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Hangar's G1&G2 Int'l Conference Tag Team Tourney: Open!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 3:35 am
by Outtsyder
And now, with last week beginning the G1 & G2 International Conference with the Singles Tournament, this week, we embark on a cross-series mix of tandems from Europe, Japan, and North America for the International Tag Team Tournament to start! Sixteen teams will be representing six different eras, coming from three different continents… with only one team standing in the end!

As usual, the rules are simple: the eight match-ups are provided, and you, the membership, get to vote for the winning teams of all eight fights. Capsule profiles of each participating team are provided, and you pick which team would more realistically win their matches. For those of you who may not be familiar with the characters in this Conference, a link to a visual aid has been provided for each one. (Important note: The key word is "realistically". Please be objective and without bias in choosing the winning teams in each match, and base your pick on the profiles given or their portrayals in the shows; not from non-canon sources such as fan-fiction re-interpretations.) A victory in each hypothetical battle can be gained by forcing either or both members of the opposing team to surrender, or rendering either or both opposing team members unable to continue after a 15-second down period. Outright destruction is not necessary to win, but a very likely possibility. And given the possibilities of the tournament votes, it is possible for opponents of the same allegiance to fight each other in future rounds.

In the event that the outcome of a fight's vote total is a tie, both teams will be eliminated, allowing a bye for their would-be opponents to advance into the next round. If the tournament final's vote becomes a tie, a re-vote will be opened; there must be a championship winner.

And now, here are the opening-round match-ups for the G1&G2 Int’l Conference Tag Team Tournament:

Match 1: Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Europe) vs. Dreadwing & Smokescreen (G2)

Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Autobot) – The two top-ranked officers of the Autobot Turbomaster team. Combine physical power, heavy missile fire, intuition, and surprising brutality in a dangerous Autobot team. Thunderclash transforms into an armored semi-trailer truck; trailer opens up to form multi-gunned combat station with target-tracking abilities. Rotorstorm transforms into a jet-propelled helicopter; can pick up signals and transmissions and use sixth-sense-like ability to predict an opponent’s next move. Both can anticipate opponents’ maneuvers and develop combat strategies rapidly; few significant weaknesses are known. ... rclash.htm ... rstorm.htm

Dreadwing & Smokescreen (Decepticon) – A two-in-one sneak attack specialist team, and a combined meshing of brawn, speed, and firepower. Combined mode is a modified B-2 bomber jet that employs a variety of stealth and cloaking devices to avoid detection from radar and other scanners. Splits into two separate vehicle modes: Dreadwing transforms into a armored ground-assault tank with top-mounted Gatling-style rapid-fire missile launcher. Smokescreen transforms into a smaller trimmed-wing jet fighter with expert flight skills and twin missile launchers. Both transform into robot modes, where Dreadwing exhibits great physical strength, while Smokescreen has accurate sharpshooting and hand-to-hand combat skills. ... adwing.htm ... screen.htm

Match 2: Leadfoot & Manta Ray (G2) vs. Skyjack & Hooligan (G2)

Leadfoot & Manta Ray (Autobot) – The defense specialists of the Autobots’ Rotor Force. Average sizes are compensated for by extreme speed and rotor-blade weaponry. Leadfoot transforms into an Indy-style race car, armed with a “roto-prop” launcher on engine module; uses special radar-defeating circuitry to confuse opponents’ detectors. Manta Ray transforms into a twin armored-pontoon hydrofoil with rear-mounted “roto-prop” launcher. Both uses Rotor weapons in robot mode; launches wheel-shaped rotor-blades that slice through most armor, then return to their users. Speed and weaponry are best assets; strength and courage are average.

Skyjack & Hooligan (Decepticon) – Two members of the Decepticons’ Cyberjet squad; aerial specialists with very different personalities and motivations. Skyjack is a cunning master spy who idolizes Dreadwing; transforms into an F-117 bomber with radar-invisible stealth armor. Hooligan is a troublemaking practical joker who sometimes goes too far in his pranks; transforms into an F-14-like swing-wing jet fighter. Both are equipped with armor-piercing missile launchers in robot and aircraft modes; average sizes can be underestimated with regard to their flight skills. Lack of trust in Skyjack and Hooligan’s thoughtless antics can cause dissension in the team; neither is particularly strong, brave, or durable. ... oligan.htm

Match 3: Artfire & Stepper (Japan) vs. Jhiaxus & Rook (G2)

Artfire & Stepper (Cybertron) – Targetmaster duo from Headmasters era. Artfire combines sniper role with emergency functions, but tends to disobey orders to ensure comrades’ safety; Stepper’s sense of justice is fueled by a no-nonsense attitude and a volatile temper. Artfire transforms into a fire truck; armor plating can withstand high temperatures. Robot mode is very strong; Targetmaster partner transforms into a Spectrum Beam Rifle. Stepper transforms into a black Porsche 926 race car that almost reaches Mach 1; can mount a variety of weapons on rear spoiler. Perhaps the most accurate sharpshooter of any Autobot/Cybertron; uses a photon rifle and a shoulder-mounted missile launcher, and Targetmaster partner transforms into a rapid-fire shell cannon. Artfire’s poor following of directions can hamper teamwork. ... ry=archive

Jhiaxus & Rook (Decepticon) – From Generation 2, the callous-yet-controlled Warlord of the expanding Cybertronian Empire and his advisor are among the “latter-generation Decepticons” that abandoned the “throwback” factions of Autobot and Decepticon. While Jhiaxus suppresses his old past as a sadistic tyrant, Rook quietly observes his commander’s stability while remaining co-operative. Jhiaxus transforms into a Cybertronian bomber with large-caliber cannons and a tailfin-mounted gun; robot mode’s armor has unusually high resistance damage, and massive strength to destroy an opponent with his bare hands. Rook’s powers and alternate mode(s) are unknown; he is suspected to possess high intelligence, with a covert connection to a higher Decepticon-like power. Jhiaxus’ attempts to ignore his hidden past can be triggered by an unexpected memory, briefly disorienting him; Rook’s wildcard status makes him a mystery. ... hiaxus.htm ... s/rook.htm

Match 4: Electro & Volt (G2) vs. Deathsaurus & Leozak (Japan)

Electro & Volt (Autobot) – Speed-driven street-racers of the Autobots’ Laser Rod force. Among the fastest land vehicles in classic-styled hot-rod chassis boosted by turbo charged engines that allow sufficient speed to escape enemy fire. Both have great courage and eschew standard firearms-style weapons, favoring high-intensity light sabers that cut through most substances with little effort. Electro provides addition physical strength to the team. Although difficult targets to hit due to speed, lack endurance; Electro often suffers from tire blowouts due to excessive speeding.

Deathsaurus & Leozak (Destron) – From the Victory series, the Destron Commander and his Lieutenant. Ruthless fighters with no regard for their opponents or collateral damage from their assaults. Deathsaurus’ power is greater in dragon mode; armed with high-yield energy blasters and detachable razor-blade boomerang-like blade wings. Two detachable chestplate units transform into robotic tiger and eagle, which both transform into hand-held weapons. Leozak transforms into an F-14 Tomcat-like jet fighter; uses a variety of combat tactics in robot mode. Chestplate armor unit detaches and transforms into both a lion-like battle drone and a “Leo Cannon.” Deathsaurus’ last-resort “Death Wing” attack – which converts sunlight absorbed through wing-blades into metal-corroding “dark energy” blasts – can drain his own power; Leozak’s command ambition can threaten team continuity. ... saurus.htm

Match 5: Star Saber & Victory Leo (Japan) vs. Buster & Hydra (Japan)

Star Saber & Victory Leo (Cybertron) – From the Victory series; the legendary Cybertronian swordsman and the reformatted Ginrai; two Cybertron command figures in one team. Star Saber’s smaller robot body, named Saber, transforms into a small jet and merges with the outer body hull to form larger jet; full-sized robot mode uses armor-slicing Saber Blade sword. Finishing attack harnesses surroundings’ energy and channels highly-destructive blast from Saber Blade. Triple-Changing Victory Leo becomes a robotic lion or a Cybertronian aircraft; side effect during rebuilding triggered unexpected violent instincts. All modes use twin V-Lock Cannons and V-Lock Rifle; finishing attack in robot mode, the “Leo Gran-Burst”, fires all weapons plus waist-mounted Vulcan cannons simultaneously. Both combine to form Victory Saber; multiplying collective power to off-the-scale levels. Star Saber may be outclassed in a firefight; Victory Leo’s feral nature can de-stabilize the team’s combined form. ... rsaber.htm ... oryleo.htm ... ysaber.htm

Buster & Hydra (Destron) – From the Masterforce series; the two Destron Godmaster terrors of the sky, known as The Darkwings. Both larger Transtector bodies are entirely controlled by their individual human counterparts; a pair of brothers who transform into their engine consoles. Younger brother Buster’s Transtector transforms into an F-16 Falcon jet fighter; a subtle enthusiast of birds and flight, and has control of aerial wind to enhance destructive power. Elder brother Hydra, a criminal assassin and master of electricity, transforms his Transtector into an F-14 Tomcat fighter jet. Can recover from most physical damage almost instantaneously, and both jets can combine to form a larger, faster, more powerful aircraft mode, also named “Darkwings.” Teamwork can be threatened by Hydra’s treachery despite being brothers; may be dissatisfied from their human elements in their forms.

Match 6: Metalhawk & Minerva (Japan) vs. Roadblock & Dirtbag (G2)

Metalhawk & Minerva (Cybertron) – A co-ed team from the Masterforce series; Aerospace Commander of the Pretender Cybertrons, and the Headmaster Juniors’ First Aid Medic. While Metalhawk is a daring and wise warrior, Minerva’s peaceful life-preserving nature makes her a reluctant fighter. Metalhawk’s human-like Pretender shell contains inner robot that transforms into a hypersonic jet; shell can re-assemble and be controlled by inner robot via mental command. Along with inner robot’s weapons, uses the “Shining Arrow” – an overheard bolt of high-intensity light – as finisher. Minerva’s Transtector body is entirely controlled by a young teen human in an exo-suit; transforms into a Porsche 911 compact-ambulance cruiser, and uses Shock Blaster rifle and twin Shock Gun antenna-pistols for defense or disabling opponents. Damage to Metalhawk’s Pretender shell is felt by the inner robot, even when separated; Minerva’s lack of aggression makes her a vulnerable target. ... alhawk.htm

Roadblock & Dirtbag (Decepticon) – The Auto-Roller Decepticons with quick-transforming ability. Two heavy-duty construction trucks with bad tempers and enthusiasm for combat. Roadblock transforms into a front-end loader truck; power shovel exerts immense strength in vehicle mode. Shovel becomes armored chestplate in robot mode; hand-mounted weapons include metal-cutting circular saw blade and armor-piercing missile launcher. Dirtbag transforms to a dump truck capable of hauling heavy loads; robot mode uses wrist-socket double missile launcher and a two-digit grabber claw. Incredibly strong, intimidating, and resistant to most damage; primary shortcomings are a lack of intelligence, speed, maneuverability, and manual dexterity due to unconventional hand-unit assemblies. ... dblock.htm

Match 7: Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Japan) vs. Powerdive & Ransack (G2)

Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Cybertron) – From the Japanese Battlestars manga story; the returning new form of Optimus Prime now teams up with the Battlestars Micromaster Commander. Star Convoy’s new body has been re-adapted, allowing both partners to transform into armored Micromaster-scale base modes, both bristling with weaponry. Star Convoy now transforms into armored semi-tractor halftrack-trailer truck, which can adopt variable-caliber roof-mounted weapons; robot mode is powered by the mysterious Zodiac power source. Sky Garry transforms into an aerial carrier craft armed with various blasters and artillery cannons; a flight expert with great physical power and combat skill. ... convoy.htm ... ygarry.htm

Powerdive & Ransack (Decepticon) – The Decepticons’ own Rotor Force, based in the air. Talented fighters with slightly different approaches to warfare, armed with “roto-prop” weaponry. Powerdive transforms into an Apache helicopter gunship armed with a variety of highly-accurate destructive weaponry; tracking system can locate targets within a 100-mile radius. Ransack transforms into a Corsair-style propeller plane equipped with great endurance; equipped with a magnetic field generator that can also be used for stealth defense. Both exhibit surprising speed for non-jet-engine aircraft modes; use “roto-prop” launchers as primary weapons; fires wheel-shaped rotor-blades that destroy a target’s armor, then return to their users. Courageous in battle and will not give up even when the odds are against them, but intelligence is only average. ... erdive.htm

Match 8: Boss & Flash (Europe) vs. Skyquake & Stalker (Europe)

Boss & Flash (Autobot) – Two more representatives of the Turbomasters’ team, incorporating the disciplined sub-commander and the ambitious daredevil. A mix of cool-headed strategy and hot-headed stunts. Both transform into Cybertronian race cars with powerful missile launchers concealed in turbine engines (Boss’ is front-mounted; Flash’s is centrally-located); can surprise aerial foes by deploying hidden weaponry from seemingly vulnerable positions in vehicle modes. Boss’ staggering intelligence allows for brilliant combat strategy, while Flash can use his speed and pinpoint-turn maneuverability to act as a decoy to draw enemy fire. Should not be underestimated due to courage and firepower, but Flash’s recklessness can lead to a critical mistake.

Skyquake & Stalker (Decepticon) – A two-pronged attack from the Decepticons’ Predators subgroup; a latter-day Air Commandant and a ground-based Communications Expert. Neither has any degree tolerance for even the slightest hint of good; extreme hatred and bitterness make them more dangerous fighters, though Skyquake’s rational mind allows him to plan attacks. Skyquake transforms into a modified bomber jet with a fuselage-mounted targeting scope and a heavy ammunition payload. Stalker transforms into armored four-tracked rocket launcher with satellite tracker that jams and scrambles enemy communications. Both robot modes exhibit great strength and endurance, as use smaller hand-held missile launchers as primary weapons. Land-and-air attack and control of communications gives an advantage, but blinders-style focused hatred can leave them open to improvisational counterattacks. ... yquake.htm

To cast your vote for the winners in each fight, you can e-mail me at, reply right here in this thread, or even let me know in a Chat or IM. In the rare moment that we might talk in person or on the phone, casted votes also count there. As usual, you cannot cast your vote for the same match(es) more than once (yeah, an anti-ballot box-stuffing measure).

Voting for this round will be open until the deadline of Saturday, July 22, at 7pm Pacific Daylight Time. Next week, the results will be posted, along with the Round-2 matches for the G1 & G2 International Conference Singles Tournament.


Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:59 pm
by Outtsyder
About three more days remain to vote for your winners of these eight first-round matches. If you still haven't cast your votes yet, you've still got some time left.


Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:10 am
by Outtsyder
Just a little over one day remains before the voting deadline closes. If you still have yet to send in your votes for the winners of these eight matches, do so soon!


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:00 pm
by Outtsyder
Voting is now closed. The results will be tallied up and posted shortly.


Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:09 pm
by Outtsyder
In short, the results of the first-round matches in the G1 & G2 International Conference Tag Team Tournament could be summed up as “survival of the fittest”. Many otherwise good teams were miserably defeated as the poor luck of the draw propelled many superior teams to some laughably easy wins; barely a handful of the matches came even close. So to end the suspense, let’s meet the teams who emerged victorious in the preliminaries….

Match 1: Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Europe) vs. Dreadwing & Smokescreen (G2)

This first match was the closest of the opening round, which even ended with what some may consider an upset. It was sheer firepower on both sides that led to a most explosive encounter between these two teams. As it ended, even the combining ability of the stealth Decepticons weren’t enough to counter the ESP-like abilities of the Turbomaster Commanders, although they deserve a commendation for effort. With 56% of the total, Thunderclash & Rotorstorm advance ahead of one of the most treacherous duos in the Tournament.

WINNERS: Thunderclash & Rotorstorm

Match 2: Leadfoot & Manta Ray (G2) vs. Skyjack & Hooligan (G2)

In this all-Generation 2 battle, it was neither really close, nor too lopsided, but still fairly decisive. The Autobot Rotor Force clashed against the aerial duo of the Decepticon Cyberjets, and despite the aerial skills of the Cyberjets, it was the unique weaponry of Leadfoot & Manta Ray that gave them 67% of the vote, moving them ahead to battle the Turbomasters in an Autobots-versus-Autobots battle!

WINNERS: Leadfoot & Manta Ray

Match 3: Artfire & Stepper (Japan) vs. Jhiaxus & Rook (G2)

Perhaps Rook was superfluous in this battle, even though he was a wildcard for his team. But apparently, many of you believed that even a handicap match would still yield the same result. “I mean, come on; Jhiaxus, despite his name being a joke, practically tore Megatron apart in just a few blows in the G2 comics,” wrote Stelartron of both The Underground Hangar and Beast Wars International. “He could probably win this all on his own!” Perhaps he did, perhaps he didn’t. Whatever the case, the Japanese Targetmasters were obliterated by Jhiaxus & Rook via shutout!

WINNERS: Jhiaxus & Rook

Match 4: Deathsaurus & Leozak (Japan) vs. Electro & Volt (G2)

“Leozak is a beast,” commented JakobRemick of The Underground Hangar, “[and] Deathsaurus is worse. That's just not fair, man.” The Laser Rod Autobots could only blame the random draw for their complete lack of success in this Tournament. The Japanese Destrons barely even sweat a drop of coolant fluid as they steamrolled their way to the second perfect score in the first round. Their Round 2 opponents, however, should promise to be a much closer – and more brutal – confrontation.

WINNERS: Deathsaurus & Leozak

Match 5: Star Saber & Victory Leo (Japan) vs. Buster & Hydra (Japan)

Another 100% shutout victory – no pun intended – this time, for the legendary swordsman from Planet V and the reformatted form of Ginrai, against the Destron Godmaster planes, despite the potential for a great match between these two Combiner duos on paper. But as has been the case in many anime-style TF series before, some forms of combining are more successful than others. Triple-board citizen BaronFel of The Underground Hangar, Beast Wars International, and the TF Collectors’ Club Forums summed it up: “I think this would be a cool match, but the Autobots win out by using the ultimate trump card: Victory Saber.”

WINNERS: Star Saber & Victory Leo

Match 6: Metalhawk & Minerva (Japan) vs. Roadblock & Dirtbag (G2)

Even if Minerva could be considered a weak link in the team because of her non-violent nature, Metalhawk was certainly more than enough to carry the team on his own. Against two heavy-duty Decepticon Auto Roller grunts with thick armor, heavy missile fire, and little speed or intelligence, Metalhawk (and his Pretender shell) & Minerva simply outmaneuvered and outsmarted Roadblock & Dirtbag, cruising to an easy 89% win… and a match against Star Saber & Victory Leo in the next round!

WINNERS: Metalhawk & Minerva

Match 7: Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Japan) vs. Powerdive & Ransack (G2)

It seems like Star Convoy’s early-historical incarnation as Optimus Prime was the big deciding factor in this battle, leading to the fourth and final shutout win in the Tournament’s first round. “If they can take on a wackier, man-eating Megatron, Powerdive and Ransack don't stand a chance,” wrote Megaru of The Underground Hangar, as the Operation: Combination Cybertrons move ahead to hopefully face some more challenging opposition….

WINNERS: Star Convoy & Sky Garry

Match 8: Skyquake & Stalker (Europe) vs. Boss & Flash (Europe)

This bitter Battle of Europe showed that, more often than not, hatred can be a frighteningly powerful weapon; the Decepticon Predators would likely thumb their nosegears at The Beatles’ “All You Need Is Love” out of spite, before shooting the music player. “Skyquake and Stalker have so much friggin' weaponry between them, there's not a lot of characters I could see beating the pair of them,” wrote 138 Scourge of Ben Yee’s BWTF Forums, contributing to the Predators’ 78% vote total with this sadistic scenario: “Boss and Flash die, Skyquake and Stalker make fun of their corpses.”

WINNERS: Skyquake & Stalker

Thank you to all who participated in Round 1 of the G1 & G2 International Conference Tag Team Tournament. You can enjoy more tournament fun with the G1 & G2 Int’l Tag Team Tournament beginning its second round today; and be ready for next week, Saturday, July 29, for both the Round-2 results of the Singles Tournament, and the voting for Round 2 of the G1 & G2 Int’l Tag Team Tournament. And even if you’ve never played before, you can still join in anytime you wish! 8)


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 3:04 am
by Outtsyder
This week, we begin the second round of the G1&G2 International Tag Team Tournament, which looks to be anybody’s game as teams from all three sectors of Japan, Europe, and Generation 2 have survived the carnage from the opening match-ups. A big question now is not only how determined are these remaining teams to stay alive in this Tournament… but how far will that determination carry them!

Our first Round 2 match-up pits Autobots against Autobots, as the most powerful of the Turbomasters, Thunderclash & Rotorstorm, face off against the gutsy underdogs Rotor Force of Leadfoot & Manta Ray! Next, it’s Decepticons against Decepticons in a hard-hitting confrontation, as the Generation 2 warlord and wildcard right-hand, Jhiaxus & Rook, must square off against a deadly duo of merciless leader and treacherous lieutenant, Deathsaurus & Leozak! Then, it’s an all-Japan, all-Autobot contest of adjacent generations, as Star Saber & Victory Leo – the latter being the new form of Ginrai – duke it out against the Pretender and the Junior Headmaster, Metalhawk & Minerva! And finally, in the only opposing-faction match in this round, it’s an intercontinental clash as Autobots (or Cybertrons) Star Convoy & Sky Garry pit their combat skills against Europe’s most deadly of the Predators, Skyquake & Stalker!

As usual, the rules are simple: the four match-ups are provided, and you, the membership, get to vote for the winning teams of all four fights. Capsule profiles of each team are provided in the Round 1 match-ups at the top of this thread, and you pick which teams would more realistically win their matches. For those of you who may not be familiar with the characters in this Conference, a link to a visual aid for each character is provided in the profiles. (Important note: The key word is "realistically". Please be objective and without bias in choosing the winning teams in each match, and base your pick on the profiles given or their portrayals in the shows or mangas; not from non-canon sources such as fan-fiction re-interpretations.) A victory in each hypothetical battle can be gained by forcing either or both members of the opposing team to surrender, or rendering either or both opposing team members unable to continue after a 15-second down period. Outright destruction is not necessary to win, but a very likely possibility. And given the possibilities of the tournament votes, it is possible for opponents of the same allegiance to fight each other… which, of course, is happening right now.

In the event that the outcome of a match's vote total is a tie, both teams will be eliminated, allowing a bye for their would-be opponents to advance into the next round. If the tournament final's vote becomes a tie, a re-vote will be opened; there must be a championship winner.

Match 9: Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Europe) vs. Leadfoot & Manta Ray (G2)

Match 10: Jhiaxus & Rook (G2) vs. Deathsaurus & Leozak (Japan)

Match 11: Star Saber & Victory Leo (Japan) vs. Metalhawk & Minerva (Japan)

Match 12: Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Japan) vs. Skyquake & Stalker (Europe)

To cast your vote for the winners in this round, you can e-mail me at, reply right here in this thread, or even let me know in a Chat or IM. In the rare moment that we might talk in person or on the phone, casted votes also count there. As usual, you cannot cast your vote for the same match(es) more than once (yeah, an anti-ballot box-stuffing measure).

Voting for this round will be open until the deadline of Saturday, August 5, at 7pm Pacific Daylight Time. Next week, the results will be posted, along with the two Semi-Final matches for the G1 & G2 International Conference Singles Tournament. And be on the lookout soon, as the rosters for the next Conference in the TF Combat Tournament – Beast Wars Japan – will be announced fairly shortly!


Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:32 am
by Safeguard
1. Thunderclash and Rotorstorm.
2. Jhiaxus and Rook.
3. Star Saber and Victory Leo.
4. Star Convoy and Sky Garry.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:34 pm
by Outtsyder
There are about three days left before the deadline of this round of the Tournament. If you still need to choose your winners of these matches, you still have some time.


Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:29 am
by Outtsyder
Just a little over a day left to choose your winning teams for these Round 2 matches. If you still have yet to cast your votes, do so soon!


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:02 pm
by Outtsyder
Voting is now closed. The results will be tallied up and posted shortly.


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:06 pm
by Outtsyder
Unbelievable. That’s the only real way to describe Round 2 of both the Singles and Tag Team Tournaments for the G1&G2 International Conference, as there were 100% shutout victories all across the board! This came as a partial surprise, as at least one of these match-ups would have theoretically rendered a less-lopsided, more even-leveled battle. But now, let’s find out our winning teams for this round….

Match 9: Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Europe) vs. Leadfoot & Manta Ray (G2)

The general consensus was Thunderclash & Rotorstorm would merely have had to overpower the much-smaller G2 Rotor Force, and that was precisely what happened. Scoring an easily flawless victory, the Turbomasters advance into the Final Four against what promises to be much tougher opposition….

WINNERS: Thunderclash & Rotorstorm

Match 10: Jhiaxus & Rook (G2) vs. Deathsaurus & Leozak (Japan)

This was the match-up that got the greatest positive reaction from the voters; “A real toss-up”, said BaronFel of The Underground Hangar, Beast Wars International, and the TF Collectors’ Club Forums. And truly, if this battle really did happen, there’s no telling what kind of damage could have been suffered on both sides. However, because the vote was determined by who would end up winning in the end, it was unanimous in favor of the Generation 2 Warlord and Lieutenant. “Now if Deathie's partner was actually Soron in his ‘King Soron’ battle suit from the manga, they'd probably win (they combined much like Victory Saber into ‘Kingsaurus’ - but it only worked once),” explained Megaru of The Underground Hangar. “But it's not - it's Leozack. And Leozack is one of them ‘backstabbing second banana’ types. He'd probably pull something, giving the G2 ’Cons an advantage.”

WINNERS: Jhiaxus & Rook

Match 11: Star Saber & Victory Leo (Japan) vs. Metalhawk & Minerva (Japan)

As expected, the big trump card in this match-up was the Victory Saber mode employed by Star Saber and Victory Leo. “Once they combined, it'd be all over for the co-ed team, even with Metalhawk's Pretender shell,” reasoned Stelartron of both The Underground Hangar and Beast Wars International. With this victory propelling them into the Semi-Finals, their opposition stands to be one of the more fascinating confrontations in this Conference….

WINNERS: Star Saber & Victory Leo

Match 12: Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Japan) vs. Skyquake & Stalker (Europe)

Voters felt that a team that had any version of Optimus Prime would have the advantage, and that proved true once again, even against the fearsome European Predators. “Skyquake and Stalker are tough, but not ‘take out frickin' Optimus Prime (even in a new incarnation)’ tough,” wrote 138 Scourge of the BWTF Forums. “Especially when he has backup. The Predators don't get to make fun of any dead guys this round, I think.” With this victory, they must now move on to face not only another Autobot/Cybertron Commander… but his partner upgraded from his older body that was intended for Optimus Prime himself!

WINNERS: Star Convoy & Sky Garry

Thank you to all who participated in the second round of the G1 & G2 International Conference Tag Team Tournament. The Tournament continues as this week begins the Semi-Finals of the G1 & G2 Int’l Singles Tournament Tournament underway. And be ready for next week, Saturday, August 12, for both the Semi-Final results of the Singles Tournament, and the opening of the two Semi-Final matches of the G1 & G2 Int’l Tag Team Tournament. And even if you’ve never played before, you can still join in anytime you wish! 8)


Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:14 am
by Outtsyder
As we come down to the last stretch of voting in the Singles Tournament’s Semi-Final round, this week also pits the Final Four teams against each other in the Semi-Finals of the G1 & G2 International Tag Team Tournament, with these last surviving teams still representing all three “territorial sub-categories.” The first of the Semi-Finals’ tag team brawls is a showdown between Europe and Generation 2, as the Autobots’ Turbomaster officers, Thunderclash & Rotorstorm, must pit their skills, intellects, and armories against the battle-hardened Cybertronian empire builders Jhiaxus & Rook! The other Semi-Final match is a “star wars” of a different kind within the same allegiance and country; Star Saber & Victory Leo will do battle against Star Convoy & Sky Garry, the intrigue of which is enhanced by Victory Leo having been reformatted from Ginrai… whose body was originally designed for Optimus Prime himself! Only two of these four teams will advance into the Championship Finals… but who will they be? You decide!

The rules remain the same: in the two matches that are provided, you, the membership, get to vote for the winning teams in both fights. Capsule profiles of each team are provided in this post, and you pick which teams would more realistically win their matches. For those of you who may not be familiar with the characters in this Conference, a link to a visual aid has been provided for each one. (Important note: The key word is "realistically". Please be objective and without bias in choosing the winning participants in each match, and base your pick on the profiles given or their portrayals in the shows; not from non-canon sources such as fan-fiction re-interpretations.) A victory in each hypothetical battle can be gained by forcing either or both members of the opposing team to surrender, or rendering either or both opposing team members unable to continue after a 15-second down period. Outright destruction is not necessary to win, but a very likely possibility. And given the possibilities of the tournament votes, it is possible for opponents of the same allegiance to fight each other in future rounds, as in one of the matches happening right now.

In the event that the outcome of a fight's vote total is a tie, both teams will be eliminated, allowing a bye for their would-be opponent into the next round. In this case, if one Semi-Final match ends in a draw, the winning team of the other match will automatically win the Tag Team Tournament. If the tournament final's vote becomes a tie, a re-vote will be opened; there must be a championship winner.

Match 13: Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Europe) vs. Jhiaxus & Rook (G2)

Thunderclash & Rotorstorm (Autobots) – The two top-ranked officers of the Autobot Turbomaster team. Combine physical power, heavy missile fire, intuition, and surprising brutality in a dangerous Autobot team. Thunderclash transforms into an armored semi-trailer truck; trailer opens up to form multi-gunned combat station with target-tracking abilities. Rotorstorm transforms into a jet-propelled helicopter; can pick up signals and transmissions and use sixth-sense-like ability to predict an opponent’s next move. Both can anticipate opponents’ maneuvers and develop combat strategies rapidly; few significant weaknesses are known. ... rclash.htm ... rstorm.htm

Jhiaxus & Rook (Decepticon) – From Generation 2, the callous-yet-controlled Warlord of the expanding Cybertronian Empire and his advisor are among the “latter-generation Decepticons” that abandoned the “throwback” factions of Autobot and Decepticon. While Jhiaxus suppresses his old past as a sadistic tyrant, Rook quietly observes his commander’s stability while remaining co-operative. Jhiaxus transforms into a Cybertronian bomber with large-caliber cannons and a tailfin-mounted gun; robot mode’s armor has unusually high resistance damage, and massive strength to destroy an opponent with his bare hands. Rook’s powers and alternate mode(s) are unknown; he is suspected to possess high intelligence, with a covert connection to a higher Decepticon-like power. Jhiaxus’ attempts to ignore his hidden past can be triggered by an unexpected memory, briefly disorienting him; Rook’s wildcard status makes him a mystery. ... hiaxus.htm ... s/rook.htm

Match 14: Star Saber & Victory Leo (Japan) vs. Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Japan)

Star Saber & Victory Leo (Cybertron) – From the Victory series; the legendary Cybertronian swordsman and the reformatted Ginrai; two Cybertron command figures in one team. Star Saber’s smaller robot body, named Saber, transforms into a small jet and merges with the outer body hull to form larger jet; full-sized robot mode uses armor-slicing Saber Blade sword. Finishing attack harnesses surroundings’ energy and channels highly-destructive blast from Saber Blade. Triple-Changing Victory Leo becomes a robotic lion or a Cybertronian aircraft; side effect during rebuilding triggered unexpected violent instincts. All modes use twin V-Lock Cannons and V-Lock Rifle; finishing attack in robot mode, the “Leo Gran-Burst”, fires all weapons plus waist-mounted Vulcan cannons simultaneously. Both combine to form Victory Saber; multiplying collective power to off-the-scale levels. Star Saber may be outclassed in a firefight; Victory Leo’s feral nature can de-stabilize the team’s combined form. ... rsaber.htm ... oryleo.htm ... ysaber.htm

Star Convoy & Sky Garry (Cybertron) – From the Japanese Battlestars manga story; the returning new form of Optimus Prime now teams up with the Battlestars Micromaster Commander. Star Convoy’s new body has been re-adapted, allowing both partners to transform into armored Micromaster-scale base modes, both bristling with weaponry. Star Convoy now transforms into armored semi-tractor halftrack-trailer truck, which can adopt variable-caliber roof-mounted weapons; robot mode is powered by the mysterious Zodiac power source. Sky Garry transforms into an aerial carrier craft armed with various blasters and artillery cannons; a flight expert with great physical power and combat skill. ... convoy.htm ... ygarry.htm

To cast your vote for the winners in both these fights, you can e-mail me at, reply right here in this thread, or even let me know in a Chat or IM. In the rare moment that we might talk in person or on the phone, casted votes also count there. As usual, you cannot cast your vote for the same match(es) more than once (yeah, an anti-ballot box-stuffing measure).

Voting for this round will be open until the deadline of Saturday, August 19; due to a change in plans that weekend, the results may be posted shortly before midnight that night, Pacific Daylight Time. Next week, the results will be posted… along with a new thread for the Championship Final Matches for the G1 & G2 International Conference Singles Tournament.


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:45 am
by Outtsyder
Just about three to four days remain before the deadline for this round drops on late Saturday night. If you still haven't chosen your winners for these two matches, there's still some time left.


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:37 am
by Safeguard
1. Jhiaxus and Rook.
2. Star Saber and Victory Leo.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:42 am
by Outtsyder
As stated before, due to a change in regular plans this week, the deadline for casting your vote for these Semi-Final matches will be late on Saturday night, possibly before midnight. If you still need to choose your winning teams in this round, here's your last day!
