could have had the opposite effect and resulted in Nemesis failing even more miserably at her mission. After all she was already well aware of the fact she was unable to kill Optimus, to even try to do so. And apparently something similar with Whitegrazer due to whatever voodoo magic the other female was capable of. Well, she appeared to be injured now so hopefully she wouldn't be able to use those powers of hers again.

"Just get away from me!," she shouted at the other female, raising her firearm as she did and preparing to use it against her if necessary. But her distraction had given Optimus the time he needed to recover from her earlier sneak attack, as she soon discovered when the Maximal leader activated his thrusters and slammed into her. Nemesis let out a grunt and was forced to release her weapon as a result when the two of them collided with the ground in a graceless heap of arms and legs.

She slammed her elbow backwards in an attempt to force him away and attempted to get up, but the leader's arms were quicker this time and had already wrapped around her torso and one of her own arms. His grip was solid, holding onto her as tightly as he had been grasping his weapon moments before. Yet Nemesis struggled, slamming her head back against him to try to force him to let her go. But as she struggled she could hear the other female speak again, this time sounding far more desperate.
"Nemesis, please, tell us where Megatron is holding Zodiac. That's all we want to know."
Why were all these Maximals so insistent on trying to prevent the inevitable? It was too late anyway. Chances were Zodiac was no more at this point, of course she had no way of knowing that for sure. He had proven himself to be crafty and resourceful in the past, however now he was faced with the entire Predacon army as it were with Megatron at the front. There was no way.. no escape for the shape shifter this time.

She was about to answer the other female, to torment her with the cold hard facts, but the unexpected sound of a weapon being fired prevented that. Nemesis had no chance to contemplate this new development, and certainly no opportunity to get away before the shot impacted her exposed lower abdominal region. Clenching her teeth together from the sudden burning pain, Nemesis then felt the wave spread through her entire body at rapid speeds. It stung and burned, and the effect was wrecking havoc with her systems. Shuddering from the pain, Nemesis could only let out a faint whimper as the blast did what it was intended to do.. and at least temporarily started shutting down the nanomachines that were so intertwined with her own systems.

If Optimus hadn't been holding onto her at that time, she likely would have collapsed in a heap on the floor. But since his arms were wrapped so tightly around her, she couldn't do much but lean on him for support as her own limbs became paralyzed for a short time before she started recovering at least some sensation back. Still.. she felt weak, so very weak, and frankly rather sick to the stomach from the abrupt shutdown of her nanomachines.

Eyeing her as of yet unseen attacker through the corner of her optics, Nemesis finally went limp in Optimus' arms. Her struggling obviously coming to a stop, she glanced over her shoulder at the Maximal she both respected and cared for deeply.. yet still couldn't cooperate with due to them being on opposing sides in this war.

"You can't save him..," she told Primal, sounding far meeker than she cared for.
"No hard feelings then,"
Zodiac managed to keep up an impressive amount of carefree attitude, even though that wasn't how he really felt at all. In all honesty his emotional state was being torn in so many different directions it was threatening to break him, but he still managed to keep up appearances somehow. Likely his extensive training was helping in that regards, of course he wasn't entirely sure why he was even bothering anymore. Megatron had made his intentions quite clear, it was just that the shape shifter didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his cruel words were indeed getting to him.

"Unlike you," the renegade responded while giving a quick nod to the scar on the tyrant's abdomen. Clearly Megatron held quite the grudge about that.
"Well, that pretty much sums up your 'leadership', does it not? Or lack there of,"
Zodiac gave the tyrant something of an exasperated glare as a result of that comment. Although he wasn't quite sure why his words hit something of a nerve, since frankly he never really desired a leadership position. Too much responsibility, too much hassle. He disliked the thought of being tied down by the commitment. So that was yet another way he differed from the tyrant's own philosophy.

The existing form of leadership was a relic from the past, an antiquated belief system that society had to remain the same no matter what power hungry tyrant was in charge. Zodiac certainly didn't mind the idea of changing a system that was long overdue for such, but in reality politics tended to bore him in the long run. He merely wanted to take out a flawed leadership and let the rest sort itself out. He could survive anywhere and if he still had access to the Viper he could have gone anywhere he wanted to either, to relive parts of the past and reshape the future into anything he wanted. And yes, he was somewhat bitter that he wouldn't get the chance to do any of that now.

"Yes, you are a fine example of loyalty,"
Zodiac then sarcastically muttered in return, "I hope you get to return to Cybertron so that you can face off against Cryotek's forces for what you've done."

While Megatron may have the golden disks in his possession, Cryotek still held the numbers in his favor. And he likely wanted a word with his former pupil for stealing from him and abandoning him in the first place. Granted the warlord hadn't exactly been pleased with the shape shifting renegade's departure either, but Zodiac had no plans to ever own up to what he had done. He worked better in the shadows, in secret, whereas Megatron was too brash and desired the glory of his victories. There was no question which one of them was more likely to get noticed sooner rather than later if they made it back to Cybertron. No.. When. As far as the renegade was concerned, he was never going to simply give up. As long as there was life in him, he would fight for his survival and future. He wouldn't give up, not now, not ever.
"Declare it, or take it to your grave," he openly invited him. "It matters not," the t-rex professed with a slight shrug. "Not a single Predacon present values your life or your words. You have made enemies out of everyone you have crossed paths with, and they would sooner stand behind the victor than the fool on the ground."
Valued? Maybe not. But he had been underestimated before. And he possessed a will to live and other abilities these fools could only dream of having. Of course it would have improved his chances if he still had access to his weapon systems as well, but he would simply have to make due with what he had. And Megatron was a bit quick to assume a majority of his troops valued his life any more than they did the renegade's. Sure, there were a few loyalists among them, such as the fire ant and the female medic, but a majority of the rest of them likely couldn't care less if the tyrant lived or died. Some might even cheer him on for killing him.

"We all need suitable individuals to guide us," Zodiac said after a brief pause of rubbing his still aching chin after the tyrant's earlier kick, his demeanor changing as he decided to try a different approach to calm Megatron's hand. "Yes, I've made mistakes. And there's little I can do to rectify them now, other than learn from them and look for the right guidance in the future," he continued, seemingly offering his services in exchange for his life. It was all a ruse, of course, an attempt at slowing the blow so that Zodiac himself could launch an attack.
"When handled correctly, I believe the magnitude of my success will speak for itself. After all, here I am with my Predacons, and there you are,"
Zodiac had oddly enough chuckled slightly at Megatron's response, not because he found it all that amusing but more so because he fully intended to change the tyrant's torts to pleas for mercy moments later. So when the tyrant shot at him, Zodiac just kept attacking as he was largely able to ignore the pain from the wound in his side from the shot and his nanomachines were effectively repairing him. Yet he failed to realize the tyrant's lack of any real resistance when he moved close enough to grab his throat, threatening to consume him from within.

His hand now formed a tight clamp around the tyrant's neck, his other hand being used to pummel the cruel dictator's face with as much force as he could. To avoid allowing one point on his target to get too numb to feel the pain, he made sure to alternate the locations his fist connected with, and within moments the tyrant's appearance started showing signs of the brutal assault. It was only then that Zodiac stopped pummeling him, instead turning his attention to letting his nanomachines finish the job for him.

The renegade ignored the futile attempts of his target to soothe his movements by bringing his arm up in a desperate attempt to seize the onslaught. It didn't matter. Nothing the tyrant could possibly do to him mattered anymore. Within only a few nanoclicks his nanomachines would have melted through his armor and devoured his very spark chamber, and the more the renegade thought about this the hungrier he got to see it through. As was frequently the case, his integrated nanotechnology seemed to take over when he reached a certain point, perhaps due to their own hungry nature or maybe it was to spare him from the knowledge of what he was actually doing.. It didn't matter.

As he was completely focused on the task at hand, he failed to notice the weapon Megatron had produced from his subspace. It wasn't before he felt a sudden piercing pain to his abdomen that Zodiac came to his senses again, his grip on the tyrant's neck faltering for a second as his attention got divided between his urge to kill the tyrant and the painful sensation to himself that was quickly growing worse. Zodiac glanced down at the dagger that now impaled his abdomen and was about to pay it no further heed since his nanomachines could easily devour it and heal him again, but that's when Megatron made sure to demonstrate that this was no regular weapon like it may have appeared.

A sharp powerful jolt surged through his systems resulting in Zodiac letting out a pained gasp. His free hand quickly reached for the offending object in his abdomen, and he took a staggering step backwards before his optics drifted back to Megatron's face. Even with the damage done to his face, the tyrant's smugness shone through. And in that instance the renegade fully realized just how much trouble he was in, since he immediately recognized the type of pain as well as the effect it had on his nanomachines.

With the second push of the button, another powerful jolt of electricity spread through the renegade's systems. This time his hand that had been around the tyrant's neck quickly reverted back to to normal, leaving Megatron's throat a bit scarred, perhaps, but relatively intact. Zodiac took another staggering step backwards, again reaching for the weapon that was embedded into his abdomen in a desperate attempt to pull it out before the damage done by the electric surges caused too much damage. He didn't get a chance to, however, since one of Megatron's goons had taken the opportunity to fire at him with a potent sedative. Unable to combat the combined effects of both the electricity and the sedatives that were now soaring through his systems, Zodiac's legs were unable to keep him in a standing position any longer and he dropped to his knees. His limbs were quickly turning numb and his head felt as if it was spinning, leaving the renegade twitching in agony when his entire body succumbed to the forces exerted on it and he merely collapsed to the ground.


Somewhere deep inside he felt as if he could hear someone call out to him but he really couldn't be sure right now, his senses too numb and his body too tired to really hold on. At this point there really wasn't anything he could do to stop what was going on.

It was at that point that Tarantulas made his move, slithering closer on his many spider legs until he was basically right on top of his victim. "Oh, don't worry," he chuckled to what would soon be his newest creation. "This will only hurt.. a lot. Ehehehe." He then transformed to his robot form and plunged a syringe into the already suffering dragon's neck, quickly injecting its content. Zodiac was barely awake at this point, which was honestly the biggest blessing in all of it, since the content of the syringe immediately sent his body into a series of violent spasms not unlike those seen in an epileptic episode. All the while the crazed scientist remained close, chuckling to himself as he watched in delight to make sure his concoction would take effect.
Optimal Optimus Primal
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Posts: 3247
Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:20 pm
RPG Characters: Optimus Primal, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, Inferno
Location: Pennsylvania

Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

"I am still able to fight, Optimus."
Good. "Be ready to move out." He could use Dinobot's combat skills in the battle that was looming closer and closer, so long as Nemesis would give in and tell him where the slag Zodiac had been taken to!
"I'll go find him,"
Optimus didn't bother to comment on Aurora's volunteering, but he did wonder how she was coping with her own injuries, whatever she had sustained. Hopefully she wasn't in too much pain. At least she was accompanied by Cheetor and Dinobot.
"Any serious injuries?,"
"I'll have to refer you to Rhinox," Primal told the ermine Fuzor while he was busy struggling with Nemesis.
"I know you won't understand so I see little point in trying to make you. But I really have no time for this now, Optimus..,"
"Nor do I," he had said coldly to Nemesis, his optics never wavering from her's, his sharp teeth baring through his scarred mouth.
"I didn't..,"
Despite the rage inside that was like swells on an angry, stormy sea, he remained quiet to let her finish or correct herself. Careful, Primal thought quite bitterly toward her.
"The rat is tough. I'm sure he's survived worse,"
His orange optics narrowed at her before he lightly shook his head in disappointment. "His body is too small to handle that kind of energy," Optimus growled. "He could have survived one shock, but surviving two is unlikely." TWO! By Primus, he could barely contain himself from physically lashing out at Nemesis. The only thing holding him back was what he wanted to know. And she was going to give it to him.
"He was still alive when I pulled him away from the shields and put him down in as safe of a place as I could all things considering,"
"All things considering," he repeated her words coldly. "As if there was some redeeming quality behind your actions." There was, of course, but he was too angry to calm down. Instead, he wanted to his current emotional state as an advantage. "Who knows how long it took for someone to help him," he pointed out to the Decepticon-turned-Predacon.
"I did what I had to do,"
He squeezed the rifle in his hands so tightly that he almost left dents on it from his grip. "Which is forcing me to do what I have to," he threw back at Nemesis. Funny how that worked when someone'e actions created reactions.
"Good. It looks like you might benefit from letting someone tend to you as well,"
"It's not as bad as it looks," he rejected her inaccurate analysis, and at the same time letting her know that he was ready and willing to battle all day if he had to.
"To his grave,"
After his jaw dropped in a horrified reaction to her casual words, Primal nearly snapped the rifle in half, but he stopped himself and managed to exhale an invisible plume of fury to briefly cool himself off. "Who am I even speaking to right now?" he inquired rhetorically. Who was this Nemesis? Prior to any of this, she was a level-headed, remorseful and intelligent Predacon. Now, she was putting on a display of callousness with snide remarks that suggested she couldn't care less about the one bot she had shared so much trauma with before allegedly willingly abandoning him. Of course, a lot of it probably had to do with her fear of confronting Optimus after what she had done, and maybe even being fearful of Megatron's wrath who would surely notice her absence by now or soon enough.
"Just let it go," "And let me go."
The Maximal Commander shook his head in defiance.
"And what of the preservation of the lives of every other Maximal and Predacon on this planet? Zodiac has proven himself as an enemy to both sides and he tried to destroy us all for reasons only he knows for sure. We are merely completing the justice you are too weak to serve!,"
Optimus's stone-cold expression that was on the verge of rampaging finally broke as his optics softened and even saddened at her hurtful words. "Perhaps it was weak of me to grant you refuge when you needed it..." he pointed out to her rather solemnly before he seemed to regain his stoic stature.
"I'm sorry, I was out of line."
He heard her apology, but opted not to address it. Had she really meant what she said? Did her apology hold any authenticity? He couldn't spend the time dwelling on it. "I was making progress with him, Nemesis," Primal admitted to her firmly with a hint of continuing to put blame on her for their current predicament. It may not have been a lot of progress, but it gave him that sliver of hope that Zodiac could be different and change his attitude on life.
Cheetor and I had to help Whitegrazer and Tigerhawk who were being guarded by Quickstrike, "We were able to save them, and I had given as much first aid as I could to Tigerhawk as Whitegrazer, Cheetor, and Blackarachnia headed back to base." "You too, tigerhawk. I'm glad that my first aid was of use, thanks to both Rhinox and Aurora training."
Rhinox listened to Tigatron debrief them while he worked on Airazor's horribly damaged knee without ever pausing to look at the white tiger.
“I got worried after what happened at the clearing and with Rattrap...”
"I just wished we arrived sooner." "I had seen what Nemesis did to Rattrap."
No one should have witnessed that. It shouldn't have happened. How was Aurora doing after she had seen it? Was she alright? She had been injured as well, so he expected to see her in the med bay soon or escorted to a CR chamber. "We're glad you arrived when you did. All of you," he clarified without taking his crimson optics away from his work, switching tools as he needed to, reconnecting tubes and wires, soldering, and replacing gears that had been bent beyond repair in the female aviator's joint. It always seemed easy for Rhinox to keep his emotions in check, but not knowing Rattrap's status was beginning to take a toll on him, even if he was doing a good job hiding it. When Tigatron gently placed his hand on the larger Maximal's shoulder, he almost broke down and prepared himself for the worst. Only then had he paused his busy hands and took in a deep breath, his gaze slowly putting Tigatron into his view.
"Wintersong and I put him in a CR Chamber in the hangar bay. He will be fine, in time.
The engineer's shoulder's visibly sank as a huge relief rolled off of them. Rattrap had been rescued after all and was currently being repaired! "Thank you, Tigatron," he said with tremendous gratitude before he went back to focus on Airazor. Try as he might to not think about how much it would have hurt if they lost Rattrap - despite what a pain he could be sometimes - the relief was almost overwhelming. Rattrap was his buddy even though their personalities were so different, and if he were to perish, it would be a huge blow to their team, especially to Aurora. Fortunately, that wasn't to be. And Wintersong had returned as well! Where had she gone off to? Perhaps she went to the bridge to help out Aurora, Cheetor, Dinobot. He would have liked to have made sure that she was doing alright considering her own personal dilemma.
“So I have begun to notice. With all the excitement I didn’t think much about it.”
Rhinox gave Tigerhawk a nod. "The sooner you're regenerated the better. Optimus might yet need as much help as possible," he further commented as he included everyone present in the infirmary.
“I have a feeling you won’t get off that easy Whitegrazer.”
The rhinoceros glanced at Whitegrazer and Tigatron who was working on her after Tigerhawk's words before he returned his undivided attention once more to Airazor's wounded knee that was progressively taking shape and looking better already.
"Oh, I'm sure, Tigerhawk." "Maybe you can show me that gracefulness in a sparring match sometime," "Well, sparring will have to wait, but a meditation session and some r and r in the Cr Chamber might be in order first." "Something I think we all will need."
Including you, Whitegrazer, Rhinox mused without looking at her although he was sure he could feel her optics briefly looming on him. They all knew how she often pushed herself too far, and how she constantly put everyone else's safety and well being before her own. He had spoken to her before about settling that down a bit, after all, she probably took an emotional beating as part Empath, always feeling everyone's energy and auroras around her day in and day night.
"You took that well,"
The engineer began to grew suspicious with Tigatron's words toward Whitegrazer while the white cat was working on the shrapnel in her upper leg, but he kept working on the falcon as he sent her a raised brow regarding the equine nearby.
"Thank you, Airazor, and I know that we, together, will make sure that Megatron and the others don't succeed."
We? Together? Rhinox shook his head since he knew where Whitegrazer was heading with her comment.
"Whitegrazer, what is wrong?"
Looking over at them and spotting the Vok's hand over her spark, Rhinox finally lowered his hands with their tools in them resting them on the cot next to Airazor.
"I need to speak with her."
"Optimus can handle it, Whitegrazer," he assured her, almost with an irritated tone in his deep voice, when she had jumped to her feet despite the gouge in her thigh that Tigatron hadn't finished dressing. His optics were drawn to a drip of her mech fluid escaping the wound and dripping down her leg. It had to be painful to be standing on it.
"Wait, Whitegrazer, wait!" "I still have to patch it."
Sighing audibly when Tigatron chased after her, Rhinox frowned impatiently and started to wrap Airazor's knee to keep it tight and protected but still mobile. "It's going to be sore, but that should hold you over, Airazor," he said as he stepped back and gave her room to climb off of the cot and test it out with a short walk around the room.

Elsewhere in the Axalon, after having been kicked by Nemesis and dropping the rifle that would have stopped her, both her and Primal heard an all too familiar voice.
"Stop." "There's.. there's been enough fighting here."
"You shouldn't be here,"
No, she shouldn't, he secretly agreed with Nemesis. Optimus was torn between being happy to see Whitegrazer and being disappointed since he quickly observed the wound on her leg that hadn't been fully repaired, which was going to delay her being able to join them later. ...Assuming they could get to Zodiac in time... He could sense her desperation in finding her child, but that wasn't why Optimus was seeking for the information. Whitegrazer's motherly attachment to the shape shifter was going to compromise her health and disobeying Primal's orders.
"I know you want Zodiac to pay for what he did to you. And I know you want to prove, above all else, that you are loyal to Megatron. But he isn't here now.
"Just get away from me!,"
As Nemesis and Optimus had tumbled across the floor with his tackle, he shifted the upper part of his body out of the way of her elbow that she had stabbed at him in a backward motion before managing to wrap his strong arms around her waist, entrapping one of her own in his grip as well. He squeezed her tight enough to keep her from freeing her arm. Noticing her head suddenly whipping back, it grazed the side of his face when he moved the majority of his head out of the way just in time. It felt like a brush burn that left some scrapes and scratches and wiped off some of the dirt from the ceiling collapse in the brig, but he only squeezed his arms tighter in response, his hands gripping the opposite wrists on the inside of them for an almost impenetrable lock.
"Nemesis, please, tell us where Megatron is holding Zodiac. That's all we want to know."
After Whitegrazer's plea, a humming could be heard that Optimus recognized from the rifle. Someone had found it and was using it just in time to subdue Nemesis! Other than a slightly numbing feeling on his forearms that faced the weapon and its wielder, the EMP didn't phase him since it was designed specifically for her and Zodiac's nanotech. And just like that, he could feel the Predacon female go completely limp into his arms. He readjusted his balance and footing to keep her upright and tight in his grip. He refused to loosen his arms and give her any kind of handicap that lead to a possible escape. Peering over his opponent's shoulder, he could see Whitegrazer and Wintersong with the rifle across from them, his optics grateful for the tigress's quick actions who he didn't even know had been there. He also immediately took notice of her optics. They were a different color now ((correct me if I'm wrong here, Winter)). Why? What happened? And the strange anomaly on her upper chest was spreading. As concerned as Optimus was about the alien progression in her, or whatever it could be described as, he couldn't address it at that moment. First, they had to take care of Nemesis.

"Wintersong, get some energy bonds," he told her with some urgency through his semi strained voice while he held their last remaining intruder tight. He was specific with the kind of restraints he requested since her nanobots could consume metal. They were powerless, however, to the energy that was used in those cuffs. He couldn't very well threaten Nemesis' life in order to make her talk. And he couldn't physically torture her because that went against everything he was. He would have to come up with something else if she was still unwilling to cooperate. Weaknesses, something he was always reminding his Maximals of. But first, he hoped his words could persuade her. Otherwise Optimus would have to resort to a different method. "The brig is demolished, so, we can't use it to house prisoners, but I have a smaller, more confined space in mind," he emphasized while making sure that Nemesis was paying enough attention to hear and understand his implication toward her claustrophobia. He hated to use it against her, and maybe she would call his bluff, but she knew already that he wasn't in the mood for pranks or jokes.
"You can't save him..,"
Seeing Nemesis turn her head around enough to see him over her shoulder, he returned in a much calmer voice now, "I have to try, Nemesis. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't, at the very least, do that much. If your roles were reversed, and you were in trouble with Megatron, I would do everything I could to save you." And she knew that was the truth. That's just who he was. Because of the dangerous, perhaps intriguing friendship that they had developed between each other, Optimus didn't want to throw all of it away. He wanted to maintain their mutual respect for one another. But they were running out of time if the hour-glass sand hadn't drained from the top end to the bottom already... "After everything you both have been through together, you're willing to just throw it away with his life? Are you honestly tired of him and see his life entirely unworthy to try and help? Or are you merely following Megatron's orders because of the fear he has instilled in you?" They could work it out that she could help him without Megatron finding out that she had done so. "I played a part in making Zodiac who he is, and despite everything he has put me and my crew through, I'm still willing to risk my life to save him and put him on a different path. What does it say about your character when you support his termination; that you won't even help me help him? Compassion goes a long way, Nemesis, especially for someone like Zodiac who hasn't been given any his entire life. He's still capable of learning. He's not completely lost." She probably thought he was being naive, blind to the manipulations that Zodiac often resorted to. But if she had been present during some of their interactions, she would have recognized the difference in his demeanor as well.

In the CR chamber located in the Maximals' hangar, Rattrap's spark had slowed to a normal pulse rate while his energon was being replenished and the repairs continued inside his body as well as the outside where it had been charred to a crisp.

"Unlike you,"
Megatron smirked at Zodiac's comment along with the gesture of his nod to the scar on his purple and black abdomen that he had so graciously given him as an assassination attempt which was why they found themselves where they were at that precise moment. "Well, I am always the exception to the rule," he egotistically gloated.
"Yes, you are a fine example of loyalty," "I hope you get to return to Cybertron so that you can face off against Cryotek's forces for what you've done."
How badly he wanted to brag his entire plan to this fool in front of him before he would slit his throat, but he dared not let anything slip past his tongue. Not to anyone. What he had in store would make the likes of even crime lords such as Cryotek gravel at his feet. "Who's to say that all of this was not Cryotek's idea to begin with, hm?" Megatron gave a soft chuckle. "Perhaps I have been his pawn all along. Perhaps we have been partners. Either way, you were always destined to be the fall-out," he lied with a small sneer of disgust, and maybe even the tiniest bit of jealousy for his unique abilities. Then again, he wouldn't trade his incredible intelligence for anything.
"We all need suitable individuals to guide us," "Yes, I've made mistakes. And there's little I can do to rectify them now, other than learn from them and look for the right guidance in the future,"
Megatron, albeit briefly, appeared thoughtful for a moment. He could be the fool's guide and teach him correctly. He could be his protege. ...On the other hand, Zodiac had recently spent an awful lot of time with Primal. So much so that he was beginning to sound like him, which made him rethink what he was hearing spewing out of the shape shifter's mouth. And lest he forget that he tried to kill him. "Is this the same nonsense you attempted to spin on Primal?" he asked him accusingly. "It sounds remarkably... perfidious," he ended bluntly. Wait. Why was he still wasting his time talking to this pitiful being?
“Are you blind insect? Megatron is getting his skid plate handed to him on a silver platter. Heh, maybe he is all talk and no guts, a few fancy moves won’t win him this one.”
"Wait and see, traitor!" Inferno happily reminded the 'dactyl with his name-calling since he never lost faith in his Queen. It wouldn't be long when Terrorsaur would witness the greatness that was their Royalty. Always so cunning and wicked.
“My dear Quickstrike, you should observe and you might learn something. I have been fighting wars before you were a thought, I know more than you might realize youngling.” “And larger doses are for times like this.”
Quickstrike peered up at Spineback, a bit calmer now than he had been earlier, but he was a little confused by her reply. It was as though she had seen right through his hostility and knew why he was acting the way he was toward her. He almost grew sheepish, so, he quickly turned away from her and watched the whole interaction transpire before their eyes with anticipation and excitement.
“Inferno watch Rampage, if our royalty falls he might act to finish our commander off.”
The tall ant was almost quick to retort the doctor's command since he outranked her, but he considered her words especially the way she had referred to Megatron, and his damaged optics settled on the crab as well as his weapon's aim. Spineback was right, anyway, if Rampage was going to attack the Royalty to retrieve his spark, now would be the opportune time. But not on Inferno's watch! He laid his finger on the trigger of his large gun just in case.

With the strong urge to satisfy his hunger for anguish and death, the tyrant watched his enemy's cockiness drain from his face as if he was losing blood at an incredible rate while his dagger was rammed inside of his stomach and waves of voltage shattered his nanobots. Yes, his own face ached and throbbed, and one of his optic sensors was cracked and dimmer than the other one after the brutal punches he had absorbed from the little jerk, but it had been worth it. To see Zodiac now stumbling back and in awe of Megatron's brilliant sneak attack, the t-rex reveled in it. In fact, he grinned widely and with the greatest of evil behind his smile as he stood tall and gently rubbed his sore neck with his hand that he couldn't see just yet was also scarred now.

Suddenly, two darts whizzed by and pierced the pretender's armor, immediately injecting him with a sedative to paralyze him even further. Megatron sent a quick, devious smile at Spineback before he watched his opponent helplessly collapse on to the ground. This was the end for Zodiac, and Megatron didn't concern himself with the volume of his bellowing laughter. No one would be able to hear him for miles and miles anyway. "Let this incompetent fool be an example for anyone who dares to outwit me!" he warned his Predacons that surrounded him. He quieted down a little when Tarantulas approached.
"Oh, don't worry," "This will only hurt.. a lot. Ehehehe."
"Excellent, Tarantulas," the war lord commended the mad scientist spider as he injected the changeling with his virus that would keep Zodiac down for good. No longer a threat, Megatron knelt down next to Zodiac's spasming body on one knee and ripped the dagger out of his abdomen. Without standing up, he waved for his Predacons to come closer, inviting them to watch him dismember the traitor one part of his body at a time. "Let us reserve his terrified spark for Rampage's consumption, shall we?" he grinned as a way to surprisingly uphold his promise to the crab getting to feast on someone today even if it couldn't be Optimus Primal. "Perhaps his wings should be the first to go?" he sought for suggestions from his goons. "Like a child tormenting a fly," he mused, holding up his dagger. A quick glance around his surroundings, however, made him take note of his second-in-command's extreme and disappointing tardiness. Where was Nemesis? Had she been captured by the Maximals? His optics narrowed before returning to eagerness of snuffing out Zodiac's life. He certainly wasn't going to wait for her.

(( EDIT: I added a little more to my post for whoever may have read it already; some for the paragraph with Rhinox's emotions about Rattrap being alright, and some pertaining to Wintersong in the paragraph that Optimus sees her with the rifle. ))
"Well, that's just prime!"
New Moon
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Unread post by New Moon »

((Just a forewarning my posts may not be all that good for a short while. It’s been a long time since I’ve been involved in roleplays so I’m pretty rusty.))

A couple of energy readings had never struck Frilla as odd. When it came to these Vok sites, energy readings tended to fluctuate depending on where she was or what part of the site she went to. A few large spikes had peaked her curiosity, drawing her in further to examine exactly how their systems work and the types of contraptions they held since she had accompanied Rattrap to the site that had triggered this whole mess of becoming transmetal in the first place.

It was when she had caught an entirely new energy spike unrelated to her work did Frilla begin to worry.

The past week had been spent with the former Predacon trekking back as fast as her form would allow between gliding on air currents and running on her hind legs. Not that seemed to change much as the Axalon rapidly came into view along with the tall tale signs of a recent attack, part of the ship smoldering in the distance. Frilla had to zoom in her optics as she got closer, frowning slightly at the sight of the hull having a gaping hole in the side, right near the brig no less. ‘What in the name of the Allspark happened here this time?’ Frilla couldn’t help thinking, both furious with her former teammates and worried for her present team. More so with the fact the shields weren’t up. Had something happened with Sentinel?

Hopefully no one is seriously injured.” The transmetal lizard toward herself, leaping onto a boulder before climbing along the roof, peering through the opening into the brig. The stench of burned metal and Predacon scents quickly struck her olfactory sensors, causing her to hiss with disgust, recognizing all present except one, that being Rampage. But she could guess she would meet the new comer soon enough as she crawled in, finding the collapsed roof nearby and further signs of a struggle which did little to help alleviate her growing worries. Dropping down and transforming as she did, the lizard femme’s first instinct was to find her best friend or the Maximal commander, drawing her E.D.K. TechVolt just in case, hurrying from the messed up brig to make her way towards the bridge since it seemed the first logical place to find anyone, a move that seemed right as she heard all too familiar voices.

Most of which did not sound pleasant nor thrilled, angry even.

Curiously, Frilla slowed her pace as she approached the main corridor leading to the bridge of the ship, four individuals coming into her sights as she approached, all of which she knew right off the bat, causing her to somewhat lower her weapon, “Optimus, Whitegrazer, Wintersong.” She spoke with relief to see them, optics falling on the familiar avian, “And Nemesis...do you ever not find yourself coming back here.” She would never understand the avian Predacon, having seen her presence here more times than she could ever keep track of. But once Frilla has come to join them she was taken aback by the most striking changes of the taller females, most especially the white mare she had come to deeply respect and befriend, “Whitegrazer?” Her shock was probably not the best timing in this tense moment, but it was difficult to ignore the half skeletal appearance of the tall femme.
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RPG Characters: Wintersong (Oc), Spineback (Oc), Tigerhawk, Terrorsaur, Airazor, Cheetor, Rampage
Location: Precicpice of insanity

Unread post by Wintersong »

((Good lord this was taking forever. Sorry guys, really, really sorry. Internet connection as been acting up since last night so I couldn't post and then laptop decided to update so I lost most of my post. Sorry if this seems a bit rushed but have other things to do and don't have time to make it super detailed. Let me know if I missed anything!))

Tigerhawk gave the slightest of smiles at the suggestion, “I think I might take up that challenge. After we heal up of course.” Tigerhawk chuckled before giving a nod towards Rhinox. “If Optimus needs more aid just let me know, I will be ready as much as I can be.” The large fuzor told them before he has stepped into one of the open chambers to allow the system to work on his wounds and getting some time to recharge his energy.

Cheetor set aside the tools from the first aid kit, double checking his handy work to make sure there was nothing he had missed. He was no medic, but being around Rhinox for so long he had picked up on a few things since and it appeared to have paid off. Nodding to himself, Cheetor put the first aid kit in his subspace for now just in case he would need it later as he stood and helped Aurora, offering her extra support as they headed for the infirmary.

If we lose something else we got problems.” Cheetor agreed, hoping the Predacons would be far too busy dealing with Zodiac to return. Despite giving Optimus and Whitegrazer the benefit of the doubt earlier before heading out to retrieve the pod, what had transpired today did give him some doubt about that decision. Zodiac had proven to be nothing but a problem for them, even more so today than any other time. A lot of them were injured and Rattrap was in serious condition, lucky to be alive even. Though a part of Cheetor also felt responsible for not pressing hard to handle Megatron when confronting him back by the river, “Rattrap is tougher than he looks, we can be thankful for that.” The young cheetah agreed, just glad to hear the rat was alright and could only wonder how the others were fairing as they arrived to the infirmary.

Airazor relaxed against the cot, allowing Rhinox to do what he needed to repair her knee joint. She would be surprised if she didn’t have a slight limp later due to all the damage done to it, between the brutality of Nemesis’ kicks to Megatron’d tail cannon she could only imagine the damage it had sustained. At the same time she listened to the others, eyeing her lover as he was explaining what happened after Megatron and his Predacons has separated the team. Her and Rattrap she was well aware were used to get into the base, and now Rattrap has suffered for it and was lucky to be alive. ‘Taking dying with dignity a little too on the nose Rattrap.’ She mused to herself, shaking her head at recalling their flights together and having once told him heroes were suppose to die with dignity.

This was brushing a little too close to that line.

Though she too curiously looked to Whitegrazer at her words, propping herself up on her elbows to watch the equine and white tiger, shaking her head in disbelief as the half Vok Maximal seemed to pick up on something. "Whitegrazer you really should..stay..." Airazor didn't get the chance to finish her sentence before the equine was rushing of the infirmary with Tigatron in tow, sighing softly and wondering if the white mare would ever stop putting herself at risk like this or pushing herself too much. "Guess everyone wants a shot at the Predacons today." The falcon remarked, finally pushing herself up once the rhinoceros had finished his work, slowly lowering to the floor to test her footing and doing a few laps around the room feeling only the soreness left behind. "Excellent job as ever Rhinox.[/b]" She thanked him with a grateful smile. "But I should go find Optimus and the others, make sure none of them do something they'll regret." She added, her expression becoming serious as she decided to depart, partly limping as she jogged out, flashing a quick smile towards Cheetor and Aurora as she passed.

"Hey Airazor." Cheetor greeted as they arrived, getting a quick smile of greeting from the falcon as she left making him wonder what the rush was about. He also spotted the mech fluid left behind on the floor, causing the young cheetah to wonder if something had happened after all, "Rhinox." Cheetor greeted next once they arrived.

Wintersong couldn't help looking at Whitegrazer in disbelief for trying to stop the fight, more so of being worried for the shapeshifter that had caused them so much grief and pain. In fact, she seemed extremely worried, as if she had lost someone precious. But, the white tigress decided not to inquire why this was so important for Whitegrazer and Optimus to understand where the Predacons had gone with the shapeshifter, preferring to let their foes have at him and get rid of one less problem. "I'm on it." Once Nemesis was weakened and restrained, Wintersong hurried to get some energy bonds for the avian and soon returned, carefully placing them around Nemesis to ensure she wasn't going anywhere once she recovered from the rifle.

The tigress however failed to notice the look Optimus had sent her way before, focusing in trying to keep her thoughts to herself on the matter of getting Zodiac back. But she was quite surprised when Frilla appeared, having not seen the frilled lizard for sometime since before she was in the cocoon, "Frilla! Its been a while." Wintersong said, glad to see a familiar friendly face for once.


Rampage turned his gaze towards Inferno, seeing his finger moving towards the trigger of his Flamethrower and causing the king grab to glare towards him. "Oh please insect, your puny weapon wouldn't last against me." Rampage sneered, confident he could pull through the pain and knock the ant out before he could do too much damage anyway. It would sting sure, but the twisted mech was quite use to pain and could endure, he hadn't made it this long recoiling away from it all the time. Unfortunately for Rampage, Inferno showing he was ready to defend Megatron in his lowest state was enough to prevent him from jumping in to finish things off before Zodiac could have that satisfaction, or the satisfaction of gaining control of his spark.

Huffing softly, Rampage backed off for the time being, "Isn't Megatron just lucky to have such loyal servants to back him up." The large mech spoke sarcastically before he moved in closer once Megatron gestured for them to get closer. The promise of a spark to devour seemed unlikely however, crossing his arms as Rampage only awaited to see how likely that promise was to last. He had lost the chance to have Primal, he would wait to see if this would be different.

Terrorsaur rolled his optics at Inferno's obsessive loyalty towards the transmetal t-rex, someone who would gladly use Inferno as cannon fodder than keep him around. "Right, because he treats you so well. Bah! Your blind loyalty is sickening sometimes Inferno." He retorted, making no move to hide the disdain he held for those who followed this oaf of a leader. Sadly, the fight was over quicker than he had hoped for, giving a soft sigh of disappointment, "It was fun while it lasted." He mumbled, falling in closer to see what Megatron had planned for the shapeshifter who looked like the Pit.

Even if he somehow, by some miracle, managed to escape this, he wouldn't get far without aid.

Grinning to herself, Spineback stowed away the tranquilizer gun once more and switched back to her Plasma Sphere Shooter as she crept closer with the others, eyeing their handy work in taking out Zodiac at last, leaving him quite vulnerable to whatever would come next. Though she still eyed the mad scientist, her gaze becoming icy daggers of suspicion, keeping an optic on his movements closer than anyone else's. With the shapeshifter now in their hands he could easily turn the tables and drag Zodiac off somewhere while he pulled one of his usual tricks, "Why not a wing and a leg my liege? Hard to hobble around on a single wing or one foot, and he's too far off from anything that could properly regenerate a lost limb." Spineback prompted nonchalantly, finding an act of dismemberment rather normal for their faction.
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